Redundant Constitutional Repair Act II

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Jul 7, 2020
House Vote: 3-1-0
Senate Vote: 3-0-0

Amend the Constitution​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Constitutional Revitalization Amendment”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) Authored by Senator hugebob23456

2 - Reasons
(1) The new constitution made many great new things possible, but it has many shortcomings. This bill seeks to fix many of its most immediately apparent flaws.

3 - Changes
(1) “Where the President, and or Vice President where the offices become simultaneously vacant, is incapacitated or inactive for more than 7 days unannounced, the powers and duties of the offices of the Presidency pass in the following Order of succession” changes to “In the event that the President is incapacitated, removed from office, or inactive for more than 7 days unannounced, the title of President shall pass in the following order of succession, but lower positions on this order of succession do not rise to fill any vacancies created by this process:”
(2) Added to “Role of the Vice President”: “In the event that the role of Vice President becomes vacant, the President shall have the power to nominate a new Vice President which must be confirmed by the Senate. The President Pro Tempore shall break the tie should one arise.”
(3) Added to “The Senate”: “The Senate shall internally elect a President Pro Tempore whose only powers shall be to cast an additional tie breaking vote only in the event that the Vice President is vacant and to become President in the event that the President, Vice President, and Speaker are all vacant simultaneously.”
(4) The President Pro Tempore shall be listed in the Order of Succession after the Speaker of the House of Representatives and before the Secretary of the Department of Justice.
(5) Added to “The Senate”: “The Senate must have more than 50% of its total seats occupied to approve any motion, bill, or Presidential nomination. The Vice President does not count towards this figure of quorum.”
(6) Added to “The House of Representatives”: “The House of Representatives must have more than 50% of its total seats occupied to approve any motion or bill.”
(7) Added to “Powers of the House of Representatives”: “The House shall have the power to issue a motion of Censure against any person or group. This has no legal repercussions and is purely a statement of disapproval. Should this motion be specific to the House’s disapproval it does not require Senate approval or Presidential assent. Should this motion seek to represent the whole Congress’s disapproval it must also attain Senate approval but not Presidential assent.”
(8) Added to “Powers of the Senate”: “The Senate shall have the power to issue a motion of Censure against any person or group. This has no legal repercussions and is purely a statement of disapproval. Should this motion be specific to the Senate’s disapproval it does not require House approval or Presidential assent.”
(9) “Secretaries are nominated by the President and approved by the Senate, continuing to serve at the pleasure of the President. A Secretary may be removed from office should they be impeached and removed from office by the Senate.” changes to “Secretaries are nominated by the President and approved by the Senate, continuing to serve at the pleasure of the President. A Secretary may be removed from office should they be impeached by the House and removed from office by the Senate.”
(10) Added to “Section III, The President & Cabinet”: “In addition to Secretaries, the President may nominate advisors and officers not bound to any department. The President must first receive Congressional approval to create any such position. The Congress may at any time remove the position via the regular legislative process. Any such position must be labelled either a Principal Officer or a General Advisor. Principal Officers must be approved by the Senate just as any Secretary and may be subject to Impeachment and removal from office. General Advisors may be appointed and removed at the President’s will.”
(11) The Attorney General shall be a General Advisor.
(12) Removed: “The President may appoint a Secretary without portfolio to Cabinet, who does not lead any departments, rather acts as an adviser. The full title of a Secretary is "Secretary of Example".”
(13) “If no candidate receives an outright majority in the election.” changes to “If no candidate receives an outright majority in the Presidential election, a runoff election shall be held at the soonest time possible in which only the two highest voted candidates shall be listed on the ballot. In the event that more than two candidates tied for first place, all candidates which tied for first place shall be listed. In the event that one candidate received a plurality and multiple candidates tied for second, the highest voted candidate plus all candidates which tied for second shall be listed. During this time the Speaker shall administer the departments as if they were the President, but they shall not have the power to grant Presidential Assent.”
(14) “Congress enters ‘caretaker mode’ on the first day of the electoral month” changes to “Congress enters “caretaker mode” on the first day of the electoral month. During this time any bill must receive a supermajority in any chamber which is undergoing elections. To clarify, the Senate is not subject to the supermajority requirement when the House is undergoing elections but the Senate is not.”
(15) ”Has accrued 400 hours of playtime” changes to “Has accrued 350 hours of playtime”
(17) “The House of Representatives can override a non-complex Presidential veto by a super majority of votes.” changes to “The House of Representatives begin the process of overriding a non-complex Presidential veto by a super majority of votes. Such a motion would then be delivered to the Senate.”
(18) “Congress can override a Presidential veto by super majority vote.” changes to “Congress can override a Presidential veto by supermajority vote in both chambers.”
(19) Added to “The Senate”: “The Senate may approve a motion from the House of Representatives to override a Presidential veto by a supermajority of votes. Motions to override Presidential veto are presided over by the President Pro Tempore rather than the Vice President to prevent bias”
(20) “Has joined prior 2 weeks prior to the election.” changes to “Has joined 2 weeks prior to the election.”
(21) “The Democracycraft Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it, subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law that are justified in a free and democratic server.” changes to “The Democracycraft Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it, subject only to such reasonable limits codified within this constitution that are justified in a free and democratic server.”
(22) Added to “Role of the Cabinet”: “5. No person shall hold the position of President, Vice President, Secretary, or any other Principal Officer position simultaneously with a position as Representative or Senator.”
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House: 10-0-0
Senate: 3-1-1


Amend the Constitution and the Constitutional Repair Act II

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:​

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Constitutional Nominations Act.'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by: ko531
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by: JediAJMan

2 - Reasons
(1) Political Parties in the past have abused this to nominate and elect other party members
(2) This Bill is outdated and the process for nominating people to House and Senate has been already outlined in the Electoral Standards Act
(3) This Bill is to fix the contradiction between the Constitution Repair Act II and the Electoral Standards Act

3 - Amendments
(16) Added to “The House of Representatives”: “In the event that a vacancy arises in the House, the members of the House may vote amongst themselves to approve a new member to the chamber. Such a motion would require a supermajority to pass and does not require Senate approval or Presidential assent. The House may also motion for a Special Election in accordance with law outside the Constitution.”
(17) Added to “The Senate”: “In the event that a vacancy arises in the Senate, the members of the House may vote amongst themselves to approve a new member to the chamber. Such a motion would require a supermajority to pass and would require Senate approval but not Presidential assent. The House may also motion for a Special Election in accordance with law outside the Constitution.”
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is herby signed into law.
