Election Council Elections - JUNE 2023

Dept. State

Department of State
State Department
3rd Anniversary 1st Anniversary Popular in the Polls 4th Anniversary
Dec 19, 2020
This is the official election post for the 12th Town Council election for the town of Oakridge.

Council positions up for election:

Head of Commerce
Head of Urban Development
Head of Residence
Head of Event Coordination
(Must be a Police Officer)

Players seeking candidacy for the Head of an Office will reply:

"I, <username>, declare that I will be contesting a seat as the Head of <position> as an Independent / a member of example <political party>."

Nominations close in 48 hours with voting open for a total of 48 hours.

You must be a resident of the town of Oakridge Bay in order to run and or vote. This means you must complete the in-game exam. Owning property in the town is no longer sufficient. You can not run if you've been elected into the town council for more than 2 terms. As defined in the Constitution of Oakridge; No person shall serve more than 2 consecutive terms in any position.

Candidates and Parties are encouraged to create Discord servers and advertise on DC platforms.
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I, TheReal42Person, declare that I will be contesting a seat as the Sheriff as a member of the Redmont Libertarian Party.
I, Yeet_Boy, declare that I will be contesting a seat as the Head of Residence as a member of the GER.
I, ANDREASP15, declare that I will be contesting a seat as Head of Event Coordination as a member of The Galactic Empire Of Redmont
I, zLost, declare that I will be contesting a seat as Head of Event Coordination as a member of The Galactic Empire of Redmont.
I, Reaperay , declare that I will be contesting a seat as the Head of Residence as independent
I, shadownba, declare that I will be contesting a seat as the Head of Urban Development as a member of The Galactic Empire of Redmont.
I, 1950minecrafter, declare that I will be contesting a seat as the Head of Urban Development as Independent

1950minecrafter Seal.png

Former Leader of the SPP
Former Member of the SPP
Former Speaker of the Congress
Former Deputy Speaker of the Congress
Former Representative
Former Mayor of Oakridge
Former Deputy Mayor of Oakridge
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I, Dumbyhead1234, declare that I will be contesting a seat as the Head of Commerce as an Independent.
I, CrackedAmoeba1, declare that I will be contesting a seat as the **Head of Urban Development** as a member of the **Birthday Party**.
I, ANDREASP15, withdraw.

Head of Urban Development

Shadownba - 4*
1950minecrafter - 3
CrackedAmoeba01 - 5*

Head of Event Coordination
zLost - 7*

Head of Residence
Yeet_Boy - 4
Reaperay - 5*

Head of Commerce
Dumbyhead1234* (uncontested)

TheReal42Person* (uncontested)

Winners denoted with a *
Runoff candidates denoted with a *