Appeal: Denied DCR 16 - Appeal Request

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Public Affairs Department
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Event Manager
Jul 17, 2020
- Client Name: zLost
- Counsel Name: zLost
- Were you originally the plaintiff or the defendant: Plaintiff
- Reason for the Appeal: The Plaintiff believe that they were wrongly charged for Perjury, as the definition of Perjury is: The act of giving knowingly incorrect testimony in Court.

The Plaintiff was not giving a testimony, rather they were filing a lawsuit, and as giving incorrect information in a lawsuit is not against the law, the Plaintiff believe that they should not have been charged for Perjury.

Finally, as it was precendented in the xLayzur & Krix vs Politico:
Players with low activity, or "dead" players, may still be sued.
Thus the plaintiff also believes that Desconfiada can be sued.
- Additional Information: N/A
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This appeal is ridiculous. I'm going to break it down by each claim you've made.
The Plaintiff was not giving a testimony, rather they were filing a lawsuit, and as giving incorrect information in a lawsuit is not against the law, the Plaintiff believe that they should not have been charged for Perjury.
You yourself made a statement acknowledging that everything you said was true, and you would be held responsible for lies as perjury. Giving "incorrect" information in a lawsuit is not even what you did. You fabricated an entire screenshot, with a position that doesn't exist, for a player who never joined the server. You have tried to make a mockery of the Courts, wasted time and resources, and I'm tempted to give you another perjury charge for this claim.

Finally, as it was precendented in the xLayzur & Krix vs Politico:
Players with low activity, or "dead" players, may still be sued.
Thus the plaintiff also believes that Desconfiada can be sued.
I don't want to even engage with this level of absurdity. As I have already stated, Desconfiada has never joined the server. You can sue players with low playtime, you cannot sue non-players.
This appeal is denied, and I don't ever want to see you wasting Court time with such a blatantly frivolous case again.
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