Act of Congress Debt Recovery Quick Fix Act


The Coolest Air Conditioner
State Department
Grave Digger Statesman Powerbroker
Oct 13, 2021
Fix the Debt Recovery Implementation Act

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Debt Recovery Quick Fix Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act was authored by former Representative MilkCrack.
(4) This Act was proposed by Representative A__C.
(5) This Act is co-sponsored by Senator huney69.

2 - Reasons
(1) The current Debt Recovery Act is unclear and not supported by the majority of government members who discussed it.

3 - Quick Fix
(1) Repeals the Debt Recovery Implementation Act.

4 - Debt Recovery
(1) Whenever a court case, has reached a verdict, and damages need to be paid to a party, the aggrieved party needs to open a DOJ Ticket. In which the paying party will be added as well.
(2) If the paying party fails to respond, within 72-hours, or is otherwise not complying the DOJ can fine, the paying party the amount required and add it to the aggrieved party balance directly. Whether or not a party is complying is determined by the DOJ secretary or a DOJ member with delegated authority.
(3) If the amount of money outstanding, is not able to be covered by fining the balance, the DOJ may file for an Asset Seizure warrant.
a. asset Seizure Warrant format:
- SGT Name:
- Type of Warrant you are applying for:
- Who you are using the warrant on:
- Reasoning for warrant:
-Asset Seizure Amount:
-Requested Asset to seize:
- Evidence:
-Link to Court Order:
- Additional Information:
(4) The DOJ will determine which assets to seize based on the amount of money outstanding. All assets seized must be put up for auction in an official government marketplace managed by the Department of Commerce. If there is money left over from the auction, it will be put back in the balance of the party of which the assets were seized.
a. Seizable assets include: the player’s inventory, donator chest, ender chest, locked containers, real estate, and anything on their vault plot.
i. Buildings on the vault plot may be auctioned off as a second-to-last resort, as either the building itself with a free paste to the auction winner, or as disassembled materials.
ii. If the player owns any shares at any companies, the person to whom the money is owed may agree to receive the shares for their current value as a last resort.
(5) Where someone is unable to pay currently but will be in the future the party needing to be paid may agree to a payment plan but is not obliged to do so. Failure to comply with the payment plan needs to be settled in court again.
(6) The DOJ may also choose to create a policy setting out administration fees they can charge to the paying party for not complying, as compensation for the use of DOJ resources to recover assets.

5 - Government Anti-Scam Insurance
(1) The DoC is to run Anti-Scam Insurance, which provides players and companies with protection against entities declared bankrupt.
(2) The Insurance will cost an initial rate of $1,500 per month, payable to the government. The DoC will initially cover 70% on claims up to $25,000 submitted by insured players and companies. All of these figures may be adjusted internally by the DoC once per 30 days, and the public must be informed of such changes through an announcement. Claims will be submitted and reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the DoC.
(3) Players are automatically insured for free for the first month after their joindate. Claims by the uninsured may be submitted for an incident that occurred within a player's first month after joindate.
(4) Players and companies that have missed an insurance payment will be informed by the DoC and be given a window of one week to pay. Missing two consecutive payments will result in coverage immediately suspended until payment is sufficiently provided.
(5) Any damages that are not part of any actual financial loss are not eligible. (e.g. Punitive Damages, Emotional Distress), as well as inflation costs and opportunity costs.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.


Protect Players without Burdening the Government

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:​

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Anti-Scam Insurance Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act was authored by Representative Mhadsher101.
(4) This Act is co-sponsored by Representative A___C.
(5) This Act is supported by DEC Secretary Trentrick_Lamar.

2 - Reasons
(1) Currently if a player is unable to pay their dues, the government is obligated to step in and cover a percentage of the dues, however there is no upper limit to the amount the government must cover. The government also does not receive the money back.
(2) The government may be in a situation where they are forced to cover an extremely high amount of money
(3) Tax-exempt companies should be eligible for anti-scam insurance as well.

3 - Amendment to Debt Recovery Quick Fix Act
(1) Government Anti-Scam Insurance will be amended as such:
(1) Where a party that still needs to pay is declared bankrupt, the party needing to be paid, may be eligible for some amount of compensation given by the government. The DEC will be responsible for processing and facilitating such requests on the forums
(2) Government Anti-Scam Insurance, is not eligible to be used by Financial institutions with tax-exempt status.
a. If the damages ordered were as a result of a default judgement, or an out of court settlement, the Attorney General's Office needs to investigate whether the damages are "just". If the damages are not able to be determined "just" the Attorney General's Office may adjust the damages to what they expect a reasonable verdict would be.
b. Any damages that are not part of any actual financial loss are not eligible. (e.g. Punitive Damages, Emotional Distress, etc.). As well as inflation costs and opportunity costs.
c. The DEC will decide which percentage of the cost they will refund. Which may not be less than 10% and no more than 75%. If the DEC wants to, have the percentage differ between different requests they will need to create a policy outlining which types of requests get how much percent .

(1) The DEC is to run Anti-Scam Insurance, which provides players and companies with protection against entities declared bankrupt.
(2) The Insurance will cost an initial rate of $1,500 per month, payable to the government. The DEC will initially cover 70% on claims up to $25,000 submitted by insured players and companies. All of these figures may be adjusted internally by the DEC once per 30 days, and the public must be informed of such changes through an announcement. Claims will be submitted and reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the DEC.

(3) Players are automatically insured for free for the first month after their joindate. Claims by the uninsured may be submitted for an incident that occurred within a player's first month after joindate.
(4) Players and companies that have missed an insurance payment will be informed by the DEC and be given a window of one week to pay. Missing two consecutive payments will result in coverage immediately suspended until payment is sufficiently provided.
(5) Any damages that are not part of any actual financial loss are not eligible. (e.g. Punitive Damages, Emotional Distress), as well as inflation costs and opportunity costs.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.

House Vote: 9-1-0
Senate Vote: 4-0-0

Amend the Debt Recovery Quick Fix Act

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Minor Asset Seizure Amendment Act"
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act was authored by Representative A__C.
(4) This Act is co-sponsored by Representative zLost.
(5) This Act was requested by Justice Secretary ElainaThomas29.

2 - Reasons
(1) Adds more detail on what seizable assets are in the event that a player is not able to pay a fine issued by the courts.
(2) Removes mentions of the DC-Bid server because DC-Bid has since been removed.
(3) Fixes some of the terms from DEC to DoC due to the department split change.

3 - Terms
(1) Change the terms of the Debt Recovery Quick Fix Act “Section 4 - Debt Recovery” (4)
(4) The DOJ will determine which assets to seize based on the amount of money outstanding. All assets, seized must be, put up for auction on the DC-Bid server. If there is money left over from the auction it will be put back in the balance of the party of which the assets were seized.

(4) The DOJ will determine which assets to seize based on the amount of money outstanding. All assets seized must be put up for auction in an official government marketplace managed by the Department of Commerce. If there is money left over from the auction, it will be put back in the balance of the party of which the assets were seized.
a. Seizable assets include: the player’s inventory, donator chest, ender chest, locked containers, real estate, and anything on their vault plot.
i. Buildings on the vault plot may be auctioned off as a second-to-last resort, as either the building itself with a free paste to the auction winner, or as disassembled materials.
ii. If the player owns any shares at any companies, the person to whom the money is owed may agree to receive the shares for their current value as a last resort.

(2) Change the terms of the Debt Recovery Quick Fix Act “Section 6 - Government Anti-Scam Insurance”
6 - Government Anti-Scam Insurance
(1) The DEC is to run Anti-Scam Insurance, which provides players and companies with protection against entities declared bankrupt.
(2) The Insurance will cost an initial rate of $1,500 per month, payable to the government. The DEC will initially cover 70% on claims up to $25,000 submitted by insured players and companies. All of these figures may be adjusted internally by the DEC once per 30 days, and the public must be informed of such changes through an announcement. Claims will be submitted and reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the DEC.
(3) Players are automatically insured for free for the first month after their joindate. Claims by the uninsured may be submitted for an incident that occurred within a player's first month after joindate.
(4) Players and companies that have missed an insurance payment will be informed by the DEC and be given a window of one week to pay. Missing two consecutive payments will result in coverage immediately suspended until payment is sufficiently provided.
(5) Any damages that are not part of any actual financial loss are not eligible. (e.g. Punitive Damages, Emotional Distress), as well as inflation costs and opportunity costs.

6 - Government Anti-Scam Insurance
(1) The DoC is to run Anti-Scam Insurance, which provides players and companies with protection against entities declared bankrupt.
(2) The Insurance will cost an initial rate of $1,500 per month, payable to the government. The DoC will initially cover 70% on claims up to $25,000 submitted by insured players and companies. All of these figures may be adjusted internally by the DoC once per 30 days, and the public must be informed of such changes through an announcement. Claims will be submitted and reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the DoC.
(3) Players are automatically insured for free for the first month after their joindate. Claims by the uninsured may be submitted for an incident that occurred within a player's first month after joindate.
(4) Players and companies that have missed an insurance payment will be informed by the DoC and be given a window of one week to pay. Missing two consecutive payments will result in coverage immediately suspended until payment is sufficiently provided.
(5) Any damages that are not part of any actual financial loss are not eligible. (e.g. Punitive Damages, Emotional Distress), as well as inflation costs and opportunity costs.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.
