Rescinded Department of State Security Act


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Jul 5, 2021

Amend the Constitution and the Executive Standards Act

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Department of State Security Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) The Act has been co-sponsored by: Rep. Reaperay

2 - Reasons
(1) DemocracyCraft is great, but a little bit of AutocracyCraft would be nice. There are sometimes threats to the integrity and security of the Commonwealth. These threats can be complex, coming from both inside and outside the Commonwealth. These threats can occur during wartime and peacetime. For all these reasons, there should be a department dedicated solely to national security in difficult times.

3 - Department of State Security
(1) The department is charged with maintaining the national security of the Commonwealth of Redmont; launching operations in foreign nations; operating intelligence, counterintelligence, and counterterrorism programs; and protecting government officials, buildings, and events. During a state of emergency declared through an Act of Congress, the department may be granted the ability to violate, legally and without consequence for the duration of the state of emergency, specified laws and specified rights/freedoms of specified individuals/groups.
(2) Order of Succession: The Secretary of the Department of State Security will be placed after the Secretary of the Department of State in the order of succession.
(3) The Department of State Security may be granted an emblem via an Act of Congress.

4 - Department of Justice
(1) The department is charged with maintaining the peace and good order of the server, through lawfully exercising its power to enforce the laws of the Commonwealth of Redmont. The department oversees the Police Officer employment of Redmont. Additionally, the department is responsible for the administration of an impound
and providing security to government officials and events.

5 - State of Emergency
(1) A state of emergency shall be defined as a time of danger or problems for the nation which may necessitate the government to possess extraordinary powers it would not normally have.
(2) A state of emergency may only be declared via an Act of Congress, through the normal legislative process.
(3) An Act of Congress declaring a state of emergency may grant the Department of State Security the ability to violate, legally and without consequence for the duration of the state of emergency, specified laws and specified rights/freedoms of specified individuals/groups.
(4) An Act of Congress declaring a state of emergency must specify a time duration for the state of emergency, which may not exceed 14 days. However, a state of emergency can be renewed an unlimited number of times, via an Act of Congress and with each renewal lasting for a specified period of time not to exceed 14 days.
(5) A state of emergency can be terminated early via an Act of Congress, through the normal legislative process.
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