Lawsuit: Adjourned dodrio3 v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] SCR 4

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Alexander P. Love

Justice Department
Popular in the Polls Legal Eagle Statesman Order of Redmont
Jun 2, 2021



Commonwealth of Redmont

The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

On January 10th, 2024, dodrio3 was elected into the house of representatives due to being voted in. On the evening of the 11th, the Secretary of State, SomeHumanOnEarth, was relieved of her duties as secretary and replaced with Crobi268 by xlayzur. Six hours after the appointment and 48 hours after the vote, an announcement was made by the new Secretary of State claiming that the voting was not conducted properly. It is very possible that in this 48 hour period, the nine votes which the players that were said to never have joined the server could have gained this extra time needed for their vote to be valid. During the time the president ignored his duty of starting the election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Combine these two facts together, and you are met with an ugly conspiracy: the President fixed the election to favor his party in an attempt to disrupt the impeachment process.

1. Dodrio3 - Plaintiff
2. Commonwealth of Redmont - Defence
3. wetc - Replacement Representative
4. Crobi268 - Official Under Question
5. xlayzur - Official Under Question

1. On January 10th, 2024, dodrio3 won a seat in the House of Representatives (Exhibit A).
2. On January 11th, SomeHumanOnEarth was fired after being accused of making mistakes with the election (Exhibit B).
3. The President has no way of knowing whether or not mistakes were made unless he had illicit access to voting records.
4. The President attempted to intimidate the former Secretary to fix the election results in his favor (Exhibit C).
5. The President appointed a player that joined an hour before his appointment to Secretary of State, a player who knew nothing about the electoral process, the Government, or the server in general (Exhibit B).
6. On January 12th, Crobi268 unilaterally declared the previous election results void, unseated Representative dodrio3, and placed wetc into the seat (Exhibit D).

1. According to the Constitution (link) § 7(1), the Supreme Court is the Court of Disputed Returns. This means the Secretary of State may not dispute their own returns. Only the Supreme Court has the power to remove a sitting Representative and replace him with another. The Department of State originally mistabulated the votes, but rectified them before any Representative was given roles and officially in office. However, this second retabulation affected Representatives that officially assumed office and had access to the Congress Discord as well as in-game roles.
2. The Department of State does not have the power to remove an official from office. According to Constitution § 19(a)(i), only the Supreme Court has jurisdiction to perform removal of officials from public office.
3. The President committed attempted electoral fraud through intimidation of the Secretary of State (Exhibit C), therefore providing support that this election was illegally reevaluated to benefit the President’s political party. This also provides propensity that xlayzur would hire someone who simply gives him the election results he wants, especially when it is a new player from Stratham with potential ties to RNP affiliates.
4. The retabulation occurred two days after the original counting, which means playtimes of players have significantly changed in that time. Votes that may have been previously invalid became "valid" and vice versa, which is illegal. Only votes that are valid immediately following the election are to be counted. I will be calling several prominent former employees of the Department of State to affirm the original results were correct and these new results are fraudulent.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. wetc is removed from the House of Representatives.
2. dodrio3 is reinstated in the House of Representatives.
3. $100,000 is paid to dodrio3 in punitive damages for the outrageous acts performed by the President and the new Secretary of State.
4. $50,000 is paid to dodrio3 in emotional damages for the stress brought on by these acts and because of the new undue burden provided to the Plaintiff to prove the seat is rightfully his when it was stipulated previously. Furthermore, the efficacy of his allies in Congress has now been shot due to the gravity of this particular reallocation, which stresses my client out immensely. Politics are a stressful ordeal already, but this was unwarranted.
5. $50,000 is paid to dodrio3 in damages for loss of enjoyment in Redmont, as he has to deal with this case instead of representing the people. Not many people enjoy being locked up in Court and tossed out of their well-earned political offices. Furthermore, the efficacy of his allies in Congress has now been shot due to the gravity of this particular reallocation, which impacts my client's ability to enjoy his position.
6. The Department of Legal Affairs is forwarded this case for further investigation and prosecution.
7. $40,000 in legal fees (20% of the monetary value of this case).


1. dodrio3
2. SomeHumanOnEarth
3. Crobi268
4. xlayzur
5. Mhadsher101
6. GoldBlooded

Due to the gravity of this situation and the substantial proof already offered, the Plaintiff has demonstrated the Department of State did not properly follow electoral protocol and changed the composition of the House, resulting in a shift of the majority party in Congress. If wetc is allowed to remain a Representative in the meantime, irreversible harm could be done to the Plaintiff and the Commonwealth. Furthermore, there is malice demonstrated and a large motive for the President and his sham Secretary to skew the results in his favor. This should show the Court that it is more likely than not that there will be irreversible harm done to the Plaintiff if this injunction is not granted. As the victor of the seat originally, the Plaintiff requests the Court reinstate dodrio3 for the duration of this case and remove wetc for the duration of this case. Alternatively, the Plaintiff sees temporarily freezing The House of Representatives as a reasonable alternative in the event the prior injunction cannot be granted by the Court, as this would honor all stakeholders.


By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 12th day of January 2024.
In a 2-1 decision, the Supreme Court has decided to grant an alternative Emergency Injunction. We have decided to freeze the contested seat as a preventive measure against harm (citing Lawsuit: In Session - The Commonwealth v. Bardiya_King [2023] SCR 23). Neither Wetc nor Dodrio3 will be able to use the 11th seat while Judicial Review occurs.


Attorney General @IncompleteRiver is required to appear before the Supreme Court in the case of the dodrio3 v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] SCR 4. Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment based on the known facts of this case.

I'd also like to remind both parties to be aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​


Attorney General @IncompleteRiver is required to appear before the Supreme Court in the case of the dodrio3 v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] SCR 4. Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment based on the known facts of this case.

I'd also like to remind both parties to be aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​
Your Honur,
I am representing the Department of Legal Affairs and by extension the Attorney General on this matter.

I request a 24 hour Extension to my already alloted time,
due to unforseen interruptions which has prohibited me from posting our response within the allocated time, I had planned to get it in within the window to avoid a delay in this matter, explaining my late request.
The enormity and severity of this case has required additional research time into the matter to ensure all the facts are presented to the court.
Your honor, this extension was requested only minutes before the deadline. This is prolonging my client's right to a speedy trial. Krix was active earlier today and yesterday as evidenced by his postings in other channels including the impeachment trial, so he had plenty of time to post a simple extension request. Not only has Krix lied to the Court (objection, perjury btw), he is obstructing this trial unreasonably.
Your Honur,
I am representing the Department of Legal Affairs and by extension the Attorney General on this matter.

I request a 24 hour Extension to my already alloted time,
due to unforseen interruptions which has prohibited me from posting our response within the allocated time, I had planned to get it in within the window to avoid a delay in this matter, explaining my late request.
The enormity and severity of this case has required additional research time into the matter to ensure all the facts are presented to the court.

The Supreme Court has granted the request for extension. You have 24 additional hours from the deadline to make your submission.
Apologies for the delay, your Honour I misread your extension and thought it was from the time of it being granted, only to have checked again recently; I hope the court will forgive this mistake on my part it will not happen again.


Dodrio03 (AlexanderLove Representing)


Commonwealth of Redmont

1. DISPUTES On January 10th, 2024, dodrio3 won a seat in the House of Representatives (Exhibit A).
2. AFFIRMS On January 11th, SomeHumanOnEarth was fired after being accused of making mistakes with the election (Exhibit B).
3. DISPUTES The President has no way of knowing whether or not mistakes were made unless he had illicit access to voting records.
4. DISPUTES . The President attempted to intimidate the former Secretary to fix the election results in his favor (Exhibit C).
5. DISPUTES The President appointed a player that joined an hour before his appointment to Secretary of State, a player who knew nothing about the electoral process, the Government, or the server in general (Exhibit B).
6. DISPUTES On January 12th, Crobi268 unilaterally declared the previous election results void, unseated “Representative” dodrio3, and placed wetc into the seat (Exhibit D).
7. DISPUTES According to the Constitution (link) § 7(1), the Supreme Court is the Court of Disputed Returns. This means the Secretary of State may not dispute their own returns. Only the Supreme Court has the power to remove a sitting Representative and replace him with another. The Department of State originally mistabulated the votes, but rectified them before any Representative was given roles and officially in office. However, this second retabulation affected Representatives that officially assumed office and had access to the Congress Discord as well as in-game roles.
8. DISPUTES The Department of State does not have the power to remove an official from office. According to Constitution § 19(a)(i), only the Supreme Court has jurisdiction to perform removal of officials from public office.
9. DISPUTES The President committed attempted electoral fraud through intimidation of the Secretary of State (Exhibit C), therefore providing support that this election was illegally reevaluated to benefit the President’s political party. This also provides propensity that xlayzur would hire someone who simply gives him the election results he wants, especially when it is a new player from Stratham with potential ties to RNP affiliates.
10. DISPUTES The retabulation occurred two days after the original counting, which means playtimes of players have significantly changed in that time. Votes that may have been previously invalid became "valid" and vice versa, which is illegal. Only votes that are valid immediately following the election are to be counted. I will be calling several prominent former employees of the Department of State to affirm the original results were correct and these new results are fraudulent.

  1. Initially the Department of State determined wetc to have won the final seat in the House of Representatives election. The Department of State then declared that due to a perceived error on their part dodrio03 had in fact won the seat. This decision was then reverted by the Department of State, upon the votes being re-examined by newly appointed Secretary Crobi268 reinstalling the initially declared victor wetc to the final seat, which they had rightfully won. In the filling of the suit the fact that the seat was originally won by wetc is left out, which can only assume to be due to an attempt to mislead the court into a false narrative.

  1. Former Secretary of State SomeHumanonEarth was fired for mistakes made in the counting of votes, which was discovered by RNP poll watchers matching their verified records using screenshots with other players against the Department of State’s officially announced voting record. Had these Poll watchers not have taken these initiatives, the vast mistakes made by the Department of State and its employees would never have been uncovered and the rightfully elected candidate, wetc, would not have achieved their seat in the House of Representatives which this lawsuit is now trying to achieve.

  1. The President had knowledge of the irregularities through reports made by the RNP poll watchers that the Department of State’s results categorically had to be wrong as they did not match the 100% verified votes cast for certain candidates which the poll watchers had accounted for with screenshots. Therefore in the interest of maintaining democratic integrity, the President had no choice but to remove the root cause of the issue, the Secretary who was responsible for the Department of States failure to accurately count the votes as they had been cast by legal voters. With the President not knowing whether these votes were not counted due to an error and incompetence, or due to a malicious agenda to rig the election against a political party. Both of which are grounds for dismissal.

  1. The Claim that the President attempted to intimidate the Secretary of State is completely imagined, the prosecution has no evidence to support their allegation of this and is attempting to sensationalise the President doing his job, keeping secretaries to account, in order to unseat the rightfully elected representative in this election. As previously mentioned, the initial removal of Representative Wetc from his rightfully elected seat is extremely suspicious, a suspicion that can be seen by the President in Exhibit C, with the Secretary agreeing that it is “completely unacceptable”, this is just another attempt in the filling of this case to try and mislead the court in this case.

  1. Secretary of State Crobi268 is an older citizen in Redmont who played in 2022 recently returned from a long hiatus. Crobi268 had prior experience in the nation of Stratham’s government. The hiring of Crobi268 is actually an example of the President attempting to put someone without any biases in Redmont in the role of Secretary of State. Furthermore the claim that the Secretary of State knows “nothing about the electoral process, the Government, or the server in general” is slanderous, and the claim by the plaintiff that this is a fact is another count of the plaintiff misleading the court.

  1. As previously explained the seat was originally appointed to wetc, a fact which is not included in the filing. If the plaintiff is arguing that the DoS cannot change the results of an election once announced then wetc would still have the seat as it was originally announced for them. The truth of this suit is that this is not a suit grounded in a point of law or any legal theory, it is grounded in the preferred candidate of the person filing it getting the seat in question, regardless of who it should actually go to.

  1. The Supreme Court is to act as the Court of Disputed Returns, yes. However this does not mean that the Department of State cannot announce errors with the count and correct them, what it means is that the Supreme Court hears challenges regarding the validity of federal elections - challenges such as this case.

  1. The Constitution does not state that only the Supreme Court can remove officials; this is just another attempt by the plaintiff to mislead the court, what it says is: “The‌ ‌Supreme Court‌ ‌of‌ ‌Redmont‌ ‌has original jurisdiction over…Removal of officials from Public Office” original jurisdiction to hear cases on, not the sole power to do so. In fact the Legislative branch has the power to remove its own members by a ‘Vote of No Confidence’. Furthermore the Department of State explicitly does have the power to remove Representatives as they are charged with ‘Facilitation of Referendums’, one type of these referendums being a recall vote. The action of correcting a missed vote or mistabulated result is just part of the Department of States role in the facilitation of elections.

  1. As previously stated Exhibit C does not show the President attempting to intimidate the then Secretary of State, it shows them both in agreement that the conduct of the Department of State up until that point had been “unacceptable” and then the President stating his suspicion that something was very wrong.
  2. As stated in the Department of State announcement these voters were thrown out not for failing to meet the 6 hour play time requirement but for showing up as “non joins” when in fact the players had joined the server, some of them even being candidates in the very election meaning they would have had to have met the requirements to be on the ballot in the first place. Playtime checks were gathered by RNP poll watchers for several votes soon after the election, wherein the players had definetely met the required playtime to vote as their playtime in the last 30 days and their /seen on being checked would not have allowed them to have dropped below the 6 hour requirement at the time of votes being counted.
We wish to dismiss this case on the following grounds:
  1. Repeatedly in this case the plaintiff has shown an intent to mislead the court on the facts of this case by omission of key important details. These details are omitted because when they are accounted for the main claim for relief, that the seat should go to dodrio03 as it was announced for them and the DoS does not have the ability to change this once announced, does not make any sense. The seat was originally announced for wetc so by the logic of the plaintiff it should go to wetc, not dodrio03.
  2. This case should be refiled purely contesting the results of the election as tabulated by Crobi268, not as a challenge to the DoS’s ability to self audit its own election count - which if it does not have the power to do then wetc is the rightful holder of the seat as previous explained, and if it does have the power to do that wetc is also the rightful holder of the seat. Once it is refiled as a challenge to the results the court can be given full closed court access to the results and will be able to see clearly that wetc is the rightful and legal winner of the seat, not dodrio03.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 20th day of January, 2024
In a 2-1 decision, the Supreme Court has decided to grant an alternative Emergency Injunction. We have decided to freeze the contested seat as a preventive measure against harm (citing Lawsuit: In Session - The Commonwealth v. Bardiya_King [2023] SCR 23). Neither Wetc nor Dodrio3 will be able to use the 11th seat while Judicial Review occurs.

Your Honour,
I urge that Representative Wetc be allowed to resume his duties in the House of Representative in service of his constituents as there is no evidence that harm would be done should he be allowed to. The plaintiff has made no allegation that the election results are invalid, his only argument is that the Department of State does not have the power to review and recall a candidate from office without the courts, something Dodrios very appointment to the House of Representatives relied upon as wetc was the initial candidate declared victorious.
The seat is not in contention, by the plaintiffs own logic the seat should go to Representative Wetc as it was originally announced for wetc. The only evidence that it should go to dodrio03 is the miscalculation and announcement prior to the correction by Crobi268.
Should this motion be denied it sets a dangerous precedent that any alleged inconsistency regardless of burden of proof, will lead to the removal of an office holder from their post, this will be abused for political gain and will act as a disservice to the people of Redmont.
Apologies for the delay, your Honour I misread your extension and thought it was from the time of it being granted, only to have checked again recently; I hope the court will forgive this mistake on my part it will not happen again.


Dodrio03 (AlexanderLove Representing)


Commonwealth of Redmont

1. DISPUTES On January 10th, 2024, dodrio3 won a seat in the House of Representatives (Exhibit A).
2. AFFIRMS On January 11th, SomeHumanOnEarth was fired after being accused of making mistakes with the election (Exhibit B).
3. DISPUTES The President has no way of knowing whether or not mistakes were made unless he had illicit access to voting records.
4. DISPUTES . The President attempted to intimidate the former Secretary to fix the election results in his favor (Exhibit C).
5. DISPUTES The President appointed a player that joined an hour before his appointment to Secretary of State, a player who knew nothing about the electoral process, the Government, or the server in general (Exhibit B).
6. DISPUTES On January 12th, Crobi268 unilaterally declared the previous election results void, unseated “Representative” dodrio3, and placed wetc into the seat (Exhibit D).
7. DISPUTES According to the Constitution (link) § 7(1), the Supreme Court is the Court of Disputed Returns. This means the Secretary of State may not dispute their own returns. Only the Supreme Court has the power to remove a sitting Representative and replace him with another. The Department of State originally mistabulated the votes, but rectified them before any Representative was given roles and officially in office. However, this second retabulation affected Representatives that officially assumed office and had access to the Congress Discord as well as in-game roles.
8. DISPUTES The Department of State does not have the power to remove an official from office. According to Constitution § 19(a)(i), only the Supreme Court has jurisdiction to perform removal of officials from public office.
9. DISPUTES The President committed attempted electoral fraud through intimidation of the Secretary of State (Exhibit C), therefore providing support that this election was illegally reevaluated to benefit the President’s political party. This also provides propensity that xlayzur would hire someone who simply gives him the election results he wants, especially when it is a new player from Stratham with potential ties to RNP affiliates.
10. DISPUTES The retabulation occurred two days after the original counting, which means playtimes of players have significantly changed in that time. Votes that may have been previously invalid became "valid" and vice versa, which is illegal. Only votes that are valid immediately following the election are to be counted. I will be calling several prominent former employees of the Department of State to affirm the original results were correct and these new results are fraudulent.

  1. Initially the Department of State determined wetc to have won the final seat in the House of Representatives election. The Department of State then declared that due to a perceived error on their part dodrio03 had in fact won the seat. This decision was then reverted by the Department of State, upon the votes being re-examined by newly appointed Secretary Crobi268 reinstalling the initially declared victor wetc to the final seat, which they had rightfully won. In the filling of the suit the fact that the seat was originally won by wetc is left out, which can only assume to be due to an attempt to mislead the court into a false narrative.

  1. Former Secretary of State SomeHumanonEarth was fired for mistakes made in the counting of votes, which was discovered by RNP poll watchers matching their verified records using screenshots with other players against the Department of State’s officially announced voting record. Had these Poll watchers not have taken these initiatives, the vast mistakes made by the Department of State and its employees would never have been uncovered and the rightfully elected candidate, wetc, would not have achieved their seat in the House of Representatives which this lawsuit is now trying to achieve.

  1. The President had knowledge of the irregularities through reports made by the RNP poll watchers that the Department of State’s results categorically had to be wrong as they did not match the 100% verified votes cast for certain candidates which the poll watchers had accounted for with screenshots. Therefore in the interest of maintaining democratic integrity, the President had no choice but to remove the root cause of the issue, the Secretary who was responsible for the Department of States failure to accurately count the votes as they had been cast by legal voters. With the President not knowing whether these votes were not counted due to an error and incompetence, or due to a malicious agenda to rig the election against a political party. Both of which are grounds for dismissal.

  1. The Claim that the President attempted to intimidate the Secretary of State is completely imagined, the prosecution has no evidence to support their allegation of this and is attempting to sensationalise the President doing his job, keeping secretaries to account, in order to unseat the rightfully elected representative in this election. As previously mentioned, the initial removal of Representative Wetc from his rightfully elected seat is extremely suspicious, a suspicion that can be seen by the President in Exhibit C, with the Secretary agreeing that it is “completely unacceptable”, this is just another attempt in the filling of this case to try and mislead the court in this case.

  1. Secretary of State Crobi268 is an older citizen in Redmont who played in 2022 recently returned from a long hiatus. Crobi268 had prior experience in the nation of Stratham’s government. The hiring of Crobi268 is actually an example of the President attempting to put someone without any biases in Redmont in the role of Secretary of State. Furthermore the claim that the Secretary of State knows “nothing about the electoral process, the Government, or the server in general” is slanderous, and the claim by the plaintiff that this is a fact is another count of the plaintiff misleading the court.

  1. As previously explained the seat was originally appointed to wetc, a fact which is not included in the filing. If the plaintiff is arguing that the DoS cannot change the results of an election once announced then wetc would still have the seat as it was originally announced for them. The truth of this suit is that this is not a suit grounded in a point of law or any legal theory, it is grounded in the preferred candidate of the person filing it getting the seat in question, regardless of who it should actually go to.

  1. The Supreme Court is to act as the Court of Disputed Returns, yes. However this does not mean that the Department of State cannot announce errors with the count and correct them, what it means is that the Supreme Court hears challenges regarding the validity of federal elections - challenges such as this case.

  1. The Constitution does not state that only the Supreme Court can remove officials; this is just another attempt by the plaintiff to mislead the court, what it says is: “The‌ ‌Supreme Court‌ ‌of‌ ‌Redmont‌ ‌has original jurisdiction over…Removal of officials from Public Office” original jurisdiction to hear cases on, not the sole power to do so. In fact the Legislative branch has the power to remove its own members by a ‘Vote of No Confidence’. Furthermore the Department of State explicitly does have the power to remove Representatives as they are charged with ‘Facilitation of Referendums’, one type of these referendums being a recall vote. The action of correcting a missed vote or mistabulated result is just part of the Department of States role in the facilitation of elections.

  1. As previously stated Exhibit C does not show the President attempting to intimidate the then Secretary of State, it shows them both in agreement that the conduct of the Department of State up until that point had been “unacceptable” and then the President stating his suspicion that something was very wrong.
  2. As stated in the Department of State announcement these voters were thrown out not for failing to meet the 6 hour play time requirement but for showing up as “non joins” when in fact the players had joined the server, some of them even being candidates in the very election meaning they would have had to have met the requirements to be on the ballot in the first place. Playtime checks were gathered by RNP poll watchers for several votes soon after the election, wherein the players had definetely met the required playtime to vote as their playtime in the last 30 days and their /seen on being checked would not have allowed them to have dropped below the 6 hour requirement at the time of votes being counted.
We wish to dismiss this case on the following grounds:
  1. Repeatedly in this case the plaintiff has shown an intent to mislead the court on the facts of this case by omission of key important details. These details are omitted because when they are accounted for the main claim for relief, that the seat should go to dodrio03 as it was announced for them and the DoS does not have the ability to change this once announced, does not make any sense. The seat was originally announced for wetc so by the logic of the plaintiff it should go to wetc, not dodrio03.
  2. This case should be refiled purely contesting the results of the election as tabulated by Crobi268, not as a challenge to the DoS’s ability to self audit its own election count - which if it does not have the power to do then wetc is the rightful holder of the seat as previous explained, and if it does have the power to do that wetc is also the rightful holder of the seat. Once it is refiled as a challenge to the results the court can be given full closed court access to the results and will be able to see clearly that wetc is the rightful and legal winner of the seat, not dodrio03.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 20th day of January, 2024
Objection, your honor.

Breach of procedure. The defense asked for an extension, and then violated it despite it being made clear. I motion to strike these statements from the record.

Your Honour,
I urge that Representative Wetc be allowed to resume his duties in the House of Representative in service of his constituents as there is no evidence that harm would be done should he be allowed to. The plaintiff has made no allegation that the election results are invalid, his only argument is that the Department of State does not have the power to review and recall a candidate from office without the courts, something Dodrios very appointment to the House of Representatives relied upon as wetc was the initial candidate declared victorious.
The seat is not in contention, by the plaintiffs own logic the seat should go to Representative Wetc as it was originally announced for wetc. The only evidence that it should go to dodrio03 is the miscalculation and announcement prior to the correction by Crobi268.
Should this motion be denied it sets a dangerous precedent that any alleged inconsistency regardless of burden of proof, will lead to the removal of an office holder from their post, this will be abused for political gain and will act as a disservice to the people of Redmont.
Response, your honor?

Your Honour,
I urge that Representative Wetc be allowed to resume his duties in the House of Representative in service of his constituents as there is no evidence that harm would be done should he be allowed to. The plaintiff has made no allegation that the election results are invalid, his only argument is that the Department of State does not have the power to review and recall a candidate from office without the courts, something Dodrios very appointment to the House of Representatives relied upon as wetc was the initial candidate declared victorious.
The seat is not in contention, by the plaintiffs own logic the seat should go to Representative Wetc as it was originally announced for wetc. The only evidence that it should go to dodrio03 is the miscalculation and announcement prior to the correction by Crobi268.
Should this motion be denied it sets a dangerous precedent that any alleged inconsistency regardless of burden of proof, will lead to the removal of an office holder from their post, this will be abused for political gain and will act as a disservice to the people of Redmont.
In a 3-0 decision, the Supreme Court has voted against granting this Motion to Reconsider.

Objection, your honor.

Breach of procedure. The defense asked for an extension, and then violated it despite it being made clear. I motion to strike these statements from the record.
In a 2-1, the Supreme Court has voted against granting this objection.

We shall now be moving towards Discovery. Discovery will end in 7 days. Discovery can be voluntarily ended or extended with both parties agreeing to do so. Please remember the following rules:

Rule 4.2 (Submission Required For Use)​

All material used in legal arguments must have either been included in the case prior to the submission. Material must have been included within the complaint, within the answer, within an amendment to a complaint, within an amendment to an answer, or within a discovery submission. Otherwise the material will be deemed inadmissible and the argument can be voided by the presiding judge.

Rule 4.9 (Witness Protocol)​

A party may submit a list for witnesses at any time before the end of discovery. In order for a witness to be called during witness testimony, they must be announced under this rule, during discovery. Any witness may be objected to according to the objections laid out within rule 6.3.

Failure to adhere to the timelines of this rule may subject that party to a contempt of court charge at the presiding judge’s decision. The presiding judge shall include a warning regarding the timeline when summoning the witness.
In a 3-0 decision, the Supreme Court has voted against granting this Motion to Reconsider.

This matter is urgent, Representative Wetc has already been denied representing the people for 10 days this is a massive amount of time in a representatives term. The plantiff has provided zero evidence to substantiate the removal of the representative; and I’m going to speak plainly here it’s unfair for wetc to be denied a job he was elected to do which he was rightfully elected too. It is completely unfair that wetc was the only person denied his seat due to a DoS error at no fault of his own.

If the courts need access to the election results to restore wetc to his rightful place in the House, we motion for an immediate closed court session for this evidence to be provided to all 3 Justices to rule on.
There is no justice in dragging this out for another week when the matter can be reviewed on immediately.
This matter is urgent, Representative Wetc has already been denied representing the people for 10 days this is a massive amount of time in a representatives term. The plantiff has provided zero evidence to substantiate the removal of the representative; and I’m going to speak plainly here it’s unfair for wetc to be denied a job he was elected to do which he was rightfully elected too. It is completely unfair that wetc was the only person denied his seat due to a DoS error at no fault of his own.

If the courts need access to the election results to restore wetc to his rightful place in the House, we motion for an immediate closed court session for this evidence to be provided to all 3 Justices to rule on.
There is no justice in dragging this out for another week when the matter can be reviewed on immediately.
Objection, your honor. Breach of procedure. Court rules stipulate that one may not motion to reconsider a decision on a motion to reconsider.
Your honor, the plaintiff submits dodrio3, Taelor, SomeHumanOnEarth, xlayzur, and Crobi268 as witnesses.
Discovery is now over. We have allowed excessive time for an objection to the list of witnesses and have received none. The witnesses may be used in this case.

The plaintiff shall now have 72 hours to post an opening statement. Kindly inform the court if you need an extension.
This matter is urgent, Representative Wetc has already been denied representing the people for 28 days this is half the representatives term.

If the courts need access to the election results to restore wetc to his rightful place in the House, we motion for an immediate closed court session for this evidence to be provided to all 3 Justices to rule on.
There is no justice in dragging this out for another week when the matter can be reviewed on immediately.
This matter is urgent, Representative Wetc has already been denied representing the people for 28 days this is half the representatives term.

If the courts need access to the election results to restore wetc to his rightful place in the House, we motion for an immediate closed court session for this evidence to be provided to all 3 Justices to rule on.
There is no justice in dragging this out for another week when the matter can be reviewed on immediately.
Objection, your honor. Breach of procedure. Your honor, as stated before, discovery is already over rendering this motion a breach, as the time to submit evidence and make motions like this has elapsed.
Discovery is now over. We have allowed excessive time for an objection to the list of witnesses and have received none. The witnesses may be used in this case.

The plaintiff shall now have 72 hours to post an opening statement. Kindly inform the court if you need an extension.
Your honor, I will need a 24-48 hour extension as I had a bunch of midterms this week and I can't even think about doing Minecraft law for a little.
Your honor, I will need a 24-48 hour extension as I had a bunch of midterms this week and I can't even think about doing Minecraft law for a little.

This was granted. I am sorry that I was unable to post sooner. You have an additional 48 hours.
May it please the Court,

Your honor, opposing council, and all interested parties gathered today in witness to this case, this is a case of rig for reward. The Commonwealth, controlled by the Redmont Nationalist Party (RNP), has attempted to "recount" and rig the election long after Representatives have already been assigned their roles and taken office. Why did they do this? For the reward of gaining another seat in the legislature, a seat that could have proved decisive for the RNP agenda. In this disgusting act against democracy, the rule of law has been clearly violated. Today, I will paint a thorough picture that explains everything I have been saying in this case. Today, the Court will see that the RNP is undemocratic and that the law was violated by the Commonwealth.

First, the House of Representatives election occurred under Secretary of State SomeHumanOnEarth, a reputable Secretary who has been administering impartial elections for many months. This election, however, was key to the RNP as if they won the House, they would attempt to decertify the impeachment against their President and/or change the prosecutor so that the House's side would not be adequately argued in front of the Senate. Now, this provides motive for the actions of the RNP-controlled Commonwealth. The means are obvious: the RNP controls the Government, and is in a position to fire the Secretary and have the election fixed. This is exactly what was done, but we will get to that in a minute. Now, what about intent or mens rea? The President of the Commonwealth of Redmont himself provided that for the Court in Exhibit C when he approached the Secretary. The Secretary, who was managing an election in a fair manner, now had the President breathing down her neck with the implied threat of termination if the Department of State did not "announce that wetc did in fact win his seat." The truth is, wetc did not win his seat, so the President treasonously forced the Secretary to fix the results to his liking.

She did not comply with this overt attack on the democratic electoral process. So what happened? The President fired her and replaced her with an ally that would fix the election to his liking. Who did he hire? A new player who owes nobody anything, except for the President himself of course. Crobi268 is a player who has no allegiance nor ties to the Commonwealth, no experience in the Department of State or government at all, and has only motive to do the President's bidding, as he owes his position solely to the President. Crobi has no motive at all to do what is legal or democratic as he doesn't play. He simply joined Redmont briefly to act as a puppet for Krix and Dusty to then go in and "recount" the votes in a way that skews the results in his party's favor. Now of course, this seems circumstantial until you look at the hard facts that I just explained. Crobi has no experience, so how did he know how to operate the election? It is simple: he didn't. Krix was appointed an electoral officer, and Krix performed the entire audit. As the leader of the party vying for power in this case, can he be trusted to properly count the votes in a fair manner? Absolutely not.

There was means, motive, intent, AND actual actions committed to prove my side of the case. The plaintiff has a preponderance of the evidence, the standard of proof in this civil case. The plaintiff has unfairly lost his seat due to the atrocious acts of the RNP-controlled Commonwealth. But let's address the more important issue at stake here: the Department of State actually has no authority to remove a Representative. The roles were given to dodrio3 after he was declared the winner of his seat. wetc never received roles and was never an official Representative. The Department of State, by declaring wetc the winner over dodrio3, effectively removed a sitting Representative from office, something only the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Redmont has the power to do according to the Constitution. The supreme law of the land is plain and clear in this situation. dodrio3's removal was illegal, costing him already a month out of his term as Representative. He enjoys politics, and this case has brought great controversy on his legitimacy. These are irreparable damages that can only be attempted to be remedied by granting the full prayer for relief in this case. The acts are outrageous due to the blatant disregard for democracy the Commonwealth has shown in these events. I ask the Court to find the defendant liable and to grant the full prayer for relief. Thank you.
Your honor, the plaintiff motions to move onto the defense opening. These long delays are infringing upon my client’s right to a fair and speedy trial.
My apologies for the delay, the defendant has 72 hours to post opening statements. Please inform the court if you need additional time.
Your Honor, Due to DLA changes and me having midterms all of this week may I request an additional 72 hours to complete the commonwealths' opening statements.
Your Honor, Due to DLA changes and me having midterms all of this week may I request an additional 72 hours to complete the commonwealths' opening statements.
Granted, you have 72 more hours to respond.
While the plaintiff has presented a narrative, it is important to note that their argument relies heavily on speculation and assumptions rather than concrete evidence. Alex has chosen to attempt to "paint a picture" based off of exaggeration and opinion and distinctly lacks any relevant evidence or fact to back it up. Let us take a look at the plaintiffs "arguments."

The plaintiff alleges that the Redmont Nationalist Party (RNP) had a clear motive to rig the election in their favor. However, motive alone is not sufficient evidence to prove guilt nor has the plaintiff provided any evidence to suggest such . Furthermore, the claim that the President pressured the Secretary of State to fake any election material is false. We can see that in exhibit C (provided by the plaintiff) the secretary in state agreed that there was enough evidence to look into the disqualified votes and the fact that the votes were disqualified were "unacceptable"

The plaintiff accuses the president of firing the secretary of state for not complying with the President's demands in fixing the election "to his liking." however they never provide any facts nor evidence to show that this is the case. This is just pure speculation and conjuncture.

The plaintiff argues that the appointment of Crobi268, a newcomer with allegiances to the President, was a strategic move to sway the election results. While this may seem suspicious, it does not constitute concrete evidence of election rigging.

The plaintiff questions Krix's impartiality as an electoral officer due to their affiliation with the RNP. However, unless there is evidence of actual misconduct or tampering, mere association with a political party does not disqualify someone from carrying out their duties impartially.

Overall, the plaintiffs' arguments have been speculative and unsupported by any actual evidence grounded in anything other than the plaintiff's own delusion inaccurate perception of the situation at hand, littered with opinion and conjuncture.

Thank you,
Your Honor.


@dodrio3 @Taelor @SomeHuman @xLayzur and @crobi268 is required to appear before the court as a witness in the case of dodrio3 v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] SCR 4. Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a Contempt of Court Charge.​
@crobi268 is hereby charged with contempt of court for failure to appear, and the DOJ is ordered to fine them accordingly. The witness is removed from the witness list due to absence.

We will now move into the Witness Examination. The Plaintiff can begin questioning the witnesses. You have 48 hours to submit all your questions. Should a question have multiple parts, please inform the court, and more time will be awarded.
Apologies for the delay, your honor. Due to the forum posting error, I was unable to post the questions until now.

  1. How did it make you feel to learn you were removed from your seat you just got done celebrating winning?
  2. How excited were you to represent the people of Redmont?
  3. How active are you in-game?
  4. Do you feel like you lost interest in playing when wetc was wrongfully granted the seat over you?
  5. Did the events surrounding this case bring you a lot of stress?
    1. How does this compare to your normal levels of stress?
  1. What caused the Department of State to announce Dodrio3 winner of the 11th House seat?
  2. Was Dodrio3 announced a winner before Representative roles were given out?
  3. Was wetc ever given a Representative role before Dodrio3 was announced a winner?
  1. To your best knowledge, was the Representative election conducted fairly and equitably?
  2. Which electoral officer handled the election?
  3. Did Crobi268 work for the Department of State before he was made Acting Secretary of State?
  4. In your expert opinion, was Crobi268 qualified to handle any election, let alone a major Representative election?
  5. Did xlayzur approach you and demand you "fix" the election results?
  6. Did xlayzur force you to swing the election results in favor of his party member, wetc?
  7. When this was not done, did xlayzur fire you quickly?

Your honor, I motion to dismiss this witness. He is no longer required.

The plaintiff may have follow-up questions depending on the answers of the witnesses.
  1. For the proportional representation sheet thing it takes a lot of manual entry and there was a wrong entry that was just overlooked so the proportionality distribution was off because of it. It was my fault for overlooking it. People want you to get done fast so you rush and then errors happen.
  2. Yes
  3. Not that I’m aware of (I don’t give out the roles)
1. When I found out about being removed from house after the hard work I put in it made me feel angry and annoyed at how much the government had failed and also upset me

2. I was exited to serve my first term having woke up and seen that I had won. I had many plans which were cut short by my unfair removal

3. I active play on the server for mabey 1-2h a week the rest is while doing school work.

4. I definitely lost interest in the game My building which I was demolishing stopped as I felt demotivated after the false removal.

5. The events of the removal definitely caused me stress expecially after house was overthrow by the RNP which my seat could have prevented.

6. This was definitely an increase in stress levels.
Your honor, I motion to dismiss this witness. He is no longer required.
The witness is hereby dismissed.

The court acknowledges the forum's hiccup. Please remain on the intended schedule for questions originally established.
As the plaintiff has not asked any further questions...

We will now move into the Witness Cross Examination. The Defendant can begin questioning the witnesses. You will need to submit all your questions within 48 hours. If a question has multiple parts, please let the court know, and more time will be given.
As the plaintiff has not asked any further questions...

We will now move into the Witness Cross Examination. The Defendant can begin questioning the witnesses. You will need to submit all your questions within 48 hours. If a question has multiple parts, please let the court know, and more time will be given.
Your honor, one of our witnesses has still not answered yet, she may have forgotten.
Your honor, one of our witnesses has still not answered yet, she may have forgotten.
Councilor, it's your witness, not the courts. She will be held in contempt if they fail to appear before this court. However, they still have the opportunity to be crossed and answer your original question(s).
As the plaintiff has not asked any further questions...

We will now move into the Witness Cross Examination. The Defendant can begin questioning the witnesses. You will need to submit all your questions within 48 hours. If a question has multiple parts, please let the court know, and more time will be given.
Your Honors,
The defense has no questions for the witnesses at this time.
Thank you,
Your Honors.
My apologies for a late response, I got my times mixed up. Here are the answers requested.

  1. To your best knowledge, was the Representative election conducted fairly and equitably?

    After crobi replaced me I don't believe the election was handled with fairness and equity.
  1. Which electoral officer handled the election?

    There were multiple electoral officers working on the election in different capacities as usual.

  1. Did Crobi268 work for the Department of State before he was made Acting Secretary of State?


  1. In your expert opinion, was Crobi268 qualified to handle any election, let alone a major Representative election?

    No. While I can’t speak much to their characteristics as a person due to them never having been present on the server, they had none of the relevant experience or knowledge for exactly this reason.
  1. Did xlayzur approach you and demand you "fix" the election results?


  1. Did xlayzur force you to swing the election results in favor of his party member, wetc?

    I believe the concern was primarily over wetc’s seat but I don’t wish to speak to whether this was his intention in his demands (to “fix” the results).

  1. When this was not done, did xlayzur fire you quickly?

    Yes, I was fired a day later.
My apologies for a late response, I got my times mixed up. Here are the answers requested.

  1. To your best knowledge, was the Representative election conducted fairly and equitably?

    After crobi replaced me I don't believe the election was handled with fairness and equity.
  1. Which electoral officer handled the election?

    There were multiple electoral officers working on the election in different capacities as usual.

  1. Did Crobi268 work for the Department of State before he was made Acting Secretary of State?


  1. In your expert opinion, was Crobi268 qualified to handle any election, let alone a major Representative election?

    No. While I can’t speak much to their characteristics as a person due to them never having been present on the server, they had none of the relevant experience or knowledge for exactly this reason.
  1. Did xlayzur approach you and demand you "fix" the election results?


  1. Did xlayzur force you to swing the election results in favor of his party member, wetc?

    I believe the concern was primarily over wetc’s seat but I don’t wish to speak to whether this was his intention in his demands (to “fix” the results).

  1. When this was not done, did xlayzur fire you quickly?

    Yes, I was fired a day later.
Thank you. I have no follow up questions for this witness.
My apologies for a late response, I got my times mixed up. Here are the answers requested.

  1. To your best knowledge, was the Representative election conducted fairly and equitably?

    After crobi replaced me I don't believe the election was handled with fairness and equity.
  2. Which electoral officer handled the election?

    There were multiple electoral officers working on the election in different capacities as usual.

  3. Did Crobi268 work for the Department of State before he was made Acting Secretary of State?


  4. In your expert opinion, was Crobi268 qualified to handle any election, let alone a major Representative election?

    No. While I can’t speak much to their characteristics as a person due to them never having been present on the server, they had none of the relevant experience or knowledge for exactly this reason.
  5. Did xlayzur approach you and demand you "fix" the election results?


  6. Did xlayzur force you to swing the election results in favor of his party member, wetc?

    I believe the concern was primarily over wetc’s seat but I don’t wish to speak to whether this was his intention in his demands (to “fix” the results).

  7. When this was not done, did xlayzur fire you quickly?

    Yes, I was fired a day later.

The Court thanks you for providing the response. Please in the future keep a better sense of the time constraints.

As the witness as provided a response to the plaintiff. Does the defendant wish to provide any questions at this time?
The Court thanks you for providing the response. Please in the future keep a better sense of the time constraints.

As the witness as provided a response to the plaintiff. Does the defendant wish to provide any questions at this time?
No, Your Honor,
Thank you.
The court apologizes for the delay in response as this case thread had disappeared from our docket within the judiciary discord and was missed by our clerk and me.

The court will now progress into closing statements, beginning with the plaintiff.

The plaintiff has 48 hours to provide their closing statement to the court.
The court apologizes for the delay in response as this case thread had disappeared from our docket within the judiciary discord and was missed by our clerk and me.

The court will now progress into closing statements, beginning with the plaintiff.

The plaintiff has 48 hours to provide their closing statement to the court.
Your honor, seems I never got notified that this message came in. I request an 8 hour extension from this point, as everyone involved seemed to miss it.
May it please the Court,

Your honor, the facts are clear. dodrio3 was illegally denied a seat in the House of Representatives. dodrio3 received roles, officially certifying his victory (wetc never received roles, so his first victory was never official). The Department of State later removed dodrio3 from office and appointed wetc, something outside of their power. Only the Supreme Court and the House itself may remove a Representative from office, not the DOS. Furthermore, the circumstances behind the DOS overstepping its power comes riddled with corruption. As testified today, the Secretary was strong-armed into "fixing" the results in wetc's favor. When this wasn't done, she was fired and replaced by someone with zero experience. Somehow, this person with zero experience on the server or within the Department is knowledgeable enough to recount an election accurately. In this civil case, the burden of proof is NOT on the plaintiff: it is a balance of probabilities. Ask yourself this: is an inexperienced person with no loyalties except to the RNP more or less likely to administer the election fairly and accurately? The answer is no, it's highly improbable. Either Crobi was helped by external actors (in which case the results were viewed by unauthorized parties) or Crobi did it himself, making rookie mistakes along the way. No matter how you slice it, the recount was rigged or botched. Furthermore, the Constitution states that election disputes must go before the Court: the DOS does NOT have the authority to overturn an election result after the results are already made official.

A rigged / botched election. The DOS overstepping its authority in two ways. A wronged Representative that did not get to enjoy a single day of his term. The facts and the law are clear. The Court must rule in favor of the plaintiff. Thank you, your Honor.
I was unable to respond in time before now. However, the request for the extension was accepted, as we understand the delay and lack of notification.

As the plaintiff has provided their closing statement, we will now transition to closing statements from the defense.

Please have the closing statement submitted to the court within the next 48 hours.
May it please the Court,

Your honor, the facts are clear. dodrio3 was illegally denied a seat in the House of Representatives. dodrio3 received roles, officially certifying his victory (wetc never received roles, so his first victory was never official). The Department of State later removed dodrio3 from office and appointed wetc, something outside of their power. Only the Supreme Court and the House itself may remove a Representative from office, not the DOS. Furthermore, the circumstances behind the DOS overstepping its power comes riddled with corruption. As testified today, the Secretary was strong-armed into "fixing" the results in wetc's favor. When this wasn't done, she was fired and replaced by someone with zero experience. Somehow, this person with zero experience on the server or within the Department is knowledgeable enough to recount an election accurately. In this civil case, the burden of proof is NOT on the plaintiff: it is a balance of probabilities. Ask yourself this: is an inexperienced person with no loyalties except to the RNP more or less likely to administer the election fairly and accurately? The answer is no, it's highly improbable. Either Crobi was helped by external actors (in which case the results were viewed by unauthorized parties) or Crobi did it himself, making rookie mistakes along the way. No matter how you slice it, the recount was rigged or botched. Furthermore, the Constitution states that election disputes must go before the Court: the DOS does NOT have the authority to overturn an election result after the results are already made official.

A rigged / botched election. The DOS overstepping its authority in two ways. A wronged Representative that did not get to enjoy a single day of his term. The facts and the law are clear. The Court must rule in favor of the plaintiff. Thank you, your Honor.
Idk mate, I know the vote count myself and Wetc was wronged massively on this.
I'd just like to point out one of the weird arguments you made in this passage: that "the DOS does NOT have the authority to overturn an election result after the results are already made official."

The first announcement of the results by the DOS was to announce Wetc had won the seat.

They then overturned that announcement to wrongfully declare Dodrio as the winner. Then the DOS had a leadership change, they found votes had been wrongfully removed, and they discovered the DOS had been doing this for a long time. It was pure incompetency, and no one in the DOS thought to try fix it until "rookie" Crobi.

The opposition to Krix is full of incompetent individuals, who have very poor understanding of the law, yet are the ones who sit upon high horses, acting as though they are the authority on right and wrong in a video game.

You ethical and high horse individuals with the know-all on what is right or wrong saw fit to remove Wetc from his rightfully elected position, based on the legal actions of the DOS. He was removed for an entire term...

That is loss of enjoyment on the server if i've ever seen it. I'd never do that to an individual on here.
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Idk mate, I know the vote count myself and Wetc was wronged massively on this.
I'd just like to point out one of the weird arguments you made in this passage: that "the DOS does NOT have the authority to overturn an election result after the results are already made official."

The first announcement of the results by the DOS was to announce Wetc had won the seat.

They then overturned that announcement to wrongfully declare Dodrio as the winner. Then the DOS had a leadership change, they found votes had been wrongfully removed, and they discovered the DOS had been doing this for a long time. It was pure incompetency, and no one in the DOS thought to try fix it until "rookie" Crobi.

The opposition to Krix is full of incompetent individuals, who have very poor understanding of the law, yet are the ones who sit upon high horses, acting as though they are the authority on right and wrong in a video game.

You ethical and high horse individuals with the know-all on what is right or wrong saw fit to remove Wetc from his rightfully elected position, based on the legal actions of the DOS. He was removed for an entire term...
That is loss of enjoyment on the server if i've ever seen it. I'd never do that to an individual on here.
I motion to strike all but the first sentence, your honor, noting that it proves something I said in my closing regarding unauthorized parties having access to the election results.
I motion to strike all but the first sentence, your honor, noting that it proves something I said in my closing regarding unauthorized parties having access to the election results.
You might've missed this, or it might just be your incompetence, but I am not a party to this case nor a witness. I have spoken out of turn, and you can't pick and choose which of my statements can be used in court.
I have not been sworn in, therefore I could just be lying, which I probably am. As a result my statements cannot be used in a court of law, unless you call me as a witness. You should know this but frankly, since you don't understand the difference the burden of proof and standard of proof, im not surprised you also don't understand how evidence and testimony works.

Your motion has been denied.
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