Alexander P. Love
Justice Department
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Legal Eagle
Order of Redmont
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Commonwealth of Redmont
The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:
On January 10th, 2024, dodrio3 was elected into the house of representatives due to being voted in. On the evening of the 11th, the Secretary of State, SomeHumanOnEarth, was relieved of her duties as secretary and replaced with Crobi268 by xlayzur. Six hours after the appointment and 48 hours after the vote, an announcement was made by the new Secretary of State claiming that the voting was not conducted properly. It is very possible that in this 48 hour period, the nine votes which the players that were said to never have joined the server could have gained this extra time needed for their vote to be valid. During the time the president ignored his duty of starting the election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Combine these two facts together, and you are met with an ugly conspiracy: the President fixed the election to favor his party in an attempt to disrupt the impeachment process.
1. Dodrio3 - Plaintiff
2. Commonwealth of Redmont - Defence
3. wetc - Replacement Representative
4. Crobi268 - Official Under Question
5. xlayzur - Official Under Question
1. On January 10th, 2024, dodrio3 won a seat in the House of Representatives (Exhibit A).
2. On January 11th, SomeHumanOnEarth was fired after being accused of making mistakes with the election (Exhibit B).
3. The President has no way of knowing whether or not mistakes were made unless he had illicit access to voting records.
4. The President attempted to intimidate the former Secretary to fix the election results in his favor (Exhibit C).
5. The President appointed a player that joined an hour before his appointment to Secretary of State, a player who knew nothing about the electoral process, the Government, or the server in general (Exhibit B).
6. On January 12th, Crobi268 unilaterally declared the previous election results void, unseated Representative dodrio3, and placed wetc into the seat (Exhibit D).
1. According to the Constitution (link) § 7(1), the Supreme Court is the Court of Disputed Returns. This means the Secretary of State may not dispute their own returns. Only the Supreme Court has the power to remove a sitting Representative and replace him with another. The Department of State originally mistabulated the votes, but rectified them before any Representative was given roles and officially in office. However, this second retabulation affected Representatives that officially assumed office and had access to the Congress Discord as well as in-game roles.
2. The Department of State does not have the power to remove an official from office. According to Constitution § 19(a)(i), only the Supreme Court has jurisdiction to perform removal of officials from public office.
3. The President committed attempted electoral fraud through intimidation of the Secretary of State (Exhibit C), therefore providing support that this election was illegally reevaluated to benefit the President’s political party. This also provides propensity that xlayzur would hire someone who simply gives him the election results he wants, especially when it is a new player from Stratham with potential ties to RNP affiliates.
4. The retabulation occurred two days after the original counting, which means playtimes of players have significantly changed in that time. Votes that may have been previously invalid became "valid" and vice versa, which is illegal. Only votes that are valid immediately following the election are to be counted. I will be calling several prominent former employees of the Department of State to affirm the original results were correct and these new results are fraudulent.
The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. wetc is removed from the House of Representatives.
2. dodrio3 is reinstated in the House of Representatives.
3. $100,000 is paid to dodrio3 in punitive damages for the outrageous acts performed by the President and the new Secretary of State.
4. $50,000 is paid to dodrio3 in emotional damages for the stress brought on by these acts and because of the new undue burden provided to the Plaintiff to prove the seat is rightfully his when it was stipulated previously. Furthermore, the efficacy of his allies in Congress has now been shot due to the gravity of this particular reallocation, which stresses my client out immensely. Politics are a stressful ordeal already, but this was unwarranted.
5. $50,000 is paid to dodrio3 in damages for loss of enjoyment in Redmont, as he has to deal with this case instead of representing the people. Not many people enjoy being locked up in Court and tossed out of their well-earned political offices. Furthermore, the efficacy of his allies in Congress has now been shot due to the gravity of this particular reallocation, which impacts my client's ability to enjoy his position.
6. The Department of Legal Affairs is forwarded this case for further investigation and prosecution.
7. $40,000 in legal fees (20% of the monetary value of this case).
1. dodrio3
2. SomeHumanOnEarth
3. Crobi268
4. xlayzur
5. Mhadsher101
6. GoldBlooded
Due to the gravity of this situation and the substantial proof already offered, the Plaintiff has demonstrated the Department of State did not properly follow electoral protocol and changed the composition of the House, resulting in a shift of the majority party in Congress. If wetc is allowed to remain a Representative in the meantime, irreversible harm could be done to the Plaintiff and the Commonwealth. Furthermore, there is malice demonstrated and a large motive for the President and his sham Secretary to skew the results in his favor. This should show the Court that it is more likely than not that there will be irreversible harm done to the Plaintiff if this injunction is not granted. As the victor of the seat originally, the Plaintiff requests the Court reinstate dodrio3 for the duration of this case and remove wetc for the duration of this case. Alternatively, the Plaintiff sees temporarily freezing The House of Representatives as a reasonable alternative in the event the prior injunction cannot be granted by the Court, as this would honor all stakeholders.
By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.
DATED: This 12th day of January 2024.
Commonwealth of Redmont
The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:
On January 10th, 2024, dodrio3 was elected into the house of representatives due to being voted in. On the evening of the 11th, the Secretary of State, SomeHumanOnEarth, was relieved of her duties as secretary and replaced with Crobi268 by xlayzur. Six hours after the appointment and 48 hours after the vote, an announcement was made by the new Secretary of State claiming that the voting was not conducted properly. It is very possible that in this 48 hour period, the nine votes which the players that were said to never have joined the server could have gained this extra time needed for their vote to be valid. During the time the president ignored his duty of starting the election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Combine these two facts together, and you are met with an ugly conspiracy: the President fixed the election to favor his party in an attempt to disrupt the impeachment process.
1. Dodrio3 - Plaintiff
2. Commonwealth of Redmont - Defence
3. wetc - Replacement Representative
4. Crobi268 - Official Under Question
5. xlayzur - Official Under Question
1. On January 10th, 2024, dodrio3 won a seat in the House of Representatives (Exhibit A).
2. On January 11th, SomeHumanOnEarth was fired after being accused of making mistakes with the election (Exhibit B).
3. The President has no way of knowing whether or not mistakes were made unless he had illicit access to voting records.
4. The President attempted to intimidate the former Secretary to fix the election results in his favor (Exhibit C).
5. The President appointed a player that joined an hour before his appointment to Secretary of State, a player who knew nothing about the electoral process, the Government, or the server in general (Exhibit B).
6. On January 12th, Crobi268 unilaterally declared the previous election results void, unseated Representative dodrio3, and placed wetc into the seat (Exhibit D).
1. According to the Constitution (link) § 7(1), the Supreme Court is the Court of Disputed Returns. This means the Secretary of State may not dispute their own returns. Only the Supreme Court has the power to remove a sitting Representative and replace him with another. The Department of State originally mistabulated the votes, but rectified them before any Representative was given roles and officially in office. However, this second retabulation affected Representatives that officially assumed office and had access to the Congress Discord as well as in-game roles.
2. The Department of State does not have the power to remove an official from office. According to Constitution § 19(a)(i), only the Supreme Court has jurisdiction to perform removal of officials from public office.
3. The President committed attempted electoral fraud through intimidation of the Secretary of State (Exhibit C), therefore providing support that this election was illegally reevaluated to benefit the President’s political party. This also provides propensity that xlayzur would hire someone who simply gives him the election results he wants, especially when it is a new player from Stratham with potential ties to RNP affiliates.
4. The retabulation occurred two days after the original counting, which means playtimes of players have significantly changed in that time. Votes that may have been previously invalid became "valid" and vice versa, which is illegal. Only votes that are valid immediately following the election are to be counted. I will be calling several prominent former employees of the Department of State to affirm the original results were correct and these new results are fraudulent.
The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. wetc is removed from the House of Representatives.
2. dodrio3 is reinstated in the House of Representatives.
3. $100,000 is paid to dodrio3 in punitive damages for the outrageous acts performed by the President and the new Secretary of State.
4. $50,000 is paid to dodrio3 in emotional damages for the stress brought on by these acts and because of the new undue burden provided to the Plaintiff to prove the seat is rightfully his when it was stipulated previously. Furthermore, the efficacy of his allies in Congress has now been shot due to the gravity of this particular reallocation, which stresses my client out immensely. Politics are a stressful ordeal already, but this was unwarranted.
5. $50,000 is paid to dodrio3 in damages for loss of enjoyment in Redmont, as he has to deal with this case instead of representing the people. Not many people enjoy being locked up in Court and tossed out of their well-earned political offices. Furthermore, the efficacy of his allies in Congress has now been shot due to the gravity of this particular reallocation, which impacts my client's ability to enjoy his position.
6. The Department of Legal Affairs is forwarded this case for further investigation and prosecution.
7. $40,000 in legal fees (20% of the monetary value of this case).
1. dodrio3
2. SomeHumanOnEarth
3. Crobi268
4. xlayzur
5. Mhadsher101
6. GoldBlooded
Due to the gravity of this situation and the substantial proof already offered, the Plaintiff has demonstrated the Department of State did not properly follow electoral protocol and changed the composition of the House, resulting in a shift of the majority party in Congress. If wetc is allowed to remain a Representative in the meantime, irreversible harm could be done to the Plaintiff and the Commonwealth. Furthermore, there is malice demonstrated and a large motive for the President and his sham Secretary to skew the results in his favor. This should show the Court that it is more likely than not that there will be irreversible harm done to the Plaintiff if this injunction is not granted. As the victor of the seat originally, the Plaintiff requests the Court reinstate dodrio3 for the duration of this case and remove wetc for the duration of this case. Alternatively, the Plaintiff sees temporarily freezing The House of Representatives as a reasonable alternative in the event the prior injunction cannot be granted by the Court, as this would honor all stakeholders.
By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.
DATED: This 12th day of January 2024.