Lawsuit: Adjourned dygyee v. Credit Resource [2022] SCR 1


Wise elder
Construction & Transport Department
Aventura Resident
Legal Eagle Popular in the Polls Change Maker 1st Anniversary
Building Inspector
Apr 6, 2021



Credit Resource (Company)

The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:
I hired Credit Resource to build the interior of plot C-055 they had a representative to build for me. After I payed the money, the builder waited about a week before quitting. According to our contract if they didn't finish the job, I would get a total of 40k part of which was the money I gave in the first place. The company never sent a new builder, and never gave me the 40k that they owed me.

1. dygyee
2. Credit Resource

1. I created a ticket in the Credit Resource discord to hire a builder for my plot.
2. Beray20 was the builder that was assigned to help me, and be the builder for my plot.
3. I paid Beray20 $25k to do so, but per the contract if any part of the contract was broken, I would be owed the 25k back plus an additional 15k.
4. I paid Beray20 the money, only to later learn that he gave the money to his company, and quit his job.
5. I asked the company what would happen, and they said they would finish building my plot, but they never finished and instead they closed the ticket.

1. I was scammed by the Credit Resource out of $40,000.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. $40,000 as that's what the contract initially said
2. $500 for the amount of work done just to receive my money

(Attach evidence and a list of witnesses at the bottom if applicable)

Exhibit 1: Proof of contract with my representative from Credit Resource who later quit.
Screenshot (158).png

Exhibit 2: Proof of a witness of my ticket with Credit Resource:
Screenshot (163).png

Exhibit 3: Proof that the employee I paid to complete the build gave the the majority of the money to the CEO, PerfectedRylint. (Commission and cost for the employee to get supplies was what wasn't paid to the CEO.

Screenshot (164).png

I would also like to request that a Justice present to subpoena the archived ticket that the defendant still has. As he should be required to provide it because he archived it before I could screenshot it.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 19th day of January 2022


The defendant is required to appear before the court in the case dygyee v. Credit Resource. Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment.

I'd also like to remind both parties to be aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​
Could I get an extension as I don’t know if my lawyer will be doing this case or not.
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Because I want this case to be well-put-together and well-prepared, I will give you an extension of 36 hours upon the deadline.

Sir. Sumo, I would like to remind you not to speak or just send something because you can. This goes against the rules of the Court. This is your last warning.
Your Honor,

There was a confusion on representation on this case, after it was sorted out I had already sent a message. Therefore deleted it and replaced it to remove confusion.
Okay, thank you for clarifying the situation.
Credit Resource (Milkcrack representing)

1. Your honour this case has been dismissed numerous times already, the plaintiff keeps, coming up with 'new' facts and alledges things we did not say it has caused me and my client a great deal of trouble, therefore, I would like to ask, that you dismiss this case and fine the plaintiff 2500$ in legal compensation and 4500$ in punitive damages. These continuous lawsuits have unfairly given the company a bad reputation even though the things dygee is alledging are simply not true.
2. It has already been established that the contract dygee made with beray20 does not apply to credit resources because of the following; "the plaintiff alleges, that he made a contract with Credit-Resource. However, the contract was made with Beray20. Beray20 is not an owner of Credit-Resource nor was he granted the authority or go-ahead to initiate any sort of contract. Credit-Resource does not accept offers outside of a discord ticket unless it is with a book or ingame. Rylint never agreed to any terms in the contract or was he aware of the contract between Beray20 and dygyee when it was created."
3. The entirely new Claim that CreditResource somehow agreed with the contract afterwards is completely unfounded and false. Therefore I have included an excerpt of the ticket, to show that what the defendant is claiming is false and frivolous.

The Plaintiff may present his rebuttal.
1. This case is being filed not because the appeal for the case in the Federal court was accepted. This is my 2nd case against the company Credit Resource, so no in fact this case has been dismissed only once and since then the Supreme court has agreed to hear this case again.

2. The contract I made with Beray20 was through the company, and if he had no authority to make the deal, then why didn't PerfectedRylint say anything when the deal was being made? Furthermore the money given to Beray was immediately given to the company. PerfectedRylint's claims that it was a donation doesn't match up with the fact that when I asked Beray20, he said it wasn't a willful donation, it was a donation because he worked for the company, and had to in order to keep working/get a promotion.

3. In response to the Defendant's 3rd reason for dismissal, I have never once claimed that Credit Resource agreed to the contract after it was completed.

I would like to kindly request that Justice Wuutie present to subpoena the entire ticket, as the transcript that the Defendant sent only includes the 2nd half of the ticket, not the beginning of the ticket when the contract and acceptance that are in question were written.
Also if I am allowed to ask, I do want to see proof of representation
The Supreme Court will now discuss the motion to dismiss and the rebuttal. I would like to ask the Defendant to show his proof of representation.
The Supreme Court has some questions before a final decision on the motion will be made. The following questions needs to be answered:

1. Was a contract explicitly made with Credit Resource?
2. Did the plaintiff pay the defendant any form of consideration (money, something of value).
1. I believe the contract at the beginning of the ticket I had on the credit resource discord states the defendant as “you guys” referring to the whole company. However it has been a bit of time since I last saw the ticket.

2. While I can’t give anything to the company itself, I gave money to the employee that was assigned to build my building knowing that part of the money was going to go to the company. (Which it did as seen in the screenshot labeled exhibit: 3, at the top of this thread)
The Supreme Court has decided to reject the motion to dismiss. We have too many questions about what the situation was on the contract between beray20, dygyee, and the company itself. So we feel that the necessary criteria for a dismissal weren't met in this instance. Because of the many questions, we subpoena the full transcript of the ticket, I want to remind the Defendant that tempering with the transcript is a criminal activity. Once the transcript is sent we proceed with the case.
Your honor, due to the amount of time this case has taken so far, and will continue to take, I would like to request a time limit on things such as providing the ticket transcript that don’t take much time.
To be clear I did not do the excerpt instead of the full ticket because there was evidence there or anything I just made it as large as possible so it can still be readable because the letters get smaller the larger it gets but I just figured out I can send the link as well and that should be fine as well.

(If it doesn't work let me know)

I would also like to request for the court to subpoena Dygee's entire relevant conversation with Beray20.
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Thank you for the quick response. The Supreme Court will quickly discuss this subpoena and will come back to you within 48 hours.
We will accept the subpoena and we request the transcript of the conversation between beray20 and dygyee. This must be done within 48 hours.
Just a question your honor, due to the fact that we have talked about more than just about the building, can I send the transcript from when we started talking up until he told me he quit and wouldn't get back on DC? Or am I required to send everything?
When you started talking until the last message.
I'd like to apologize in advance, I don't know how to get the transcript thing so I'll just send a bunch of screenshots.
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A few things to know:
1. Beray20's discord name is Inttrav.
2. The invalid discord invites that I sent were to the Lovely Law Firm Discord.
Thank you both, then we can move on to the opening statements. The Plaintiff gets 48 hours to deliver his opening statement.

Opening Statement:

Throughout this case, it will become clear that my contract was with the company Credit Resource, and not a contract with an individual player.
You will also see that the company was at fault for the breach of this contract, and furthermore were originally going to continue the order, but then stopped.
Lastly, you will also see that I tried to the best of my ability to accommodate their needs, and giving extensions, and by being willing to add whoever they wanted.

By the end of this case, it will be clear that I, the plaintiff, have passed the burden of proof. This means that I have proven that the claims for relief are more likely to have happened than not.

And due to the weight that this case carries for all parties, including future precedents, I would like to kindly request that both parties have time somewhere in between opening and closing statements (Before or after witnesses) to highlight certain pieces of evidence to the court and explain its significance.
If the Defendant would like to file an opening statement, then now is the time. He has 48 hours to do so.
Opening Statement

The plaintiff keeps alleging there was a contract but continuously failed to show us any evidence. The Contract Law Foundation Act is clear on what constitutes a contract and it's very clear that Beray20 did not have the legal authority to sign a contract unbeknownst to the company.

The contract was made, between Beray20 and Dygee. If Dygee wanted to, make a contract with the company he should have made a ticket as Beray20 suggested. In fact. Later on, Dygee learns that Beray20 doesn't have the legal authority to represent the company. This is also why he says; "I will be suing you. Don't worry it's not because I'm mad at you whatever you are unable to pay after you sue the company I will receive from the government." Which makes it evident that Dyggee knew, that the deal he made with Beray20 was separate from the donation Beray20 made to Credit-Resource. It's understandable that this situation is unfavourable for Dyggee but just because Beray20 failed to pay doesn't make Credit-Resource Liable.

In the Transcript, it's also clear that no one ever agreed to any contract afterwards either. You can also see that Credit-Resource would never agree with the terms Dygee had with Beray20 especially the 25k clause. Illustrating that, Beray20 acted on his own accord and Credit-Resource had nothing to do with the contract when it was signed and never agreed to any contract afterwards.
Please list your witnesses within 48 hours.
My witnesses are:
PerfectedRyllint (If he chooses to testify)
Your honor, it has been more than 48 hours, and we haven't heard from the Defendant, or his counsel.
Your honor, could we please move forward with this case?
I would like to say upfront that this is rude towards me and the whole Supreme Court. We all have life’s and you should respect that. Thank you for your understanding.


The following witnesses have to appear in court on request of the Plaintiff.

@Taro and @PerfectedRylint are hereby summoned to the court of the Commonwealth of Redmont in Case [2022] SCR 1 as witnesses. Please familiarize yourself with the case as it stands at present. You will receive questions from the plaintiff and may also be cross-examined.

The witnesses will be called in the following order:
PerfectedRylint (if he wishes to testify.)

I would ask that the plaintiff provides a list of all the questions they want answered by each witness in a single post. If some questions need to be withheld as they depend on answers given to earlier questions, that is also considered reasonable. When the plaintiff is ready, they may post questions to the first plaintiff witness.

I am hereby informing each witness to ensure they are aware of the provisions of the law of perjury and its severity. Giving knowingly false testimony is highly illegal. Witnesses are required to tell the truth in their testimonies, pursuant of the Perjury Act.

Once the witnesses of the plaintiff have been questioned, the defendant will have the opportunity to cross-examine.​
I am present, your honor.
@PerfectedRylint you failed to answer the Court if you would like to witness. You are found in contempt. I ask the DoJ to fine him for Contempt as a first offence.

@dygyee you may present your list of questions to the witness, tar0.
Firstly I would like to apologize to this court for my earlier rude comment. I had no intent to be rude, but that's not how I made it sound, and I take full responsibility for my mistake.

My questions for Tair0:
1. Where you the officer who obtained the warrant for Beray20 to see where the money that I paid him went?
2. Based on your findings from the warrant can you be sure that Beray20 paid PerfectedRylint over $16,000?
3. If the previous question was a yes, could you tell me approximately what date Beray20 paid PerfectedRylint?
Objection your honour, " PerfectedRylint (if he wishes to testify.)" it was not made clear that if Rylint did not choose to testify that he would be held in contempt.

I would also like to ask that dygyee include a link to the warrant for the asset seizure.
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Firstly I would like to apologize to this court for my earlier rude comment. I had no intent to be rude, but that's not how I made it sound, and I take full responsibility for my mistake.

My questions for Tair0:
1. Where you the officer who obtained the warrant for Beray20 to see where the money that I paid him went?
2. Based on your findings from the warrant can you be sure that Beray20 paid PerfectedRylint over $16,000?
3. If the previous question was a yes, could you tell me approximately what date Beray20 paid PerfectedRylint?
1. I am the officer who both obtained the warrant and served it.
2. Yes, it total, there was $17,500 that was sent from Beray20 to PerfectedRylint.
3. I served the warrant January 8, 2022, making the date that the money was sent to be November 24, 2021.
Objection is noted, I wanted a written response if he did not wished to testify. We move on to the witness. Does the Plaintiff like to ask more questions to the witness?
I have no more questions for the current witness your honor.
The Defendant may ask questions to the witness. You have 48 hours to ask your questions. Please file these questions in a list.
My questions for Tair0:
1. Can you please provide a screenshot or link of the approved warrant.
If there is a follow-up question, please provide it within 24 hours.
I don't have any follow up questions
Then we can move on to the closing statements. The Plaintiff may provide his within 48 hours.

Closing Statement:

In this case, there is no question as to whether or not a deal was made. The question that still remains is: Was the deal between dygyee and a citizen, or dygyee and the company CreditResource? Throughout this case, there has been an abundance of evidence that suggests that this case was between dygyee and the company CreditResource.

The first step in creating a deal with the company is to create a ticket. Despite the Defense stating in the past that I didn't create a ticket on the CreditResource discord, this has since been proven wrong with the transcript of the ticket. So it is clear that a ticket was created. On the ticket you can also see that I followed the instructions by listing my name, order, and price.

The next part that needed to be proven is if the person or people who accepted the deal had the authority to do so. And the answer to this is also a clear yes. While Beray20 aka Inttrav was the one who officially accepted the deal on behalf of the company, 2 other higher ranked employees acknowledged the validity of the deal including PerfectedRylint the CEO and owner himself. This can all be seen in the following photo from the transcript.
Screenshot (186).png

GamingwAsherrTTV clearly states "We've got it all," referring to the company as a whole. He doesn't say "Beray20 will do it" Because the contract is with the company and not Beray20.
PerfectedRylint clearly states "He's already paid" and "We can start construction." Again he uses the word "we" referring to the company as a whole and not an individual.
Both people acknowledged that there was a contract with the company and had no objection that Beray20 was the official person to accept.

The final part I need to prove is that the payment went to the company. In this next line of the contract, PerfectedRylint discusses how the payment will work. And below that I'm reshowing that I paid Beray20 $25k.
Screenshot (187).png

Screenshot (110).png

He states the of the money I paid (Which was 25k) 30% would be kept by Beray20 and 70% would go to the company. 70% of $25,000 is $17,500 which happens to be the exact amount that Beray20 paid the company as seen from previous evidence and stated by the witness Tair0, who got the warrant to see where the money went.
So the proper amount of money that was agreed to in the deal was given to the company which further supports the claim that this deal was with the company.

To summarize:
1. There was a clear deal that was made
2. A ticket was made on the company's discord channel as requested.
3. 3 people from the company including PerfectedRylint, the owner and CEO, acknowledged that the deal was with the company.
4. Although Beray20 was the one I paid, he gave the proper amount of money to the company.

All of this put together makes it clear and obvious that the contract was with the company, and they owe me my money back because they didn't accomplish the job and follow through on the contract.

I would like to remind everyone that Inttrav is the discord name for Beray20, and also all of the evidence in my closing statement has been shown before and isn't new. I just posted it because there was so much evidence and I wanted to point out very specific parts.

Lastly I would like to remind the court that because this is a civil case and not a criminal case, in order for me, the plaintiff, to pass the burden of proof, the claims for relief need to be more likely to have happened than not, and I think it's pretty clear and more likely than not that this contract was with the company, and that they owe me the money that I paid them.
The Defendant may present his closing statement within 48 hours.