Chief Justice
Oakridge Resident
Legal Eagle
Order of Redmont
Chief Justice
- Joined
- Nov 21, 2020
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- #1
Replace the Modern Legal Board Act
The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:
1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Even Moderner Legal Board Act'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by: The_Donuticus
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by: ElainaThomas29, Yeet_Boy
2 - Reasons
The Act is no longer fit for purpose, as of a court decision the RBA cannot reasonably disbar lawyers, all of its functions can be more effectively run by other government bodies, and due to inflation its monetary values are out of date.
3 - Repealing the Modern Legal Board Act
(1) The Modern Legal Board Act and all of its amendments shall be hereby repealed. The Redmont Bar Associate will be disbanded.
4- Legal Licenses
(1) Only persons qualified by the Department of Education may practice law and be certified as a lawyer. This qualification shall exist, by default, in the form of a test or series of tests taken at the university to award one of three qualifications: solicitor, barrister, or attorney.
(2) The Department of Education may add additional requirements to achieve a law license.
(3) The Department of Legal Affairs shall be permitted to revoke the practicing license of a lawyer after an investigation and court case in the Federal Court. The only legal grounds for disbarment are limited to: excessively committing perjury, excessively breaching attorney client privilege, and excessively filing of frivolous court cases.
(4) Practicing licenses shall not be revoked for a period of more than three months. Once a practicing license is restored, the corresponding lawyer must meet all then-current entry requirements as specified in clauses one and two of this section.
5 - Attorney-Client Privilege
(1) Attorney-client privilege shall exist as soon as a client engages in a formal discussion with a lawyer and/or his/her staff regarding a case, potential case, or other legal matter.
(2) The lawyer shall not be permitted to disclose the contents of the discussion except with the voluntary and written permission of the client.
(3) Lawyers shall not be held liable for conspiracy or acting as an accessory to a crime when it is in connection with matters protected by attorney-client privilege.
(4) Lawyers may break attorney-client privilege should the client be directly involved with an instance of corruption or he/she poses an imminent threat to the safety of others.
6 - The Public Defender Program
(1) The Courts shall permanently maintain a Public Defender Program, which an appointed court officer, known as the Director, selected by the Chief Justice shall direct.
(2) The Public Defender Program shall consist of qualified barristers and/or attorneys with the goal of providing free legal aid to people of low income.
(3) Any case that reverts to a default judgment, where the defendant is inactive, the presiding Judge may request a public defender to represent the Defendant.
(4) Any person with a total (personal+company[ies]) balance not exceeding $50,000 shall be permitted to utilize the services of the Public Defender Program, and request the aid of a Public Defender to represent him/her for free in any case where the person is the defendant. The Director shall assign Public Defenders to cases as he/she sees fit.
(5) The Public Defender Program shall be funded via the court budget.
(6) The Director shall be permitted to recruit, regulate, and terminate public defenders as he/she sees fit. The Director shall not be allowed to regulate the external activities of a public defender, only those activities which relate to the duties carried out in a Public Defender capacity.
(7) Public Defenders shall be paid no less than $500 per case.
Replace the Modern Legal Board Act
The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:
1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Even Moderner Legal Board Act'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by: The_Donuticus
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by: ElainaThomas29, Yeet_Boy
2 - Reasons
The Act is no longer fit for purpose, as of a court decision the RBA cannot reasonably disbar lawyers, all of its functions can be more effectively run by other government bodies, and due to inflation its monetary values are out of date.
3 - Repealing the Modern Legal Board Act
(1) The Modern Legal Board Act and all of its amendments shall be hereby repealed. The Redmont Bar Associate will be disbanded.
4- Legal Licenses
(1) Only persons qualified by the Department of Education may practice law and be certified as a lawyer. This qualification shall exist, by default, in the form of a test or series of tests taken at the university to award one of three qualifications: solicitor, barrister, or attorney.
(2) The Department of Education may add additional requirements to achieve a law license.
(3) The Department of Legal Affairs shall be permitted to revoke the practicing license of a lawyer after an investigation and court case in the Federal Court. The only legal grounds for disbarment are limited to: excessively committing perjury, excessively breaching attorney client privilege, and excessively filing of frivolous court cases.
(4) Practicing licenses shall not be revoked for a period of more than three months. Once a practicing license is restored, the corresponding lawyer must meet all then-current entry requirements as specified in clauses one and two of this section.
5 - Attorney-Client Privilege
(1) Attorney-client privilege shall exist as soon as a client engages in a formal discussion with a lawyer and/or his/her staff regarding a case, potential case, or other legal matter.
(2) The lawyer shall not be permitted to disclose the contents of the discussion except with the voluntary and written permission of the client.
(3) Lawyers shall not be held liable for conspiracy or acting as an accessory to a crime when it is in connection with matters protected by attorney-client privilege.
(4) Lawyers may break attorney-client privilege should the client be directly involved with an instance of corruption or he/she poses an imminent threat to the safety of others.
6 - The Public Defender Program
(1) The Courts shall permanently maintain a Public Defender Program, which an appointed court officer, known as the Director, selected by the Chief Justice shall direct.
(2) The Public Defender Program shall consist of qualified barristers and/or attorneys with the goal of providing free legal aid to people of low income.
(3) Any case that reverts to a default judgment, where the defendant is inactive, the presiding Judge may request a public defender to represent the Defendant.
(4) Any person with a total (personal+company[ies]) balance not exceeding $50,000 shall be permitted to utilize the services of the Public Defender Program, and request the aid of a Public Defender to represent him/her for free in any case where the person is the defendant. The Director shall assign Public Defenders to cases as he/she sees fit.
(5) The Public Defender Program shall be funded via the court budget.
(6) The Director shall be permitted to recruit, regulate, and terminate public defenders as he/she sees fit. The Director shall not be allowed to regulate the external activities of a public defender, only those activities which relate to the duties carried out in a Public Defender capacity.
(7) Public Defenders shall be paid no less than $500 per case.
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