Act of Congress Executive Standards Act

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Court Clerk
Construction & Transport Department
President Order of Redmont Trifecta
Apr 7, 2020
House Vote: 9-0-1
Senate Vote: 4-1-0

Provide for Executive Standards and to amend the Constitution.​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Executive Standards Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.

2 - Reasons
(1) This Act will form a consolidated law of standards for the executive.
(2) This bill has too many working parts to include in what has been removed, changed, added etc. There were minor changes to wording and format which I encourage people to cross check with the constitution and the below acts of congress. Where necessary, use a text comparator as well.

3 - Consolidation
The following will be rescinded:
a. Cabinet Approval Act​
b. Emergency Services Act​
c. Office of the President​
d. Protection of the People Act​
e. The Executive Succession Act.​
f. The Pugbandit Holiday Bill​
g. Justice Documentation Act​
h. Department of State Act​

4 - Office of the President
(1) The President may nominate general advisors and principal officers not bound to any department. The President must first receive Congressional approval to create any such position. Congress may at any time remove the position via the regular legislative process.
Any such position must be labelled either a Principal Officer or a General Advisor.
(2) The President requires general advisors to assist in the daily operations of the executive branch, to serve at his or her pleasure.
(3) The Following Positions are General Advisors:
a. Chief of Staff
b. Special Advisors
c. Press Advisor
(4) The President is limited on the number of special advisors they can appoint, the limitations are as follows:
a. The President may appoint one Chief of Staff
b. The President may appoint up to three Special Advisors
c. The President may appoint one Press Advisor
(5) The President requires principal advisors to assist in the daily operations of the executive branch, to serve at his or her pleasure. Principal Officers must be approved by the Senate just as any Secretary and may be subject to Impeachment and removal from office.
(6) The Following Positions are Principal Officers:
(7) The President is limited on the number of principal officers they can nominate, the limitations are as follows:
a. There may be one ambassador per recognized foreign nation and the UN.

5 - Cabinet
(1) An Acting Secretary may serve in that role without Senate confirmation for a period of up to 14 days, starting from when they assume the office of Acting Secretary. After that time period elapses, the Acting Secretary must receive Senate confirmation if they are to continue in that role. After an Acting Secretary's term is up, they may not be Acting Secretary for 14 days.
(2) During a vacancy in the Secretary position, their duties fall to the Deputy Secretary until a new Secretary can be chosen.
(3) Should both the Secretary and Deputy Secretary be vacant, the Secretary’s duties shall temporarily fall to a person appointed by the President.
(4) No person shall hold multiple Secretary (or Acting Secretary) positions at any given time.
(5) No person shall hold an Acting Secretary position simultaneously with Secretary, Representative, Senator, Speaker of the House, Deputy Speaker of the House, President of the Senate, Magistrate, Judge, Justice, or Chief Justice."

6 - Department of State
(1) The Department of State is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Internal auditing and performance of all Government Departments.
(b) Evaluation and oversight of the Executive.
(c) Compiling a State of the Commonwealth.
(d) Administration, facilitation of, and communication with towns, including notification of any laws that may impact towns.
(e) Foreign relations
(f) Political party registration
(g) Facilitation of Federal elections (and other elections as requested), including debates.
(h) Dedication and establish of national public holidays and any conditions that go with the public holiday.
(i) Mediating intragovernmental disputes.
(j) Managing and responding to complaints and reports against executive departments.
(k) Facilitation of Referendums
(2) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of State
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of State.
(3) Management:
(a) Electoral Manager
(b) Audit Manager
(c) Ambassador
(4) Occupations:
(a) Electoral Officer
(b) Auditor
(c) Foreign Officer
(5) Seal:

Dept State.png

7 - Department of Homeland Security
(1) The Department of Homeland Security is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Maintaining the peace and good order of the nation, through lawfully exercising its power equally to enforce the laws of the Commonwealth of Redmont.
(b) Administration of a Federal impound and providing security to government officials and events.
(c) Maintaining criminal records
(d) Providing criminal records upon request (the requesting individual must be party to the record requested) within 7 days.
(e) Protecting and Defending Redmont and its interests.
(2) The Department is considered an 'emergency services' provider.
(3) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.
(4) Seal:


8 - Department of Justice
(1) The Department of Justice is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Defending the national legal interest.
(b) Investigating and prosecuting on behalf of the Federal Government.
(c) Acting ethically and lawfully at the President’s direction.
(d) Managing Freedom of Information requests.
(3) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Justice (Attorney General)
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of Justice (Solicitor General)
(4) Seal:


9 - Department of Commerce
(1) The Department of Commerce is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Maintaining a prosperous national economic state.
(b) Advancing employment opportunities and guidelines for occupations.
(c) Administration of government grants and the registration of companies.
(d) Enforcing compliance with national corporate standards.
(3) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Commerce.
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of Commerce.
(4) Management:
(a) Commerce Manager
(b) Compliance Manager
(5) Occupations:
(a) Economist
(b) Compliance Officer
(6) Seal:

Dept Commerce.png

10 - Department of Public Affairs
(1) The Department of Public Affairs is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Advancing the spirit of community.
(b) Organising and hosting community events.
(c) Administering national social media accounts.
(d) Administration of cabinet meetings
(e) Managing National event calendar (Discord Events Tab).
(f) Managing bookings for Government recreation facilities.
(3) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Public Affairs.
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of Public Affairs.
(4) Management:
(a) Media Manager
(b) Event Manager
(5) Occupations:
(a) Media Officer
(b) Event Coordinator
(6) Seal:

Dept Public Affairs.png

11 - Department of Construction & Transportation
(1) The Department of Construction and Transport is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Creation of Government infrastructure
(b) Maintenance of building regulation compliance.
(c) Management of Public Transport networks.
(3) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Construction and Transport.
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of Construction and Transport.
(4) Management:
(a) Construction Manager
(b) Inspection Manager
(5) Occupations:
(a) Constructor
(b) Building Inspector
(6) Seal:

Dept Construction & Transport.png

12 - Department of Health
(1) The Department of Health is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Maintenance and upkeep of the national health system.
(2) The Department is considered an 'emergency services' provider.
(3) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Health
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of Health.
(4) Management: Medical Specialist
(5) Occupations:
(a) Paramedic
(b) Doctor
(c) Trainee Doctor
(6) Seal:

Dept Health.png

13 - Department of the Interior
(1) The Department of the Interior is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Maintaining the natural aesthetic of the nation and surrounding lands through repairing and revitalising the natural landscape, developing natural wonders, and strategically managing and conserving natural resources.
(b) Regulating farming practices and resource collection.
(c) Administration of a animal shelters, zoos, urban parks, and national parks.
(d) Management of a Government Tender program and Supply Depot.
(2) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of the Interior.
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of the Interior.
(3) Management:
(a) Environment Manager
(b) Logistics Manager
(4) Occupations:
(a) Supply Officer
(b) Ranger
(5) Seal:

Dept Interior.png

14 - Department of Education
(1) The Department of Education is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Advancing the knowledge, skills, and retention of the people of Redmont through education initiatives and furthering contributions to academia.
(b) Maintaining a historical national archives to document and preserve national history.
(2) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Education.
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of Education.
(3) Management:
(a) Education Manager
(b) Archive Manager
(c) Tour Manager
(4) Occupations:
(a) Professor
(b) Archivist
(c) Guide
(5) Seal:

Dept Education.png

15 - Executive Succession
(1) In the event that the President is incapacitated, removed from office, or inactive for more than 7 days unannounced, the title of President shall pass in the following order of succession, but lower positions on this order of succession do not rise to fill any vacancies created by this process.

a. Vice President​
b. Speaker of The House of Representatives​
c. President of the Senate​
d. Secretary of the Department of State​
e. Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security​
f. Secretary of the Department of Justice​
g. Secretary of the Department of Commerce​
h. Secretary of the Department of Public Affairs​
i. Secretary of the Department of Construction & Transport​
j. Secretary of the Department of Health​
k. Secretary of the Department of Interior​
l. Secretary of the Department of Education​

16 - Emergency Services
(1) Employees of an Emergency Service provider cannot refuse to work or ignore the duties of their job.
(2) Unions or any other organized group cannot engage in conduct that encourages obstruction of an Emergency Service.
(3) The following shall be added to the laws:
Obstruction of an Emergency Service
An entity who has conspired to or engaged in obstructing functions vital to public safety.
Per Offence: Up to $4000 Fine.

17 - Government Payouts
(1) Punitive charges, fines, and any other form of payouts ordered by the Courts will be provided from the Government balance and not the Department(s) in question.
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Assent granted pending referendum​
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Amend the Executive Standards Act and the Constitution.​

1 - Short Title and Enactment
1. This Act may be cited as the “LDV Electoral Amendment”
2. This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
3. This Bill was authored by Sen. LilDigiVert.
4. This Bill was co-sponsored by Rep. AndreyMia.

2 - Reasons

I seen people abuse power, use power
Misuse and then lose power
Power to the people at last, it’s a new hour
Now we all ain't gonna be American Idols
But you can 'least grab a camera, shoot a viral
Hanh! Take the power in your own hands
I’m a grown man, doing my grown dance
I don’t stop until I see the end, my vision clear, witch
I’m on my Van Gogh, I don’t hear shit

3 – Terms
Add: Department of State (DoS):
The Department of State is charged with the Executive oversight and evaluation of departments and the cabinet. In addition, the Department of State is charged with the internal auditing and performance of all Government Departments and is responsible for writing the President's State of the Commonwealth address. The Department of State is also responsible for the administration and facilitation of towns as well as any communication between towns and the executive branch, which must be done through the Department of State. The Department of State shall lead matters of foreign relations with Governments outside the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Redmont. The Department of State shall oversee and manage federal elections.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.

House Vote: 10-0-0
Senate Vote: 5-1-0

Amend the Executive Standards Act
The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Executive Standards Amendment Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This bill is hereby co-sponsored by Senator lilDigiVert.

2 - Reasons
(1)Required in order to be cohesive and in line with the “Office of the Attorney General Act.”

(2) Needs Updated, Ambassador Missing.

3 - Real Reason
Next time you text, can it wait?
You are talkin' to a presidential candidate
I know you think Obi-Wan gettin' tired now
Don't jump, Anakin, I got the higher ground
I'ma hit the moonwalk like I seen Tito
Man... like the Prеsident just got vetoed (Woo)
Got to sign off for thе veto, ayy
I don't need to sign a release, I'm a freed old man
This is a video game, this is a simulation, man
How do you listen to lame? They the imitation, man
Take an idea, live it, take a idea, did it

3- Amendment
Subsection a. changes to subsection b.
a. Office of the President
(1) The President may nominate advisors and officers not bound to any department. The President must first receive Congressional approval to create any such position. Congress may at any time remove the position via the regular legislative process. Any such position must be labeled either a Principal Officer or a General Advisor.
(2)The President requires general advisors to assist in the daily operations of the executive branch, to serve at his or her pleasure.
a. The President may appoint one Chief of Staff
b. The President may appoint up to three Special Advisors.
c. The President may appoint one Press Advisor
(2) The President requires principal advisors to assist in the daily operations of the executive branch, to serve at his or her pleasure. Principal Officers must be approved by the Senate just as any Secretary and may be subject to Impeachment and removal from office.

a. The President may appoint one Attorney General.

b. Office of the President

(1) The President may nominate general advisors and principal officers not bound to any department. The President must first receive Congressional approval to create any such position. Congress may at any time remove the position via the regular legislative process.
Any such position must be labeled either a Principal Officer or a General Advisor.
(2)The President requires general advisors to assist in the daily operations of the executive branch, to serve at his or her pleasure.
(3)The Following Positions are General Advisors:
a.Chief of Staff
b.Special Advisors
c.Press Advisor

(4) The President is limited on the number of special advisors they can appoint, the limitations are as follows:
a. The President may appoint one Chief of Staff
b. The President may appoint up to three Special Advisors.
c. The President may appoint one Press Advisor

(5)The President requires principal advisors to assist in the daily operations of the executive branch, to serve at his or her pleasure. Principal Officers must be approved by the Senate just as any Secretary and may be subject to Impeachment and removal from office.
(6) The Following Positions are Principal Officers:

(7) The President is limited on the number of principal officers they can nominate, the limitations are as follows:

a. There may be no more than one Ambassador.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted Presidential Assent and is hereby signed into law.

House Vote: 12-0-0
Senate Vote: 5-0-1

Amend the Executive Standards Amendment Act​

The people of DemocracyCraft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “ESAA Amendment”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) The Act has been co-sponsored by: Dep. Speaker AndreyMia & Sen. GoldBlooded

2 - Reasons
(1) There should be one ambassador per country we choose to engage in foreign relations with and with every international organization we are a part of, if we choose to join one in the future.

3 - Amendment
(1) Section III, subsection VII, sub-subsection A shall be changed from:
a. There may be no more than one Ambassador.
b. There may be no more than one Ambassador per country or international organization the Commonwealth of Redmont chooses to have foreign relations with.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted Presidential Assent and is hereby signed into law.


Amend the Department of Environment and Recreation and to amend the Constitution

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Executive Standards Amendment Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) Co-sponsored by: 218218Consumer
(4) This bill is supported by the President and the Secretary of the DER

2 - Reasons
(1) The DER doesn't have any hand in managing recreational facilities, rather they are better managed by the Public Affairs Department whom manage events. e.g. the recreation centre is managed by the DPA.
(2) A nod to the original name of the Department.

3 - Department of Environment & Recreation
The following is amended:
(1) The department is charged with maintaining the aesthetic of the country, through repairing and revitalizing the natural landscape and assorted urban community spaces. The department oversees Ranger employment and farming practices around the country. Additionally, the department is responsible for the administration of a DER store, an Animal Shelters, and a Zoo. The maintenance of all government recreation facilities falls under the jurisdiction of the DER.

4 - Department of Public Affairs

The following is amended:
(1) The department is charged with organizing and hosting server community events, elections, and surveys. The department oversees Event Coordinator and Tour Guide employment. Additionally, the department is responsible for the administration of the country's social media accounts and the administration of cabinet meetings. Bookings and events in Government recreation facilities are managed by the Public Affairs Department.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted Presidential Assent and is hereby signed into law.

House Vote: 9-1-0
Senate Vote: 4-0-0

National Archives Act
Amend the Constitution and the Executive Standards Act

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “National Archives Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) The Act has been co-sponsored by: Milkcrack
(4) This Act was written by Secretary of State, xEndeavour.

2 - Reasons
(1) A national archives is an important part of any Democracy to document and store information of significance.

3 - Department of State
(1) Subsection (a) will be amended to subsection (b):

(a) The Department of State is charged with the Executive oversight and evaluation of departments and the cabinet. In addition, the Department of State is charged with the internal auditing and performance of all Government Departments and is responsible for writing the President's State of the Commonwealth address. The Department of State is also responsible for the administration and facilitation of towns as well as any communication between towns and the executive branch, which must be done through the Department of State. The Department of State shall lead matters of foreign relations with Governments outside the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Redmont. The Department of State shall oversee and manage federal elections.

(b) The Department of State is charged with the Executive oversight and evaluation of departments and the cabinet. In addition, the Department of State is charged with the internal auditing and performance of all Government Departments and is responsible for writing the President's State of the Commonwealth address. The Department of State is also responsible for the administration and facilitation of towns as well as any communication between towns and the executive branch, which must be done through the Department of State. The Department of State shall lead matters of foreign relations with Governments outside the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Redmont. The Department of State shall oversee and manage federal elections. The Department of State will also maintain a National Archive on forums to document and preserve national history.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has received presidential assent and is hereby signed into law.

House Vote 8-0-1
Senate Vote 5-0-0

Archive Unification Act
Amend the Constitution and the Executive Standards Act​

The people of DemocracyCraft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Archive Unification Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act is co-sponsored by: Milkcrack
(4) This Act is written by Secretary of Public Affairs Twixted.
(5) Secretary of State Yerevan_ has been read in on the changes proposed in this bill, and has agreed to the transfer in responsibilities outlined below.

2 - Reasons
(1) It would be more appropriate for players with the Archive Manager role under the Department of Public Affairs to run the National Archives project, as they are responsible for maintaining records-keeping operations by way of initiatives such as the DemocracyCraft Wiki.
(2) Having the DemocracyCraft Wiki and the National Archives project under the responsibility of a single department and job — Archivists within the Department of Public Affairs — would allow for greater information sharing capabilities between both initiatives, to the benefit of the management of both.

3 - Department of State
(1) The Constitution shall be amended as follows:
(a) The Department of State is charged with the Executive oversight and evaluation of departments and the cabinet. In addition, the Department of State is charged with the internal auditing and performance of all Government Departments and is responsible for writing the President's State of the Commonwealth address. The Department of State is also responsible for the administration and facilitation of towns as well as any communication between towns and the executive branch, which must be done through the Department of State. The Department of State shall lead matters of foreign relations with Governments outside the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Redmont. The Department of State shall oversee and manage federal elections. The Department of State will also maintain a National Archive on forums to document and preserve national history.

4 - Department of Public Affairs
(1) The Constitution shall be amended as follows:
(b) The department is charged with organizing and hosting server community events, elections, and surveys. The department oversees Event Coordinator and Tour Guide employment. Additionally, the department is responsible for the administration of the country's social media accounts and the administration of cabinet meetings. Bookings and events in Government recreation facilities are managed by the Public Affairs Department. The Department of Public Affairs will also maintain a National Archive on forums to document and preserve national history.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted presidential assent and is hereby signed into law.

Rep: 11-0-0
Senate: 5-0-0

Amend the Constitution and the Executive Standards Act​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the Political Party Registration Amendment.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) The Act has been co-sponsored by: Representative A__C
(4) This Act was written by Attorney General Milkcrack and Representative Mhadsher101.
(5) This Act is endorsed by Secretary of State GoldBlooded and Secretary of Public Affairs SnoWhitebeard.

2 - Reasons
(1) The Department of State already handles election facilitation and management regarding candidates seeking elected office, therefore it would be more fitting and proper for the State Department to handle political party registration than the Department of Public Affairs.
(2) The Department of State should oversee political debates to ensure good conduct, but the Department of Public Affairs will continue organizing them.
(3) The Department of Public Affairs should not be charged with organizing elections.

3 - Department of State
(1) This section in the Executive Standards Act and Constitution will be amended as: Subsection (a) will be amended to subsection (b):

(a) Department of State (DoS):
The Department of State is charged with the Executive oversight and evaluation of departments and the cabinet. In addition, the Department of State is charged with the internal auditing and performance of all Government Departments and is responsible for writing the President's State of the Commonwealth address. The Department of State is also responsible for the administration and facilitation of towns as well as any communication between towns and the executive branch, which must be done through the Department of State. The Department of State shall lead matters of foreign relations with Governments outside the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Redmont. The Department of State shall oversee and manage federal elections.

(b) Department of State (DoS):
The Department of State is charged with the Executive oversight and evaluation of Departments belonging to the Executive cabinet. In addition, the Department of State is charged with the internal auditing and performance of all Government Departments and is responsible for writing the President's State of the Commonwealth address. The Department of State is also responsible for the administration and facilitation of towns as well as any communication between towns and the executive branch, which must be done through the Department of State. The Department of State shall lead matters of foreign relations with Governments outside the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Redmont. The Department of State shall oversee and manage federally sanctioned elections, and political party registration. Political debates will be organised by the Department of Public Affairs but overseen by the Department of State for quality control.

4 - Department of Public Affairs
(1) This section in the Executive Standards Act and Constitution will be amended as: Subsection (a) will be amended to subsection (b):

(a) Department of Public Affairs (DPA):
The department is charged with organizing and hosting server community events, elections, and surveys. The department oversees Event Coordinator and Tour Guide employment. Additionally, the department is responsible for the administration of the country's social media accounts and the administration of cabinet meetings. Bookings and events in Government recreation facilities are managed by the Public Affairs Department. The Department of Public Affairs will also maintain a National Archive on forums to document and preserve national history.

(b) Department of Public Affairs (DPA):
The department is charged with organizing and hosting server community events, political debates, and surveys. The department oversees Event Coordinator and Tour Guide employment. Additionally, the department is responsible for the administration of the country's social media accounts and the administration of cabinet meetings. Bookings and events in Government recreation facilities are managed by the Public Affairs Department. The Department of Public Affairs will also maintain a National Archive on forums to document and preserve national history.
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Rep: 8-1-2
Senate: 5-0-0
Establish the Department of the Interior and Amend the Constitution

The people of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
  1. This Act may be cited as the “LDV Department of the Interior Establishment Act”
  2. This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
  3. This Bill was authored by President LilDigiVert & Rep. Mhadsher101.
  4. This Bill was co-sponsored by Rep. Rurge.
  5. This Bill is supported by DER Secretary Teuntje1234567.

2 - Reasons

  1. The DER is in a desperate need of a facelift. Today, there are criticisms of the department’s inactivity and lack of identity. Not to mention, the “Recreation” portion of the DER’s name is antiquated.
  2. This rebranding of the DER into the DOI not only modernizes the department’s branding, but also gives it the flexibility to add more responsibilities in the future.
  3. Supply management/coordination is more fitting with the natural resource vibe of the DER/DOI compared to the DCT, whereas it does not have much to do with construction or transportation.
  4. In alignment with the transportation side of the department, this bill gives the DCT the responsibility of managing postal systems within the Commonwealth of Redmont. This serves as a replacement for its previous tenders responsibilities

3 - Constitutional Amendment and Executive Standards Act Amendments

(1) Government Department and Offices


Department of Environment & Recreation (DER): The department is charged with maintaining the aesthetic of the country, through repairing and revitalizing the natural landscape and assorted urban community spaces. The department oversees Ranger employment and farming practices around the country. Additionally, the department is responsible for the administration of a DER store, Animal Shelters, and a Zoo.


Department of the Interior (DOI): The department is charged with maintaining the natural aesthetic of the country through repairing and revitalizing the natural landscape, developing natural wonders, and strategically managing and conserving natural resources. The department oversees Ranger employment, farming practices, and resource collection around the country. Additionally, the department is responsible for the administration of a DOI store, Animal Shelters, Zoo, and Government Tenders/Supply Depot.

(2) Order of Succession


Vice President
Speaker of The House of Representatives
President of the Senate
Secretary of the Department of State.
Secretary of the Department of Justice.
Secretary of the Department of Education & Commerce.
Secretary of the Department of Public Affairs.
Secretary of the Department of Construction & Transport.
Secretary of the Department of Health.
Secretary of the Department of Environment & Recreation.
Attorney General


Vice President
Speaker of The House of Representatives
President of the Senate
Secretary of the Department of State.
Secretary of the Department of Justice.
Secretary of the Department of Education & Commerce.
Secretary of the Department of Public Affairs.
Secretary of the Department of Construction & Transport.
Secretary of the Department of Health.
Secretary of the Department of the Interior.
Attorney General

(3) DCT Government Tender


Department of Construction & Transportation (DCT): The department is charged with the creation of Government infrastructure and maintenance of build quality throughout the country's urban environments. The department oversees Constructor and Building Inspector employment. Additionally, the department is responsible for the administration of a DCT store and Government Tenders.


Department of Construction & Transportation (DCT): The department is charged with the creation of Government infrastructure and maintenance of build quality throughout the country's urban environments. The department oversees Constructor and Building Inspector employment. Additionally, the department is responsible for the administration of a DCT store and Post Offices.

(4) Power Transfer

(1) All remaining powers, forums, and responsibilities given to the Department of Environment and Recreation shall be transferred to the Department of the Interior.
(2) All existing Department of Environment and Recreation employees shall retain their positions within the Department of the Interior.
(3) All existing laws and regulations referencing and applying to the Department of Environment and Recreation shall be applicable to the Department of the Interior.

(5) Logo

The Department of the Interior will adopt the following logo:

The new Mercedes with black G Wagon

The way you front, it was all for rap

I was 28 years young, twenty mill' in tax

Bought a couple of mansions just for practice

Five hundred in jewelry, chain was magic

Never had it in public, late reaction

50K to cousins, post a caption

Pray none of my enemies hold me captive

So what? Paralyzed, the county building controlled us

I bought a Rolex watch, I only wore it once

I bought infinity pools, I never swimmed in

I watched Milqy buy four cars in four months

You know the family dynamic's on repeat

The insecurities locked down on PC

I bought a .223, nobody peace treat

You won't doo-doo me, I smell TNT

West got him a Porsche, so I got me a Porsche

Paid lottery for it, I ain't want it in portions

Poverty was the case

But the money wipin' the tears away
Significant modernization and I fully support this bill and its sweeping reforms. Also glad the recreation part of the name is being removed as I never really thought it fit - aye
Especially glad the DPA managing elections is changing as it was always out of place - aye

Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and may be put up for Referendum


Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and may be put for Referendum


Provide for more Government opportunities and amend the Executive Standards Act​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives and Senators in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Opportunity Act.'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately after it has been signed into law.
(3) Authored by Rep. xEndeavour
(4) Co-sponsored by: Rep. xLayzur

2 - Reasons
(1) Currently many Secretaries are serving as Deputy Secretaries of other Departments. Secretaries should focus their time and resources towards bettering their own department.
(2) The Deputy Secretary position is a good stepping-stone position to provide experience to other department members that are not already in Cabinet.

3 - Additions
(1) The following additions will be made:
a. 5 - Cabinet
(1) Any person which holds roles functionally equivalent to a department Secretary must be approved by the Congress. This includes “Acting” Secretaries.
(2) During a vacancy in the Secretary position, their duties fall to the Deputy Secretary until a new Secretary can be chosen.
(3) Should both the Secretary and Deputy Secretary be vacant, the Secretary’s duties shall temporarily fall to a person appointed by the President.
(4) A Secretary can not serve in the position of Deputy Secretary of another Department for a period of more than 14 days.

4 - Grandfather
(1) Breaches of these limitations will be exempt for appointments made prior to the bill's passage.

Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.


Amend the Executive Standards Act

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Reasonable Acting Secretaries Act.'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by: Rep. nnmc
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by: Sen. xEndeavour

2 - Reasons
It is important that when a secretary must resign, their acting replacement can quickly take over the duties to avoid any operational disruption in the executive branch. The requirement that acting secretaries have immediate Senate confirmation is an unnecessary burden. Most countries IRL acknowledge that by allowing acting secretaries to serve without confirmation for a short time period, in which time a nomination can be made for a permanent replacement. Redmont ought to adopt such a system.

3 - Amendment

5 - Cabinet
(1) Any person which holds roles functionally equivalent to a department Secretary must be approved by the Congress. This includes “Acting” Secretaries.

5 - Cabinet
(1) An Acting Secretary may serve in that role without Senate confirmation for a period of up to 14 days, starting from when they assume the office of Acting Secretary. After that time period elapses, the Acting Secretary must receive Senate confirmation if they are to continue in that role.

Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.


Amend the Constitution and the Executive Standards Act​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “DoS Referendum Management Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) The contents of this Act were originally thought of and proposed by former Speaker of the House and Representative 218218Consumer August 6, 2021
(4) This Act has been updated and reproposed by Speaker of the House ElainaThomas29
(5) This Act has been co-sponsored by Representative nnmc.

2 - Reason
(1) Currently, the Speaker manages referendums. This has caused issues with being able to maintain secure votes while being able to verify votes. Having the DOS run referendums instead, will eliminate this issue.

3 - Terms
(1) The following is added to under Section 6 - Department of State of the Executive Standards Act and to the Department of State section under 29 - Government Departments & Offices in the Constitution.
(a) (k) Facilitation of Referendums
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.


House: 8-0-1
Senate: 5-0-0


Discourage vanity presidencies & amend the ESA

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Stay Act.'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by: Sen. xEndeavour, Rep. GoldBlooded
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by: Sen. xEndeavour

2 - Reasons
(2) Presidents have, on occasion, vacated their office near the end of their term to afford their Vice President a turn at the Presidency. This de-values the Presidency and the elections we vote in to elect our President.
(3) This will encourage President's to see out their full terms.

3 - Amend to the Executive Standards Act
15 - Executive Succession
(1) In the event that the President is incapacitated, removed from office, or inactive for more than 7 days unannounced, the title of President shall pass in the following order of succession, but lower positions on this order of succession do not rise to fill any vacancies created by this process.
(2) Should the Office of the President become vacant at least 21 days prior to the end of the term, the Vice President will serve only as 'Acting President' until the President-Elect takes office.
(a) In the event that the Office of Vice President is vacant the next in line in the Order of Succession will serve as 'Acting President' until the President-Elect takes office.
(b) The Acting President will inherit the powers and responsibilities of the Office upon which they enter, however they will not be entitled to any privileges bestowed on former Presidents.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.

House of Representatives: 9-0-0
Senate: 6-0-0


Amend the Executive Standards Act & Amend the Constitution​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the Constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'One At A Time Act'.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Representative TheReal42Person.
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by Rep. JediAJMan.

2 - Reasons
(1) Acting Secretaries should not be able to hold other positions in the Federal Government .
(2) One person should not be the Secretary of two separate Departments.
(3) Both of the reasons above are not in the Constitution.
(4) By amending the Executive Standards Act (link), it amends the Constitution.

3 - Section 5 of the Executive Standards Act shall be amended as follows:
"(1) An Acting Secretary may serve in that role without Senate confirmation for a period of up to 14 days, starting from when they assume the office of Acting Secretary. After that time period elapses, the Acting Secretary must receive Senate confirmation if they are to continue in that role. After an Acting Secretary's term is up, they may not be Acting Secretary for 14 days.
(2) During a vacancy in the Secretary position, their duties fall to the Deputy Secretary until a new Secretary can be chosen.
(3) Should both the Secretary and Deputy Secretary be vacant, the Secretary’s duties shall temporarily fall to a person appointed by the President.
(4) A Secretary can not serve in the position of Deputy Secretary of another Department for a period of more than 14 days.
(4) No person shall hold multiple Secretary (or Acting Secretary) positions at any given time.
(5) No person shall hold an Acting Secretary position simultaneously with Secretary, Representative, Senator, Speaker of the House, Deputy Speaker of the House, President of the Senate, Magistrate, Judge, Justice, or Chief Justice.

This bill also amends the Constitution.
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House: 10-0-0
Senate: 4-0-0

Amend the Executive Standards Act & Amend the Constitution​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the Constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Ambassador Fix Act'.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Representative TheReal42Person.
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by Rep. Yeet_Boy.

2 - Reasons
(1) In the Executive Standards Act (link), it states “a. There may be no more than one Ambassador.”
(a) It should be “a. There may be no more than one Ambassador to a nation at one time”.
(2) This change allows for there to be multiple Ambassadors again.

3 - Section 4 of the Executive Standards Act shall be amended as follows:
(7) The President is limited on the number of principal officers they can nominate, the limitations are as follows:
a. There may be no more than one Ambassador.


(7) The President is limited on the number of principal officers they can nominate, the limitations are as follows:
a. There may be one ambassador per recognized foreign nation and the UN.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.


Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.

House: 9-0-1
Senate: 4-0-1


Clarify Punitive Charges against the Government and Amend the Executive Standards Act

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:​

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Naughty Government Act'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) The Act has been co-sponsored by: Dartanboy

2 - Reasons
(1) Department funds are intended to be used for the allocated Government Department's operations.
(2) Punitive charges/fines etc. against the Government and Government Departments should be drawn from the Government balance so as to not interrupt the operations of Departments.

3 - Terms
(1) The following is added to the Executive Standards Act:

Government Payouts
(1) Punitive charges, fines, and any other form of payouts ordered by the Courts will be provided from the Government balance and not the Department(s) in question.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is herby signed into law.

House Vote: 7-3-0
Senate Vote: 4-2-0

Amend the Constitution and the ESA to provide for a more realistic and functional department structure​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives and Senators in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Department Modernisation Act.'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately after it has been signed into law.
(3) Authored by Rep. xEndeavour
(4) Co-Sponsored by TheReal42Person
(5) Requested by the President, Endorsed by the Justice Secretary and Legal Affairs Secretary.

2 - Reasons
(1) It is commonplace around the world that the Department of Justice is headed by an Attorney General and manages Government legal affairs.
(2) To allow the Police Force to retain a separate portfolio, it is proposed that a new Department be established to oversee the Redmont Police Force and any other current functions of the DOJ.
(3) The Department overseeing the Redmont Police Force will have extended powers concerning the intelligence and defence functions of the Government (noting that we are moving into the international RP space).
(4) It is something new and interesting.
(5) There is appetite within congress for things like a CIA.

7 - Department of Justice
(1) The Department of Justice is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Maintaining the peace and good order of the server, through lawfully exercising its power equally to enforce the laws of the Commonwealth of Redmont.
(b) Administration of a Federal impound and providing security to government officials and events.
(c) Maintaining criminal records
(d) Providing criminal records upon request (the requesting individual must be party to the record requested) within 7 days.
(2) The Department is considered an 'emergency services' provider.
(3) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Justice.
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of Justice.
(4) Management:
(a) Superintendent
(b) Sergeant
(5) Occupations:
(a) Constable
(b) Recruit
(6) Seal:

3 - Department of Homeland Security
(1) The Department of Homeland Security is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Maintaining the peace and good order of the nation, through lawfully exercising its power equally to enforce the laws of the Commonwealth of Redmont.
(b) Administration of a Federal impound and providing security to government officials and events.
(c) Maintaining criminal records
(d) Providing criminal records upon request (the requesting individual must be party to the record requested) within 7 days.
(e) Protecting and Defending Redmont and its interests.
(2) The Department is considered an 'emergency services' provider.
(3) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.
(4) Seal:


8 - Department of Legal Affairs
(1) The Department of Legal Affairs is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Defending the national legal interest.
(b) Investigating and prosecuting on behalf of the Federal Government.
(c) Acting ethically and lawfully at the President’s direction.
(d) Managing Freedom of Information requests.
(3) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Legal Affairs (Attorney General)
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of Legal Affairs (Solicitor General)
(4) Management: Nil.
(5) Occupations:
(a) Special Prosecutor
(b) State Prosecutor
(6) Seal:

4 - Department of Justice
(1) The Department of Justice is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Defending the national legal interest.
(b) Investigating and prosecuting on behalf of the Federal Government.
(c) Acting ethically and lawfully at the President’s direction.
(d) Managing Freedom of Information requests.
(3) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Justice (Attorney General)
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of Justice (Solicitor General)
(4) Seal:


5 - Transition
(1) For continuity, the current serving DOJ Secretary will become the DHS Secretary and all department assets/appropriations/employees will be transferred from the DOJ to the DHS.
(2) For continuity, the current serving DLA Secretary will become the DOJ Secretary and all department assetss/appropriations/employees will be transferred from the DLA to the DOJ.
(3) Any legal references to the DOJ prior to this change will be amended to the DHS or will be construed as originally intended.
(4) Any legal references to the DLA prior to this change will be amended to the DOJ or will be construed as originally intended.
6 - Summary

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This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law following the successful passage of a public referendum.