Bill: Rejected Explosive Munitions and Firearms Act

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Retired Government Official
Legal Eagle Statesman Popular in the Polls Change Maker
Sep 8, 2020

Make Explosive Weaponry Illegal

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:​

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This bill may be cited as the "Explosive Munitions and Firearms Act"
(2) This bill will be enacted immediately upon signage
(3) This bill was penned by Representative BubbaRC at the request of DOJ secretary JoanM999

2 - Reason
Other explosive munitions are just as bad if not worse than the fatman

3 - Explosive Munitions
1. A new law under PVP and trespassing laws shall be established named "Possession of Explosive Weapons or Munitions"
(A) this law shall be defined as follows: "The act possessing weapons that fire projectiles which explode, carrying their ammunition, a frag/incinerary grenade, or a molotov cocktail in a city or town (with the exception of Fatmans or mini nukes as they are covered under the Weapons of Mass Destruction act.)
(B) punishments for this crime shall be a $100 fine per offense
2. A new law under PVP and trespassing laws shall be established named "Use of Explosive Weapons"
(A) this law shall be defined as follows: "The act of firing weapons that fire projectiles which explode, throwing a frag/incinerary grenade, or throwing a molotov cocktail in the a city or town, (with the exception of Fatmans as they are covered under the Weapons of Mass Destruction act.)
(B) punishments for this crime shall be a $100 fine per offense, 5 minutes jail, any fines for murders done with said weapon shall be doubled, revocation of firearms license on third offense
3. A new law under PVP and trespassing laws shall be established named "Possession of Explosive Weapons or Munitions"
(A) this law shall be defined as follows: "The act selling weapons that fire projectiles which explode, their ammunition, a frag/incinerary grenade, or a molotov cocktail in a city or town (with the exception of Fatmans or mini nukes as they are covered under the Weapons of Mass Destruction act.)
(B) punishments for this crime shall be a $250 fine per offense and a closing of the person selling it's chest shop
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NAY - We need less regulations on citizen rights not MORE.
Nay - I do believe that WoMD is restrictive enough regarding the gun restrictions, maybe too much moreover