Hamilton City Bank (Cooleagles Representing)
The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:
The defendant contacted my client with a proposal labeled the Onyx Backed Credit Obligation (Evidence 2) on January 14th, 2022. My client was very skeptical originally as he had questioned the amount of profit one would make based on the payment proposal in the contract. A proposal that has been confused with two different interpretations through its poorly written and ambiguous verbiage.
The contract states the following,
“If the Onyx Exchange drops below $23,750,000.00 in value, the accepting party will must pay out $1,000 per contract, plus an additional $0.01 for every dollar lost below the $23,750,000.00 threshold.”
My client originally interpreted this piece of the contract as follows, “we have to risk 1k for every contract than a penny on the dollar for everything lost past that point (Evidence 4).” Even after my client had stated this, it wasn’t until far after the contract was signed that the defendant presented their interpretation of the contract; an interpretation that was not only unclear throughout any of the proceedings but adds hundreds of thousands of dollars to the price my client would have had to pay back. The defendant stated, “I believe the misunderstanding in your calculations is that the $0.01 on the dollar is a lump sum, it is per contract (Evidence 8).” Section 6, Sub-Section 2 of The CLF Act states that “It cannot be vague or ambiguous,” “it” in this instance being referred to the offer of the contract. Seeing as this offer is a violation of The CLF Act, the contract should be made void in a court of law and all and any debt related to it be void with it.
1. Supersuperking (CEO of HCB - Plaintiff)
2. Cooleagles (Plaintiff’s Lawyer)
3. JackK (Defendant)
1. January 14th, 2022 - My client, Supersuperking specifically, is approached by the Defendant who presents an offer labeled the Onyx Backed Credit Obligation.
2. My client then signs the contract, with an interpretation that the payment to be made, when the Exchange drops below a certain value, was $0.01 per every dollar dropped below the value; a simple additional fee to the 1k per contract.
3. The defendant, after the contract was signed, presents their interpretation to my client, stating that the $0.01 is for each dollar dropped below the value for each contract (multiplying my client’s interpretation by the number of contracts). This is of course then added to the 1k per contract
4. To offer an example for the court to best understand the math and price difference. Say one were to purchase 50 contracts, and the market value were to drop from $23,750,000 to 23,000,000 (a $750,000 decrease). My client’s method would require a payment of $57,500; whilst, the defendant’s method would require a payment of $800,000. As it is seen, this is a very large difference and due to this contract’s ambiguous writing, it could leave any individual to fall ill to hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.
1. The offer violates The CLF Act as it is ambiguous and offers open space for interpretation via poor writing. I want to make it very clear that we are not here to argue which interpretation is correct, for that would take an unknown amount of time. We are arguing whether or not its writing is ambiguous and open to numerous interpretations; furthermore, whether a third party, blind to the situation surrounding the contract, could pinpoint and understand what the contract states without any question or doubt.
The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. That the contract in question is made void and any and all debt relating to the said contract be made void as well.
2. A permanent injunction preventing further use of this contract with the current wording it contains; in other words, ensure that the verbiage of the clause in question is improved and better clarity is given to future clients of the Defendant.
(Attach evidence and a list of witnesses at the bottom if applicable)
Evidence 1 (Proof of Representation) -
Evidence 2 & 3 (Onyx Backed Credit Obligation + Signatures) -
Evidence 4, 5, 6, & 7 (Conversation between Plaintiff and Defendant prior to signing contracts) -

Evidence 8 (Defendant stating their interpretation of the contract) -
By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.
DATED: This 24th day of January 2022