Act of Congress International Treaties Act (ITA)


Popular in the Polls Statesman
Dec 28, 2020
Establish the procedure for international treaties.​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
  1. This Act may be cited as the “International Treaties Act (ITA)”.
  2. This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
  3. Authored by Senator Ansgard_Ist with the input of President Hugebob

2 - Reasons for Proposal
  1. The aim of this act is to establish and define the way to write treaties and sign them, in relation with the Diplomacy Act.

3 - Terms
  1. A treaty is a written agreement between multiple nations, signed by each nation’s representative.
  2. International treaties shall be signed by:
  • The President
  • Any representative of the President, appointed and approved by the President himself.
  1. Every treaty in which the Commonwealth of Redmont is involved shall be approved by the Senate through a simple majority vote and then signed by the President or the representative of the Commonwealth.
  2. In case the President wants to revoke or leave a treaty, a motion started by the President is needed in the Senate through a simple majority vote.
  3. Add the following part to the “Powers of the President” part of the Constitution:
  • The President has the power to sign international treaties, or ask somebody to sign them as the representative of the government. The President is the only person able to decide to revoke/leave any international treaty. The decision of signing, revoking or leaving a treaty needs to be approved by the Senate through a simple majority vote.
  1. Add the following part to the “Powers of the Senate” part of the Constitution:
  • Responsible for approving the signage/revocation/leaving of any treaty in which the Commonwealth of Redmont is involved, after a motion started by the President and through a simple majority vote.
  1. Any signed treaty shall be moved in a category named “International Treaties” under the “Dept. State Forum” part of the forums. Every treaty shall be posted in a thread with the points of the treaty and the signatures of the different sides visible. The moving of the treaties is to be done by the State Secretary and the signing of a treaty will be announced in #government-announcements.
Aye - This bill is a key point of the whole diplomatic project, without this, we can't do anything. I sincerely hope that my fellow Senators will aye it.
This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.​