ITT: We act like we are all roommates


Commerce Department
Public Affairs Department
Education Department
Oct 19, 2020
Okay who the I love DemocracyCraft! left the milk in the fridge with NOTHING IN IT AGAIN?
Says the guy that put fish in microwave. :sick:
Hey, who dented my armor, I just polished that thing and buffed out all of the dents and scratches. Wait, who in the name of... broke my blaster!
Yea I kinda took the fridge and gave it to joan
You realize it's going cost thousands of dollars replace right?
Dont worry, I know a guy at the hardware store that can give us a good deal on a new fridge.
Out of curiosity, which couple was fighting at 3am last night? This is fourth night in row, and I'm tired of getting woken up in middle of night to y'all fighting. Either break up, or fight in your car smh.
Out of curiosity, which couple was fighting at 3am last night? This is fourth night in row, and I'm tired of getting woken up in middle of night to y'all fighting. Either break up, or fight in your car smh.
i guess it was Bubba fighting with himself
Holy crap, who forgot to pay the electricity on this month?
Holy shit it's expensive this month!
No wonder why it's so cold in here
I paid the water this month but it was sombody else's turn to pay the electric
I think I know where all that energy consumption might be from. Someone left chicken nuggets in oven overnight, and almost burned damn house down. :(
Uh yea def wasnt me 👀
new fridge guys!!!
Aww man It better not be
Oh gosh, what the hell is that odor coming from it?
Who bought milk before we got new fridge?
Hold on, hold on. What do you all mean it's cold, I thought it was supposed to be 60 degrees in here? The new fridge is nice, but, ah... Where's my mini?
As soon as someone finds my minifridge I can handle the mess in the new one.... As long as we all promise to stop putting wine bottles in the freezer part! Never dealing with that much red slush and broken glass again!
Speaking of frozen wine, who ordered 3 bottle of red wine. I found them in the mailbox and they froze overnight.
Speaking of frozen wine, who ordered 3 bottle of red wine. I found them in the mailbox and they froze overnight.
Is that what those bottles of red solids were? I threw them away because I thought it was something that rotted. 😬
Oh gosh, the trash is going to look like there was murder scene when it thaws out. The bottles smashed, and all that frozen wine is in there. 😬
I’m sorry, I thought there was something so old in there that it coagulated. :(
Yea the cops were knocking on the door earlier
Yes I put them I put them under a loose floorboard so they didn't find them when they searched the place.
Did you hide my weed brownies?
Wait those had weed? Theyate all of them
Is that why there was accident on road involving police car that I passed on way home?