Lawsuit: Adjourned JoeGamer v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2022] DCR 44

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Staff Impeached Legal Eagle
Jun 2, 2021



Commonwealth of Redmont

The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:
The Department of Justice has unfairly charged and imprisoned the plaintiff with little to no regard of the rights guaranteed by the Redmont Constitution. Because of the unjust imprisonment and lack of a fair trial, the plaintiff has spent twenty (20) minuets in prison and another twenty (20) minuets to be served. This disregard for citizens rights is irresponsible and blatantly against the Constitution that protect player from government overreach.

1. JoeGamer - Plaintiff

2. CoolKatTTV – Arresting officer

3. LilSumoVert – Arresting officer

4. Alexthelillion – Cause of accusation

5. BlogWorldExpo – Cause of accusation

6. Demonfire – Cause of accusation

7.. DryMonkey - Witness

1. On September 17th, officer CoolKatTTV arrest JoeGamer on ground of unspecified murder.

2. After JoeGamer arrived in jail, the plugin stated JoeGamer had been jailed for the murder of Alexthelillion and BlogWorldExpo.

3. During the Senate Session which occurred on September 17th, Demonfire killed multiple people watching the session from the gallery. One of these people was DryMonkey.

4. Demonfire then rushed towards JoeGamer with an enchanted diamond sword in hand. Seeing that Demonfire had just killed people within the gallery, JoeGamer swung his sword in self-defense, killing Demonfire.

5. Demonfire then returned to the gallery and proceed to go on yet another killing rampage, again rushing JoeGamer. Seeing what had happened to other people around him, JoeGamer once again struck Demonfire with his sword in self-defense, again killing Demonfire.

6. At around 11:23, officer LilSumoVert arrested JoeGamer for unspecified murder

7. Upon arrival in jail, the plugin stated JoeGamer had been jailed for the double murder of Demonfire.

8. JoeGamer then opened a ticket with the Department of Justice requesting evidence of the alleged murders. The DOJ provided two screenshots (attached) of arrest log; however, no evidence of the alleged murder was provided.

9. JoeGamer has not had any communication with the people who have filed complaints against JoeGamer.

1. The Constitution’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees all citizens the right to life, liberty, and security that cannot be taken away except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.

2. The Constitution’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation, and to be confronted with the evidence against them.

3. The Constitution’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees that a criminal is still entitled to their rights.

4. The Constitution’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees that a citizen is entitled to appeal a charge made against them by the state.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. The removal of the four murder charges against the plaintiff.

2. $2500 for time spent in jail.

3. $2000 in legal fees.

4. A public apology by the Commonwealth, written by the Secretary of Justice, Vice President, or President.

V. Evidence

Exhibit One

Exhibit Two

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying-in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 18 day of September 2022
Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus

The plaintiff is currently being held on a twenty (20) minuet prison sentence for the alleged murder of Demonfire, with the pervious twenty already served. Given that this lawsuit addresses the legality of the charges the plaintiff is currently being imprisoned for, I ask the court to grant a writ of habeas corpus during the duration of this case. This is to make sure that the plaintiff is not continually held unjustly and a potential increase in the second prayer for relief.
I will issue the summons later today, however I am granting the petition for a writ of habeas corpus presented by the plaintiff for the duration of this case.



@Attorney General's Office is required to appear before the District Court in the case of JoeGamer v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2022] DCR 44. Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgement based on the known facts of the case.

Both parties should make themselves aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​



Commonwealth of Redmont

1. AFFIRM the Plaintiff was arrested on Sept. 17 by CoolKatTTV for murder
2. AFFIRM the Plaintiff arrived in jail, and the plugin stated JoeGamer had been jailed for the murder of Alexthelillion and BlogWorldExpo.
3. AFFIRM that Demonfire killed multiple people watching the session from the gallery.
4. AFFIRM that Demonfire then rushed towards JoeGamer with an enchanted diamond sword in hand. Seeing that Demonfire had just killed people within the gallery, JoeGamer swung his sword, killing Demonfire.
5. AFFIRM that Demonfire then returned to the gallery and proceed to go on yet another killing rampage, again rushing JoeGamer. Seeing what had happened to other people around him, JoeGamer once again struck Demonfire with his sword, killing Demonfire.
6. AFFIRM that around 11:23, officer LilSumoVert arrested JoeGamer for murder
7. AFFIRM that upon arrival in jail, the plugin stated JoeGamer had been jailed for the double murder of Demonfire.
8. AFFIRM that JoeGamer then opened a ticket with the Department of Justice requesting evidence of the alleged murders. The DOJ provided two screenshots of the arrest log, but...
DISPUTE that no evidence of the alleged murder was provided.
9. NEITHER AFFIRM NOR DISPUTE that JoeGamer has not had any communication with the people who have filed complaints against JoeGamer.

1. It is not possible for Police Officers to use the word “murder” in the jail plugin – it must be the plugin itself. It is only possible following the death of a Player at the hands of another Player (see Exhibit Three). Thus, it is true, without a doubt, that JoeGamer killed BlogWorldExpo once, AlexTheLillion once, and Demonfire256 twice. The fact that the plugin said JoeGamer murdered BlogWorldExpo, AlexTheLillion, and Demonfire256 is in and of itself evidence of the murder.
2. The act of the Plaintiff killing another Player strongly suggests that a murder has occurred unless it is an act of self-defense against an imminent threat after they have just committed a crime against the Plaintiff or the Plaintiff’s property.
3. According to JoeGamer, Demonfire went on “a killing rampage, again rushing JoeGamer.” Your honor, it is impossible to tell what Demonfire’s plans were. JoeGamer swung his sword before Demonfire even punched the Plaintiff – Demonfire had not committed a crime against the Plaintiff (a requirement for self-defense according to the Self Defense Act [Act of Congress - Self Defense Act]). This was a premature attack against someone who may not have even planned to attack the Plaintiff. If merely moving towards another person is grounds for self-defense, then there is almost no such thing as murder.
4. If somehow, the Court finds that JoeGamer is not guilty of these murders, we would like to point to the Gulag Reform Act (Act of Congress - Gulag Reform Act) which establishes that jail time is worth $10 per minute, so even if JoeGamer is found not guilty of all four murders, his Prayer for Relief should be reduced to $200 for 20 minutes in jail, not $2500, which egregiously exaggerates the damages of the jail time.

Exhibit Three:


By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying-in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 19 day of September 2022

EDIT: I fixed a typo where I quoted JoeGamer's Prayer for Relief as "$2000" when it was "$2500"
Last edited:
Both Plaintiff and Defendant have 48 hours from now to present opening statements.
Opening Statement

Before I begin elaborating on the main points of the case laid before the Court, let us first examine what this case is not about. This case is not a dispute of the alleged murder, nor is this case meant to prove innocence. While the Commonwealth is trying to paint this as such, absolutely none of my claims for relief have anything to do with proving innocence. This case in not about being guilty or being not guilty, but about the gross violation of constitutionally protected rights which have caused me to file this suit. Today, we will examine the Redmont Constitution and show how the rights explicitly stated in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms have been broken.

The foundation of a free society is one where the rights of the citizens are protected against the tyranny of the government. We live in a democracy where everyone, including those accused of a crime are guaranteed the same rights and the same fundamental justice as every other citizen. This includes the rights of the accused. Section IX of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms gives the accused the right to a fair trial, which I was not given, the right to face my accusers, which I was not given, the right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation, which I was also not given. Let’s break down Section IX.

The right to a speedy and fair trial provides the accused with exactly that, a speedy and fair trial. However, after the accusations of four alleged murders occurred, the Department of Justice and the Department of Legal Affairs filed no criminal charges against me. Instead, I was handcuffed and thrown in jail. No charges filed, no criminal trial, rights violated.

The right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation provides the accused with the ability to be informed of charges and why you are being charged. In this specific context, only after my arrest was, I informed of what I was being charged with. But even after opening a ticket with the Department of Justice, I still have not been informed of why I’m being charged, what led up to the arrest nothing. Instead, I got a cute message from the plugin telling me I was jailed for the murder of three different individuals.

The right to be confronted with the evidence against them allows the accused of a crime to face and/or challenge the evidence against them. Here again we see another right being violated. Because of a lack of charges filed, I have not been able to face my accusers, to confront the evidence of the alleged murders under the threat of perjury. This new right passed public referendum very recently, but just because something is new does not mean the Department of Justice doesn’t have to abide by it. I have a right to face those who claim I murdered them, to which I have not.

Moving onto section XIV of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, all citizens have the right to life, liberty, and security except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice. Webster’s dictionary defines liberty to be “1. the quality or state of being free” and “1b. freedom from physical restraint.” When one is arrested, they are actively being denied the right to liberty. However, the right to liberty can be taken away in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice. Within the context of criminal law, the principals of fundamental justice are those which are recognized by the common law or those recognized by consensus of the public. These include the procedures of the Judiciary. In short, the way to legally take away the right to life, liberty, or security is through the Judiciary. That process it what makes up the criminal court we have in place today. However, instead of the Commonwealth filing a criminal case and following the principles of fundamental justice, it abused its power by imprisoning me outside of the accepted principles of fundamental justice. By taking away my right to liberty without a fair trial, the Commonwealth has unfairly stripped me of my right to liberty and violating section XIV.

Section VII provides all criminals are still entitled to their rights. The Commonwealth has treated me as a criminal by arresting me, throwing me in prison and fining me $400, however have not given me my rights afforded to the accused. Similarly, by not giving me a fair trial, I have not been given my section IV right to appeal a charge made against me by the state. I cannot appeal a charge when I have not been tried for any charge, yet still punished for said charge.

Your honor, I would direct your attention to a quote made by this court: “Innocent until proven guilty is one of the main bases of a democracy” [2022] DCR 40. How can one be innocent until proven guilty yet still be criminally liable for said action? If one is innocent until proven guilty, is it right to imprison someone when no charges have been filed? The facts of this case are simple, the Department of Justice bypassed the rights of the accused and violated its constitutional duty to uphold the Constitution of Redmont. I seek retribution for my rights and freedoms being violated, and ask the court to uphold the Constitution of Redmont and protect the people of Redmont against further government overreach.



Commonwealth of Redmont

To start off, we will lay out the Commonwealth’s arguments:

The Self Defense Act (Act of Congress - Self Defense Act) outlines the specific prerequisites for harmful actions to be considered self defense. According to the Act, “A reasonable and proportionate defensive response to an imminent threat where a criminal action against the individual or property has been directly made” (Portion bolded for emphasis).

Your honor, there is no evidence supporting the idea that JoeGamer was actually assaulted by Demonfire256, nor did he even claim that this occurred. According to the Plaintiff, Demonfire “rushed towards JoeGamer” which is merely movement. Again, if merely moving towards someone is sufficient evidence for assault (or any crime), then nearly all murders are self-defense. If the Plaintiff believes more actions should be considered self-defense, the Court is not the place to do this, but should instead ask the members of Congress to amend the Self Defense Act.

While Demonfire did murder other people, this is not a criminal action against the Plaintiff directly, which is required if the Plaintiff wants to claim self-defense. At best, JoeGamer’s actions here were vigilantism, but JoeGamer is not a police officer, and should not be trying to stop crime in this way. Thus, the only reasonable thing to do here is to charge the Plaintiff with murder, and this is what the Department of Justice did.

Now, instead of simply leaving off here, it is important to emphasize the mistakes made in the Plaintiff’s arguments, so, here we go:

1. JoeGamer claims, “This case [is not] about being guilty or being not guilty, but about the gross violation of constitutionally protected rights which have caused me to file this suit.” While the Commonwealth agrees that this case is not about being guilty or not guilty, it is not about a gross violation of constitutionally protected rights, as the Commonwealth did not violate the Plaintiff’s rights (and the rest of this Opening Statement should show that).

2. JoeGamer claims, “Section IX of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms gives the accused the right to a fair trial, which I was not given, the right to face my accusers, which I was not given, the right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation, which I was also not given.” While we agree with the rights the Plaintiff is afforded in the Constitution, the Commonwealth does not believe the Plaintiff was not given the aforementioned things he claims he was not given. In fact, the Commonwealth would go so far as to recommend this Court charges the Plaintiff with three counts of perjury, as the Plaintiff managed to claim three different times that he was not given something he was clearly given. After all, he was given the right to face his accusers. In a Criminal Charge (such as murder), the accuser is not the victim of the crime, but the Commonwealth. When he made his DoJ ticket, he was facing his accusers. He was also informed of the nature and cause of the accusation. In fact, the Plaintiff even provided screenshots where he was clearly informed that he was charged because he murdered three people, including one who he murdered twice. Finally, the Criminal Jurisdiction Act (Act of Congress - Criminal Jurisdiction Act) says, “The court will not have jurisdiction over murder, assault, or bank robbery charges regardless of the amount, with the exception of the accused player appealing such criminal charges in the court.” This is clearly to allow for the police to stop such crimes while they are happening, rather than taking hours to days to halt such heinous crimes. Thus, the lack of a criminal case in court for these murders is protected by the law that the Plaintiff conveniently neglected to mention.

3. JoeGamer once again claims, “[T]he Department of Justice and the Department of Legal Affairs filed no criminal charges against me. Instead, I was handcuffed and thrown in jail. No charges filed, no criminal trial, rights violated.” Again, we point to the Criminal Jurisdiction Act, which clearly gives the DoJ – not the courts – original jurisdiction over murder.

4. JoeGamer claims, “[E]ven after opening a ticket with the Department of Justice, I still have not been informed of why I’m being charged, what led up to the arrest[,] nothing. Instead, I got a cute message from the plugin telling me I was jailed for the murder of three different individuals.” Your honor, as explained in the Answer to the Complaint, the “cute message from the plugin” is evidence. In fact, that specific message is only possible if the Plaintiff killed the mentioned players. Additionally, although at the time this was not the case, we now have a written confession from JoeGamer about the two Demonfire murders, when he said he attacked Demonfire after, “Demonfire then rushed towards JoeGamer” and “Demonfire then returned to the gallery and proceed to go on yet another killing rampage, again rushing JoeGamer.” In neither of these explanations did Demonfire actually commit a crime directly against the Plaintiff, which again, is required if you are going to claim Self-Defense, according to the Self Defense Act.

5. JoeGamer claims, “Because of a lack of charges filed, I have not been able to face my accusers, to confront the evidence of the alleged murders under the threat of perjury,” and “I have a right to face those who claim I murdered them, to which I have not.” Again, we must implore the court to look at the Criminal Jurisdiction Act, which gives the Department of Justice original jurisdiction over murder. It is also worth remembering that murder is a crime – not a civil case. The Commonwealth is accusing JoeGamer of murder – not the victims – and he has faced his accusers in the DoJ ticket, and is now doing so again in this case.

6. JoeGamer claims that according to the Constitution, “[A]ll citizens have the right to life, liberty, and security except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.” The Commonwealth agrees with this. The Commonwealth agrees that JoeGamer’s liberty was temporarily taken away, however it was in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice, as the DoJ has original jurisdiction over murder and had enough evidence to convict him.

7. JoeGamer claims, “Section VII provides all criminals are still entitled to their rights. The Commonwealth has treated me as a criminal by arresting me, throwing me in prison and fining me $400, however have not given me my rights afforded to the accused. Similarly, by not giving me a fair trial, I have not been given my section IV right to appeal a charge made against me by the state. I cannot appeal a charge when I have not been tried for any charge, yet still punished for said charge.” Again, this claim shows either ignorance of, or an immense misunderstanding of, the Criminal Jurisdiction Act. In the wording of the Act: the court does not have jurisdiction over murder, “with the exception of the accused player appealing such criminal charges in the court.” (bold for emphasis)

If the Plaintiff believes the Criminal Jurisdiction Act to be unconstitutional, he should file a new case in the Federal Court, as the Federal Court has original jurisdiction of Constitutional challenges.

8. The Plaintiff quotes from DCR 40, “Innocent until proven guilty is one of the main bases of a democracy.” Again, the Commonwealth agrees with this, and recognizes its immense importance, however we once again point to the evidence provided by the plugin, and now also JoeGamer’s confession. JoeGamer has been proven guilty.

The two Acts frequently mentioned in this filing:
1. Act of Congress - Self Defense Act
2. Act of Congress - Criminal Jurisdiction Act

The Commonwealth thanks the court and the Plaintiff for their time.

DATED this 20 day of September, 2022
I would like to ask both parties to present a list of witnesses (If any) that they would wish to call in the next 24 hours.
The Commonwealth has no witnesses to call, your honor.
Given how 24 hours have elapsed and the defendant does not wish to call any witnesses and the plaintiff has failed to provide a response we will move on to closing statements. Both plaintiff and defendant have 48 hours from now to provide closing statements.
Your honor,
Prior to continuing this case, I request a brief sidebar conversation between the commonwealth, yourself and I.
Your honor,
Prior to continuing this case, I request a brief sidebar conversation between the commonwealth, yourself and I.
I'm available all day. Up to Aladeen.
Your honor, due to the ongoing sidebar conversation, we have not yet submitted our Closing Statement.
Your honor,

Without objection from yourself or the defense I request an extension until Monday September 26 at 11:30 PM eastern standard time due to personal life obligations.
Extensión granted
Closing Statement

Your honor and opposing council

As we proceed to conclude this case, instead of repeating all the arguments I stated in my opening statement, I wish to address the claims made by the Commonwealth, including the unconstitutionality of the Criminal Jurisdiction Act.

Your honor, as described in the beginning of this case, the Commonwealth are attempting to paint this case as what it is not. This case is only addressing the unconstitutional actions of the officers and the Department of Justice. This case is not about self-defense, this is not a dispute of the alleged murders. None of the claims for relief regard self-defense. In fact, all claims for relief are based in the Constitution. I implore your honor to ignore the distraction the Commonwealth has laid out.

The court has long held the Constitution above any act of Congress; that is, if an Act of Congress violates the Constitution, the Constitution will always come before the Act of Congress. In [2022] SCR 8, the Supreme Court stated, “The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is an exclusive check on the powers of the federal government.” Let’s make something clear, the Criminal Jurisdiction Act is unconstitutional and must be struck, and an Act of Congress does not give any government department the ability to violate the Rights and Freedoms given to all citizens of Redmont. I ask the Court to strike down the Criminal Jurisdiction Act as it bypasses the rights afforded to the accused. The right to fair trail, bypassed. The right to confront evidence, diminished. The right to be informed of the nature and cause of an accusation, eradicated. The right to liberty, gone.

The Courts serve a vital role in the three branches of government. The Constitution states the role of the Court is to “interpret‌ ‌the‌ ‌law‌ ‌as‌ ‌written‌ ‌by‌ ‌the‌ ‌legislature‌ ‌and‌ ‌administered‌ ‌by‌ ‌the‌ ‌Executive.‌” This does not exclude criminal cases. Criminal jurisdiction is explicitly stated in the Constitution for the courts to rule on. Under the District Court, “The‌ ‌District‌ ‌Court‌ ‌of‌ ‌Redmont‌ ‌hears‌ ‌all‌ ‌minor‌ ‌civil‌ ‌and‌ ‌criminal‌ ‌disputes‌ ‌in‌ ‌the‌ ‌first‌ ‌instance.‌” Under the Federal Court, “The‌ ‌Federal Court‌ ‌of‌ ‌Redmont‌ ‌is‌ ‌the‌ ‌appellate‌ ‌court‌ ‌for‌ ‌verdicts‌ ‌made‌ ‌on‌ ‌criminal‌ ‌charges‌ ‌and‌ ‌civil‌ ‌
actions‌ ‌by‌ ‌the‌ ‌District‌ ‌Courts‌ ‌and‌ ‌hears‌ ‌all‌ ‌major‌ ‌civil‌ ‌and‌ ‌criminal‌ ‌disputes‌ ‌in‌ ‌the‌ ‌first‌ ‌instance.‌” What the legislative and Department of Justice have attempted to do is bypass the Constitution and give themselves the power given the Courts. In a society that believes innocent until proven guilty, we need an unbiased Judiciary to rule on criminal charges.

Your honor, throughout this case, I have brought forth multiple rights infringed by the Commonwealth. Now it is up to this Court to rectify those wrongs and ensure that this does not happen again. Throughout this case, I have time and time again pointed out multiple rights violated, Supreme Court precedent to show the checks on the Federal government, and the Constitution showing its jurisdiction over all criminal cases no matter the words of the Criminal Jurisdiction Act. I urge the District Court to rectify the wrongs committed by the Commonwealth and to stand with the Constitution.

With that your honor, the plaintiff rest.
Breach of Procedure / Improper Evidence

Your honor, it is improper to provide submit new evidence, even if said evidence already existed, in a Closing Statement. The Plaintiff submits [2022] SCR 8 as new evidence, and for this reason, the Commonwealth asks that all arguments based upon this evidence is struck from the record.
Breach of Procedure

Your honor, the Plaintiff has an entire paragraph on the alleged unconstitutionality of a law. This court does not have the power to strike an Act of Congress, as the Federal Court has original jurisdiction of Constitutional challenges. To ask the District Court to do such a thing is an absurd breach of procedure, and once again, the Commonwealth asks that this argument is struck from the record.

Frankly, our Opening Statement laid out the Commonwealth’s arguments fully. There is no more to add. It pointed out the flaws in the Plaintiff’s arguments and provided every bit of arguments to show that not only is the Plaintiff guilty of the crimes he committed, but he has demonstrated a complete ignorance or misunderstanding of the Criminal Jurisdiction Act, possibly perjured three times, and claimed self-defense when, according to the Self Defense Act, he has no legal standing to claim self-defense (which are fundamental to the Plaintiff’s arguments – if the facts are incorrect [he claimed self-defense in the facts], then none of his arguments make sense).

The Commonwealth does not believe there is anything else to say.

Thank you, your honor, and the Plaintiff, for your time.

DATED this 26 day of September 2022.
Your honor, may I respond to the objections?
In response to the Improper Evidence objection:
Supreme Court precedent is not new evidence. As lower courts are bound by the precedent of the Supreme Court (stare decisis), it is not evidence but a recognition of what the Court has already ruled. Furthermore, evidence is not in the form of Act of Congress or Supreme Court precedent. Evidence is typically testimony, documents (like a company earnings report), or video.

In response to the Breach of Procedure:
Per the constitution
Judicial Power
Judicial power is vested in the court.
Powers‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ ‌District‌ ‌Court‌ ‌
The‌ ‌District‌ ‌Court‌ ‌of‌ ‌Redmont‌ ‌is‌ ‌the‌ ‌appellate‌ ‌court‌ ‌in‌ ‌the‌ ‌first‌ ‌instance‌ ‌for‌ ‌arrests,‌ ‌wrongful‌ ‌seizure,‌ ‌and‌ ‌
in‌ ‌general‌ ‌DoJ‌ ‌police‌ ‌misconduct.‌
Since this case revolves around police misconduct in the violation of constitutionally protected rights, original jurisdiction was in the District Court of Redmont, hence why it is being held here. Just because this is being held in the District Court, does not prohibit the District Court from exercising judicial power just as the Supreme and Federal courts have done in the past.
Both objections are overruled. However, they will be heavily into consideration while writing the verdict. This court is now in recess while I finish writing the verdict. Given how I'm currently doing exams the verdict will most likely be posted during the weekend.



JoeGamer v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2022] DCR 44

1. The officers broke the constitutional rights of the plaintiff by not informing him why he was being arrested.
2. Several constitutional rights were broken.

1. Affirms with most of the points presented by the plaintiff except that no evidence was provided and does not either affirm or dispute that the plaintiff contacted the people that filed a report against the plaintiff.

1. The court agrees that the constitutional right of the plaintiff was indeed broken when he was not informed of the cause of his arrest. This is obligated by law by the Miranda Warning Act.
2. The court disagrees that the constitutional right of a speedy trial was broken by the commonwealth since there is a way for you to appeal a charge by opening a DOJ ticket in the main DemocracyCraft discord. This also means that any accusation that says that the plaintiff had their rights removed by not having a fair trial is false since Public Advocates are members of the DLA and cant be employees of the DOJ. Also, the courts don't have jurisdiction over certain crimes.
3. The court agrees that the right to liberty can be temporarily taken away while someone is in jail/prison given how fundamental justice works.
4. While it is true that the courts have said in the past that “Innocent until proven guilty is one of the main bases of a democracy” It was also said in the same verdict that once you opened a ticket the Department of Justice must prove that you are guilty instead of a citizen proving that they are innocent.

I am ruling in favor of the plaintiff, however, I will grant a limited prayer for relief.

1. A public apology by the Commonwealth of Redmont, written by the Secretary of Justice and the arresting officer.
2. JoeGamer shall not be sent to jail for the remaining 20 minutes of his sentence.

The District Court thanks all involved.

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