Lawsuit: Adjourned Keegan7om v. FriedPotaters [2021] DCR 21

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Chief Justice
Oakridge Resident
Staff Legal Eagle Statesman Order of Redmont
Chief Justice
Nov 21, 2020

Keegan7om (Aladeen22 Representing)



The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

The Defendant slandered the plaintiff saying that he is corrupt in global chat. An approximate of 35 players saw this message sent by The Defendant.

1. Keegan7om
2. FriedPotaters


1. The Defendant said that the plaintiff is corrupt in global chat.
2. More than 30 player's who were online at the time saw that message.

1. The Defendant Slandered the Plaintiff by breaking the law of Slander: A purposeful false statement of a player to cause damage to that player's reputation
2. The Public image of the Plaintiff was affected.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. $100 in compensation
2. A formal and public apology to the Plaintiff.
3. $20 in legal fees.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 30 day of May of 2021
DoJ sucks, stay mad you can't arrest me :cool:
Please do not speak out of turn. I would advise you to find legal counsel should you be unable to effectively follow the court rules and procedures yourself.


The defendant is required to appear before the court in the case of the Keegan7om v. FriedPotaters. Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment in favour of the plaintiff.

I'd also like to remind both parties to be aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.
hi, i dont know what im doing here sir, is bribery legal so can get it over faster?
I can be legal counsel for free if you want help. (I know I’m out of turn, sorry your honor)
hi, i dont know what im doing here sir, is bribery legal so can get it over faster?
This is the second instance in which the court has asked you do not speak out of turn. You are in contempt.

I hereby order the Department of Justice to fine the Defendant, FriedPotaters, $20, for the first offence of contempt of court.

I can be legal counsel for free if you want help. (I know I’m out of turn, sorry your honor)
While it's nice you are offering pro bono work for the Defendant, this is not the place to communicate such. Please take legal counsel arrangements to outside of the main court thread. This is not an employment forum.

hi sir, where to apply for legal counsel, im very sad i get sued.
You can contact a lawyer or apply for public defence in the Redmont Bar Association. Whatever you intend to do, please seek legal counsel outside of the court before posting here.
This is the second instance in which the court has asked you do not speak out of turn. You are in contempt.

I hereby order the Department of Justice to fine the Defendant, FriedPotaters, $20, for the first offence of contempt of court.

While it's nice you are offering pro bono work for the Defendant, this is not the place to communicate such. Please take legal counsel arrangements to outside of the main court thread. This is not an employment forum.

You can contact a lawyer or apply for public defence in the Redmont Bar Association. Whatever you intend to do, please seek legal counsel outside of the court before posting here.
can u be my lawyer? i need one cuz i got SUED
can u be my lawyer? i need one cuz i got SUED
It is very apparent that you are aware of the court procedures given your involvement in the litigation, with you directly involved as a party in FriedPotaters v. Didna, FriedPotaters v. moinox80_YT, and several other cases. Due to your past knowledge, one can reasonably expect you to either find proper legal counsel, or file an answer to complaint per procedure.

Your attempt to humour the court in using very informal language as specified "i need one cuz i got SUED" and speaking out of turn will not be tolerated. Therefore I will be issuing a second charge of contempt.

I hereby order the Department of Justice to fine the Defendant, FriedPotaters, $60, for the second offence of contempt of court.

I strongly advise that the Defendant's next post be their answer to complaint and within the proper procedure of the court. If they have any questions in regards to such, please inform the court, thank you.
For slander to be proven there must be an evidenced intention to harm the reputation of the plaintiff, what I said is what I personally believe to be true, and I did not create nor spread slander to harm the reputation of the plaintiff.
Thank you.

The court would ask that the Plaintiff please provides their opening statement.

Keegan7om (Aladeen22 Representing)

Case No: 05-2021-30-02

1. The Defendant said that the Plaintiff is a corrupt person. Many new player's were online at the time this message was sent.
2. The Plaintiff is a Police Officer, one of his main duties is to protect the citizens of this city. But how will he protect them if new players think that he is corrupt.
3. The Defendant was/is angry because he is currently wanted for Murder / Resisting Arrest and Incitement which is the main reason he sent the message.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 30 day of May of 2021
Thank you.

Does either party have witnesses to call or wish to present additional evidence, before we proceed to closing statements?
No your honour.
Alright, we will proceed to closing statements.

The court asks that the Plaintiff presents their closing statement, and then the Defendant presents their closing statement.

Thank you.
Closing Statement:

The Defendant Slandered the plaintiff on the 30 of May. The Defendant committed these actions since he murdered 2 people and is currently wanted for murder, resisting arrest, and incitement. The Defendant was hiding in one of his plots at the time the message was sent in an intent to damage the plaintiff's reputation as a Police Officer. The Defendant throughout this case has shown that he doesn’t care about it and that he has no respect for the judge. This can be demonstrated by his answers throughout this case.
Thank you.

The Defendant may proceed with their closing statement.
I believe this case was created to punish a law abiding citizen due to the inability to do their job correctly, there is no evidence the defendant specifically said "Keegan7om is corrupt" to specifically harm the reputation, what was said is what I personally believe to be true, due to how the police officer was interacting with me. The statements made by the Plaintiff in this court room are libel and perjury and show a different side of the story to what they claim.

" 3. The Defendant was/is angry because he is currently wanted for Murder / Resisting Arrest and Incitement which is the main reason he sent the message."
This is untrue and in itself corruption, I have not been wanted for murder or resisting arrest when this statement was made, it shows the Judge the police are abusing their power of authority.

" The Defendant committed these actions since he murdered 2 people and is currently wanted for murder, resisting arrest, and incitement."
Once again, slander and perjury, he is harming the reputation of the defendant and is lying, he even changes the lie to benefit himself to paint the defendant in a bad light, this is court, not a high school. As stated above, I am not currently wanted for murder or resisting arrest, why would he claim I am wanted for incitement when beforehand he claimed only murder and resisting arrest?

As you can see here today your honor, the plaintiff has a goal to punish the defendant any way possible, he has caused perjury, and slander against the Defendant and has created this wasteful case to waste the time of the defendant. I would ask the courts to reward me with $500 in legal fees, and the plaintiff be charged with perjury for falsely claiming the defendant is wanted when he is in fact not, you can speak to the DoJ to prove that at the time the statements were made, I was not wanted when the statements by the plaintiff were made, nor have I been wanted for incitement in the past weeks.
Before we proceed, I would like the Plaintiff to please provide a response to the counter-claim made. Thank you.
1. First of all this is not corruption. Corruption is: ''To use a government position, elected or otherwise, to benefit one's private interests or corporate ventures. By applying for a position or being elected into a position in government, the player agrees to serve the server over themselves.''

2. The Plaintiff refuses to pay $500 for legal fees and also refuses that they have committed perjury. There are several messages that the Defendant sent yesterday where he states that he killed two people and that I am ''locked outside'' meaning that he was locked inside a building at that time. Therefore I would like to call DOJ Secretary JoanM999 and Fieweyy.

Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-31 a la(s) 09.49.06.png
Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-31 a la(s) 09.50.34.png
Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-31 a la(s) 09.50.49.png
While I'd usually prefer we follow the process after closing statements, given that the Defendant has alleged a serious counterclaim in their statement, accusing the Plaintiff of perjury, the court would like to understand all of the facts.

Next time I would advise that counterclaims are made in opening statements, however recognizing this is a unique situation, we'll begin with witness summons to ensure the court is fully aware of what each party has alleged. If the Defendant has witnesses to call they may inform the court of such as well.


@JoanM999 and @Fiewey are hereby summoned to the court of the Commonwealth of Redmont in Case No. 05-2021-30-02 as witnesses. Please familiarize yourself with the case as it stands at present. You will receive questions from the plaintiff and may also be cross-examined.

JoanM999 will be called first, with Fieweyy being called second. I would ask that the plaintiff provides a list of all the questions they want answered by each witness in a single post. If some questions need to be withheld as they depend on answers given to earlier questions, that is also considered reasonable. When the plaintiff is ready, they may post questions to the first witness.

I am hereby informing each witness to ensure they are aware of the provisions of the law of perjury and its severity. Giving knowingly false testimony is highly illegal. Witnesses are required to tell the truth in their testimonies, pursuant of the Perjury Act.
Thank you to the witnesses.

The Plaintiff may present their questions.
JoanM999 here are your questions,
1. Can you confirm that the DOJ was after FriedPotaters for several crimes?
2. Can you confirm which crimes were the ones FriedPotaters was being being chased for?
Question 1
I Secretary of Justice JoanM999 I Confirm That The Department of Justice Was After FriedPotaters for several Crimes i will describe those crimes in the following question

Question 2
I Secretary of Justice JoanM999 Going to Describe The crimes for which Friedpotaters was being chased for

2 Counts of Murder (the victims were Queen_Cats and Officer Aladeen22)
1 Count of Incitement (His Second Offense)

If The Court Needs Evidence of this crimes let me know As Secretary of Justice i have the proper evidence Thanks.
Provided the Plaintiff's counsel has no further questions for JoanM999, I would ask they please continue with questioning their second witness.
Fieweyy here are your questions,

1, Can you confirm that the defendant resisted arrest by hiding in one of his buildings?
I, Fieweyy, can confirm that the defendant was hiding in one of his buildings and was resisting arrest
Does the Plaintiff wish to proceed or did they have any further questions? Given the Defendant's recent one-month ban, the trial will continue in absentia with a verdict given based on the previous facts presented by such party.
The Plaintiff wishes to proceed your honor
Your honor if it would please the court I would ask that I be given 48 hours to consult my client and get prepared myself with the facts and what has already been said.
Given the unique situation following the Defendant's temporary ban, I will allow it. Please ensure you familiarize yourself with the details of the case and report back to the court within 48 hours. Thank you.
Given the unique situation following the Defendant's temporary ban, I will allow it. Please ensure you familiarize yourself with the details of the case and report back to the court within 48 hours. Thank you.
Your honor we will be able to proceed in a few hours after we get a bit of information. I would like to thank the court for their patience in this most unusual of cases.

Keegan7om (Aladeen22 representing)



Case no: 05-2021-03-02

Defendant move that the complaint in this case be dismissed, and in support thereof, respectful alleges:
1. For slander to be proven there must be an evidenced intention to harm the reputation of the plaintiff, what was said is what the defendant personally believes to be true, and I did not create nor spread slander to harm the reputation of the plaintiff.

2. Corruption and perjury is being done in this court case to put the defendant in a bad light, the statements made after the arrest of the defendant "FriedPotaters" are untrue as he had turned himself in to JoanM999 as he was wanted for Murder and Evading Arrest. He was never wanted for incitement, there is no evidence of incitement in the arrest record, as the defendant never caused incitement as they falsely claimed in this court case, it is corruption and perjury.

" The Defendant was/is angry because he is currently wanted for Murder / Resisting Arrest and Incitement which is the main reason he sent the message."

" The Defendant committed these actions since he murdered 2 people and is currently wanted for murder, resisting arrest, and incitement."

3. The Defendant should not be subject to slander being done to him, and for perjury to be present in this court case by the police officers.

Perjury - Giving knowingly incorrect testimony to the Government shall be considered Perjury.
(Falsely claiming the Defendant is currently wanted when he turned himself in before the claim.)
(Falsely claiming and possibly arresting the defendant for incitement, both corruption and perjury)
The attempt to coax or encourage someone to break the law.
(Falsely claiming and possibly arresting the defendant for incitement, I would like to ask for proof of this occurring if they are going to deny this, the statement is untrue and there is no evidence on it.)

4. As you can see in the warrant, there is no evidence or report of incitement, falsely claiming incitement when it has not been done is corruption, and this further proves the Defendants statement.

What the Defense would plea is this, the plaintiff pay $500 in legal fees to the defendant for time spent working on this court case, and the plaintiff or representor be charged with perjury for falsely claiming the defendant is currently wanted when he was in fact not.

DATED: June 5, 2021
Objection your honor.
Your honor,

As you have said before the Defendant has been banned from the server as a whole for an extended period of time. Also, he has elected someone to represent him during the time he is banned.
Your honor, I have two more things to add,

1. First once again this is not corruption, corruption means: To use a government position, elected or otherwise, to benefit one's private interests or corporate ventures. By applying for a position or being elected into a position in government, the player agrees to serve the server over themselves.

2. There is proof I would like to add of dygyee telling Keegan7om that the defendant had paid him a sum of money to kill him. This is considered incitement and to confirm I would like to call dygee as a witness.

Objection, Aladeen once again has provided a false claim, I see no evidence of me hiring dygyee to murder Keegan7om, I also do not see absolutely any evidence of "the defendant had paid him a sum of money" which is another attempt of perjury. I never hired dygyee to murder a police officer, and I definitely did not pay anyone as they claim, this is all perjury and corruption.

This does not change the fact I had already turned myself in for what they claim I was wanted for, and it does not change for slander to be proven there must be an evidenced intention to harm the reputation of the plaintiff.

Here are the brief talks I had with the so called "witness". The claims that I hired a player to kill a police officer is OUTRAGEOUS, I would never do such a thing. He ultimately did not kill the pig which resulted in me not paying him, he also continuously tried to incite ME to hire him, I simply wanted a pig to be butchered for the meat and leather.
I am here your honor, no need to summon me. :)
To clarify: Before our conversation, FriedPotaters said in global chat that he needed to hire someone to kill something. The conversation after that went like so. (I have pictures of the conversation if the defendant disputes what I am saying here, but I chose to type it out like this because the pictures are slanted, making this easier to read as well as nicer to the eye)

Dygyee: Where is the person I need to kill, and how much I get paid?

FriedPotaters: X:-59 Y:58 Z:895 (This is in Alibaba) (FriedPotaters didn't say what is in parenthesis)

FriedPotaters: I need a mob killed

Dygyee: what's the pay?

FriedPotaters: $200

Dygyee: Ight I'll try

(After a long part of the conversation about the Y level that this "Mob" was on, the only entity that was where this "Mob" was supposed to be was Keegan. If I'm not mistaken, FriedPotaters also said something about how the police were corrupt and how he hated them, I'm not sure if he called them pigs or not, but he may have. The conversation continued)

FriedPotaters: The mob is a pig (There was no pig where he told me, It was just Keegan)

Dygyee: Can you confirm without confirming that I need to kill Keegan to get paid?

FriedPotaters: I do not confirm to confirm without confirming, do not kill keegan7om for $200, I don't confirm, confirming is against the law.

(After I messaged keegan if he consented, and he didn't respond I killed him and went to jail. I was never paid the $200, and instead I was fined $100 for murder.) As you can tell, the last sentence that he wrote, what he said in global chat, and the fact that there was no pig where he wanted me to kill the mob, and it was only keegan, I think it is beyond a reasonable doubt that FriedPotaters tried to hire me to kill Keegan.
Even if his intention wasn't to hire me, he knew or should have known that these facts would lead anyone to believe that they are supposed to kill keegan for $200.

To add on, if it was a pig, why did he need someone to hire, and also if there was a pig in Alibaba, I wouldn't be able to kill it anyway because you can only harm humans on other people's property. It won't allow you to harm mobs.
Last edited:
I saw the msg in global chat and have seen the pictures of the msgs for the hit ._.
Your Honor,
This thread is getting out of hand

Keegan7om (Aladeen22 representing)



Case no: 05-2021-03-02

Defendant move that the complaint in this case be dismissed, and in support thereof, respectful alleges:
1. For slander to be proven there must be an evidenced intention to harm the reputation of the plaintiff, what was said is what the defendant personally believes to be true, and I did not create nor spread slander to harm the reputation of the plaintiff.

2. Corruption and perjury is being done in this court case to put the defendant in a bad light, the statements made after the arrest of the defendant "FriedPotaters" are untrue as he had turned himself in to JoanM999 as he was wanted for Murder and Evading Arrest. He was never wanted for incitement, there is no evidence of incitement in the arrest record, as the defendant never caused incitement as they falsely claimed in this court case, it is corruption and perjury.

" The Defendant was/is angry because he is currently wanted for Murder / Resisting Arrest and Incitement which is the main reason he sent the message."

" The Defendant committed these actions since he murdered 2 people and is currently wanted for murder, resisting arrest, and incitement."

3. The Defendant should not be subject to slander being done to him, and for perjury to be present in this court case by the police officers.

Perjury - Giving knowingly incorrect testimony to the Government shall be considered Perjury.
(Falsely claiming the Defendant is currently wanted when he turned himself in before the claim.)
(Falsely claiming and possibly arresting the defendant for incitement, both corruption and perjury)
The attempt to coax or encourage someone to break the law.
(Falsely claiming and possibly arresting the defendant for incitement, I would like to ask for proof of this occurring if they are going to deny this, the statement is untrue and there is no evidence on it.)

4. As you can see in the warrant, there is no evidence or report of incitement, falsely claiming incitement when it has not been done is corruption, and this further proves the Defendants statement. View attachment 11399
What the Defense would plea is this, the plaintiff pay $500 in legal fees to the defendant for time spent working on this court case, and the plaintiff or representor be charged with perjury for falsely claiming the defendant is currently wanted when he was in fact not.

DATED: June 5, 2021
Your motion to dismiss is hereby rejected. You have no merit to accuse the Plaintiff of perjury and proceed to request that the case is dismissed. The accusation of perjury is a severe charge, so the court wishes to hear the complete facts of this case.

Your honor,

As you have said before the Defendant has been banned from the server as a whole for an extended period of time. Also, he has elected someone to represent him during the time he is banned.
Your objection is overruled. The Defendant may still present their arguments pro se.

I am here your honor, no need to summon me. :)
Witnesses need to be summoned and sworn in. Please do not speak unless summoned for the future.

I saw the msg in global chat and have seen the pictures of the msgs for the hit ._.
Please do not speak out of turn unless summoned to this case.



Case No. 05-2021-30-02

While recognizing that closing statements have been made, I will proceed to a verdict.

1. The Plaintiff, Keegan7om, represented by Aladeen22, allege that the defendant has falsely called them "corrupt".
2. The Plaintiff asserts that the Defendant has harmed their reputation.
3. The Plaintiff claims that the Defendant sent that message as they were wanted for murder, resisting arrest, and incitement.

1. The Defendant, FriedPotaters, allege that there was no intent to slander the Plaintiff.
2. The Defendant asserts that they believed based on personal interaction that the Plaintiff was corrupt.
3. The Defendant accuses the Plaintiff of perjury, claiming they have not been wanted for the criminal charges mentioned.

1. Regardless of the Defendant's disappointing behaviour and lack of respect for court procedure, an important point has been raised - did the Defendant intend to cause harm to reputation? In accordance with the Defamation Act, pursuant of §5.2, the Plaintiff must present evidence for intent to harm reputation.
2. The court finds that the evidence presented does not prove an intent to harm reputation, and that no argument has been presented to prove actual damage caused.
3. Additionally, the court finds that the evidence presented does not prove any sort of perjury committed by the Plaintiff. Witness testimony and evidence presented refutes the claims by the Defendant.


The court hereby adjourns this case in favour of the Defendant, however rejects any sort of counterclaim made in regards to the accusation of perjury alleged against the Plaintiff.

The court thanks each party for their time.

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