Lawsuit: Dismissed KooksterMeme v. the Government [2020] FCR 2

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May 31, 2020
My client is suing the department of justice for wrongful conviction. He was forced to spend time in the jail, while he could have been out in the world, aquiring money through legal means. The justice deparment has no evidemce of this supposed "crime", and my client seeks financial compensation for this wrong that's been done to him.

-Lawyer rubtrained2go
The court of DemocracyCraft hereby summons the honorable Secretary of Justice, SacredSpice, to represent the DoJ in this case. If the honorable secretary or a lawyer testifying on behalf of the secretary does not testify within 24 hours, the case will be adjourned in favor of the plaintiff.

The court also asks that the plaintiff testifies about how long they were in prison, and also what their prayer for relief is. Also, if the plaintiff does not provide any witnesses or evidence within 24 hours, the case will be adjourned in favor of the defendant and a frivolous court case will be charged.
rubtrained2go do you have any evidence to provide to the court?
Your honor, Im the lawyer of the Justice department. I have proof that this is just a frivolous court case. They tried to damage the image of my client, so I ask you that you punish them instead of my client. We ask also that you look into rubstrained2go. He worked with Kookstermeme to do their criminal act. We want that they pay a sum of money to 1950 and I ask you that you tell the Police to investigate this case further.


The court hereby summons both parties to call their witnesses to the case. In addition to this, Mike_Zondernaam will be providing an Amicus Brief to the court. Both parties have 24 hours to call their witnesses and/or evidence to their case. Once all witnesses are called to the case, the witnesses will testify and Mr. Zondernaam will provide his Amicus Brief.
I want to call 1950minecrafter and JoanM999 on the stand.
rubtrained2go, who do you call to the stand?
We intend on having yoy56jr, and landshark0920 testify. I understand we will be able to cross examine witness, correct?
rubtrained2go, the plaintiff may not testify as a witness to their own case.
  • The Court of DemocracyCraft hereby summons these players to the court as witnesses: 1950minecrafter, JoanM999, yoy56jr, and landshark0920. In addition to this, Mike_Zondernaam will give his Amicus Brief.
Once all of the witnesses have confirmed they are summoned, both parties will address the witnesses.
Your honor, there is still no evidence shown by the plaintiff. You asked for it and never received it. How can I work without any evidence? How can someone sue someone without evidence? I would like to ask the evidence. That’s my only need at this moment.
Either evidence or witnesses or both may be provided. As long as one or the other is provided, the case is allowed to continue.
Your honor, I will testify.
Your Honor, I will testify.


Case No. 05-2020-4


The Department of Justice (DoJ) seeks compensation from KooksterMeme (KM) for an alledged
Frivolous Court Case. The case in question seeks to overturn KM'S previous conviction. KM claims compensation from the DoJ for false arrest/ false imprisonment pursuant to a criminal charge. KM's case is effectively an appeal - even though KM failed to state as such - because appeals are the only venue for criminal cases in this court.

Can the DoJ have a counterclaim for ´Frivolous Court Case´ on a defendants appeal pursuant to Section Two article V of the constitution?


I. The Constitutional right to appeal

Section Two article V of the constitution provides defendants the right to appeal criminal charges and reads as follows: "V. All accused are entitled to appeal a charge made against them by the state.". Any interpretation of the law on Frivolous Court Cases that applies to appeals would effectively infringe upon the aforementioned right because it penalizes defendants for filing an appeal. The correct interpretation of 'Lodging a legal case ...' is limited to complaints.

II. The merit of appeals
Subsidiary criminal appeals have purpose and value per say because they are the first opportunity for due process in the criminal justice system of democrasy craft, hence they serve an esential purpose for defendants in examening the evidence and withnesses used for his prosecution.

For these reasons the DoJ can never have a cause of action for ´Frivolous Court Case´ arising from a criminal appeal. Hence the DoJ's counter claim can be dismissed with prejudice for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.

DATED: JUNE 2nd 2020

Respectfully submitted,
Mike Zondernaam
Amicus curiae
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Landshark0920 will not be testifying as he has not responded to his summons within 24 hours. Both parties now have 24 hours to post a set of questions, which the witnesses will answer.
My questions for 1950minecrafter:
-What is your job?
-What did you do at that plot, the owner was MistyRoses?
-What happened when Kookstermeme came by?
-What did they say?
-(Why did they kill you?)

My questions for JoanM999:
-What jobs do you do?
-How long are you a PO?
-Did you have in that time any accidents, like jailing ppl and later know they werent guilty?
-Is proof necessariry at an arrest?
-For what did you arrest Kookstermeme?
-Was there proof shown and can you show it now?

Questions on yoy56jr will follow later, your Honor.
-What jobs do you do?
my jobs on this server are PO Economist and Representative

-How long are you a PO?
I am the oldest police officer im PO almost since the start from the server
-Did you have in that time any accidents, like jailing ppl and later know they werent guilty?
no any accident before
-Is proof necessariry at an arrest?
yes of course you need a proof to arrest thats how we arrest the people because of the proof
-For what did you arrest Kookstermeme?
i arrest kookstermeme because he kill 1950minecrafter with out consent here you can see the laws of the server

as you can see i made like the protocol says i jail him for 10 minutes and i fine him 100$
-Was there proof shown and can you show it now?
My questions for 1950minecrafter:

-What is your job?

I run a construction company (almost since the first day of the server), I am Building Inspector, I am a representative and I am the Speaker of the Congress.

-What did you do at that plot, the owner was MistyRoses?

I was building her and Joan's house.

-What happened when Kookstermeme came by?

I was building, as I said before, and when Kookstermeme (Kook from now on) appeared and asked me for $100. I asked him why did he want the money and answered by saying just give me the money.

Then, rubtrained2go (rubtrained from now on) appeared next to Kook and asked me to give them $100, I asked why again and they said for drugs.

I asked them if they had money, they said that they had money so I asked why didn't they use that money and then they said that it was a robbery, then I said that I supposed (because of they way they were talking and that stuff). After that, I just stayed without doing nor saying nothing (I didn't want to give them the money) and they both started to hit me to death.

I can prove all of this with screenshots and chat log.

-What did they say?

I explained everything they said in the previous question.

-(Why did they kill you?)

I suppose that they killed me because I didn't give them the money.
Your honor, I request that the trial be adjourned without conclusion, seeing as how my client has been banned from the server in question.
Your Honor, I think when even the staff is done with him, we can’t say that this case would be without conclusion. The defendant needs to be set free of any fees they asked. This case would be closed then.
The defendant is no longer in a position to make decisions regarding this case. I believe for all intents and purposes my client may as well be dead, and I believe it's only right to leave this case unresolved.
Your Honor, I am concerned about this comment. The proof is there that my defending party isn’t guilty. So why should we leave this unresolved and damage the image of the DoJ? We don’t want that. We know what could happen: chaos, when we lose the confidence. Don’t let this happen.
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Your Honor, I reject the notion that an unresolved case could do damage to the DoJ. There is one possible exemtion to that statement, that is that people may begin to believe the DoJ could have been involved in a conspiracy to ban KooksterMeme for challenging what he believed to be their corrupt rule of the people; but alas anyone who holds this view would hold this view regardless of what is done from this point forward. In conclusion the only pontential damage to the DoJ is damage in a most superficial way that will be ultimatley as irrelevant as possible, especially considering the stronghold the DoJ has on public perception.
Your Honor, he is telling you that there is corruption inside the DoJ and the Police station. He doesn't have any proof to support this quote and so he does even more damage to the image. The only people who thinks the DoJ is corrupt are the 4 people who came forward in this case. When you let them be, we all will lose confidence in justice. There is no proof to support any of his quotes and offends. I showed you my proof, and it was clear. The DoJ is not guilty to corruption and not to jailing an innocent man.
I'm not saying anything but what my client believed, and would not say he was "left be". Indisputably, the admins of the server censored him when he told the truth about the government, and eventually for whatever reasons you choose to believe banned him from the server. It seems to me that while on the server my client endured enough. What the DoJ seeks at this point is to make an example of my client, there insesence on finding verdict in the trail is sadistic and cruel in nature, and I think it'd be wrong to allow them the ability to impose their message further into my client's legacy. As I've already said, "the only pontential damage to the DoJ is damage in a most superficial way, that will be ultimatley as irrelevant as possible."
This lawsuit will be dismissed if everyone keeps arguing and speaking out of turn. Please give me (the Judge) time to make my decision.
This lawsuit is dismissed. After heavy deliberation between myself and Mike_Zondernaam, we think this is the best outcome for this case for two reasons:
a) The plaintiff has been permanently banned from the server and;
b) There was much arguing during on during the case, which led to this case becoming fairly disorganized.
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