Lawsuit: Adjourned Lord_Donuticus v. FriedPotaters [2021] FCR 22


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Feb 16, 2021




The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

Around 7PM est on the 3rd of March the Capitol building was attacked by a mob of terrorists. They came to disrupt a peaceful political Rally, storm the Capitol and strike terror. They failed in all this, but during the course of this one of the ringleaders, the Defendant, made extremely serious allegations against the Plaintiff. It is the latest in a string of efforts to delegitimize those who speak out against the Defendants actions, the Defendant being the same Terrorist who was censured by Congress for an attack which killed 5 Sentors. There is a pattern present by this Defendant of committing acts of terror and then mocking the victims.

This Plaintiff was also behind another recent attack, the one against the DRP rally after which the Plaintiff threatened to sue the candidate whom they attacked because that speaker reported them to the Police, the Plaintiff knows this because the candidate came to the Plaintiff to ask if they would be a witness that the Defendant did actually attack the Candidates rally.

There is a clear and present pattern here, and it is a pattern that the Plaintiff would like to see stopped dead in its tracks. For the time being terrorism is not actually a crime, but slander and libel are. That is what the Plaintiff believes the Defendant is guilty of and hopes this court will see to it that justice is done.

1. Lord_Donuticus
2. FriedPotaters

1. In a statement the defendant claimed the Plaintiff "Promotes Terrorism"
2. In a statement the Defendant claimed the Plaintiff "Wants to fund Terrorism"
3. In an advertisement the Defendant claimed the Plaintiff "Told us <The Terrorists, which the Defendant clearly admits to being a part of> to come to the Capitol to protest and cause terror"

1. The Defendant is accused of 2 charges of slander for the claims that the Plaintiff "promotes terrorism" & that the Plaintiff wants to fund terrorism through drug legalization.
2. The Defendant is accused of 1 charge of libel for the advertisement taken out claiming the Plaintiff told the terrorists to come and protest/cause terror.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. The defendant to make a public retraction of their statements.
2. $3000 in damages, $1000 for each statement due to the extremely serious nature of the allegations and the affect they might have this close to an election.
3. Should the court not accept that damages be paid then the Plaintiff would ask this amount to be fined to the Plaintiff for their extreme disregard for the rule of law.
4. Due to the fact that the defendant was responsible for some of the incitement of the attack, the Plaintiff would ask that the Defendant be charged with inciting the incident & refund the DoJ the cost of the wages for the 5 officers who defended the capitol from the attack (Calculated by the Plaintiff at $630)

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By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 4th of March 2021
Last edited:
Your Honour,
Sorry for the interruption
Would the courts allow a statement from the DOJ in relation to the 4th Prayer for relief?

Thank you for your time, your honour.

The defendant is required to appear before the court in the case Lord_Donuticus v FriedPotaters. Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment in favour of the plaintiff.​
Your Honour,
Sorry for the interruption
Would the courts allow a statement from the DOJ in relation to the 4th Prayer for relief?

Thank you for your time, your honour.

I'll consider hearing from the DoJ later in the trial, thank you.




Case No. 03-2021-04

1. I acknowledge the lawsuit and I have a few things to say about this malicious attempt to gain money while promoting his political agenda and irrelevant topics throughout his lawsuit. I have been ruthlessly targeted for political agendas and falsely labeled a terrorist many times by the Plaintiff. I will say now that mistakes have been made and I should have created lawsuits on the senate, and Lord_Donuticus for initiating the libel and false allegations, but here I am defending myself with even more false allegations throughout his lawsuit which has many incorrect and harmful rhetoric. I am here today without a lawyer due to continuous defamation allegations of me being a terrorist, so I apologize for my lack of knowledge on the court process.

2. I will agree to retract my statements so long he agrees to do the same as he has initiated the libel through his campaign and statements. As for the $3000 in damages, what he has done in this courtroom is nothing but damaging to my reputation and is purely libel and an attempt to promote his campaign. " refund the DoJ the cost of the wages for the 5 officers " they are public servants and are paid for these situations, the DoJ at this point in time is irrelevant to this Civil lawsuit and I recommend the Judge speak privately to Dusty_03 regarding what was done.

1. Now, before this court case, the plaintiff on multiple occasions has referred to the defendant as a terrorist just as I have done to him in this case, I have not been charged with terrorism nor promote terrorist acts, it is a slanderous attempt to promote a political agenda by slandering someone with misleading and false narratives to the public.

2. " censured by Congress for an attack which killed 5 Sentors. " which is also another case of libel where the senators without trial or a court process defamed my name in the government announcements by falsely claiming I murdered 5 senators and 10 innocent players, later retracting that I murdered 10 innocent players and sticking with the 5 senator claim. The truth in this matter is I was only charged with 2 murders by the Department of Justice and the claims by the Plaintiff are based off of libel in an attempt to falsely label me as a terrorist which in his own words "For the time being terrorism is not actually a crime" therefor he should not be calling players terrorists and complaining when someone calls him the same.

3."This Plaintiff was also behind another recent attack, the one against the DRP rally after which the Plaintiff threatened to sue the candidate whom they attacked because that speaker reported them to the Police, the Plaintiff knows this because the candidate came to the Plaintiff to ask if they would be a witness that the Defendant did actually attack the Candidates rally." This is untrue and I was never attending any DRP rally, nor did I threaten to attack it, participate in an attack, or anything of the sort dealing with a DRP rally. I messaged a player who was falsely claiming I was attending the rally and threatened to sue not because the player reported me to the police, but because they were providing untruthful claims to the police about me being at the rally, no evidence to back the claims of me being there other than a group of friends and political allies defaming my name. I would ask Lord_Donuticus to provide proof of me personally attending the rally with screenshots of me physically being there and attacking the rally otherwise this is libel.

4. " Around 7PM est on the 3rd of March the Capitol building was attacked by a mob of terrorists. They came to disrupt a peaceful political Rally, storm the Capitol and strike terror. They failed in all this, but during the course of this one of the ringleaders, the Defendant, made extremely serious allegations against the Plaintiff. " As you can see here, once again falsely claiming I am some sort of ringleader with no evidence to back these claims, in his own words "made extremely serious allegations" against me and this is libel. "mob of terrorists" there were two players I believe, I may be mistaken but they were arrested for murdering two police officers.

5. "The Terrorists, which the Defendant clearly admits to being a part of" not only have I directly spoken to Lord_Donuticus about this, I have stated multiple times on various occasions I am not a terrorist nor am I in a terrorist group. This is another attempt to slander my name after I have provided clear statements I am not a terrorist. " It is the latest in a string of efforts to delegitimize those who speak out " - Lord_Donuticus

6. The things I stated did not affect his rally as he completed it with no issue as stated in a news post. " The Rally organisers at this point called the rally to a close, having said everything that needed to be said and asked everyone to return home or stand clear of the police and let them do their duty. The terrorists then took this opportunity to begin an assault on the capitol building that would go on to last for another hour, pictured below. " if there were a true terror attack, would he be capable of spreading the message he wanted to spread and accomplish his rally? He admitted only after his rally did the terrorists begin an "assault on the capitol building" which is far from the truth, players were issued a dispersal order and a few of them without major issue stepped beyond the 25x25 zone and were simply moved back. Do not let the attack on two officers by two players who were most likely unbeknownst to the others presence as the attacks happened at separate times.

7. The entire point of this lawsuit should be focused on the libel, instead it focuses on terrorism, lies, and past issues that have been solved by the DoJ and have been misrepresented by the Plaintiff to further his political career and to put the Defendant in a bad light and is suing me while doing the exact same thing in this lawsuit which is ironic. This player is known to create lawsuits for monetary gain, history speaks for itself, I believe this lawsuit if read carefully does all the providing for me without me even having to defend myself. I believe my proof shows the court that me and Lord_Donuticus have spoken before and I have told him I am no terrorist, I have expressed my distaste for terrorism well before the events that led up to this and he continues to lie about certain topics.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This (03) day of (4) (2021)
Many objections your honor.
I will now ask both parties to present any further evidence and/or arguments. I would kindly ask the plaintiff to respond first, with a subsequent response from the defendant. If possible, could responses be made within 48 hours.

Many objections your honor.
If it is possible to include your objections in your upcoming statement, please do so. If not, I will hear your objections first.

Firstly I would like to apologize to the court for the time it has taken for this response, it's just there is quite a lot to work through in the Defendants response and frankly, I'm quite unsure where to start.

I hope by the end of these objections and subsequent further arguments the court will fully appreciate the level to which the Defendant is attempting to manipulate the truth, and in some cases engaging in outright lies, in order to further an agenda of terrorism. It is my sincere hope that the court will not only find the Defendant guilty in the cases of slander and libel, but now also for perjury in this response.

irrelevant topics throughout his lawsuit.
The Plaintiff objects to this statement that irrelevant topics have been mentioned throughout the suit, the only two other topics mentioned in the suit other than the slanderous and libelous statements made by the defendant are the defendants attack on Ansgards DRP rally and then subsequent lawsuit threatening & the defendants attack on the senate.

The first topic is brought up to highlight the defendants nature to commit acts of terror and then attempt to belittle their victims, just as they have done in this case where they were part of an attack on the Plaintiffs rally and then subsequently made the slanderous and libelous statements. It provides the court with context and demonstrates a pattern on the Defendants part.

The second topic is brought to establish the fact that the defendant has committed acts which could be viewed as terrorism, the defendant has been recognized and censured by the senate to have done these actions. This is relevant to the Plaintiffs argument because of the libelous statement made by the Defendant in saying "Told us to come to the Capitol to protest and cause terror", the context of the Defendants actions is extremely relevant in light of this because it implies that the Plaintiff is attempting to manipulate the public by engaging with terrorists in an attempt for political gain. This did not happen.

As such this should be thrown out as it is false & misleading.

I will say now that mistakes have been made and I should have created lawsuits on the senate, and Lord_Donuticus for initiating the libel and false allegations,
The Plaintiff rejects to this accusation of libel Defendants due to the fact that the Plaintiff has not said anything about the Defendant that is false. There is nothing in this lawsuit written by the Plaintiff that is a lie. This is just an attempt by the Defendant to mislead the court and draw a false equivalency between the actions of the Plaintiff and the actions of the Defendant - the legal equivalent of "I know you are, but what am I". Further elaborated in the next objection.

As such this should be thrown out as it is false & misleading.

Now, before this court case, the plaintiff on multiple occasions has referred to the defendant as a terrorist just as I have done to him in this case,
Here we see the full extend of the defendants attempts to mislead the court and draw a false equivalency between the actions of the Plaintiff and the actions of the Defendant.

Here the Defendant lies, the Defendant lies and claims they they have referred to the Plaintiff as a terrorist. This is not what was said in the slanderous & libelous statements, the Defendant claimed the Plaintiff asked "us" - the people attacking the rally and then the Capitol - "to come here". Here the Defendant not only admits they are part of the attack and they are part of the actions which in turn completely justifies the label of terrorist, but they tell an outright fabrication.

Another fabrication is happening here, the Defendant is trying to lie about the events documented as to make it seem like the Plaintiff is just as bad as the Defendant. The Defendant is doing what was objected to in objection 2, mislead the court and draw a false equivalency.

As such this should be thrown out as it is false & misleading and the Defendant charged with a count of perjury.

what he has done in this courtroom is nothing but damaging to my reputation and is purely libel and an attempt to promote his campaign.
The Plaintiff strongly objects to this accusation on the grounds that everything the Plaintiff is claiming took place, if mentioning the actions of the Defendant is damaging to their reputation then they deserve to have their reputation damaged.

Not only that, here the Defendant argues that everything done in the courtroom by the Plaintiff is purely libel, that is to say every statement is false. For example stating that the Defendant claimed the Plaintiff was promoting terrorism, or asked terrorists to come to the rally, or that the defendant was censured by the senate for killing five senators. These things are documented to have happened, but the Defendant say they are libel and therefore did not. This is perjury and a further attempt to muddy the waters and mislead the courts.

As such this should be thrown out as it is false & misleading and the Defendant charged with another count of perjury.

Now, before this court case, the plaintiff on multiple occasions has referred to the defendant as a terrorist just as I have done to him in this case, I have not been charged with terrorism nor promote terrorist acts, it is a slanderous attempt to promote a political agenda by slandering someone with misleading and false narratives to the public.

Firstly the Defendant repeats the lie that they referred to the Plaintiff as a terrorist as outlined in objection 3, once more committing perjury. The Defendant then claims that they "have not been charged with terrorism nor promote terrorist acts" the problem is, the Defendant has committed terrorist acts, the attack on the senate, the attack on Ansgards DRP rally & the attack on the Plaintiffs rally - just to name a few. Being a Terrorist does not mean you publicly promote terrorism, and we do not currently have a law regarding terrorism.. It means you commit acts of terror.

Again the Defendant has committed acts of terrorism, specifically targeting political institutions and activities. This is not motivated by crime or monetary, this is motivated by terror. The Defendant makes the accusation that Plaintiff is making misleading/false narratives to the public in a slanderous attempt to promote a political agenda, but fails to actually highlight any statement here that is slanderous.

As such this should be thrown out as it is false & misleading and the Defendant charged with another count of perjury. Furthermore it is irrelevant to the charges of perjury & libel which the plaintiff does not address.

" censured by Congress for an attack which killed 5 Sentors. " which is also another case of libel where the senators without trial or a court process defamed my name in the government announcements by falsely claiming I murdered 5 senators and 10 innocent players, later retracting that I murdered 10 innocent players and sticking with the 5 senator claim. The truth in this matter is I was only charged with 2 murders by the Department of Justice and the claims by the Plaintiff are based off of libel in an attempt to falsely label me as a terrorist which in his own words "For the time being terrorism is not actually a crime" therefor he should not be calling players terrorists and complaining when someone calls him the same.

Here the Defendant demonstrates at best that they clearly misunderstand the point of the censure or at worst is trying once more to mislead the court. The point of the censure was to highlight the fact that The Defendant was responsible for the mass murder along with their compatriots as a ringleader. They were behind the attack and thus the censure was made on them.

The Defendant admits to being there and personally admits to murdering two senators, and yet the Defendant has the audacity to call the censure libel. This is disgusting your honor, and an absolute slap in the face to the Defendants victims. I can only ask that the court fully use its power against the defendant for this.

As such this should be thrown out as it is false & misleading. Furthermore it is irrelevant to the charges of perjury & libel which the plaintiff does not address.

"This Plaintiff was also behind another recent attack, the one against the DRP rally after which the Plaintiff threatened to sue the candidate whom they attacked because that speaker reported them to the Police, the Plaintiff knows this because the candidate came to the Plaintiff to ask if they would be a witness that the Defendant did actually attack the Candidates rally." This is untrue and I was never attending any DRP rally, nor did I threaten to attack it, participate in an attack, or anything of the sort dealing with a DRP rally. I messaged a player who was falsely claiming I was attending the rally and threatened to sue not because the player reported me to the police, but because they were providing untruthful claims to the police about me being at the rally, no evidence to back the claims of me being there other than a group of friends and political allies defaming my name. I would ask Lord_Donuticus to provide proof of me personally attending the rally with screenshots of me physically being there and attacking the rally otherwise this is libel.

In statements made to the police 5 individuals identified the Defendant as being involved in the attack on the DRP rally, including the Plaintiff in this case. 5 individuals witnessed the acts of terror. These people were all from different parties, they were not political allies and they were not friends - that is a bold faced lie by the Defendant in order to conjure up some conspiracy against themselves. They were attending the rally and witnessed the actions of the Defendant and then reported it to the police. The Defendant is adamant in their innocence because this is the one circumstance where nobody took screenshots of the Defendant committing their crimes, so the Defendant is using this to muddy the waters.

The fact of the matter remains that out of those who reported the Defendant the only one the Defendant threatened to sue was the rally organizer. Why? In order to do exactly what the Plaintiff outlined before, belittle and mock their victims.

As such this should be thrown out as it is false & misleading. Furthermore it is irrelevant to the charges of perjury & libel which the plaintiff does not address.

" Around 7PM est on the 3rd of March the Capitol building was attacked by a mob of terrorists. They came to disrupt a peaceful political Rally, storm the Capitol and strike terror. They failed in all this, but during the course of this one of the ringleaders, the Defendant, made extremely serious allegations against the Plaintiff. " As you can see here, once again falsely claiming I am some sort of ringleader with no evidence to back these claims, in his own words "made extremely serious allegations" against me and this is libel. "mob of terrorists" there were two players I believe, I may be mistaken but they were arrested for murdering two police officers.

The Plaintiff would like to draw attention back to Objection 6, the Senate censured the Defendant because they are a ringleader. Not only that, out of the Terrorists present at the Capitol attack - of which there was many more than 2, and many more deaths than just two police officers - the most vocal was the Defendant, in the Defendants own words "Lord_Donuticus told us to come to the Capitol" the Defendant said that the Plaintiff "told us" they acknowledge they are part of the group that came to the Capitol to attack the rally and then proceeded to attack the rally for another hour.

In the same paragraph the Defendant claims there were only two terrorists and claims they were arrested for murdering two police officers. But at the rally the Defendant identified themselves as a part of the group! The Defendant is well aware of the systems of evidence gathering the Police use and is attempting to distance themselves from their allies, which again they admitted to being there with, by claiming to have nothing to do with them. This is yet another attempt to mislead the court and the Plaintiff believes that it should amount to perjury.

As such this should be thrown out as it is false & misleading and the Defendant charged with another count of perjury. Furthermore it is irrelevant to the charges of perjury & libel which the plaintiff does not address.

"The Terrorists, which the Defendant clearly admits to being a part of" not only have I directly spoken to Lord_Donuticus about this, I have stated multiple times on various occasions I am not a terrorist nor am I in a terrorist group. This is another attempt to slander my name after I have provided clear statements I am not a terrorist. " It is the latest in a string of efforts to delegitimize those who speak out " - Lord_Donuticus

Here the Defendant commits one of their most egregious claims, here the Defendant claims that they have spoken to the Plaintiff and said they are not a terrorist. They back this up with various snippets of them stating they are not a terrorist. And proceeds to act like this means they are not a terrorist.

When you mass murder senators, when you snipe at a rally, when you instigate a riot - you are a terrorist, no amount of saying otherwise would change that. The actions of the Defendant speak louder than their hollow words, the Defendant lies and lies and lies again.

The Plaintiff would also like to, at this point, bring up the fact that the Defendant keeps trying to use the Plaintiffs words against them. We are literally seeing in real time the Defendant demonstrate their wicked tactic of belittling and mocking their victims. The Defendant is using these words again and again to try and belittle the Plaintiff.

As such this should be thrown out as it is false & misleading. Furthermore it is irrelevant to the charges of perjury & libel which the plaintiff does not address.

The things I stated did not affect his rally as he completed it with no issue as stated in a news post. " The Rally organisers at this point called the rally to a close, having said everything that needed to be said and asked everyone to return home or stand clear of the police and let them do their duty. The terrorists then took this opportunity to begin an assault on the capitol building that would go on to last for another hour, pictured below. " if there were a true terror attack, would he be capable of spreading the message he wanted to spread and accomplish his rally? He admitted only after his rally did the terrorists begin an "assault on the capitol building" which is far from the truth, players were issued a dispersal order and a few of them without major issue stepped beyond the 25x25 zone and were simply moved back. Do not let the attack on two officers by two players who were most likely unbeknownst to the others presence as the attacks happened at separate times.

Here we see probably the most offensive and disgusting statements from the Defendant. The Defendant tries to downplay attack by claiming that the Plaintiff stated in a news post, in their paper 'The Daily Rag', that the rally was accomplished. And claims that the Plaintiff admits that only after the rally did the terrorists being an assault on the capitol building.

Categorically this is a complete lie.

The article that the Defendant quotes from completely contradicts this claim. In the second paragraph the article reads "In the early hours of the rally Terrorists murdered a large number of the attendees, however due to a quick and swift Police response the violence was put down and the rally could continue." clearly showing disruption to the rally, and an attack during the rally not as the Defendant states "Only after the rally". In the third paragraph the article states "however as the events started to draw to a close another wave was undertaken by the terrorists who began to try and storm the congress building calling for a revolution.", an attempt to storm the Capitol building during the rally not as the Defendant states "Only after the rally". Both of these happen before the rally is over, the Defendant was at the rally, as evidence by the photos of the rally, the Defendant clearly read the article.

But the Defendant chose only to cherry pick one paragraph form the article in an attempt to mislead the court. This is perjury. A bold faced lie to build a false narrative.

As such this should be thrown out as it is false & misleading and the Defendant charged with another count of perjury.

The entire point of this lawsuit should be focused on the libel, instead it focuses on terrorism, lies, and past issues that have been solved by the DoJ and have been misrepresented by the Plaintiff to further his political career and to put the Defendant in a bad light and is suing me while doing the exact same thing in this lawsuit which is ironic. This player is known to create lawsuits for monetary gain, history speaks for itself, I believe this lawsuit if read carefully does all the providing for me without me even having to defend myself. I believe my proof shows the court that me and Lord_Donuticus have spoken before and I have told him I am no terrorist, I have expressed my distaste for terrorism well before the events that led up to this and he continues to lie about certain topics.

As explained before the need to enter the events of the terrorism by the Defendant was necessary to give context to the statement spoken and written by the Defendant. The Defendants own record and reputation as a terrorist is what made the comments, in particular the one about the Plaintiff asking "us" to come here. Without that context the statements while still slanderous are not as bad.

The Defendant has failed to provide any proof of a lie by the Plaintiff, nothing that the Plaintiff has said is a lie and yet the Defendants keeps repeating this as it it will magically become true. The Defendant committed acts of terror. The Defendant made the statements outlined in the complaint.

Once more the Defendant takes a final opportunity to try and discredit the lawsuit and the Plaintiff.

As such this should be thrown out as it is false & misleading. Furthermore it is irrelevant to the charges of perjury & libel which the plaintiff does not address.

As such your honor, the Plaintiff would move for the entire defense to be thrown out for being misleading, irrelevant and full of instances of perjury. Furthermore the Plaintiff would call for the maximum fine for perjury of $50,000 to be placed upon the Defendant for their many false statements, twisting of the truth and bold faced lies.

The only argument the Plaintiff can now make is to reiterate the facts of this lawsuit.

The Defendant said the things they are being accused of having said. The Defendant knows this and knows they cannot defend it. As such the Defendant has tried to make this a trial about whether or not they are a Terrorist.

The fact of the matter is, whether or not the Defendant is a terrorist is irrelevant. It doesn't matter to the facts of the case. The facts of the case are that the Defendant is guilty. The Defendant has done nothing to defend themselves.

Not once has the Defendant made any claims to refute the statements they made, or provide any legal reason that they are not slander or libelous comments. The Defendant lied then, the Defendant is lying now, and the Defendant will lie again in their next statement to this court.

The Defendant is a liar, that is a fact.
My response :

Is this a lawsuit for libel, or a criminal case trying to accuse the defendant of terrorism with lack of evidence, it's clear he is trying to mislead the courts and paint the defendant as a terrorist for his own purposes. This could have been resolved if he had spoken strictly on the libel, but creates lies to defame my name in hopes of leading the court on a untruthful journey. I have provided my reasons for calling him such a thing, reasons ranging from claiming I am a terrorist, to falsely claiming I attacked the DRP rally without providing evidence of me being there nor being charged with any crime of the sort. Falsely claiming I am some sort of ring leader, leader of who and what? I don't see evidence backing any claim being made by Lord_Donuticus, this lawsuit may provide evidence of libel, but the majority of it then goes into defaming my name for absolutely no reason just as he has done before I made these statements. Overall, this entire case is filled with irrelevant topics moving away from what I am being accused of by the plaintiff, he creates lies and untruthful claims that are not backed by any evidence.

The Plaintiff here is a manipulator of events, I have spoken to BubbaRC who was at the capitol "attack" that was far from an hour long attack, the only victim of this was BubbaRC where he died twice if I am not mistaken, after that it was fairly peaceful and dispersal orders were given, after the dispersal orders were given, it was peaceful with the occasional player running up the stairs for a few laughs, the police didn't seem too bothered by it.

Another reason I call Lord_Donuticus a terrorist and claim he told terrorists to come, which is half heartedly true, a player he has called a terrorist and a player banned from the DRP building for terrorism, was accepted to attend the capitol rally by Lord_Doniticus, regardless of if he knew who this was or not, it is true in a way he did allow a known terrorist to attend the rally against terrorism.

The claim of me having attacked a DRP rally with no evidence is a sham, the true organizer of the attack was GuitarBongo25, he himself admitted the motivation behind the attack was to get players arrested, he also admitted I did not even attend the rally which resulted in me not being arrested, if I were truly there and had attacked anyone, wouldn't the DoJ have arrested me? Lord_Donuticus falsely claiming these things with no evidence to back any claims whatsoever is perjury.



As you can see, the true organizer of the attack, not just on the DRP rally but the capitol attacks that only resulted in the death of one person, were majorly mislead by Lord_Donuticus, he continuously brings up irrelevant and untruthful claims purely to put me in a bad light.

Here you have the first attempt by GuitarBongo25 to cause issues at the rally Lord_Donuticus held, I was only giving out free chicken and speaking half hearted truths about Lord_Donuticus, who has repeatedly himself has done the same thing about my character, which is unfair that he may do something to me, but when I do the same back, he creates a lawsuit and continuously does the same throughout the lawsuit.

I have come here today summoned by the courts to defend myself against someone who has repeatedly done the same and much more against myself, this is a civil matter which is being used to defame and put a player to shame with lies and perjury.

I would like the courts to consider charging Lord_Donuticus with perjury, based on the false allegations of me attacking a DRP rally, based on false allegations of there being a massive terror attack and lying about the incident. I would also ask they review his legal licenses as this is not the only occasion of issues similar to this, I thank you for your time.
Okay. I appreciate both of your lengthy responses. I would now kindly ask that no more responses are made unless called for by me. Failing this may result in punishment.

I won't hear from the DoJ at this time, but I would ask both parties to now present their closing argument. Politely, may these responses sum up your respective arguments somewhat concisely. You are permitted to respond to each other's previous submissions in your closing argument but I will not be fielding any further objections.

The plaintiff will submit their closing argument first, with a subsequent response from the defendant. Again, please sum up your argument in this last submission.
In the absence of the ability to make further objections to the statements made by the defendant, of which there would have been numerous especially due to the fact that the Defendant has just lied several times in their last statement, the Plaintiff will keep this closing statement as concise as possible.

What we have seen in this case is another classic example of the Defendants behavior, mocking and belittling their victims. Repeatedly the Defendant has used the Plaintiffs own words in their arguments, repeatedly the Defendant has just mirrored any accusations made against themselves onto the Plaintiff. All of this is just a show, a big game for the Defendant.

The Defendant starts their statement with "Is this a lawsuit for libel, or a criminal case trying to accuse the defendant of terrorism with lack of evidence" I would remind the Defendant of their previous statement "I am here today without a lawyer due to continuous defamation allegations of me being a terrorist, so I apologize for my lack of knowledge on the court process." - The majority of the Plaintiffs time in this case has been spent objecting to the false and inflammatory statements made by the Defendant, those objections are not part of the case of the Plaintiff and the Plaintiff would much rather not have them included, but has had to because the Plaintiff wants to see justice done upon this Defendant.

But the Defendant knows that, the Plaintiff had literally outlined this in their previous statement with the phrase "The fact of the matter is, whether or not the Defendant is a terrorist is irrelevant.", but facts do not matter to this Defendant, only attacks.

Lastly, the Defendant makes several claims in there final statement, which I would have objected to, instead the Plaintiff will just refute them.

Firstly the claims of the Defendant that the Plaintiff is lying about the events of the Capitol Rally - Both the Plaintiff and the Defendant were at that rally, it started at 7PM EST and it was 9:26PM EST when the terrorists finally stopped - not under an hour as the Defendant claims. Throughout the rally the Plaintiff witnessed between 6-7 murders, both early on and then later in the rally, the DoJ would have been able to confirm this but they are clearly unavailable. Clearly once more the Defendant is lying or cherry picking information which is of benefit to them.

The claim that the Plaintiff invited terrorists to the rally is disgusting, one of the terrorist friends of the Defendant messaged the Plaintiff privately on Discord where their username was different in order to trick the Plaintiff, because they like to mock and belittle. The rally was advertised as no terrorists, and a stand against terrorism to show that citizens are not scared of these attacks. The funny thing here is, the Defendant clearly once again shows their complicity in the events. The image taken clearly shows a discord timestamp of "Today", the Defendant first shared that image on discord on the 4th. They have been working in close collaboration with a person they called a terrorist and probably giggling about all these events the entire time. Once more they try to mislead the court, to create a false narrative.

Finally the Defendants final claims, showing MC messages with no proof they happened when the Defendant is claiming they happen is ridiculous, this evidence easily could have been stage or fabricated. There is not much that the Plaintiff can say here.

The facts of this case is clear, the Defendant has tried to make this a trial about whether or not they are a terrorist, and later even a trial against the Plaintiff. The facts are the Defendant made those statements outlined in the original complaint, the facts are the Defendant is guilty and has no way of defending themselves, so chooses this avenues of lies, mockery and frankly intimidation.

The Plaintiff hopes that justice will be done here and the Defendant will be found guilty, not just of the crimes outlined in the original complaint but of the many cases of Perjury the Plaintiff has taken the time to prove happened throughout this case.

Thank you you honor.
Thank you for your time and patience in the matter, I apologize for having to defend myself on something irrelevant such as being accused of false attacks and terrorism without evidence by the Plaintiff, I wish the lawsuit was strictly focused on what I had said instead of jumping from one allegation to another for absolutely no reason other than to create a possibility of this lawsuit being finished in favor of the Plaintiffs false allegations, libel, and slander. Both of us are creating libel and slander, yet it only seems one of us will take accountability for their actions, and this player is not a certified lawyer, he is a citizen who has been labeled a terrorist from the start of the lawsuit by the Plaintiff and has had to defend his reputation and character.

Who has more to gain from creating fake stories and libel/slander, someone with no political affiliation or real goals on the server, or someone that owns a news organization, and someone running for house? He has been promoting anti terrorism, yet I have disproved the claims I am a terrorist, he needs someone who has made mistakes in the past and is disliked to put the blame on and create a headline.

I urge the courts to review the past and current lawsuit(s) he has created and to rethink the Plaintiffs law licenses as this is just one lawsuit of many that falsely tries to mislead the court for political gain, I do not understand why he picks me to become his arch nemesis, but I purely made a mistake on responding to slander with my own slander, I apologize to Lord_Doniticus and I hope he does the same for me and stops the slander and libel against me.


I thank both parties for their comprehensive responses. There has been a lengthy discussion of the facts and realities around attacks and whether responsibility has been fairly attributed to the defendant by the Senate. These discussions are beyond the scope of this claim. The matter at hand is the statements made regarding the plaintiff's affiliation with a terrorist movement.


The court does not feel to have received any sufficient explanation as to why the statements were made by the defendant. Indeed the defendant has alluded to the fact he has committed libel and slander in his submissions, but not provided justification for this nor provided a substantive counter-claim against the plaintiff. On the facts presented, the plaintiff has committed slander through his messages posted in the in-game chats and as such, I find in favour of the plaintiff. The messages go to the heart of the plaintiff's character, with the real intention of damaging public perception of the plaintiff. These messages have not been justified in this trial. I want to make clear that this is purely in relation to the claims of slander. This verdict is not in relation to responsibility for any attacks as that is not the matter before this court. While both parties have requested prosecution for perjury in this trial, I do not find the sufficient threshold to have been met for this. Further, the plaintiff's claim for payment of the DoJ's expenses is denied as he does not have standing regarding this matter.

As such, I order the defendant:

To pay the plaintiff the sum of $1500 in damages

To post a message in /ad at the earliest convenience to publicly retract their allegations. This will be confirmed to the plaintiff as soon as practicable after being made. This confirmation screenshot must show the full-text feed to ensure no reversal of this retraction has been made immediately before/afterwards. If the defendant is found to have made such a reversal, they will be subject to further, severe, punishment from the court.
