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The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:
Your honors, it is clear to me that we have hit a crisis point in our nation’s history. Given the unprecedented circumstances given before us, the people shall be pressing the charge of Treason against the defendant xEndeavour (“End”). The defendant has been meticulous in disobeying court orders, flagrantly calling the Supreme Court corrupt, and is now acting against an injunction of the Supreme Court. He has had every opportunity presented to him to fix his mistakes, yet he has abused these chances given to him to make the choice to double-down. This leaves the plaintiff with no option but to proceed with this court filing.
The plaintiff would like to note that this has nothing to do with the Department Reform Act itself and everything to do with the process and procedure of government itself. By unilaterally acting on his own, the defendant is undermining the authority of this government. At any point in time, if the defendant had stopped, backed down, and attempted to follow the correct process and procedure given out by both the Constitution and the Supreme Court, none of these events would have happened. Unfortunately, the defendant has doubled-down and continues to do so to prove a point, therefore, we too must also double-down, to prove the point that the process and procedure must be adhered and followed.
1. We, Members of the Citizens of Redmont, Plaintiff.
2. xEndeavour, Defendant.
1. Treason is defined as “Any party in federal office who is caught attempting to maliciously sabotage or undermine the stability, sovereignty, and/or national security of the government of Redmont.”
2. Treason is not a criminal charge per the Crime Severity Act (Act of Congress - Crime Severity Act), and though it’s alluded to, is not labeled a crime under its authorizing statute (Act of Congress - LDV Treason Act).
3. The charge of Treason was previously accepted by the Supreme Court in Matthew100x & xLayzur v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2022] SCR 20 and was not dismissed. The validity for the charge still exists as it was asked to be split into its own case.
4. End has called the Supreme Court corrupt within court and in public, has disobeyed court orders and injunctions, and has refused to respect court decorum in his initial treason case. This resulted in 50 contempt of court charges resulting in a fine of $122,000 dollars and a total of 1 hour of jail time. End is currently refusing to pay the fines.
5. End, in open defiance of an active injunction to shelve the referendum until all constitutional issues can be resolved, has decided to repost the referendum and actively campaign on the issue to see it passed.
6. The DLA has defended the defendant in the prior court case and has a conflict of interest in prosecuting a case against them for this matter.
7. While the Plaintiff insists these are civil charges, there exists evidence of citizens being allowed to make criminal charges.
8. This case will have Supreme Court Jurisdiction because only the Supreme Court shall hear cases that would remove a person/persons from the following
positions: Representatives, Secretary, Senator, Judge, Vice-President, Principal Officers, General Advisors, President, Executive Officers.
1. The defendant, by failing to post a referendum for a complex change of a constitutional amendment, maliciously undermined the government through incompetence. By shuffling the government positions around and creating two new departments and creating headaches for all members involved through improper procedure; the defendant damaged the stability of the government.
2. The defendant, by failing to adhere to Supreme Court decorum and calling the court corrupt, maliciously sabotaged the stability of the government of Redmont by disrespecting and undermining the authority of one of its highest institutions.
3. The defendant, by refusing to obey court injunctions, as seen by refusing to pay the 50 Contempt the Court charges and reposting the Department Reform Act referendum against the injunction court, has maliciously sabotaged the stability, by challenging the authority of Supreme Court of the constitution, the sovereignty, by attempting to forcibly change the constitution against the Supreme Court’s injunction, and national security, by undermining the authority and power of the Supreme Court.
The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. Three Charges of Treason for a total $75,000 dollars and a 6 month ban from office.
By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.
DATED: This 29th day of October, 2022.
Act of Congress - Department Reform Act - Posted on October 14th, passed on October 21st. - Notice the lack of referendum for the complex change
(Barring the referendum declared illegal by the Supreme Court and the currently illegally posted referendum).
- Evidence file of screenshots from Discord.
The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:
Your honors, it is clear to me that we have hit a crisis point in our nation’s history. Given the unprecedented circumstances given before us, the people shall be pressing the charge of Treason against the defendant xEndeavour (“End”). The defendant has been meticulous in disobeying court orders, flagrantly calling the Supreme Court corrupt, and is now acting against an injunction of the Supreme Court. He has had every opportunity presented to him to fix his mistakes, yet he has abused these chances given to him to make the choice to double-down. This leaves the plaintiff with no option but to proceed with this court filing.
The plaintiff would like to note that this has nothing to do with the Department Reform Act itself and everything to do with the process and procedure of government itself. By unilaterally acting on his own, the defendant is undermining the authority of this government. At any point in time, if the defendant had stopped, backed down, and attempted to follow the correct process and procedure given out by both the Constitution and the Supreme Court, none of these events would have happened. Unfortunately, the defendant has doubled-down and continues to do so to prove a point, therefore, we too must also double-down, to prove the point that the process and procedure must be adhered and followed.
1. We, Members of the Citizens of Redmont, Plaintiff.
2. xEndeavour, Defendant.
1. Treason is defined as “Any party in federal office who is caught attempting to maliciously sabotage or undermine the stability, sovereignty, and/or national security of the government of Redmont.”
2. Treason is not a criminal charge per the Crime Severity Act (Act of Congress - Crime Severity Act), and though it’s alluded to, is not labeled a crime under its authorizing statute (Act of Congress - LDV Treason Act).
3. The charge of Treason was previously accepted by the Supreme Court in Matthew100x & xLayzur v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2022] SCR 20 and was not dismissed. The validity for the charge still exists as it was asked to be split into its own case.
4. End has called the Supreme Court corrupt within court and in public, has disobeyed court orders and injunctions, and has refused to respect court decorum in his initial treason case. This resulted in 50 contempt of court charges resulting in a fine of $122,000 dollars and a total of 1 hour of jail time. End is currently refusing to pay the fines.
5. End, in open defiance of an active injunction to shelve the referendum until all constitutional issues can be resolved, has decided to repost the referendum and actively campaign on the issue to see it passed.
6. The DLA has defended the defendant in the prior court case and has a conflict of interest in prosecuting a case against them for this matter.
7. While the Plaintiff insists these are civil charges, there exists evidence of citizens being allowed to make criminal charges.
8. This case will have Supreme Court Jurisdiction because only the Supreme Court shall hear cases that would remove a person/persons from the following
positions: Representatives, Secretary, Senator, Judge, Vice-President, Principal Officers, General Advisors, President, Executive Officers.
1. The defendant, by failing to post a referendum for a complex change of a constitutional amendment, maliciously undermined the government through incompetence. By shuffling the government positions around and creating two new departments and creating headaches for all members involved through improper procedure; the defendant damaged the stability of the government.
2. The defendant, by failing to adhere to Supreme Court decorum and calling the court corrupt, maliciously sabotaged the stability of the government of Redmont by disrespecting and undermining the authority of one of its highest institutions.
3. The defendant, by refusing to obey court injunctions, as seen by refusing to pay the 50 Contempt the Court charges and reposting the Department Reform Act referendum against the injunction court, has maliciously sabotaged the stability, by challenging the authority of Supreme Court of the constitution, the sovereignty, by attempting to forcibly change the constitution against the Supreme Court’s injunction, and national security, by undermining the authority and power of the Supreme Court.
The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. Three Charges of Treason for a total $75,000 dollars and a 6 month ban from office.
By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.
DATED: This 29th day of October, 2022.
Act of Congress - Department Reform Act - Posted on October 14th, passed on October 21st. - Notice the lack of referendum for the complex change
(Barring the referendum declared illegal by the Supreme Court and the currently illegally posted referendum).
Lawsuit: Adjourned - Matthew100x & xLayzur v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2022] SCR 20
IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT CIVIL ACTION Matthew100x & xLayzur Plaintiff v. The Commonwealth of Redmont Defendant COMPLAINT Hello, your honor, my name is Matthew100x from Prodigium | Attorneys at Law and I’m joined by xLayzur from Prodigium | Attorneys at Law. I am...

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