Lawsuit: Dismissed Milqy v. Town of Oakridge


Former President
3rd Anniversary 2nd Anniversary 1st Anniversary Grave Digger
Dec 29, 2020

Milqy (LilDigiVert & Dusty_3 Representing)


Town of Oakridge


The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

In the re-regioning that took place after the Reveille transition, the Town of Oakridge illegally seized the gas station owned by Milqy. Despite being shown evidence of Milqy’s ownership of “OakGas”, the town and its mayor have refused to return the plot. This process has resulted in significant damages that are frankly unacceptable.

1. Milqy
2. Town of Oakridge

1. In September of 2022, Milqy acquired Emerald Co from ElainaThomas29 for $45,000. The acquisition included the only gas station in Oakridge, “OakGas”. [Exhibit A] [Exhibit B] The Mayor at the time of the Reveille transfer, WackJap, confirmed that Milqy was the owner of OakGas. [Exhibit C]
2. In October of 2022, right before the Hamilton map was deleted, Milqy reached out to the Oakridge council to ask “if there has been a plan on where the gas station in Oakridge will be moving to” in Reveille. The Council representative, Cofys, mentioned that there was no location yet, and that Milqy would be informed when a location was determined. [Exhibit D]
3. Milqy was never informed of a new location, and one was apparently never chosen, as current Oakridge mayor Galavance confirmed in #politics recently that the plot may have never been transferred in the first place. [Exhibit E]
4. The Town of Oakridge, and its mayor Galavance, recently pasted a gas station into Oakridge, but did not transfer ownership to Milqy.
5. When Milqy approached the Town of Oakridge about claiming the plot he paid for and previously legally owned, the mayor refused to accept the evidence (namely, the ticket in exhibit D that implies Milqy’s ownership of OakGas). [Exhibit F]
6. The Mayor of Oakridge, Galavance, rejects Milqy’s claim for the Oakridge Gas Station (which was named OakGas in Hamilton with “until you come here with documentation stating you own the Oakridge Gas Station and not a plot called ‘OakGas’ you will not be the owner of the gas station”,
7. Milqy and Hilton Gas have experienced negative impacts as a result of this.


1. Fraud 1: Changing the name to avoid transferring the plot

According to the White Collar Crackdown Act, fraud shall be defined as;” an intentional or reckless misrepresentation or omission of an important fact, especially a material one, to a victim who justifiably relies on that misrepresentation; and the victim party or entity suffered actual, quantifiable injury or damages as a result of the misrepresentation or omission.”

The Town of Oakridge, in selling the town’s gas station, under the name OakGas in the Hamilton world, and then transferring it to Reveille and building/replacing it with ANOTHER GAS STATION as a different plot name was a gross and dishonest scheme that relied on misrepresentation and omission of important facts. Had the Plaintiff, or any owner of OakGas, been made aware that their investment was going to disappear when the Reveille transition would happen, they would have changed their decision on buying the plot. Nevertheless, as seen in exhibits C and D, Milqy was the owner of Oakridge’s gas station, named OakGas at the time.

Regardless of the name that is listed in AreaShop, he should retain ownership of that plot. Anecdotally, plots in other towns (including Milqy’s gas station in Aventura) AND OAKRIDGE have changed names yet the governments still honor who owned the structure in the previous map. The change in names to seize a plot is a blatant scam and fraud on the part of Oakridge because the standards are seemingly only applied to the Plaintiff, who owned the Town’s only gas station. In this instance of fraud, the Plaintiff suffered quantifiable damages in the form of a lost plot and lost sales.

2. Fraud 2: Lying about the plot being transferred/the plot transfer process

According to the White Collar Crackdown Act, fraud shall be defined as;” an intentional or reckless misrepresentation or omission of an important fact, especially a material one, to a victim who justifiably relies on that misrepresentation; and the victim party or entity suffered actual, quantifiable injury or damages as a result of the misrepresentation or omission.”

The Town of Oakridge blatantly lied about whether the plot was going to be transferred to Reveille or not, with Milqy set as the owner. In Exhibit D, Cofys (implicitly acknowledging that Milqy owned OakGas) mentioned that his information relating to his plot transfer would be announced at a later date. It wasn’t. Fast forward several months, a new gas station appears in Oakridge with mayor Galavance set as the owner of the plot. When Milqy asked about the plot, he is told that his plot was not transferred over to the new Oakridge, and that he owned the “old” OakGas and not the “new” Oakridge gas station. This means that someone misrepresented the status of Milqy’s plot transfer; either it was going to be transferred to Reveille like every other plot in the town and he was going to retain his ownership, or that was never going to happen and the plot was always going to be illegally seized by the town. Either way, the Plaintiff was lied to by the Town of Oakridge and suffered tangible losses in the form of lost sales, a lost plot, and a lack of opportunity to find a replacement plot before the Reveille transition.

3. Violation of rights

Rights & Freedoms XV explains that “Every citizen has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.” Unfortunately for the Plaintiff, OakGas was seized without fair compensation as highlighted by the Eminent Domain Act. The materials that were in the gas station were also not vaulted by the town, another instance of an unlawful seizure.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. A good-faith, written public apology in the Oakridge discord’s announcements channel.
2. $7,500 for missing gas/supplies that were in OakGas.
3. $30,000 for the seizure of OakGas or $10,000 and ownership of Oakridge’s gas station.
4. $15,000 in lost sales.
5. $10,000 for the illegal seizure of property and items.
6. $1,000 in legal fees.

Scenario 1 Total: An apology and $63,500
Scenario 2 Total: An apology, Oakridge’s gas station, & $43,500

(Attach evidence and a list of witnesses at the bottom if applicable)

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

Exhibit D:

Exhibit E:

Exhibit F:

- WackJap
- ElainaThomas29
- Cofys
- OverlordofPeonys

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 26th day of January 2023
Your honor (whoever you end up being),

The Plaintiffs and Defendants have reached a settlement out of court.

We will notify the court once the agreed assets have been transferred.
The settlement has been completed, thank you all for your time.
This case is hereby dismissed at the request of the plaintiff.