Lawsuit: Adjourned Morgan, Sheraton, & Co. v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 34

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Alexander P. Love

Justice Department
Popular in the Polls Legal Eagle Statesman Order of Redmont
Jun 2, 2021

Morgan, Sheraton, & Co. (Represented by Dragon Law Firm)


The Commonwealth of Redmont

The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

On February 10th, 2024, an eviction auction for s051 commenced. The details of this auction simply were a starting bid of $25,230, a minimum increment of $500, and an expiration time of 24 hours after the final bid. With those parameters, several bids were placed over the course of eight days, culminating in an auction pause. After that auction pause, it was suddenly announced that many bids by the plaintiff were invalidated, resulting in a win for Dragons1ayer343. This win, however, was not a legal one.

1. Morgan, Sheraton, & Co. (Plaintiff, Referred to as MSC)
2. Nexalin (Agent of MSC)
3. Department of Construction and Transportation (Tortfeasor)
4. The Commonwealth of Redmont (Defendant)
5. Nacholebraa (Agent of the DCT)
6. ko531 (Auctioneer)

1. On February 10th, 2024, an eviction auction for s051 commenced. The details of this auction simply were a starting bid of $25,230, a minimum increment of $500, and an expiration time of 24 hours after the final bid (Exhibit A).
2. On February 18th, 2024 at 12:12PM EST, Dragons1ayer343 posted a bid of "499,500" (Exhibit B).
3. On February 18th, 2024 at 12:18PM EST, Nacholebraa paused the auction under allegations of "false bids." This pause would stop the clock, as it prevented new bids and paused all aspects of the auction (Exhibit B).
4. On February 19th, 2024 at 1:49PM EST, Nacholebraa unexpectedly and prematurely announced the conclusion of the auction, finding a winner when the auction actually was not yet over (Exhibit C).
5. The "winning" bid was placed by Dragons1ayer343 on February 18th, 2024 at 12:26AM EST, less than 12 hours before the auction was paused (link) (Exhibit D), valued at "480,000 ( bank)".
6. Nexalin, on behalf of MSC, posted a bid of "$50,500" on February 10th, 2024 at 4:03PM EST, the only bid in the entire auction to contain a dollar sign or any terminology denoting units (Exhibits E, F, and G).

1. The Foundation of Contract Law (link) stipulates that an offer, such as a bid in an auction for which the consideration is a property, may not be ambiguous per Section 6.2: "It cannot be vague or ambiguous". Bids that do not specify units are not valid offers and thus should be disregarded per precedent established in BubblyBo v. MysticPhunky (link). Additionally, the original terms of the auction stipulate its values in dollars, only offers that bid in dollars are acceptable (IE one cannot legally bid 30,000 gold ingots in this auction). Since the bid of $50,500 stated dollars as the units via the dollar sign and it was the only bid that did so, it should be treated as the winning bid. No other valid offers, and therefore bids, were made within 24 hours after the bid of $50,500. Per the terms of the auction, MSC should be awarded the property s051 in exchange for $50,500.
2. After the pause was lifted, there should have been 12 hours and eight minutes left of bidding per the auction terms (24 hours after the final bid) if the "winning" bid really was the winning bid. The pause effectively stopped the clock and prevented more bids, so it should have also frozen the actual bidding time itself. Therefore, my client had the potential to place a valid and winning bid after the pause which was expressly denied. This breaches fairness of the auction and constitutes breach of contract. The term governing duration was not honored by the Commonwealth, constituting a negligent breach leading to civil damages.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1a. The property s051 be transferred from the defendant to the plaintiff immediately.
1b. $50,500 to be transferred from the plaintiff to the defendant in a reasonable timeframe.
2a. The auction to immediately be resumed for an additional 12 hours and 8 minutes, pinging all people who previously placed a bid (valid or not) to allow for fair bidding.
3a. 20% of the monetary winnings in this case in the form of legal fees awarded to Dragon Law Firm.
3b. Given the massive space within and the plaintiff's plans for utilizing the building that have been hindered, $2,500 in opportunity cost daily from the 19th (if claim 1 is accepted, from the 12th) until the conclusion of this case.
3c. $100,000 in punitive damages for the outrageous, brash, and negligent conduct of the Department of Construction and Transportation. This breach of contract is a serious one, added to the fact there are technically TWO major holes in the conduct of the Department pointed out earlier.

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1. Nexalin
2. Nacholebraa
3. Dragons1ayer343
4. ko531

Given the Department's desire to hastily transfer this property, an emergency faces us. Dragons1ayer343 is not the rightful owner of the property and could cause irreversible damage to the property by then selling it, modifying it, or otherwise altering the integrity of the property in its current form. Therefore, I motion to freeze the property and for the Court to order the DCT to hold on to the property without modifying it in any way for the duration of this case, and to also reverse any bidding transactions that have already occurred.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 19th day of February 2024


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@Snowy_Heart is required to appear before the court in the case of the Morgan Sheraton & Co v. Commonwealth of Redmont. Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment in favour of the plaintiff.

I'd also like to remind both parties to be aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​


Morgan, Sheraton, & Co. (Represented by Dragon Law Firm)



The Commonwealth of Redmont



1. The Defense AFFIRMS that an eviction auction for s051 commenced on February 10th 2024.

2. The Defense AFFIRMS that on February 18th 2024 Dragons1ayer343 posted a bid of 499,500.

3. The Defense DISPUTES that on February 18th 2024 Nacholebraa paused the auction under allegations of ‘false bids.’

4. The Defense DISPUTES that Nacholebraa unexpectedly and prematurely announced the conclusion of the auction on February 19th 2024.

5. The Defense DISPUTES that the ‘winning’ bid was placed by Dragons1ayer343 on February 18th 2024 at 12:26 EST, less than 12 hours before the auction was paused.

6. The Defense DISPUTES that Nexalin, on behalf of MSC, posted a bid of "$50,500" on February 10th, 2024 at 4:03PM EST, the only bid in the entire auction to contain a dollar sign or any terminology denoting units.


3. The exhibit does not mention any allegations of ‘false bids.’ The exhibit states, that the auction was paused due to being under review per guideline violations.

4. The conclusion of the auction was not unexpected, nor premature. The auction has been paused in order to be reviewed per guideline violations and once the investigation concluded, the invalid bids have been disqualified.

5. The winning bid was placed by Dragons1ayer343 on February 18th 2024 at 01:26 EST. The auction was paused at 13:18 EST on February 18th 2024.

6. We do not know if Nexalin’s bid was placed on behalf of MSC, as there is no mention of that in the bid, nor any of the exhibits.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.
Thank you, we will be moving onto Discovery now, this will last for a period of 7 days.

These are the rules for submission that we will be following:

Rule 4.8 (Interrogatories)​

The Plaintiff and Defendant may ask up to 5 relevant questions while within discovery to each other that they must answer truthfully and to the best of their ability. Answers to Interrogatories must be made within 48 hours of being asked. Objections to Interrogatories must be made within 24 hours. Requests for Interrogatories must be made 72 hours prior to the end of discovery.

Rule 4.9 (Witness Protocol)​

A party may submit a list for witnesses at any time before the end of discovery. In order for a witness to be called during witness testimony, they must be announced under this rule, during discovery. Any witness may be objected to according to the objections laid out within rule 6.3.

Failure to adhere to the timelines of this rule may subject that party to a contempt of court charge at the presiding judge’s decision. The presiding judge shall include a warning regarding the timeline when summoning the witness.

1. Isn't it true Nexalin's bid was the only one with a dollar sign?
2. Given your expert legal knowledge, isn't it true precedent states valid bids must include units?
3. Isn't it true the DLA under you recommended to agencies of the Commonwealth that valid bids must include units, and to handle auctions accordingly?
4. How much money did Nexalin have in his balance at the time he placed the bid?

The plaintiff shall reserve the right to ask up to one more question at a later date during discovery.
Plaintiff Witness List
1. Nexalin
2. Nacholebraa
3. Dragons1ayer343
4. ko531
Alright now that the 7 days have passed and Discovery is now over, we will be moving onto Opening Statements.
The Plaintiff has 72 hours to post their Opening Statement.
Alright now that the 7 days have passed and Discovery is now over, we will be moving onto Opening Statements.
The Plaintiff has 72 hours to post their Opening Statement.
Your honor, the interrogatory has yet to be addressed. I request the Court to compel the answers to the questions asked previously, and to suspend the requirement to post an opening statement until they are answered.
Apologies I missed the Interrogatory. The Defense has 48 hours to respond to the Interrogatory.

1. Isn't it true Nexalin's bid was the only one with a dollar sign?
2. Given your expert legal knowledge, isn't it true precedent states valid bids must include units?
3. Isn't it true the DLA under you recommended to agencies of the Commonwealth that valid bids must include units, and to handle auctions accordingly?
4. How much money did Nexalin have in his balance at the time he placed the bid?

The plaintiff shall reserve the right to ask up to one more question at a later date during discovery.
Response to interrogatory
1. I am unsure as to which specific bid you are talking about.
2. I am unsure.
3. I do not remeber.
4. I am unsure.
Alright now that the 7 days have passed and Discovery is now over, we will be moving onto Opening Statements.
The Plaintiff has 72 hours to post their Opening Statement.
The Plaintiff is hereby found in Contempt of Court for failure to post their Opening Statement.

The Defense now has 72 hours to post their Opening Statement. The 72 hours start tomorrow given the Easter Holiday.
The Plaintiff is hereby found in Contempt of Court for failure to post their Opening Statement.

The Defense now has 72 hours to post their Opening Statement. The 72 hours start tomorrow given the Easter Holiday.
Umm your honor… it has not been 72 hours after they posted the response to interrogatory. This is a motion to reconsider.
Oh apologies, I missed the section regarding the pausing of the Opening Statement. I will be granting the Motion to Reconsider then.

You have 72 hours starting from this message.
Your honor, the case is simple. Nexalin was screwed out of a property that should have been his. First, the defense cannot prove Nexalin didn't have the money in his balance at the time, so his lack of stating "(bank)" next to his bid cannot be used against him. Second, auctions cannot be paused legally as the auction serves as a legally-binding contract. A party cannot just "pause" a contract when it is convenient for them. Third, even if you could pause an auction, there should have been some bidding time after the auction was unpaused (12 hours and eight minutes). If an auction would be paused, that should also pause bidding time, meaning leftover bidding time should have been added to the end after the unpause. The auction was simply terminated immediately after being unpaused, allowing my client no chance to place further bids and throwing the auction in favor of a friend of the auctioneer. Fourth and finally, only Nexalin had a valid bid in the first place with units. Precedent establishes contracts may not be ambiguous, and that there should be a dollar sign in auctions. The only offer that included a dollar sign was Nexalin's bid of $50,500 and no other legal offer was made the following 24 hours. This means that bid was the winning bid, and legally should be treated as such. The Court should transfer the property to the plaintiff and make other Court orders necessary to make this fair. Thank you.
Alright, the Defense now has 72 hours to provide their Opening Statement.
The Commonwealth of Redmont is hereby found in Contempt of Court, I order the Department of Justice to jail/fine appropriately.

With that I will be issuing summons for the witnesses shortly.


@Nexalin @Nacho @Dragons1ayer343 @ko531 are required to appear before the court in the case of Morgan Sheraton Co v. Commonwealth of Redmont. Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a Contempt of Court charge.​
Your Honor, Upon assuming responsibility for this case on behalf of Dragon, I observed that an EMERGENCY INJUNCTION was overlooked in the original complaint. I respectfully request that you reconsider and render a decision on this matter. The Emergency Injunction is vital to safeguarding my client from any additional harm. I have included the original EMERGENCY INJUNCTION for your reference below.

Given the Department's desire to hastily transfer this property, an emergency faces us. Dragons1ayer343 is not the rightful owner of the property and could cause irreversible damage to the property by then selling it, modifying it, or otherwise altering the integrity of the property in its current form. Therefore, I motion to freeze the property and for the Court to order the DCT to hold on to the property without modifying it in any way for the duration of this case, and to also reverse any bidding transactions that have already occurred.


@Snowy_Heart is required to appear before the court in the case of the Morgan Sheraton & Co v. Commonwealth of Redmont. Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment in favour of the plaintiff.

I'd also like to remind both parties to be aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​
Present, your honor
Your Honor, Upon assuming responsibility for this case on behalf of Dragon, I observed that an EMERGENCY INJUNCTION was overlooked in the original complaint. I respectfully request that you reconsider and render a decision on this matter. The Emergency Injunction is vital to safeguarding my client from any additional harm. I have included the original EMERGENCY INJUNCTION for your reference below.

Given the Department's desire to hastily transfer this property, an emergency faces us. Dragons1ayer343 is not the rightful owner of the property and could cause irreversible damage to the property by then selling it, modifying it, or otherwise altering the integrity of the property in its current form. Therefore, I motion to freeze the property and for the Court to order the DCT to hold on to the property without modifying it in any way for the duration of this case, and to also reverse any bidding transactions that have already occurred.
Apologies for missing this, the Emergency Injunction is approved and the Department of Justice is to hold onto the property for the duration of this case.

You may also begin questioning the Witnesses. Please provide questions within 48 hours.
Questions for the witnesses


1. Were you bidding on behalf of yourself or another entity or individual?
2. Did you have intentions to fulfill payment for the auction if you emerged as the highest bidder?


1. In the eviction of s051, what timeframe would have constituted 24 hours after Dragons1ayer343's last bid?
2. Did the DCT nullify Nexalin's bids? If so, what were the reasons behind this decision? Were all bids invalidated or just some?
3. When you halted the DCT auction, what prompted this action?
4. What was the final winning bid?


1. What is the DCT's policy regarding the inclusion of the "$" sign in a player's bid during a DCT auction?


1. What was the specific bid you submitted that secured victory in the auction?
2. Which banks do you hold accounts with?

Your Honor, we respectfully seek permission to pose follow-up questions after.
"What is the DCT's policy regarding the inclusion of the "$" sign in a player's bid during a DCT auction?"

There is no written policy for the DCT when it comes to either needing or not needing a $ for your bid. I know the DOC does have that policy but as the DCT runs Eviction auctions we dont have to follow DOC policy. I for one usually dont care and will allow bids without $ sign as the context of what currencey is being used in each auction is clear since the starting bid for every eviction auction is listed with a $ sign.
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  1. Were you bidding on behalf of yourself or another entity or individual?
    - I was bidding on behalf of my company.
  2. Did you have intentions to fulfill payment for the auction if you emerged as the highest bidder?
    - Yes I had intentions to fulfill my winning bid
1. In the eviction of s051, what timeframe would have constituted 24 hours after Dragons1ayer343's last bid?
Your Honor, I don't understand what this question is asking. Can council please rephrase the question.

2. Did the DCT nullify Nexalin's bids? If so, what were the reasons behind this decision? Were all bids invalidated or just some?
Objection Compound—Your Honor, I ask that the plaintiff's counsel rephrase this question as it is very concluded and has various parts.

3. When you halted the DCT auction, what prompted this action?
The DCT received a complaint from a player indicating that a bidder was not following the guidelines established within the #realestate channel. I've attached the guidelines I used in the original discussion on the auction thread.

4. What was the final winning bid?
As found within the DCT announcement within the auction thread.
Your Honor, I will rephrase questions 1 and 2 for the witness, but I must ask that you deny his objection as the witness cannot make such objections, as stated in the objections guide. "A compound question can be objected to by opposing counsel." Nacho is not representing the commonwealth, and furthermore, a witness should never make an objection.

  1. Regarding the eviction of s051, what would the time be 24 hours after Dragons1ayer343's winning bid?
  2. Did the DCT nullify Nexalin's bids?
Follow-up questions:
You mentioned that the DCT received a complaint from a player indicating that a bidder was not following the guidelines established within the #realestate channel.
  1. Which bidder was reported?
I will deny the Objection simply because the Plaintiff restructured the question thus nullifying the Objection.
Your Honor, I will rephrase questions 1 and 2 for the witness, but I must ask that you deny his objection as the witness cannot make such objections, as stated in the objections guide. "A compound question can be objected to by opposing counsel." Nacho is not representing the commonwealth, and furthermore, a witness should never make an objection.

  1. Regarding the eviction of s051, what would the time be 24 hours after Dragons1ayer343's winning bid?
  2. Did the DCT nullify Nexalin's bids?
Follow-up questions:
You mentioned that the DCT received a complaint from a player indicating that a bidder was not following the guidelines established within the #realestate channel.
  1. Which bidder was reported?
1. I do not recall at this time.
2. Yes, the DCT, upon review of the reported bids did nullify the bids.

Follow Up Questions
1. Nexalin was the bidder reported.
1. I do not recall at this time.
2. Yes, the DCT, upon review of the reported bids did nullify the bids.

Follow Up Questions
1. Nexalin was the bidder reported.

Follow-up questions:

1. Could you review the auction thread and inform the court of the time exactly 24 hours after the winning bid was made?

2. Which of Nexalin's bids were rendered null and void?

3. What where Nexalin's bids reported for?
Follow-up questions:

1. Could you review the auction thread and inform the court of the time exactly 24 hours after the winning bid was made?

2. Which of Nexalin's bids were rendered null and void?

3. What where Nexalin's bids reported for?
Follow Up Questions
1. I am unsure of what you are looking for as an answer. Could you be more specific?
2. The ones reported by the player.
3. Objection - Asked Answered - I have already provided this answer within a previous answer.
Follow Up Questions
1. I am unsure of what you are looking for as an answer. Could you be more specific?
2. The ones reported by the player.
3. Objection - Asked Answered - I have already provided this answer within a previous answer.

1. Could you please examine the auction and inform the court what the time was 24 hours after the winning bid was made?

2. Kindly provide a rundown of each of Nexalin's bids that have been nullified, including the amount and the time they were placed.

3. I withdraw this question as I now realize it has been addressed previously.
1. Could you please examine the auction and inform the court what the time was 24 hours after the winning bid was made?

2. Kindly provide a rundown of each of Nexalin's bids that have been nullified, including the amount and the time they were placed.

3. I withdraw this question as I now realize it has been addressed previously.
Follow Up Questions
1. I believe it would be around midnight on 2/19/24. If this is the wrong point please let me know as I think that is what you were looking for.
2. I cannot recall the specific bids at this time.
Follow Up Questions
1. I believe it would be around midnight on 2/19/24. If this is the wrong point please let me know as I think that is what you were looking for.
2. I cannot recall the specific bids at this time.
1. So you don't have a list of reported bids?

2. Does the DCT keep track of reports?
1. So you don't have a list of reported bids?

2. Does the DCT keep track of reports?
1. As I am no longer the Secretary, my access to channels and information has significantly changed. If you would like to provide evidence to refresh my memory, I would happily confirm or deny the information.

2. The DCT takes reports individually through DCT Support Tickets. However, the DCT does not have access to the specific ticket threads. Only the reporting person has the ability to check the logs.
We'll return to those reports shortly.

1. At what time did you pause the auction?
1. Off the top of my head, around noon on the 18th.

1. Did you pause the auction after 24 hours of the winning bid, or was it less than 24 hours?
1. Did you pause the auction after 24 hours of the winning bid, or was it less than 24 hours?
1. The Department paused the auction when the report was filed and began our review.
1. Please answer the question did you pause the auction after 24 hours of the declared winning bid or less?
1. Please answer the question did you pause the auction after 24 hours of the declared winning bid or less?
1. You just changed the question... But I am not sure of the exact time frame. I recall that we paused it within 10 minutes of getting the report.
Moving forward.

1. According to your records, the last bid was placed on 2/18/2024 at 12:26 AM EST, and the auction was paused on the same day at 12:18 PM EST. Is that a 24-hour difference?
Moving forward.

1. According to your records, the last bid was placed on 2/18/2024 at 12:26 AM EST, and the auction was paused on the same day at 12:18 PM EST. Is that a 24-hour difference?
1. Which records are you quoting? You didn't submit them within your question.
You provided a screenshot displaying the winning bid.

Objection Compound—Your Honor, I ask that the plaintiff's counsel rephrase this question as it is very concluded and has various parts.

The DCT received a complaint from a player indicating that a bidder was not following the guidelines established within the #realestate channel. I've attached the guidelines I used in the original discussion on the auction thread.
View attachment 42865

As found within the DCT announcement within the auction thread. View attachment 42864
1. Was the auction ever resumed by the DCT to accept additional official bids?
Questions for the witnesses


1. Were you bidding on behalf of yourself or another entity or individual?
2. Did you have intentions to fulfill payment for the auction if you emerged as the highest bidder?


1. In the eviction of s051, what timeframe would have constituted 24 hours after Dragons1ayer343's last bid?
2. Did the DCT nullify Nexalin's bids? If so, what were the reasons behind this decision? Were all bids invalidated or just some?
3. When you halted the DCT auction, what prompted this action?
4. What was the final winning bid?


1. What is the DCT's policy regarding the inclusion of the "$" sign in a player's bid during a DCT auction?


1. What was the specific bid you submitted that secured victory in the auction?
2. Which banks do you hold accounts with?

Your Honor, we respectfully seek permission to pose follow-up questions after.
@Dragons1ayer343 you are to answer the two questions within 48 hours.
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