Lawsuit: Pending MrCheesGuy (Formerly siebelol7) v. ForeverShadow1 [2025] DCR 15

Good evening, Mr. MeneerLolo. Thank you for your presence here today.

1. Can you confirm your tenancy on the willow plot wl-f086 on January 19th, 2025?
2. Was the plaintiff on the willow plot when the defendant entered wl-f086?
3. Could you describe the events leading up to the defendants entry into wl-f086 on that date?
4. Can you detail the events that transpired after the Plaintiff had requested the defendant to leave?
5. How did the defendant's actions affect the farming operations on wl-f086 following the incident?
6. Can you describe the extent of the disruptions caused by the defendant's actions during the incident?
1: Yes i can i was at the moment harvesting Sugarcane for paper
2:Yes he was he was working on potatoes or wheat
3: No i cant. at the time we had no history with him he entered without any reason
4: The Defendant Got mad and started killing us
5: he stopped our production wich caused us to lose thousands of dollars and all the clues were disrupting our farms Sugarcane couldnt grow anymore causen our firework production to stop almost entirely
6: It caused physical damage, emotional distress, financial loss and public disturbance Meneer_Lolo (me) and the defendant (MrCheeseGuy) Both got affected by all of these reasons
Your honor, the Plaintiff's Legal Counsel has no further questions.
The defense has 48 hours to cross-examine, followed by 48 hours for the witness to answer.
Good evening, Mr. MeneerLolo. The defense has two questions for you:

1. To clarify, were you the one renting plot wl-f086 on January 19th, 2025?
2. What is your relationship with MrCheesGuy?
Good evening, Mr. MeneerLolo. The defense has two questions for you:

1. To clarify, were you the one renting plot wl-f086 on January 19th, 2025?
2. What is your relationship with MrCheesGuy?
1 no i wasnt. MrCheeseGuy was the one who currently owned the plot
2 he is my father, boss, and bussiness partner
You have 24 hours to ask any follow-up questions.
1 no i wasnt. MrCheeseGuy was the one who currently owned the plot
2 he is my father, boss, and bussiness partner
3. If MrCheesGuy was the one who was renting the plot, what tenancy on the plot did you intend to confirm when answering the Plaintiff's first question?
i was his employee



This does not answer the question that was asked. The personal relationship between the witness and MrCheesGuy was already asked and answered in the defense's second question. The defense's third question asked what tenancy the witness confirmed in their answer to the Plaintiff's first question.

I will be striking both the question and answer. Please rephrase it to be more clear.
I will be striking both the question and answer. Please rephrase it to be more clear.
Your Honor,

The Plaintiff's Legal Counsel was not given a chance to respond to the objection. The plaintiff's legal counsel is allowed up to 24 hours to respond to the objection, according to the Courts Guide to Objections, under "Answer to the Objection".
The court has ruled that both the question and answer are out of line, regardless of any objections. If you would like me to reconsider my ruling, please make an appropriate motion.
Public Defender, please display appropriate credentials and proof of representation within 24 hours.
Public Defender, please display appropriate credentials and proof of representation within 24 hours.
I hope this is sufficient. If the court was instead looking for different credentials, could the court please clarify what credentials they intended to be displayed?

Proof of Representation.jpg

You have 24 hours to provide any more follow-up questions.
3. You previously confirmed your tenancy on plot wl-f086 on January 19th 2025, who were you renting this plot from at that date?
. You previously confirmed your tenancy on plot wl-f086 on January 19th 2025, who were you renting this plot from at that date?



The Defendant incorrectly stated to the witness in Question 3 that “You previously confirmed your tenancy on plot wl-f086 on January 19th 2025”. However the witness clearly stated that he did not rent the plot, stating “no i wasn't. MrCheeseGuy was the one who currently owned the plot” from the Defendants 1st Question on the 19th of March 10.54am UTC.




The Defendant incorrectly stated to the witness in Question 3 that “You previously confirmed your tenancy on plot wl-f086 on January 19th 2025”. However the witness clearly stated that he did not rent the plot, stating “no i wasn't. MrCheeseGuy was the one who currently owned the plot” from the Defendants 1st Question on the 19th of March 10.54am UTC.

Your Honor, the Plaintiff's first question " Can you confirm your tenancy on the willow plot wl-f086 on January 19th, 2025?" was answered by the witness with "Yes i can". The statement that the witness previously confirmed their tenancy on plot wl-f086 on January 19th 2025 is therefore correct.
Witness, are you aware of what tenancy is? Please reply in 24 hours and declare if you have any amendments to your answers on the basis of this.
Then why did you answer the questions pertaining to it?
Or why did you not research the definition? This is to be answered 24 hours from the original message.