Lawsuit: Dismissed MrFluffy2U94 v. zLost [2023] FCR 105


Construction & Transport Department
Aventura Resident
Legal Eagle 4th Anniversary Order of Redmont Change Maker
Building Inspector
Jul 21, 2023




The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:


1. ZLost

1. On December 15th, 2023, I won a DCT eviction auction for the plots C024, C025 and C026. Immediately upon bidding, ZLost and some of his cronies began inquiring as to my plans. It was immediately assumed that I would demolish the existing structure. ZLost proceeded to comment back on the auction thread telling me what I should do with the property.

2. On December 16th 2023 at approximately 8:15 AM I got online to begin my demolition of the structure to build a new structure. Once ZLost realized that I was demolishing the structure, he proceeded to trespass after repeated requests for him to vacate the premise, and proceeded to assualt, murder and harrass myself as I was trying to work on my own property. This has resulted in delays in the construction process, costing me money, resulted in 3 deaths, and continued harrassment and emotional trauma. After approximately 10 minutes of abuse that was not documented on video, upon the 2nd murder that ZLost committed, I proceeded to video the altercation, in which you can clearly see my continued attempts to request that the defendant leave my property, and quit harassing me to which to defendant ignored, and continued in their ways. The defendant and his friends have continued this harassment on the discord auction thread, where they continue their harassment.

3. On December 16th 2023at approximately 11:25 AM I got back online in hopes to continue my progress, hoping that ZLost would be offline. Within minutes of getting online, he proceeded to log in and come back to property to continue to abuse. This time, lasting almost 10 minutes, with several murders and abuse. This time he also caused damages to items that I was wearing which he addresses in the video. I lost a pair of Ultra Netherite Leggings and a Netherite Pickaxe to to degradation while the defendant continually attacked and harassed me.

As these are 2 separate instances, I have doubled my prayers for relief as I am seeking the maximum compensation for both offenses in this lawsuit.
1. The Verbal Threatening Act clearly states the following :
13.1 - Verbal Threats
This is active when a player is threatening another player with the use of any type of weaponry or through any forms of communication in order to put them in danger or prompt them to commit an action.
Per Offense: $60 Fine
2. The Violent Offenses Act clearly states the following:
13.12 Assault
The act of hitting a player, causing a loss of more than 3 hearts; or putting them in a place of danger (such as pointing a weapon at them).
Per Offense: $100 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time
13.13 - Attempted Murder
The act of repetitively hitting a player, causing a loss of more than 3 hearts. This crime overrides Assault.
Per Offense: $75 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time
13.16 - Harassment, Alarm, or Distress
The act of disorderly behavior towards an individual or a group of individuals, that may be deemed to a reasonable person as causing harassment, alarm, or distress.
Minimum Sentencing: $500 Fine
Maximum Sentencing: $10,000 Fine + 60 Minutes Jail Time
13.18 - Murder
The act of unlawfully killing another player. This law overrides attempted murder, assault, and trespassing.
Per Offence: $100 fine + 10 minutes jail time
13.22 - Trespass
The act of entering or being in a place without the consent of the owner, occupier or person having control or management of the place; or to remain in the place after being requested by a person in authority to leave the place.
Per Offense: $100 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time

The combination of all of these charges and the evidence that these actions were performed repeatedly several times, clearly shows a pattern of harassment by the defendant, and caused me great emotional, punitive damages, and caused me to log off for several hours due to my fear of being attacked again as soon as I log in. If an individual and company are not able to simply be protected and perform work on their own properties without being free from attack, bullying and constant harassment then this law is being severally undermined and DC as a whole is suffering for it. I implore you as the unbiased judiciary that you are to STOP this unnecessary and unwarranted harassment and show the citizens that you will hold all bullies accountbale for their actions.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. I am seeking $20,000 for punitive damages to prevent the defendant from committing these outrageous acts again.
2. I am seeking an additional $20,000 for punitive damages, as this has led to significant delays in the operation of my development company Redmont Development LLC.
3. I am seeking $20,000 in emotional damages due to the phycological stress, fear, and pain the defendant has caused.
4. I am seeking $20,000 for my loss of enjoyment in Redmont.
5. I am seeking the following charges be pursued against the defendant for verbal threats, attempted murder, murder, harassment, and trespassing to their maximum allowable fines and jail time, as the defendant is a longstanding member of the server and is well aware of the law with their consequences. As you can see in the video, there are several counts of murder, attempted murder and trespass towards the end, harassment and verbal threatening and all of these issues should be dealt with in a criminal manner as well.

Screenshot 2023-12-16 082657.png

Screenshot 2023-12-16 105935.png

C. Video from 12-16 8:15 AM
D. Video from 12-16 11:25 AM
Z Lost Harassment 2
E. I call into evidence a few previous precedents that have been set in regard to harassment as follows for the courts consideration:

Smokeyybunnyyy V. GisUsAQuiche [2023] FCR 89​

JediAJMan v. FoniWeiss [2023] DCR 29​

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 16th day of December 2023.

The defendant is required to appear before the court in the case of the MrFluffy2U94 v. zLost. Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment in favour of the plaintiff.

I'd also like to remind both parties to be aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​
Your honor, I apologize for this but I request a 96 hour extension as tonight I have to go to the airport, after which I won't have access to internet for a few days.
Extension granted. You have an additional 96 hours to post a response.
Your Honor, I apologize for not being able to put out an answer to complaint in time. But I request that this case does not go into default judgement, as I've now settled and am able to access the internet easily.
Lovely Lawfirm will be representing Zlost in theis case.






1. The Defense affirms that ZLost was unhappy about MrFluffy2U94 destroying some of Redmont's history.
2. The Defense denies that ZLost trespassed on the property.
3. The Defense denies that ZLost attempted to murder MrFluffy2U94.
4. The Defense denies that ZLost assaulted MrFluffy2U94.
5. The Defense disputes that ZLost caused $20,000 worth of delay to MrFluffy2U94.
6. The Defense disputes that MrFluffy2U94 was emotionally damaged in the situation.


1. ZLost could not have committed Trespassing, as in section 5, article 7 of the Violent Offences Act, it states that "This law overrides attempted murder, assault, and trespassing." Therefore, if ZLost committed murder, he couldn't have committed trespassing.
2. ZLost could not have committed Assault, as in section 5, article 7 of the Violent Offences Act, it states that "This law overrides attempted murder, assault, and trespassing." Therefore, if ZLost committed murder, he couldn't have committed Assault.
3. ZLost could not have committed Attempted Murder, as section 5, article 7 of the Violent Offences Act states that "This law overrides attempted murder, assault, and trespassing." So if ZLost committed murder, he couldn't have committed ATTEMPTED murder.
4. The Plaintiff stated that he hopped on 3h after the time in which he claims the Defendant harassed him. He then asked for $20,000, valuing his time at $6,700 per hour or $111 per minute.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED:*This 26th day of 12 2023

Evidence A is cropped and does not show that it is the Plaintiff's screen; all it shows is a death and messages from ZLost. Therefore, making it improper evidence.


ZLost has already been punished for the action of murder when the Plaintiff reported him using /complaint, which can be seen in evidence D and C.


A Netherite pickaxe could not be destroyed by ZLost hitting the Plaintiff, as this only deals damage to armour.
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Evidence A is cropped and does not show that it is the Plaintiff's screen; all it shows is a death and messages from ZLost. Therefore, making it improper evidence.


ZLost has already been punished for the action of murder when the Plaintiff reported him using /complaint, which can be seen in evidence D and C.


A Netherite pickaxe could not be destroyed by ZLost hitting the Plaintiff, as this only deals damage to armour.
Breach of Procedure

Your honor,

The defense did not follow the proper formatting or requirements in posting their objections, as no official reason for the objections was listed. I am requesting that the court strike these improper objections from the record for breach of procedure.
The Prosecution's objection is sustained. The Defense's objections will be struck. Please refile the Objections with proper formatting. Any subsequent objections not following format will be struck and the counsel will be held in contempt.

We will now move on to the Discovery phase of the trial. Please provide any additional evidence or a list of witnesses within the next 7 days.
Your honor,

For discovery I just want to input the following into evidence.

First, a screenshot of ZLost admitting that he broke my ultra crate netherite leggings during his constant abuse and harassment.

This is a screenshot from the previously provided evidence “ZLost Harassment 2”.
Additionally, I would like to add this screenshot from “ZLost Harassment 2” where the defendant offers to stop harassing me in exchange for the ercetion of a sign in Bepus’ honor, which shows their intent to manifest hatred to get what they want.
Additionally, I would like to add this screenshot from “ZLost Harassment 2” where the defendant offers to stop harassing me in exchange for the ercetion of a sign in Bepus’ honor, which shows their intent to manifest hatred to get what they want.
Your honor, we can ignore this. The file size is too large and it’s a minor piece of evidence, that is already included in the video “ZLost Harrassment 2” and I’m sure there’s ample evidence in there to show the defendants intent on harm.
The final evidence I would like to admit to the trial is simply a timeline of events and the charges.

In “ZLost Harassment” the video begins with my starting to record after the first death caused by ZLost and is approximately 10 minutes after the harassment began that is murder charge 1. In that video between :00 and 1:35 you see plenty of harassment and attacks and this segment ends in murder. Murder charge 2.

After that murder takes place the defendant proceeds to trespass, assault myself and attempts to murder me as well as provide verbal threats. That is where these charges come into play. As you can see I end the video by rage quitting the server as I couldn’t take the harassment and constant bullying any longer. That is the origination of these additional charges and did not end in murder, therefore these charges should still apply.

Starting in ZLost Harassment 2, between :00 and 1:10 is another minute of harassment, assault and trespassing that ends in murder number 3. Between 1:10 and 4:30 it continues. Continued trespassing and assault that ends in murder number 4. And finally between 4:30 and 8:10 it continues and ends in murder number 5.
This is the entirety of evidence that I would like to include at this time, and unless the defense disputes any of this evidence, or has additional evidence of their own, I would like to consent to end discovery early in an effort to not unnecessarily waste the courts time in this case.
Improper Evidence

Evidence A is cropped and does not show that it is the Plaintiff's screen; all it shows is a death and messages from ZLost. Therefore, the evidence is Improper​
Objection overruled. The contents of the chat are the focus, and do not appear to be altered or modified in any way. The rest of the screenshot is irrelevant.
I got no evidence or witnesses amigo
Lovely Law will no longer be representing Zlost in this case
Your honor,

I believe we are at a consensus that we would like to have discovery ended early.
We will now move on to Opening Statements. The Plaintiff has 72 hours to provide an Opening Statement.

Your honor,

The defendant and myself have entered into a settlement agreement.

For the dismissal of this case, the defendant will provide the following:

1. $12,500 paid for punitive damages.
2. A sincere public apology for his actions.

Once these 2 items have been completed, and verification posted by the defendant to this case, we would like for this case to be dismissed.
The Defence agrees, Your Honor.


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Case dismissed at the request of the plaintiff.