Rescinded National Parks Act


Popular in the Polls Statesman
Dec 28, 2020

Create a legal precedent for the creation of National Parks​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives and Senators in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “National Parks Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) Authored by Representative AndreyMia, in collaboration with Secretary Vanquish_ap

2 - Purpose
(1) The purpose of this act is to establish a legal precedent for the creation, management and alterations of National Parks in Redmont by the DER.

3 - Administration
(1) The DER is responsible for the administration, management and control of parks, including the administration of public lands in parks and, for that purpose, the DER may use and occupy those lands.

4 - Land Designation
(1) The DER may set designated boundaries surrounding land. The land within such boundaries is considered to be a National Park and is subjected to this Act.
(2) By default, National Parks are to be considered public land, and no private citizens or entities may claim any land within National Parks as their private property, without negotiation. Private citizens and entities may negotiate the transfer of a limited amount of land that, and if privately owned, must be used for residential or commercial purposes only.

5 - Regulation
(1) The DER may make regulations beyond this act respecting, and not limited to:
  1. the preservation, control and management of parks,
  2. the establishment, maintenance, administration and use of roads, trails, wharves, docks, bridges and other improvements, and the circumstances under which they must be open or may be closed to public traffic or use,
  3. the surveying of public lands,
  4. the control of the location, standards, design, materials, construction, maintenance, removal and demolition of buildings, structures, facilities, signs and other improvements within National Parks,
  5. the inspection of buildings, structures, facilities and other improvements within National Parks,
  6. the determination of fees, rates, rents and other charges for the use of park resources and facilities.

6 - Enforcement
(1) The DER may designate rangers or other department employees, whose duties include the enforcement of this Act.
(2) The DOJ may designate police officers or other department employees, whose duties include the enforcement of this Act.

7 - Offences and Punishment
(1) The breaking, placing, replacing, moving, or any other form of altering any blocks within National Parks without the exclusive permission of the DER is a criminal offence and offenders will be punished as follows:--
  • Per offence: $5 fine per block altered.
(2) The hunting, and murder of wild and private animals within National Parks is a criminal offence and offenders will be punished as follows:--
  • Per offence: $30 fine.
(3) The ignition of any blocks or objects within a National Park is a criminal offence and offenders will be punished as follows:--
  • Per offence: $250 fine + 10 minutes jail time.
(4) The set up of a private property within National Parks without the exclusive permission of the DER is a criminal offence and offenders will be punished as follows:--
  • Per offence: $50 fine + revocation of all land that was considered to be illegal private property.
(5) The set up of farms within National Parks regardless of land ownership status is a criminal offence and offenders will be punished as follows:--
  • Per offence: $5 fine per block + revocation of all land that was claimed by the offender.
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DER is apparently working in this already, I made a suggestion for it a few months ago and got told that
The DER Secretary has raised no objections when I showcased this bill to her prior to proposal.
Nay- the punishments as written are too strong.
This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.​