Bill: Rejected New Flag Act

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Staff Impeached Legal Eagle
Jun 2, 2021

Change the National Flag of the Commonwealth of Redmont

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the Constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

Section 1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “New Flag Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) The Act has been co-sponsored by: Sen. GoldBlooded, Awesame555, Rurge, FracturedGhast

Section 2 - Reasons
(1) Redmont has expanded so much, a new flag that would represent the people would continue to bring Redmont together.
(2) Redmont needs to let go of British symbolism and shed the Union Jack to create something unique; a flag unlike any other because Redmont isn’t like any other country.

Section 3 - Policy
(1) The flag of Redmont shall hereby be changed
(2) The creation of a new flag will be led by the newly created “New Flag Commission.”

Section 4 - Enactment and Enforcement
(1) The commission shall consist of 9 members: four Representatives chosen by the Speaker, Two Senators chosen by the President Pro Tempore, Two media advisors chosen by the Secretary of the Department of Public Affairs, and One event coordinator chosen by the Secretary of the DPA.
(2) The New Flag Commission shall be tasked with creating outlines for a new flag and creating a public event for community submission of a new flag. Following community submissions ,the New Flag Commission shall present five unique flag designs as a Public Referendum.

Section 5 - Conflicts
(1) All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Nay- I very much agree with the reasons Consumer pointed out in #bill-debate
Nay- I very much agree with the reasons Consumer pointed out in #bill-debate
Nay - adding onto what Ian said, my reasons were:
- By adding legislators onto the New Flag Commission, we are blurring the separation of powers by having both Congress and the executive execute a law of having a new flag, when that should be entirely DPA jurisdiction.
- Our flag has existed as long as the server itself to the point where it's developed significance as a standalone symbol.
- With the flag's history in mind, a completely new flag would not be more effective in representing the server and its history.
- If we were to make a new flag (which, again, I am against), why not have the DPA decide the number of ECs and MAs assigned to it or if it wants legislators on board at all? Mandating exact numbers of members of the commission with a random number would probably hinder the department's ability to hold an effective competition.
Nay due to the numbers of members and how the bill is proposed, as mentioned by other Reps above. There should be more DPA members involved and a bit less Congressional members. I personally think the current flag is ok, but I'm all in favor of letting the people decide if it is ok to keep the flag or to change it.

So, the way I think it should be is:
- A joint Committee between the Congress and the DPA should be created (we can discuss numbers of members of each part)
- Decide 5 designs (just as you suggested in this bill)
- Referendum on if the people wants any of those designs, if they are ok with the current one or if they want a different flag from the proposed.


Chairman of the Workers' Committee
Member of the SPP