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Re-Establish the Oakridge Bylaws
Re-Establish the Oakridge Bylaws
The residents of Oakridge, through their elected Representatives in the Town-Council and the force of law ordained to that Town-Council by the people through the constitution of Oakridge, do hereby enact the following provisions into the by-laws:
1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Oakridge Bylaws Act'.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its passage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Mayor lcn.
2 - Reasons
(1) The current Oakridge Bylaws page is outdated and disorganized. Much of it is also not necessary or not used.
(2) To consolidate the law and allow for it to be easier understood.
3 - Amendment
(1) The following Bylaws will replace the current Oakridge Town Bylaws page:
Introduction to the Oakridge Bylaws
1. Contained on this Bylaws page, the Town Constitution page, and the Oakridge Building Regulations page are all laws applicable within the borders of the town of Oakridge.
2. The Acts of Council thread acts solely as a history of amendments to the town's laws.
Local Crimes
1. Disorderly Conduct
a. Definition: Disorderly conduct is defined as the act of disturbing a crowd of five or more people in a manner that a reasonable person would find threatening to his/her safety.
b. Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
c. Per Offense:
i. First Offense: Verbal Warning + Removal From Crowd
ii. Second Offense: $120 Fine + Removal From Crowd
iii. Third Offense: $150 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail
2. Misuse of the Post Officea. Definition: Any use of the post office where an illegal item is shipped or shipped with the intention of filling a P.O box with unnecessary items.
b. Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
c. Per Offense:
i. First Offense: Verbal Warning + Punishment of any other law violated
ii. Second Offense: $50 Fine + Suspension of offender's access to postal service for 1 month + Punishment of any other law violated
iii. Third Offense and Beyond: $150 Fine + Permanent suspension of offender's access to postal service (appealable) + Punishment of any other law violated
Eminent Domain Act
1. The Mayor, on behalf of the Town of Oakridge, may acquire privately owned property for public works programs, necessary infrastructure, and town development.
2. Prior to acquisition, the Mayor will negotiate with the property owner and make a fair offer for the property. Compensation may include a cash offer to cover any difference in value or a plot trade of similar size or value.
a. If the property owner fails to respond after a period of 72 hours, the Mayor may pursue eminent domain of the owned plot through a court order.
3. If the Mayor decides to pursue eminent domain, they must provide criterial justification for its necessity.4. Property owners have the right to defend their property in court and may contest the adequacy of the cash payment if they are willing to sell it but feel it is insufficient.
5. The presiding Judicial Officer may increase or decrease the cash payment if deemed appropriate but not reduce it below the plot's in-game price. The presiding Judicial Officer also has the authority to deny the claim and uphold the Mayor's cash offer if an eminent domain order is granted.
6. Eminent domain may only be issued if any of the following criteria are met:
a. The property is essential for building necessary infrastructure, such as roads, walkways, medical facilities, police stations, and government buildings;
b. The property obstructs the town's development or infrastructure project.
Deputy/Sheriff Act
1. Employment of Deputies
a. A Deputy Sheriff (deputy) is an employee of the Oakridge Police Department, who is appointed at the discretion of the Sheriff or Acting Sheriff.
b. All deputies must be a current Police Officer or higher rank within the Department of Homeland Security to be appointed.
c. Deputies are allowed to quit without notice.
d. Deputies are to remain deputies when a new Sheriff is elected.
i. Clarification: The clause above is meant to clarify that deputies are not appointed by a Sheriff each term, and the new Sheriff still has the power outlined above.
2. Duties of Deputiesa. The following are a deputy's duties:
i. Enforcing all local laws of Oakridge within the Town's borders;
ii. Attending all Oakridge government events to provide security, if possible.
b. Deputy failure to complete the above duties will result in a verbal warning, and if failure happens over five times within a single month, they are to be removed and cannot be appointed again.
Oakridge Property Standards Act1. Oakridge has building regulations as per the Oakridge Building Regulations page.
2. The Head of Residence and Mayor in agreement may create building regulations outside of this Act, if not overridden by an Act of Council, or in conflict with another law.
3. All building regulations and property laws applicable to Oakridge plots will be established under the Oakridge Building Regulations page.
4. The town of Oakridge shall retain jurisdiction to evict properties in accordance with these laws and regulations.
Oakridge Property Tax Act
1. Per plot, per month, each Oakridge plot owner shall be taxed the following Property Tax: $0.
a. In accordance with the Taxation Act, the Federal Government shall conduct this taxation.
Legislative Process Act1. All Council Members have the ability to officially propose bills to the Town Council. In order to propose a bill, Council Members must follow the legislative process outlined in this Act.
2. A bill is first proposed by being posted into the Oakridge Council thread with the prefix 'Bill: Draft'.
a. All bills that amends the Town Constitution must exclusively amend the Town Constitution.
3. In order to be put to vote, a bill must have at least one co-sponsor.a. A co-sponsor must be a Council Member who is not the poster of the bill and must be willing to be listed as a co-sponsor.
4. The Mayor will put a bill to vote by changing the bills prefix to 'Bill: Vote' and by alerting Council Members of the vote in #┃𝐕𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 on Discord.5. Voting will be opened for 48 hours.
6. In order for a bill to pass the Town Council, it must be voted on by a majority of the Council Members and must receive a majority of votes in favor. In the event of a tie, the Deputy Mayor of Oakridge shall decide whether it passes or fails.
a. A bill that amends the Constitution of Oakridge must receive a supermajority votes in favor to pass the Town Council.
7. In order for a bill passed by the Town Council to be made into law, the Mayor must approve and sign the bill into law. If the Mayor does not approve, they shall return it to the Town Council, with objections. The Town Council may, with a supermajority vote of approval among its members, override the Mayor's objections and have the bill made into law.a. If the bill is passed, the prefix of the bill will be changed to 'Act of Council' and the bill will be moved to the Acts of Council thread.
b. If the bill has failed, the prefix of the bill will be changed to 'Bill: Rejected' and the bill will be moved to the Rejected/Rescinded Bills thread.
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