Vetoed Office of the Attorney General Act

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Former President
Legal Eagle President Trifecta
May 29, 2020

Amend the constitution and create Executive Offices & The Office of the Attorney General

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Office of the Attorney General Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act is hereby co-sponsored by Nacholebraa

2 - Reasons
(1.)The Government requires an unbiased Prosecution body to prosecute on behalf of the government and defend it as a whole.
(2) Currently the Attorney General Acts as a personal Lawyer to the President and their administration, this has caused division within the government on several occasions as the Attorney General is often obligated to defend the President and not the Government as a whole.
(3) The Legislative and Executive are in need of their own legal counsels.

3 - Amendment to Section III - The President & The Cabinet

(1) Amendment to the the Order of Succession:
Order of Succession
In the event that the President is incapacitated, removed from office, or inactive for more than 7 days unannounced, the title of President shall pass in the following order of succession, but lower positions on this order of succession do not rise to fill any vacancies created by this process:
Vice President
Speaker of The House of Representatives
President Pro Tempore of The Senate
Secretary of the Department of State.
Secretary of the Department of Justice.
Secretary of the Department of Education & Commerce.
Secretary of the Department of Public Affairs.
Secretary of the Department of Construction & Transport.
Secretary of the Department of Health.
Secretary of the Department of Environment & Recreation.
Attorney General

(2) Amendment to the Role of the Cabinet:
Role of the Cabinet.
The Cabinet is a group of advisers to the President known as secretaries & Executive Officers, who collectively administer and guide government decision-making and policy. The body holds no power outside of department & office policy, instead, it derives its power through advising the President.

1. Responsible for community engagement through events and media.
2. Oversees Government-owned assets, including any cities and towns, plots, apartments, and buildings, as well as the management of the GDP and Government balance.
3. Responsible for changes (not law) in economic systems, transportation systems, and town/city systems.
4. Cabinet can put forward proposals to staff for plugins.
No person shall hold the position of President, Vice President, Secretary, Executive Officer, or any other Principal Officer position simultaneously with a position as Representative or Senator.

(3) Amendment to Secretaries:
Secretaries & Executive Officers
Secretaries are members of the cabinet who each lead a government department or portfolio. It is the Secretary's job to oversee the efficient operations of their department and to create and amend department policy in conjunction with the Government's direction. They appoint and dismiss employees of their respective departments.

Executive Officers are members of the cabinet who each lead executive offices, it is the Executive Officer's responsibility to oversee the efficient operations of their office and to create and amend office policy in conjunction with the Government's direction. They appoint and dismiss employees of their respective departments.
Executive Offices and Officers are required to remain unbiased, impartial and are required to defend the constitution and the laws of the commonwealth over the will of the current administration and president.

Secretaries & Executive Officers are nominated by the President and approved by the Senate, continuing to serve at the pleasure of the President. A Secretary or Executive officer may be removed from office should they be impeached by the House and removed from office by the Senate.

Presidents-Elect may nominate Secretaries and Executive Officers, still approved by the Senate, preceding their inauguration. These nominees may only take office as Secretaries & Executive Officers following the inauguration of the President-Elect.

The full title of a Secretary is "Secretary of Example".

Example: Secretary of Justice, or Justice Secretary, is responsible for the Department of Justice.

The full title of an Executive Officer is their specified title for example the “Attorney General.”

Example: The Attorney General, is responsible for the Office of the Attorney General.

(4) Subsection a. changes to subsection b:
a.Government Departments
Government Departments and their employees fall under the executive arm of Government. The current departments are:

b.Government Departments & Offices
Government Departments, Offices and their employees fall under the executive arm of Government. The current departments & offices are:

(5) Section a. is added under “Government Departments and Offices.
a. Offices of the Attorney General: charged with legally defending, investigating, and prosecuting on behalf of the Government. The Office oversees the Redmont Bar Association and is charged with the employment of Prosecutors and Office employees. The Office of the Attorney General while an executive Office is to act in an unbiased fashion, No member of the Office of the Attorney General may legally represent or assist in intergovernmental dispute between the Legislative and Executive.
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This bill has been vetoed for the following reason(s): The AG already has all these powers, why create an entirely new designation for Cabinet members? The existing distinction between Principal Officers and General Advisors works perfectly fine.
