Repealed Pet Abandon Act September 2021

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Homeland Security Department
Oakridge Resident
Change Maker Popular in the Polls Presidential Commendation Order of Redmont
Apr 11, 2020
Bill To

Punish the Abandon of Pets​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment

(1) This Act may be cited as the " Pet Abandon Act September 2021" or "PA Act September 2021"
(2) This act shall take effect upon signage
(3) This act is co-authored by 1950minecrafter and Teuntje1234567
(4) This act is co-sponsored by ReinausPrinzzip and Aladeen

2 - Reasons
For too long we’ve seen people abandon their pets in the streets of Hamilton. This last summer, there was a period in which you could find abandoned pets kinda regularly. This is a shame as pets are a responsibility because they are not a toy or an object, they are animals, they live, they have needs and feelings and if you want a pet, you should compromise to attend to their needs.

That is why those people who abandon pets should be punished.

3 - Abandon of Pets
  1. Under Section 7. Wilderness & Wildlife, the point “7.5. Abandon of Pets” is created.
    1. When a citizen abandons the pet they own.
      1. 1st and 2nd Offense: Verbal warning
      2. 3rd Offense: $100 fine
      3. 4th Offense: $200 fine + 5 minutes of prison
      4. 5th Offense or more: $300 fine + 10 minutes of prison per offense + Removal of the pet ownership
  2. Be understood by abandoning the action of leaving a pet in the streets of Hamilton or the towns.
  3. This won’t apply when:
    1. The citizen reports losing a pet to the DER before getting a /mail by a ranger notifying that the pet has been found.

Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted Presidential Assent and is hereby signed into law.
