Vetoed POG Rights Act

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Legal Eagle Change Maker Statesman Popular in the Polls
Jul 5, 2021

Amend the Saviour Act

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “POG Rights Act” which is a shortened form of Protection Of Gun Rights Act.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act was authored by Representative nnmc.
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by: Speaker of the House 218218Consumer and Representative FracturedGhast7

2 - Reasons
(1) Currently, the law makes it a crime to possess weapons in safe zones. Even having weapons in your inventory but not holding them is still technically illegal in safe zones.
(2) However, it is still necessary to protect the sanctity of safe zones from violence.
(3) This Act seeks to protect the ability to own weapons, while also preserving the security of safe zones

3 - Amendment
The definition and punishments of the crime of “Weaponry in Safe Zones” shall be changed from:
The possession of weapons in safe zones (Hospital, Spawn, Capitol, Government House, and the Courthouse). Its punishment is:
First Offence: Verbal Warning
Second Offence: $40 Fine
Third Offence: $60 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail


Aiming a weapon at someone or committing a crime involving a weapon (including but not limited to murder, attempted murder, assault, verbal threats, animal murder, violent disorder, and any crimes pertaining to Weapons of Mass Destruction) in a safe zone (defined as the Hospital, Spawn, Capitol, Government House, and the Courthouse). Its punishment is, in addition to the normally prescribed punishment for the crime committed in the safe zone:
First Offense: $50 fine added on
Second Offense: $100 fine added on
Third Offense: $150 fine + 5 minutes jail time added on


This bill has been vetoed for the following reasons:
- This way over complicates the definition
- I see your point and agree that ability to own weapons should be protected but there is zero way to know if someone has a gun in their inventory but isn't holding it whilst standing in a safe zone, I don't see where this is entirely applicable.
