Bill: Rejected Public Executions Act

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Aventura Resident
1st Anniversary Grave Digger Change Maker Popular in the Polls
Jan 26, 2021

Establish a Formal Procedure for Public Executions and amend the “Violent Offences” Act, the “Illicit Trafficking Offenses” Act, the “Corruption and Espionage Offenses” Act and the “Commercial Standards” Act

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Public Executions Act'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Representative Jabolko.
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by Representative eKatto and Representative Jay_the_Gay.

2 - Reasons
(1) “Panem et circenses” (“Bread and circuses”)
(2) Public execution would serve as a punishment for the most severe of crimes.
(3) A criminal getting publicly executed would serve as a warning against committing that crime to the wider population.

3 - Establish a Procedure for Public Executions
(1) When a criminal is arrested for an offense punishable by public execution:
(a) They are jailed for 3 hours.
(b) They are informed about their crime and its corresponding punishment.
(c) They must then submit a request for their execution by filing a DHS ticket after serving 1 hour of jail time. This request should specify the date and time they prefer for the execution. This ensures the maximum prison sentence (1 hour) is the preferred outcome compared to public execution.
(2) If the convict does not request an execution date or fails to attend on the chosen date:
(a) They must serve the remainder of the jail time.
(b) They may request a second execution date, but if they miss this date again, they will receive an additional 1-hour jail penalty.
(c) If they fail to show up on the second scheduled date, they are required to serve the full jail sentence and may not request any additional dates for the execution. The Secretary may make an exception, provided the convict had good reasons for missing both dates.
(3) All executions dates and times shall be publicly accessible in a specialized channel in the DHS Discord. 5 minutes before the execution takes place, it is announced with a broadcast chat message in-game.
(4) All executions shall take place at the police station, in an area specifically constructed to facilitate them.
(5) The Secretary (or Deputy Secretary, in case the Secretary is unavailable) should attend every public execution. They lead the process and are responsible for all events that take place. Hereinafter, this person will be referred to as “Execution Lead” (EL). They are responsible for the safety of all spectators. 3 - 5 police officers (or other Department of Homeland Security staff) are present to carry out the execution. Each police officer is paid $500 by the DHS for attending and conducting the execution.
(6) The execution is performed by firing squad:
(a) The convict takes off all armor (in case they have any)
(b) The convict is told to stand in front of a wall
(c) 3 - 5 Police officers (or other Department of Homeland Security officials) are given Muskets and 1 musket ball each. EL prepares a revolver with 1 round in it and a fire charge. All chat should be in the “Local” channel. The following procedure is enacted:
(i) EL declares: “You have been sentenced to public execution for the following crime(s): <they then list the crime(s)>. The execution will now commence.
(ii) EL declares: “Ready!”. All attending police officers load their muskets.
(iii) EL declares: “Aim!”. All attending police officers aim their muskets at the convict. They aim for center of mass.
(iv) EL declares: “Fire!” All attending police officers discharge their weapon. They then stow their muskets (switch to an empty hotbar slot) and all declare “Clear.”
(v) EL steps up to the corpse of the convict and shoots one revolver round into their head, making sure they are dead. They are then publicly declared dead.
(vi)In the case the convict dropped their head, EL burns it with a prepared fire charge.
(7) After the execution, the convict respawns and is given back their inventory. They are then muted for 1 hour in both game chat and the DemocracyCraft Discord server.

4 - Amendments to the Violent Offences Act
(1) Remove the parts in red and add the parts in green:

5 - Offences
(1) Assault (Original: Icypenguin79 - Feb 21, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of hitting a player, causing a loss of no more than 3 hearts; or putting them in a place of danger (such as pointing a weapon at them).
Per Offence: $75 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time

(2) Attempted Murder (Original: Icypenguin79 - Feb 21, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of repetitively hitting a player, causing a loss of more than 3 hearts. This crime overrides Assault.
Per Offence: $100 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time

(3) Dispersal Order Breech (Original: Milkcrack - Dec 6, 2020)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of violating an established dispersal order.
Per Offense: $100 Fine

(4) Falsely Claiming Self Defense
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of falsely claiming you acted under self defense when committing another crime.
Per Offense: Doubles the punishment for all crimes which were claimed to be under self defense.

(5) Harassment, Alarm, or Distress (Original: Milkcrack - Dec 6, 2020)
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of disorderly behavior towards an individual or a group of individuals, that may be deemed to a reasonable person as causing harassment, alarm, or distress.
Minimum Sentencing: $500 Fine
Maximum Sentencing: $10,000 Fine + 60 Minutes Jail Time
Maximum Sentencing: $10,000 Fine + Public Execution

(6) Violent Disorder (Original: Milkcrack - Dec 6, 2020)
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of 3 or more persons who are present together where they use or threaten unlawful violence, where the conduct of is such as would cause a person at the scene to fear for their own personal safety, each of the persons using or threatening unlawful violence is guilty of violent disorder.
Minimum Sentencing: $500 Fine
Maximum Sentencing: $10,000 Fine + 60 Minutes Jail Time
Maximum Sentencing: $10,000 Fine + Public Execution

(7) Murder (Original: LilDigiVert - Dec 4, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of unlawfully killing another player. This crime overrides attempted murder, assault, and trespassing.
Per Offence: $150 fine + 10 minutes jail time

(8) Kidnapping
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of locking a player who did not give consent or a tamed pet that the kidnapper does not own in a room without any way to get out (excluding commands).
Per Offense: $100 fine + 5 minutes jail time

(9) Hostage Holding
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of holding a player at gunpoint and not letting them leave until they pay you “ransom”. This crime overrides assault and/or kidnapping.
Per Offense: $100 fine + 10 minutes jail time

(10) Weaponry in Safe Zones (Original: pugbandit - Feb 15, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The possession of weapons in safe zones (Hospital, Spawn, Capitol, Government House, and the Courthouse).
First Offense: Verbal Warning
Second Offense: $80 Fine
Third Offense: $120 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail

(11) Public Nuisance (Original: pugbandit - Feb 15, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of willfully causing substantial and unreasonable interference by disrupting, destroying, or trolling DPA-sanctioned Events, government-sanctioned events, or political rallies of any kind in its planning, building/creation, and or execution.
First Offense: Verbal Warning + Dismissal from event (if participating)
Second Offense: $60 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail
Third Offense: $100 Fine + 15 Minutes Jail

(12) Serial Killing
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of unlawfully killing more than 7 players before being arrested. This law overrides attempted murder, murder, assault, and trespassing.
Per Offense: $200/murder + 60 Minutes Jail Time
Per Offense: $200/murder + Public Execution

5 - Amendments to the Illicit Trafficking Offenses Act
(1) Remove the parts in red and add the parts in green:

(1) Donation of Illicit Items (Original: Taro - Jan 12, 2022)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of donating illicit arms, weapons of mass destruction, or illicit substances to government donation chests.
Per Offense: $100 Fine

(2) Buffing (Original: A__C - Jun 19, 2022)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of using buffs on another person without their consent or on an animal (pet, livestock, etc.) without the owner’s consent.
Per Offense: $500 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time

(3) Illicit Arms Trafficking (Original: LilDigiVert - Dec 5, 2021)
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of selling, distributing, and or trafficking any weapons without possessing the armourer qualification.
Per Offense: $500 Fine

(4) Illicit Substance Possession (Original: Westray - Dec 10, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of possessing any substance deemed to be illicit.
Per Offense: $100 Fine

(5) Illicit Substance Trafficking (Original: Westray - Dec 10, 2021)
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of selling, distributing, and or trafficking any substance deemed to be illicit.
Minimum Sentencing: $1,000 Fine
Maximum Sentencing: $10,000 Fine + 60 Minutes Jail Time

(6) Weapon of Mass Destruction Possession (Original: xEndeavour - Oct 24, 2020)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of possessing any item deemed to be a weapon of mass destruction.
Per Offense: $500 Fine

(7) Weapon of Mass Destruction Trafficking (Original: xEndeavour - Oct 24, 2020)
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of selling, distributing, and or trafficking any substance deemed to be a weapon of mass destruction.
Minimum Sentencing: $1,000 Fine
Maximum Sentencing: $10,000 Fine + 60 Minutes Jail Time
Maximum Sentencing: $10,000 Fine + Public Execution

6 - Amendments to the Corruption and Espionage Offenses Act
(1) Remove the parts in red and add the parts in green:

4 - Offences
(1) Corporate Espionage (Original: 218218Consumer - Feb 5, 2021)
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of participating in or being accessory to the gathering, infiltration, or compromise of any sensitive information related to a company, that has not already been released to the public.
Minimum Sentencing: $5,000 Fine + 15 Minutes Jail Time
Maximum Sentencing: $20,000 Fine + 60 Minutes Jail Time

(2) Corruption (Original: xEndeavour - May 21, 2021)
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of using a government position to act to give some advantage inconsistent with official duty and the rights of others to unfairly benefit oneself, or someone else. By applying, being appointed to, or being elected into a position in government, the player agrees to serve the server over themselves.
Minimum Sentencing: $5,000 Fine
Maximum Sentencing: $25,000 Fine + removal and exclusion of all parties involved from public office for a period of two months
Maximum Sentencing: $25,000 Fine + removal and exclusion of all parties involved from public office for a period of two months + Public Execution

(3) Perjury (Original: hugebob23456 - Jul 31, 2020)
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of giving knowingly incorrect testimony in Court.
Minimum Sentencing: $1,000 Fine
Maximum Sentencing: $50,000 Fine + 60 Minutes Jail Time
Maximum Sentencing: $50,000 Fine + Public Execution

(4) Police Misconduct (Original: hugebob23456 - Aug 15, 2020)
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of issuing punishments that conflict with the punishments specifically outlined in law.
Minimum Sentencing: $500 Fine
Maximum Sentencing: $10,000 Fine + 30 Minutes Jail Time + Suspension from Department of Justice for a period of up to 2 months

(5) Political Espionage (Original: 218218Consumer - Feb 5, 2021)
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of participating in or being accessory to the gathering, infiltration, or compromise of any sensitive information related to a political group or entity, that has not already been released to the public.
Minimum Sentencing: $5,000 Fine + 15 Minutes Jail Time
Maximum Sentencing: $20,000 Fine + 60 Minutes Jail Time + removal and exclusion of all parties involved from public office for a period of two months

(6) Treason (Original: Rurge - Feb 2, 2022)
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of a party in federal office who is caught attempting to maliciously sabotage or undermine the stability, sovereignty, and/or national security of the government of Redmont..
Minimum Sentencing: $5,000 Fine
Maximum Sentencing: $25,000 Fine + removal and exclusion of all parties involved from public office for a period of two months
Maximum Sentencing: $25,000 Fine + Public Execution + removal and exclusion of all parties involved from public office for a period of two months

7 - Amendments to the Commercial Standards Act
(1) Remove the parts in red and add the parts in green:

6 - Fraud
(1) The following sections outline the definition of Fraud, its differing forms, and different punishments:

An intentional or reckless misrepresentation or omission of an important fact, especially a material one, to a victim who justifiably relies on that misrepresentation; and the victim party or entity suffered actual, quantifiable injury or damages as a result of the misrepresentation or omission.
Individual Fine: Up to $10,000 + Damages + up to 10 mins Jail

Electoral Fraud
Defined in the Electoral Act

Money Laundering
Any act to conceal funds illegally obtained, through commercial transactions, business deals, or any means otherwise.
Individual Fine: Up to $10,000 + Damages + up to 10 mins Jail

Gambling Fraud
The act of fraudulently misrepresenting how a gambling activity is conducted.
Individual Fine: Up to $10,000 + Damages + up to 10 mins Jail

New Player Fraud
To take advantage of a new player's wealth and or resources for another's profit or advantage.
Individual Fine: Up to $10,000 + Damages + up to 10 mins Jail
Individual Fine: Up to $10,000 + Damages + Public Execution

9 - Tax Fraud
(1) The fraudulent non-payment or underpayment of actual tax liabilities due. There are several types of tax evasion:

Personal Tax Evasion
The act of intentionally or maliciously transferring, funds to one or more personal balances or company bank accounts with no legitimate purpose, with the result that less tax is paid.
Individual Fine: Up to $10,000 + Damages + up to 10 mins Jail
Individual Fine: Up to $10,000 + Damages + Public Execution

Property Tax Evasion
The act of intentionally or maliciously transferring property to one or more persons over which they have no legal ownership without a legitimate purpose, with the result that less tax is paid.” To combat, said behaviour, a merged plot needs to be owned by the same person even after it has been merged.
Individual Fine: Up to $10,000 + Damages + up to 10 mins Jail
Individual Fine: Up to $10,000 + Damages + up to 10 mins Jail or Public Execution