Lawsuit: Dismissed Queen_Cats v. CrackedAmoeba1 [2021] FCR 70

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Apr 12, 2021

Queen_Cats (Distinctive Partners at Law - Canxx01 Representing)



The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:


In pursuant to the Defamation Act of October 2020, Under § 3 S. (1) and (2) which defines "Slander" as " Slander is a false statement which defames another person" and explains its method as " In the form of spoken communication. For Minecraft purposes and realism we include regular Minecraft text in the server (General Chat) and discord chat as spoken communication", the Plaintiff complains against the Defendant for slandering the Plaintiff's reputation as a Building Inspector by publicly defaming it, using phrases such as "Queen_Cats should be fired from DCT" and "Queen_Cats is not good at her job".

1. Queen_Cats (Canxx01 Representing) - Plaintiff
2. CrackedAmoeba1 - Defendant

1. The Plaintiff is employed by the DCT as a Building Inspector;
2. The Defendant has slandered the Plaintiff's employment publicly.

1. R&L 15.0 M.L § 15.18 Slander.
2. The Defendant used Minecraft text and discord chat as method of the act.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. 300$ paid to the Plaintiff by the Defendant for the act of slander;
2. Legal fees of the Plaintiff paid by the Defendant.

(Attach evidence and a list of witnesses at the bottom if possible)

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By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 5th day of June 2021



The defendant is required to appear before the court in the case of the Queen_cats v. CrackedAmoeba1. Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment in favour of the plaintiff.

I'd also like to remind both parties to be aware of the Court Rules and Procedures.
I, CrackedAmoeba1, will be representing myself in this case.

Your Honor, I have taken the time to read the Rules and Procedures of the court which have been so graciously displayed on forums. I apologize in advance if something I do is a mistake in the ways of procedures as this is my first functional case on these forums, it is not in my intentions to make a mistake. With that being said let us dive into my opening statement.

In Queen_cats' opening statement they quoted a script from the Defamation Act (Oct 2020) What they failed to notice is a section of the law written for the purposes of a court case such as this. The law states as follows,

"5 - Suing
(1) A person may sue for defamation, however, damages from slander and libel are not presumed and must be proven in a court of law."

Damages from slander are not presumed and must be proven in court of law. The evidence provided by Queen_cats in their opening statement shows the opinions of myself but fails to identify damages those words have caused. To my knowledge and the courts knowledge as it seems; has not caused Queen_cats to be removed from the DCT, there is no new quarrel between another player over the statements, and the public reputation of Queen_cats is unchanged by the words in the evidence provided. In short, there is no evidence to suggest the reputation of the plaintiff was damaged in any capacity.

I would also like to bring attention to the extreme compensation of $300 and to pay for the plaintiffs legal fees which have yet to be provided. Under section 7 of the Defamation Act (Oct 2020) it states,

"7 - Punishment
(1) The defendant, if proven to have purposefully defamed, will be issued to pay the victim compensation of no less than $50 at the discretion of the court."

The minimum compensation is $50. The request for a %600 increase on the minimum compensation is outlandish and that is before adding legal fees. If the court were to rule in favor of the plaintiff, the compensation requested is extreme and unrealistic for such a small case.

Your Honor, this completes my opening statement.
I can see the confusion but once you have been summoned you can either respond with a motion(to dismiss) or an answer. The points you raised are typically those you would see in a motion to dismiss.

However, if you do still have trouble, interpreting the court procedures I would recommend getting a lawyer.

Queen_cats (Distinctive Partners at Law - Canxx01 Representing)



Defendant move that the complaint in this case be dismissed, and in support thereof, respectfully alleges:

1. In Queen_cats' opening statement they quoted a script from the Defamation Act (Oct 2020) What they failed to notice is a section of the law written for the purposes of a court case such as this. The law states as follows,

"5 - Suing
(1) A person may sue for defamation, however, damages from slander and libel are not presumed and must be proven in a court of law."

Damages from slander are not presumed and must be proven in court of law. The evidence provided by Queen_cats in their opening statement shows the opinions of myself but fails to identify damages those words have caused. To my knowledge and the courts knowledge as it seems; my words have not caused Queen_cats to be removed from the DCT, there is no new quarrel between another player over the statements, and the public reputation of Queen_cats is unchanged by the words in the evidence provided. In short, the case presented by Queen_cats has no legal standing according to the laws regarding this issue.

2. Damages from slander are not presumed and must be proven in court of law. The evidence provided by Queen_cats in their opening statement shows the opinions of myself but fails to identify damages those words have caused. To my knowledge and the courts knowledge as it seems; has not caused Queen_cats to be removed from the DCT, there is no new quarrel between another player over the statements, and the public reputation of Queen_cats is unchanged by the words in the evidence provided. In short, there is no evidence to suggest the reputation of the plaintiff was damaged in any capacity.

I would also like to bring attention to the extreme compensation of $300 and to pay for the plaintiffs legal fees which have yet to be provided. Under section 7 of the Defamation Act (Oct 2020) it states,

"7 - Punishment
(1) The defendant, if proven to have purposefully defamed, will be issued to pay the victim compensation of no less than $50 at the discretion of the court."

The minimum compensation is $50. The request for a %600 increase on the minimum compensation is outlandish and that is before adding legal fees. If the court were to rule in favor of the plaintiff, the compensation requested is extreme and unrealistic for such a small case.

DATED: This 6th day of June 2021
Objection, Your Honor.
The plaintiff may state the nature of this objection.
Your Honor the Plaintiff would like to submit this report:

This report was made after the slander incident, we have submitted it because of the fact that the Defendant has claimed that damage had to be proven. Between that report, and the claims made by the Defendant (especially the part which goes as "More false reports than correct ones" cited in Evidence 1.) there is a correlation which proves damages done.

Furthermore, the Defendant cannot file a motion to dismiss based on lack of evidence, as reports such as this one are construed as one, and if the Defendant submits a rebuttal to this objection claiming that we have submitted new evidence pretrial, it is because we had no other choice to do so since if the case is dismissed, we cannot present evidence like this before the court.
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Objection, Your Honor.
We are not gonna do all these objections. Alright, so the defendant crackedamoeba1 has filed a motion to dismiss.
Plaintiff may file his "opposition" to the motion to dismiss. If the defendant wants to file a reply to the opposition he may do so but after that, I will make my ruling on the motion to dismiss. If you don't agree to the court proceedings or whether or not the evidence is admissible you can file an objection otherwise please don't overuse them.

So can the plaintiff please clearly states why he thinks the arguments in the motion to dismiss are invalid
My opposition to the Motion of Dismiss is the following, Your Honor;

The Defendant has claimed that pursuant to the Section 5 "Slander" of the Defamation Act, damages had to be proven. This report, made after the slander incident has occured, which the Plaintiff was planning on submitting in court; ( (Planned on submitting in court because the Plaintiff required witnesses to reinforce the argument of the report) proved damages were done to my client following the slander incident.

Furthermore, the Defendant cannot file a motion to dismiss based on lack of evidence, as reports such as this one are construed as one, and if the Defendant submits a rebuttal to this opposition claiming that we have submitted new evidence pretrial, it is because we had no other choice to do so since if the case is dismissed, we cannot present evidence like this before the court.

Evidence like this, requiring witness testimony, is what the Plaintiff plans on showing before the Court to prove that a slander occured here, Your Honor. Which is why the Plaintiff believes that the case should go to trial.
Your Honor, if the Plaintiff wishes to use witness testimony as evidence, the existence of that evidence should have been, at the very minimum, mentioned in the opening statement made by the Plaintiff under their list of evidence being submitted to the court.

If the court accepts and acknowledges the new evidence provided by the Plaintiff, the new evidence itself does not change anything. Looking back at the long history of reports made by the Plaintiff as a Building Inspector, they have received occasional complaints or disagreements in their judgement while on the job. The comments being labeled as "slander" by the Plaintiff did not cause the rate at which players complain about the Plaintiff's job performance to change. Therefore, no damages to the Plaintiff's reputation exist.

As stated before, section 5 of The Defamation Act (Oct 2020) requires the Plaintiff to provide specific evidence for a case on "slander" to have any standing. The opening statement made by the Plaintiff fails to meet the requirements of the law to have a valid case on "slander." If the court still sees that as "pointing out lack of evidence", in a case such as this, the only way a Motion to Dismiss for a "Slander" charge can have a standing argument for is by pointing out shortcomings and/or point out how the evidence provided fails to prove anything under the law as it is written under The Defamation Act (Oct 2020).
Objection Your Honor, there was no opening statement. I merely filed a civil suit against the Defendant, and since we haven't proceeded to trial yet, no opening statements has been given. Note that this has been the second time that the Defendant has acted in a manner outside of the court procedure. While i understand that things such as these might happen when one is acting as Pro Se, it is still important to mention them.

I would go on to refute the statements given by the Defendant, but i will ask for a rebuttal first as to not violate court procedure.


The court's opinion

While "Lack of evidence" is not a valid reason for a motion to dismiss. "Failure to state a claim on which relief can be granted" is. "Failure to state a claim on which relief can be granted" means that the claimant has failed to present sufficient facts which, if taken as true, would indicate that a violation of law had occurred or that the claimant was entitled to a legal remedy.

The Facts stated in your case are:
1. The Plaintiff is employed by the DCT as a Building Inspector;
2. The Defendant has slandered the Plaintiff's employment publicly.

These facts if taken as true, do not prove all the elements required to prove slander. The elements required as per the defamation act 2020 are;
- The statement is false
- The statement is defamatory
- The statement is in form of a spoken communication
- The statement has caused damages for which relief can be granted
- The statement must be made with intention of harm.

The claimant failed to properly allege the following elements in the complaint:
- The statement is false
- The statement is defamatory
- The statement has caused damages for which relief can be granted.
- The statement was made with intention of harm.

As for the second prayer for relief:
2. Legal fees of the Plaintiff paid by the Defendant.
The claimant failed to provide a rationale as to why the plaintiff is entitled to these legal fees in their claim for relief.

The court's decision
The motion to dismiss is granted however this dismissal is without prejudice which means there is leave to amend allowing the plaintiff to "amend" the complaint.

The plaintiff may re-file a complaint with all the elements explained above included in this same thread within 24 hours.


Queen_Cats (Distinctive Partners at Law - Canxx01 Representing)



The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:


In pursuant to the Defamation Act of October 2020, Under § 3 S. (1) and (2) which defines "Slander" as " Slander is a false statement which defames another person" and explains its method as " In the form of spoken communication. For Minecraft purposes and realism we include regular Minecraft text in the server (General Chat) and discord chat as spoken communication", the Plaintiff complains against the Defendant for slandering the Plaintiff's reputation as a Building Inspector by publicly defaming it, using phrases such as "Queen_Cats should be fired from DCT" and "Queen_Cats is not good at her job". This has lead to Queen_Cats's authority as a B.I be challenged when conducting reports, and slanderous claims as such has lead to a first thing happening in Queen_Cats's career: Where someone refused to acknowledge her ruling. While this is a first instance, if this case is not won by the Plaintiff it will allow for precedent to be used to slander the Plaintiff as much as the Defendant would like, and it will surely lead to more substantive harmful impact in the future.

1. Queen_Cats (Canxx01 Representing) - Plaintiff
2. CrackedAmoeba1 - Defendant

1. The Plaintiff is employed by the DCT as a Building Inspector;
2. The Defendant has slandered the Plaintiff's employment publicly;
3. The statement(s) given by the Defendant is false, does not have a shred of evidence;
4. The statement(s) given by the Defendant are of a defamatory nature,being made publicly and slanderously;
4. The fact that multiple claims were made clearly shows that the statements were done with intention of harm;
5. The given statement(s) are eligible for monetary relief due to the fact that they are of a harmful nature to the Plaintiff's employment, and source of salary which is undergoing damage due to the slanderous statements given by the Defendant;
6. As proven in the Plaintiff's Statement, the method of slander was used with spoken communication as outlined in the Defamation Act of October 2020.

1. R&L 15.0 M.L § 15.18 Slander.
2. The Defendant used Minecraft text and discord chat as method of the act.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. 300$ paid to the Plaintiff by the Defendant for the act of slander;
2. Legal fees of the Plaintiff paid by the Defendant.

(Attach evidence and a list of witnesses at the bottom if possible)


This report, where the Plaintiff's authority as a B.I were challenged, for the first time in her career as a Building Inspector. Happened shortly after the slanderous statements were given by the Defendant.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 7th day of June 2021

Queen_cats (Distinctive Partners at Law - Canxx01 Representing)



Defendant move that the complaint in this case be dismissed, and in support thereof, respectfully alleges:

1. Once again the plaintiff has failed to provide a rationale as to why the plaintiff is entitled to the legal fees in their claim for relief. The plaintiff has not been removed from their position as a Building Inspector, nor has the plaintiff lost physical wages over the words marked as "slander" by the plaintiff.

2. The plaintiff has failed to clarify the amount for the cost of legal fees once again.

3. The plaintiffs "Proof of damages" is mere speculation and provides no real proof of damages as requested by the law under the Defamation Act (Oct 2020). The name "CrackedAmoeba1" nor any businesses associated with the name "CrackedAmoeba1" were mentioned in the Building Inspector Report provided by the plaintiff. Another player arguing with the plaintiff over their job is a coincidence. Speculation is not appropriate and has no place in a "slander" charge.

4. The plaintiff has made a false statement in saying, "...Queen_Cats's authority as a B.I be challenged when conducting reports..." The "authority" of Queen_cats was not challenged by Trentrick_Lamar in the B.I report. Trentrick_Lamar questioned the judgement on materials used. Similar to a baseball player arguing with an umpire on a bad call, the authority of the umpire is not being challenged; the call is just put into question.

5. The basic materials needed for a "slander" charge, as written under the Defamation Act (Oct 2020), are not present in the plaintiff's complaint. Therefore, this case should be dismissed.

DATED: This 8th day of June 2021
Your Honor, The Defendant would like to present an opposition to the motion of dismiss.
Objection Your Honor, I am the Defendant. Canxx01 is not representing the defendant.
Objection Your Honor, I am the Defendant. Canxx01 is not representing the defendant.
sustained, would the plaintiff please rephrase his request
Your Honour, I sincerely apologise for the misspoken request, as I have been handling a lot of cases at this given time and in most of them I act as the Defendant.

What I meant was that the Plaintiff would like to present an opposition to the motion to dismiss.
You may file your opposition
My opposition to the Motion of Dismiss is the following, Your Honor;

1. Once again the plaintiff has failed to provide a rationale as to why the plaintiff is entitled to the legal fees in their claim for relief. The plaintiff has not been removed from their position as a Building Inspector, nor has the plaintiff lost physical wages over the words marked as "slander" by the plaintiff.

Damages are not limited to being fired from your employment, or material wages. The report presented to the Court clearly demonstrates that my client has suffered from continous slander by the Defendant, which has constrained my client's ability to work as a Building Inspector.

2. The plaintiff has failed to clarify the amount for the cost of legal fees once again.

Lack of evidence is not grounds for dismissal, and if the Defendant had asked what the amount of legal fees were, the Plaintiff would have disclosed that the legal fees are 200$.

3. The plaintiffs "Proof of damages" is mere speculation and provides no real proof of damages as requested by the law under the Defamation Act (Oct 2020). The name "CrackedAmoeba1" nor any businesses associated with the name "CrackedAmoeba1" were mentioned in the Building Inspector Report provided by the plaintiff. Another player arguing with the plaintiff over their job is a coincidence. Speculation is not appropriate and has no place in a "slander" charge.

The report in question will have witnesses to back the case of the Plaintiff, testimonies will be given that lay foundation for the solidness of the argument and the fact that this has happened for the first time in my client's career, with correlating dates with the slander that occured, proves that it is provable that the incident may not have been a coincidence after all.

4. The plaintiff has made a false statement in saying, "...Queen_Cats's authority as a B.I be challenged when conducting reports..." The "authority" of Queen_cats was not challenged by Trentrick_Lamar in the B.I report. Trentrick_Lamar questioned the judgement on materials used. Similar to a baseball player arguing with an umpire on a bad call, the authority of the umpire is not being challenged; the call is just put into question.

The authority of a Building Inspector, as presented skillfully by my client in the given report ( was proven accordingly;


In such a case, the authority of a Building Inspector is their judgment itself, as an employed officer of the Department of Construction & Transport.
The difference between an umpire making a bad call and my client fulfilling her duties as a Building Inspector is the fact that the law is very clear in my client's case. And the fact that my client was a recipient of challenged authority after such slanderous statements were made in her name has proved damages.
5. The basic materials needed for a "slander" charge, as written under the Defamation Act (Oct 2020), are not present in the plaintiff's complaint. Therefore, this case should be dismissed.

The Plaintiff's complaint has laid out every single act regarding to the materials needed for a slander charge, as follows in the facts section:

1. The Plaintiff is employed by the DCT as a Building Inspector;
2. The Defendant has slandered the Plaintiff's employment publicly;
3. The statement(s) given by the Defendant is false, does not have a shred of evidence;
4. The statement(s) given by the Defendant are of a defamatory nature,being made publicly and slanderously;
4. The fact that multiple claims were made clearly shows that the statements were done with intention of harm;
5. The given statement(s) are eligible for monetary relief due to the fact that they are of a harmful nature to the Plaintiff's employment, and source of salary which is undergoing damage due to the slanderous statements given by the Defendant;
6. As proven in the Plaintiff's Statement, the method of slander was used with spoken communication as outlined in the Defamation Act of October 2020.

Not to mention that they also correlate with Your Honor's requirements for the refiling to take place:
- The statement is false
- The statement is defamatory
- The statement is in form of a spoken communication
- The statement has caused damages for which relief can be granted
- The statement must be made with intention of harm.

And the fact that the Defendant has failed to outline what was not present in the complaint clearly shows that the Defendant was baseless and incorrect when making such a claim, if we are to nitpick every single sentence in a post, just as what the Defendant has committed themselves to.

The fact is, Your Honor, we have been able to give a rebuttal to every single comment that the Defendant has made, and with many instances of slander and proven damages, the Plaintiff requests that this case proceed to trial.
Objection Your Honor, the plaintiff did not mention having a witness in their complaint, breaking the rule of adding evidence pretrial.
Objection Your Honor, the plaintiff did not mention having a witness in their complaint, breaking the rule of adding evidence pretrial.
Could you please tell me which rules the plaintiff allegedly broke?
Your Honor, according to Information - Creating a Lawsuit | DemocracyCraft ,

"If you do not have evidence but have a lawyer or witness, please list them in the case description."

The plaintiff failed to mention and list their witnesses in the case description. The plaintiffs "damage to reputation" evidence is invalid due to it being speculation in the way it is written in the case description (without listed witnesses).

Mentioning their is a witness in their rebuttal to the Motion to Dismiss is adding evidence pretrial as the witness was not submitted in the case description. The court should ignore the additional evidence from the rebuttal, if the court is to follow the law, and proceed with the ruling on the Motion to Dismiss without the newly added evidence in mind.
Your Honor, due to the fact that the longer this slander would have gone on, my client's reputation would suffer exponentially, so the case had to be filed on an accelerated basis, so we could have not reached out to all witnesses in time. Though i wanted to mention the fact that the witnesses would exist in the trial - subpoena'd to the court or given affidavits.

The Plaintiff urges the court to read over the opposition as a whole and not decide on one miniscule detail of the given paragraph.
Objection Your Honor, speculation that non existing conversations that have not happened would take place in the future.


I agree that the plaintiff did not provide a lot of rationale behind the damages of the alleged slander and the attorney fees. Therefore I'm not allowing the attorney fees on the prayer for relief however I'm allowing the slander damages to continue with the expectation the plaintiff will provide more information on the alleged damages during the course of this lawsuit.

As for the alleged violation of the court procedures by the plaintiff.
The plaintiff is not forced to include all the evidence in the complaint however it is a non-mandatory request by the court to make sure the complaint has a better chance of succeeding and to make it more clear to the court what the case is about.

Now that we finally got that settled, can the defendant, please file his formal "answer" to the complaint.
Your Honor,
The Defendant Crackedamoeba1 has retained me as council for this case
Screenshot 2021-06-11 005246.jpg
Your honor,

I would request that the court received UNREDACTED evidence from the Plaintiff and her council, dates and times of when these conversations took place. We have no idea if they were conversations that happened at the same time or isolated incidents and there is no context for the conversation and i believe that context is key to the outcome of the case.

Also i would ask the Judge to clarify if the Motion to dismiss the case was granted or not.
The case is continuing without the prayer for relief to recover attorney fees.
Until the opening statements, the plaintiff is allowed to present evidence to the court as he wishes. You will have a chance to rebut the evidence when the plaintiff presents it to the court.

The Case the Plaintiff is using to prove her reputation was damaged is not relevant because the case happened before the incident took place. The screenshots provided are dated June 5th and the case she is using was on June 29th.

I am also objecting to Evidence 2 because the evidence is altered.
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The Case the Plaintiff is using to prove her reputation was damaged is not relevant because the case happened before the incident took place. The screenshots provided are dated June 5th and the case she is using was on June 29th.

I am also objecting to Evidence 2 because the evidence is altered.
You may object to any evidence in the complaint in your answer to the complaint and have an opportunity to rebut any evidence before the opening statements.

So please file your answer

Queen_Cats (Distinctive Partners at Law - Canxx01 Representing)


Crackedamoeba1 (SumoMC Representing[Apex Law Firm])

1. The slander act says that slander is a false statement that defames someone's reputation. In our case there is no clear evidence that the reputation of the plaintiff was harmed due to the things my client said. My client was expressing his opinion of the Plaintiff to the plaintiff after she joined a conversation that she was not previously a part of. The Plaintiff used antagonistic language towards my client when she joined the conversation.

1.The instance she has provided in attempt to prove damage to her reputation (Trentrick_Lamar ent-5 | 12th June 2021) Mr Lamar challenged her authority as a building inspector, the challenge to her authority happened on May 29th - 30th. The alleged “Slander” according to the evidence provided happened June 5th.

2. The Defense provided Altered Evidence to the Court, This altered evidence could be cutting out valuable information that could prove contrary to the Plaintiff's claim of “Slander”

3.While the Plaintiff thinks that my client’s actions have slandered her reputation she fails to mention what the current Speaker of the House had to say “I also have concerns about his governmental picks: Olefante as co-mayor who only has 4 days of play time in TOTAL. The administration team of Maxterpiece and Queen_Cats have also had issues with authority and toxicity in the past. I really don't foresee this going well.” This proves that the reputation of the Plaintiff has already been affected by an elected government official and with good reason.

4. In conclusion the Reputation of the Plaintiff is already tainted based on her own actions, NOT by the actions of my client Crackedamoeba1.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 12th day of June, 2021.
Could both parties please present to the court all evidence they have or wish to present?
In a list with each piece of evidence having a separate number.
Defense Evidence:

The Defense hereby enters the following evidence into the court:

Your Honor Evidence 1-7 are 7 other instances where the judgment of the Plaintiff has been called into question Prior to the supposed slander. This is setting a clear pattern that the Plaintiff's judgment has been called into question. Evidence 8 is when the Speaker of the House ElainaThomas29 called the Plaintiff Toxic and having a problem with authority based on the way she observed and saw the Plaintiff Act.

The Plaintiff submitted altered evidence to the court

The Plaintiff’s evidence of the supposed slanderous speech was dated on June 5th and the supposed “damages” cited took place May 29th, A Full week prior to the alleged slander.

As you can see your honor 9 and 10 also come at the Plaintiffs evidence and we object to all obstructed Evidence.
Your Honor,
I am asking that this process of submitting Evidence is hurried along as this is effecting my client and his pocket
Objection Your Honor, this case has no effect on the Defendant's "pocket", rather it has one on the Plaintiff as Queen_Cats's reputation is worsening by day due to the slander. The Plaintiff is in process of gathering evidence.
Okay, canxx01 then please submit to the court all the evidence you have and are in the process of gathering.
Objection your honor,

the slander has not been proven in the court of law and all people are innocent until proven guilty and the Platiffs council is smearing the name of my client.
Objection Your Honor,

The Plaintiff's lawsuit is based on the fact that the Defendant is guilty of slander, therefore it is not smearing the name of the Defendant if i accuse them of it, just as much as this lawsuit is not.
The Plaintiff submits the following into evidence:

This report, where the "Political Ad" was blocked out by the Plaintiff in order to come out as politically unbiased. The fact is that my client did not have to do this, but was forced to due to the fact that my client suffered from slander repeatedly, and continously.

To go along with this report, Queen_Cats will be called in to testify to speak to the facts about this report, to better clarify the importance of the evidence to the court.

The Plaintiff will also be calling Mhadsher and Krix as witnesses to the court, to testify that the statements made against my client were incorrect, and prove that my client is one of the most harrassed Building Inspector's, respectively.

All of which, added with the evidence we've already submitted in our complaint, will help reinforce our case that Queen_Cats was the recipient of continous slander and harrassment.
The Plaintiff will also be calling Mhadsher and Krix as witnesses to the court, to testify that the statements made against my client were incorrect, and prove that my client is one of the most harrassed Building Inspector's, respectively.

Please give the court more information as to why these people are important to the case
Mhadsher may confirm that the Defendant's statements were false, and Krix has stated before in a VC that the Plaintiff was one of the most harrassed Building Inspector's.

VC’s can’t proved
Objection, Your Honor. The witness will be literally asked, on stand, under oath if they said what the literal chat records indicate. If the Defendant is suggesting that the witness will perjure themselves then the Plaintiff inquires them to explain in full detail why they think so.
I'll allow the witness testimonies to be admissible in court. Are there any other objections to the evidence presented by either party?
We will be calling the ElainThomas and Nacho as witnesses
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