RBI Empowerment Resolution


4th Anniversary Legal Eagle Change Maker Popular in the Polls
Aug 30, 2023

Provide the Redmont Bureau of Investigation with the tools they need to keep the streets safe.

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the ‘RBI Empowerment Resolution'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by: Snowy Heart
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by: 1950Minecrafter

2 - Reasons
The Redmont Bureau of Investigation (RBI) is hardly established in the legal system where it should be. The RBI is tasked with keeping the peace as well as investigating infractions to that peace. However currently the RBI is without the tools and resources more established peacekeepers have. This resolution will aid in the development of the RBI as well as help enforce laws and ensure proper and legal investigations take place as well as protect citizens from unlawful Investigative practices.

3 - Redmont Bureau of Investigation
The Redmont Bureau of Investigation (RBI) shall be an office of the Department of Legal Affairs. A Director shall serve as its leader who serves at the pleasure of the Attorney General. Investigators are rank-and-file employees of the RBI who shall be subject to powers and limitations in their duties.

4- Training
All Investigators including the RBI director must go through the DOJ’s police training program before they are allowed to make further investigations. This training will provide them with more tools and resources that the can use for their investigations.

5 - Detention
The RBI Director shall be considered an investigator for the purposes of this section. Investigators shall be permitted to detain a person under reasonable suspicion if that person is the subject of or a witness for an active RBI investigation. Detention shall be reasonable and may not be excessive in length. Detention shall extend only to interrogating/interviewing the detained person or otherwise advancing the investigation. Failure to uphold citizen rights during an investigation shall be considered Police Misconduct as stated in the Corruption and Espionage Offenses Act to violate the provisions of this section.

6 - Search and Seizure
The Redmont Bureau of Investigation shall be permitted to make search and seizure warrants in the courts and to serve them in connection with their duties. In order to search or seize any private property an investigator must prove that the following
  1. The property must be relevant to the case and have some connection to the investigation.
  2. Extended Withholding of that property may not drastically reduce the quality of life in Redmont.
  3. Lawful property must be given back to their respective owners at the earliest convenience.
7- Arrest
  1. The Department of Justice Currently can actively search for wanted suspects with proper warrants and procedures. The RBI may also conduct such arrests in relation to their investigations. Police and investigators must follow proper procedure outlined by both the DOJ and the courts. Investigators must have either court issued warrants or probable cause to enter private property and must leave the private property as quickly as they reasonably can if this section is invoked. Police may only enter a residential property if the suspect is wanted for a violent offense but may enter and capture any suspect on other types of properties. The police may not unlock any doors or other items without a warrant.
  2. Probable cause is defined as a reasonable basis that a crime has been committed or a citizen is in direct threat or violent actions are being taken.
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