Report Records of Motion [13th Congress]


The Coolest Air Conditioner
State Department
Grave Digger Statesman Powerbroker
Oct 13, 2021
13th Congress of The Commonwealth of Redmont

Authorized by the Office of the Presiding Officers
Updated by Speaker A__C, Deputy Speaker nnmc, & Press Assistant SomeHumanOnEarth

The Record of Motions is a report that shall be regularly updated by the Press Assistant each Congressional term to maintain transparency and provide the public a means by which they may view the various motions proposed in Congress.

In Chronological Order
Vote Count Format: <Aye - Nay - Abstain>

Motion to establish a #house-floor channel (5/13/2022)
Description: Rep. End motioned to establish this channel in the congressional discord for the posting of motions by representatives
Status: Passed
House: 9-0-0

Motion to Clarify the Roles and Committees Within Congress (5/14/2022)
Description: Representative xEndeavour motions for the following: I'd like to move the following motion to simplify and clarify the roles of committees within Congress. This motion is designed to give a clear outline to the role of all committees and some name changes to better reflect what their function is:
Joint Budget Committee (JBC)
- Government Spending Oversight though inquires and budget hearings.
- Scrutinising and providing recommendation to the executive and the legislative on budget voting.
- Chairperson or delegate responsible for posting the monthly budget on behalf of the President.

Joint Legislative Oversight Committee (LOC) (Currently Joint Standards Committee)
- Investigating the conduct of Representatives and providing facts and recommendations to Congress.
- Developing guidelines on the expected behaviours, activities, and courtesies that members of Congress should uphold.

Joint Judicial Oversight Committee (JOC) (Currently Legal Oversight and Reform Committee)
- Investigating the conduct of members of the Judiciary and providing facts and recommendations to Congress.
- Oversight of judicial employee welfare and judicial accountability.
- Oversight of the legal fraternity and matters concerning the Redmont Bar.

Joint Economics Committee (JEC) (Currently Economics Committee)
- Investigating the conduct of corporate activity and providing facts and recommendations to Congress.
- Working to advance the Redmont economy and providing proposals to Congress.

Senate Executive Oversight Committee (SEOC) (Currently Senate Executive Standards Committee)
- Investigating the conduct of members of the Executive and providing facts and recommendations to the Senate.
- The oversight of executive transparency, government employee welfare, and executive accountability.

House Executive Oversight Committee (HEOC) (Currently House Executive Standards Committee)
- Investigating the conduct of members of the Executive and providing facts and recommendations to the House.
- The oversight of executive transparency, government employee welfare, and executive accountability.

- Workers Committee (hasn't been active since last year, without function)
- Ethics Committee (hasn't been active since last year, double taps on the role of many of the other committees)

- Permanent committees are best informed when populated by members of both the House and the Senate.
- Some committees lack purpose or have been inactive
- Fewer committees with broader roles allows more congress members to participate in active committee discussions
- Many didn't know what committees did what when joining
Status: Passed
House: 6-1-3
- nnmc nay'd
- A__C, Freeze28, Vernicia abstained
Senate: 5-0-0

Motion to Censure (5/15/2022)
Description: Rep. Marty has motioned to censure Rep. End for the reason of: "violating the constitutional rights of Congress members; Under SECTION IV – RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS in our constitution it is stated that: V. No citizen is to be made to produce self-incriminating evidence in a court of law, Congressional hearing, subpoena, or impeachment trial."

Censure Reason #1: Requesting that all congress members send their private dms with president Westray to look for 'corruption'.
Status: Passed
House: 9-1-0
- xEndeavour nay'd
Senate: 5-0-0

Censure Reason #2: Accusing the president of corruption without any evidence and vowing to going after him until he resigns from office
Status: Passed
House: 9-1-0
- xEndeavour nay'd
Senate: 5-0-0

Censure Reason #3: Weaponizing the DOJ for political goals
Status: Failed
House: 3-7-1
- Kitje_Katje_NL, Martytje1234567, Ersy05 aye'd
- Reaperay, Rurge, nnmc, wetc, A__C, xEndeavour, Vernicia nay'd
- Freeze28 abstained

Censure Reason #4: Toxicity within the chamber
Status: Passed
House: 6-3-2
- xEndeavour, Freeze28 nay'd
- Reaperay, A__C, Vernicia abstained
Senate: 5-0-0

Motion to Re-Establish the Joint Budget Committee (5/16/2022)
Description: Speaker A__C motions to re-establish the existing Joint Budget Committee with the following members: Rep. A__C, Rep. Kitje_Katje_NL, Rep. Rurge, Rep. wetc, Rep. xEndeavour, Sen. huney69, Sen. sleepyjay_
Status: Passed
House: 9-0-2
- Freeze28, Vernicia abstained
Senate: 6-0-0

Motion to Re-Establish the Joint Standards Committee (5/16/2022)
Description: Speaker A__C motions to re-establish the existing Joint Standards Committee with the following members: Rep. A__C, Rep. Martytje1234567, Rep. nnmc, Rep. Reaperay, Rep. Rurge, Rep. wetc, Sen. black_ven0m, Sen. LilNickiVert
Status: Passed
House: 9-0-2
- Freeze28, Vernicia abstained
Senate: 6-0-0

Motion to Re-Establish the Joint Legal Oversight & Reform Committee (5/16/2022)
Description: Speaker A__C motions to re-establish the existing Joint Legal Oversight & Reform Committee with the following members: Rep. Freeze28, Rep. Martytje1234567, Rep. nnmc, Rep. Vernicia, Rep. xEndeavour, Sen. LilNickiVert, Sen. Milqy
Status: Passed
House: 8-0-2
- nnmc and Vernicia abstained
Senate: 6-0-0

Motion to Re-Establish the Joint Economics Committee (5/16/2022)
Description: Speaker A__C motions to re-establish the existing Joint Economics Committee with the following members: Rep. A__C, Rep. Kitje_Katje_NL, Rep. Martytje1234567, Rep. Vernicia, Rep. wetc
Status: Passed
House: 10-0-0

Motion to Re-Establish the House Executive Oversight Committee (5/16/2022)
Description: Speaker A__C motions to re-establish the existing House Executive Oversight Committee with the following members: Rep. A__C, Rep. Martytje1234567, Rep. nnmc, Rep. Reaperay, Rep. Rurge, Rep. wetc, Rep. xEndeavour
Status: Failed
House: 4-5-2
- Reaperay, Rurge, nnmc, xEndeavour aye'd
- Kitje_Katje_NL, wetc, Martytje1234567, Ersy05, Vernicia nay'd
- A__C, Freeze28 abstained

Motion to Re-Establish the Joint Economics Committee (5/16/2022)
Description: Speaker A__C motions to re-establish the existing Joint Economics Committee with the following members: Rep. A__C, Rep. Kitje_Katje_NL, Rep. Martytje1234567, Rep. Vernicia, Rep. wetc, Sen. Derpy_Bird (Revote as Sen. Derpy_Bird was added)
Status: Passed
House: 8-0-0
Senate: 6-0-0

Congressional Staff Nomination (5/16/2022)
Description: Speaker A__C nominates xSumoMC to the position of Clerk.
Status: Failed
House: 5-4-2
- Reaperay, Rurge, xEndeavour, Martytje1234567 nay'd
- Freeze28, Vernicia abstained
Senate: 0-6-0

Congressional Staff Nomination (5/16/2022)
Description: Speaker A__C nominates RelaxedGV to the position of Deputy Clerk.
Status: Passed
House: 10-0-1
- Freeze28 abstained
Senate: 6-0-0

Congressional Staff Nomination (5/16/2022)
Description: Speaker A__C nominates SomeHumanOnEarth to the position of Press Assistant.
Status: Passed
House: 11-0-0
Senate: 6-0-0

Congressional Staff Nomination (5/16/2022)
Description: Speaker A__C nominates black_ven0m to the position of Draftsman.
Status: Passed
House: 9-2-0
- xEndeavour, Vernicia nay'd
Senate: 6-0-0

Motion for the Warrant Clarity Act to be Urgently Considered (5/17/2022)
Description: Representative Martytje1234567 has motioned for the Warrant Clarity Act to be Urgently Considered.
Status: Passed
House: 8-0-0

Motion to Re-Establish the House Executive Oversight Committee (2) (5/17/2022)
Description: Speaker A__C motions to re-establish the existing House Executive Oversight Committee with the following members: Rep. A__C, Rep. Martytje1234567, Rep. nnmc, Rep. Reaperay, Rep. Rurge, Rep. wetc, Rep. xEndeavour
Status: Passed
House: 9-0-1
- Freeze28 abstained

Congressional Staff Nomination (5/19/2022)
Description: Speaker A__C nominates ElainaThomas29 to the position of Clerk.
Status: Passed
House: 9-2-0
- xEndeavour, Vernicia nay'd
Senate: 5-0-0

Congressional Staff Nomination (5/19/2022)
Description: Speaker A__C nominates xEndeavour to the position of Draftsman.
Status: Failed
House: 10-1-0
- Kitje_Katje_NL nay'd
Senate: 0-3-2
- black_ven0m, LilNickiVert, Milqy nay'd
- huney69, Derpy_Bird abstained

Motion for the Jekyll Island Act to be Urgently Considered (5/20/2022)
Description: Representative wetc has motioned for the Jekyll Island Act to be Urgently Considered.
Status: Failed
House: 1-8-0
- Reaperay, Kitje_Katje_NL, nnmc, A__C, xEndeavour, Freeze28, Martytje1234567, Vernicia nay'd

Motion to Subpoena (5/21/2022)
Description: Rep. nnmc motions to subpoena Acting Chief Justice Wuutie, Justice JoeGamer, and Judge dygyee to testify in regards to the recent closed court warrant presented to Congress and the numerous subsequent communication errors. This action was recommended by the Joint Judiciary Oversight Committee by a 4-3 vote.
Status: Passed
House: 8-0-2
- Rurge, Freeze28 abstained
Senate: 5-0-0

Motion to Subpoena (5/23/2022)
Description: Representative xEndeavour motions for the following: "On behalf of the HEOC, I would like to request a congressional subpoena for the report that has been withheld by the Dept. of Justice due to the investigating officer being put on probation. This is for the purposes of an investigation into the use of executive power in the Dept. of Justice."
Status House: Passed
Status Senate: Failed
House: 9-0-1
- Freeze28 abstained
Senate: 0-6-0

Motion to Subpoena (5/23/2022)
Description: Representative xEndeavour motions for the following: "On behalf of the HEOC, I would like to request a congressional subpoena for the Justice Secretary to appear before the committee to answer some questions in relation to an investigation concerning the use of executive powers in relation to the execution of a warrant."
Status House: Passed
Status Senate: Failed
House: 9-0-1
- Freeze28 abstained
Senate: 0-6-0

Motion (5/24/2022)
Description: Representative wetc motions to make the Peony the National flower of Redmont.
Status: Failed
House: 3-7-0
- Reaperay, Rurge, nnmc, A__C, xEndeavour, Martytje1234567, Ersy05 nay'd

Motion (5/24/2022)
Description: Representative wetc motions to make the National Cow of Redmont officially hugebob23455.
Status: Failed
House: 4-5-0
- Rurge, nnmc, A__C, xEndeavour, Martytje1234567 nay'd

Motion for the Property Fairness Amendment Act to be Urgently Considered (5/26/2022)
Description: Representative xEndeavour motions for urgent consideration of the Property Fairness Amendment Act.
Status: Passed
House: 7-0-0

Motion for the Property Fairness Definitions Amendment Act to be Urgently Considered (5/26/2022)
Description: Representative xEndeavour motions for urgent consideration of the Property Fairness Definitions Amendment Act.
Status: Passed
House: 7-0-0

Commendation (5/27/2022)
Description: President of the Senate huney69 motions for the following: "I, President of the Senate huney69, hereby motion to commend the career and legacy of Senator LilNickiVert. Throughout her career she has been an active voice in politics and the legal field. Her passion and drive has been an inspiration towards many. Her work in encouraging new players to join the political and legal field has greatly contributed to the new wave of DC politics. Her work will be felt throughout Redmont long after she has gone."
Status: Passed
Senate: 5-0-0

Motion for the ATM Robbery Act to be Urgently Considered (5/27/2022)
Description: Representative Martytje1234567 motions for the ATM Robbery Act to be Urgently Considered.
Status: Passed
House: 6-0-0

Nomination to Fill Vacancy (5/30/2022)
Description: President of the Senate huney69 motions for the following: "As mandated by the Electoral Act, I, huney69, President of the Senate, hereby motion to nominate pugbandit to the vacant Senate seat of Senate LilNickiVert. Failure of this motion will result in a motion for a special election."
Status: Failed
Senate: 0-2-3
- Derpy_Bird, Milqy nay'd
- huney69, black_ven0m, sleepyjay_ abstained

Motion for a Special Election (5/30/2022)
Description: President of the Senate huney69 motions to hold a special election for the replacement of former Senator LilNickiVert.
Status: Passed
Senate: 5-0-0
House: 10-0-0

Motion for a Special Election (5/30/2022)
Description: Speaker of the House A__C motions to hold a special election for the replacement of former Representative Martytje1234567.
Status: Passed
House: 10-0-0
Senate: 5-0-0

Motion to Remove from the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee (6/3/2022)
Description: Senator black_ven0m has motioned to remove Representative wetc from the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee due to toxicity.
Status: Failed
Senate: 2-0-2
- huney69, Milqy abstained
House: 1-5-2
- Kitje_Katje_NL, wetc, xEndeavour, Freeze28, xSumoHunter nay'd
- Reaperay, A__C abstained

Motion to Amend the Standing Orders (6/4/2022)
Description: Rep. Nnmc motions to amend the Standing Orders of the House of Representatives by creating §1.4.a and §2.4.a
§1.4.a - Representatives are forbidden from changing their vote once it is cast. If the President casts a tiebreaker vote, they are forbidden from changing their tiebreaker vote once it is cast.
§2.4.a - Representatives are forbidden from changing their vote once it is cast. If the Speaker casts a tiebreaker vote, they are forbidden from changing their tiebreaker vote once it is cast.
Status: Failed
House: 2-7-1
- Rurge, Kitje_Katje_NL, wetc, xEndeavour, Freeze28, xSumoHunter, Vernicia nay'd
- A__C abstained

Nomination for Chief Justice (6/5/2022)
Description: President Westray nominates Wuutie to the position of Chief Justice.
Status: Failed
Senate: 2-2-2
- GoldBlooded, Derpy_Bird nay'd
- huney69, sleepyjay_ abstained

Motion to Add to the House Executive Oversight Committee (6/6/2022)
Description: Representative xEndeavour motions for xSumoHunter to be added to the House Executive Oversight Committee.
Status: Passed
House: 7-0-0

Motion to Add to the Judicial Oversight Committee (6/6/2022)
Description: Representative xSumoHunter motions for xSumoHunter to be added to the Judicial Oversight Committee.
Status: Passed
House: 7-0-0
Senate: 6-0-0

Nomination for Chief Justice (2) (6/6/2022)
Description: President Westray nominates Wuutie to the position of Chief Justice.
Status: Passed
Senate: 5-0-1
- Derpy_Bird abstained

Motion to Subpoena (6/7/2022)
Description: Representative nnmc motions to subpoena Justice JoeGamer to answer questions in regards to the $1000 fine he issued for contempt of court, which is far greater than the legal amount to fine for that crime. Justice JoeGamer has refused to answer questions on this issue unless he is forced to by a subpoena.
Status: Passed
House: 8-0-0
Senate: 4-0-0

Ratification (6/8/2022)
Description: The following treaty was put to vote for Senate ratification via the powers of the Presidency and the Senate in the constitution regarding the signage of treaties: United Nations Charter.
Status: Passed
Senate: 6-0-0

Motion for the Department of Legal Affairs Act to be Urgently Considered (6/12/2022)
Description: Representative xEndeavour has motioned for the Department of Legal Affairs Act to be Urgently Considered.
Status: Failed
House: 4-4-2
- Kitje_Katje_NL, wetc, Freeze28, Vernicia nay'd
- nnmc, A__C abstained

Motion to Censure (6/12/2022)
Description: Representative Kitje_Katje_NL has motioned to censure Representative xEndeavour with the following reason: "within several channels of the DC Discord he has gone after members of the public over small things such as for example today an opinion article. This would normally be fine and civil however, the events that happened in just Legal today alone have shown that Representative End will go after members of the public over just a very simple opinion article. Along with the attacking of only 1 news company over 1 article and not attacking any of the others."
Status: Failed
House: 3-5-1
- Reaperay, Rurge, xEndeavour, xSumoHunter, Vernicia nay'd
- nnmc abstained

Nomination for Attorney General (6/12/2022)
Description: President-elect LilDigiVert nominates MilkCrack to the position of Attorney General of Redmont.
Status: Passed
Senate: 6-0-0

Nomination for DCT Secretary (6/12/2022)
Description: President-elect LilDigiVert nominates Deadwax to the position of Secretary of the Department of Construction and Transportation.
Status: Passed
Senate: 6-0-0

Nomination for DoH Secretary (6/12/2022)
Description: President-elect LilDigiVert nominates Blockyelise to the position of Secretary of the Department of Health.
Status: Passed
Senate: 6-0-0

Nomination for DER Secretary (6/12/2022)
Description: President-elect LilDigiVert nominates Teuntje1234567 to the position of Secretary of the Department of Environment and Recreation.
Status: Passed
Senate: 5-0-1
- black_ven0m abstained

Nomination for DoJ Secretary (6/12/2022)
Description: President-elect LilDigiVert nominates ElainaThomas29 to the position of Secretary of the Department of Justice.
Status: Passed
Senate: 6-0-0

Motion to Add to the Judicial Oversight Committee (6/12/2022)
Description: Representative nnmc motions for Senator black_ven0m to be added to the Judicial Oversight Committee.
Status: Passed
House: 5-4-0
- Reaperay, Kitje_Katje_NL, xEndeavour, Vernicia nay'd
Senate: 4-0-0

Motion to Subpoena (6/12/2022)
Description: Senator black_ven0m has motioned to subpoena Judge dygyee and Chief Justice Wuutie for the following reasoning: "My reasoning is the press article that was removed from #news in DC discord held some questionable stuff i would like to question the respected called judges on such as, why was rep. End in the convocation at all - it should of only been the sergeant requesting the warrant within the convocation."
Status: Passed
Senate: 6-0-0
House: 5-4-0
- Reaperay, Kitje_Katje_NL, xEndeavour, Vernicia nay'd

Nomination for DPA Secretary (6/12/2022)
Description: President-elect LilDigiVert nominates SnoWhitebeard to the position of Secretary of the Department of Public Affairs.
Status: Passed
Senate: 6-0-0

Nomination for DEC Secretary (6/12/2022)
Description: President-elect LilDigiVert nominates wetc to the position of Secretary of the Department of Education and Commerce.
Status: Passed
Senate: 4-1-1
- sleepyjay_ nay'd
- Derpy_Bird abstained

Nomination for DoS Secretary (6/12/2022)
Description: President-elect LilDigiVert nominates pugbandit to the position of Secretary of the Department of State.
Status: Failed
Senate: 3-3-0
- sleepyjay_, Derpy_Bird, Milqy nay'd

Nomination for Ambassador (6/12/2022)
Description: President-elect LilDigiVert nominates LavenderxBlaxii to the position of Ambassador to Harlon.
Status: Passed
Senate: 6-0-0

Nomination for Ambassador (6/12/2022)
Description: President-elect LilDigiVert nominates LobsterRoast to the position of Ambassador to Stratham.
Status: Passed
Senate: 6-0-0

Motion for Dua Lipa Day (6/13/2022)
Description: President of the Senate huney69 motions to declare July 25th Dua Lipa Day.
Status: Passed
Senate: 5-0-0

Nomination for DoS Secretary (6/14/2022)
Description: President-elect LilDigiVert nominates GoldBlooded to the position of Secretary of the Department of State.
Status: Passed
Senate: 4-1-1
- black_ven0m nay'd
- sleepyjay_ abstained

Motion of No Confidence (6/16/2022)
Description: Representative xSumoHunter motions for a Vote of No Confidence against Representative xEndeavour for the following reasons: Toxicity, Conduct unbecoming of a Representative, Countless smear campaigns against the Westray administration, Censures.
Status: Failed
House: 3-4-0
- Reaperay, A__C, xEndeavour, Vernicia nay'd

Nomination to Fill Vacancy (6/18/2022)
Description: Speaker of the House A__C nominates lawanoesepr to the House of Representatives to fill the vacancy left by wetc, as mandated by the Electoral Act.
Status: Failed
House: 2-5-0
- Reaperay, Rurge, Kitje_Katje_NL, A__C, xSumoHunter nay'd

Nomination to Fill Vacancy (6/18/2022)
Description: Speaker of the House A__C nominates Mestiere to the House of Representatives to fill the vacancy left by Freeze28, as mandated by the Electoral Act.
Status: Failed
House: 1-6-0
- Reaperay, Rurge, Kitje_Katje_NL, A__C, xSumoHunter, Vernicia nay'd

Nomination to Fill Vacancy (6/18/2022)
Description: Representative Kitje_Katje_NL nominates magsymags to the House of Representatives to fill the vacancy left by Freeze28.
Status: Failed
House: 5-3-1
- Rurge, A__C, xSumoHunter nay'd
- Reaperay abstained
Senate: 0-2-1
- black_ven0m, Milqy nay'd
- sleepyjay_ abstained

Nomination to Fill Vacancy (6/18/2022)
Description: President of the Senate sleepyjay_ nominates TheRukia to the Senate to fill the vacancy left by GoldBlooded, as mandated by the Electoral Act.
Status: Passed
Senate: 3-1-0
- black_ven0m nay'd
House: 6-1-0
- xSumoHunter nay'd

Motion of No Confidence (6/18/2022)
Description: Representative nnmc motions for a Vote of No Confidence against Representative Ersy05 for the following reasons: Inactivity in voting, Inactivity in bill debate.
Status: Passed
House: 7-1-0
- Vernicia nay'd

Nomination to Fill Vacancy (6/18/2022)
Description: President of the Senate sleepyjay_ nominates Bubba_Tea_ to the Senate to fill the vacancy left by huney69, as mandated by the Electoral Act.
Status: Failed
Senate: 1-3-0
- sleepyjay_, Derpy_Bird, Milqy nay'd

Motion for a Special Election (6/19/2022)
Description: President of the Senate sleepyjay_ motions to hold a special election for the replacement of former Senator huney69.
Status: Passed
Senate: 4-0-0
House: 8-0-0

Motion for a Special Election (6/19/2022)
Description: Speaker of the House A__C motions to hold a special election for the replacement of former Representatives Freeze28, wetc, and Ersy05.
Status: Passed
House: 8-0-0
Senate: 4-0-0

Motion to Remove National Census Act from the Docket (6/23/2022)
Description: Representative xEndeavour motions to remove the national census act from the docket as it has been sitting in the chamber for 5 weeks with no cosponsor.
Status: Passed
House: 8-0-0

Motion for a Veto Override of the Cool Drugs Consolidation Act (6/23/2022)
Description: Speaker of the House A__C has motioned for a veto override of the "Cool Drugs Consolidation Act" due to it having been vetoed because of confusion.
Status: Passed
House: 6-0-2
- Kitje_Katje_NL, Vernicia abstained
Senate: 4-0-0

Nomination to Fill Vacancy (6/26/2022)
Description: President of the Senate sleepyjay_ nominates f6rn to the Senate to fill the vacancy left by black_ven0m, as mandated by the Electoral Act.
Status: Passed
Senate: 5-0-0
House: 7-4-0
- avelanie, Reaperay, A__C, xSumoHunter nay'd

Motion for Congressional Approval (6/26/2022)
Description: Representative xEndeavour motions for congressional approval to get a webhook link for information so that he can write up a section to be posted by 'congress' that provides some more information and links for new members.
Status: Passed
House: 8-0-1
- Vernicia abstained
Senate: 4-0-0

Motion to Add to the Joint Economics Committee (6/26/2022)
Description: Representative Hong_Kong_101 motions for Hong_Kong_101 to be added to the Joint Economics Committee.
Status: Passed
House: 9-0-0
Senate: 4-0-0

Motion to Add to the House Executive Oversight Committee (6/26/2022)
Description: Representative Hong_Kong_101 motions for Hong_Kong_101 to be added to the House Executive Oversight Committee.
Status: Passed
House: 9-0-0
Senate: 4-0-0

Motion to Add to the Joint Economics Committee (6/26/2022)
Description: Representative LordBen2466 motions for LordBen2466 to be added to the Joint Economics Committee.
Status: Passed
House: 10-0-0
Senate: 4-0-0

Motion to Impeach (6/27/2022)
Description: Representative nnmc motions to submit Articles of Impeachment for Supreme Court Justice JoeGamer, for the following charges:
1. Violating Section XIII of the Charter of Rights & Freedoms, by charging the plaintiff in case [2022] FCR 29 with contempt of court and issuing a $1000 fine. This fine grossly exceeds the fine amount set by the Judicial Standards Act and thus deprived the plaintiff of the right to equal protection and benefit of the law.
2. Violating Section XIV of the Charter of Rights & Freedoms, by charging the plaintiff in case [2022] FCR 29 with contempt of court and issuing a $1000 fine. This fine grossly exceeds the fine amount set by the Judicial Standards Act and thus wrongfully deprived the plaintiff of the security of the person and their property, in a manner inconsistent with principles of fundamental justice. Courts are only to deprive citizens of property in accordance with the terms of Acts of Congress, which did not happen in this instance.
3. Violating the constitutional duties of the judiciary, which are to "interpret‌ ‌the‌ ‌law‌ ‌as‌ ‌written‌ ‌by‌ ‌the‌ ‌legislature‌ ‌and‌ ‌administered‌ ‌by‌ ‌the‌ ‌Executive." In this instance, Justice JoeGamer has ignored the law written by the legislature to set fines for contempt of court, and instead has made up his own laws.
Status: Passed
House: 8-3-0
- Reaperay, Rurge, xEndeavour nay'd

Nomination for Judge (6/27/2022)
Description: President LilDigiVert nominates Nacholebraa to the Federal Court of Redmont.
Status: Passed
Senate: 6-0-0

Congressional Staff Nomination (6/28/2022)
Description: Speaker of the House A__C nominates xEndeavour to the position of Draftsman.
Status: Passed
House: 10-0-0
Senate: 6-0-0

Nomination to Fill Vacancy (6/30/2022)
Description: Speaker of the House A__C nominates lawanoesepr to the House of Representatives to fill the vacancy left by xSumoHunter, as mandated by the Electoral Act.
Status: Failed
House: 4-6-0
- avelanie, Reaperay, Rurge, Kitje_Katje_NL, A__C, xEndeavour nay'd

Nomination for Judge (6/30/2022)
Description: President LilDigiVert nominates Krix to the Federal Court of Redmont.
Status: Passed
Senate: 5-0-1
- sleepyjay_ abstained

Nomination for Ambassador (6/30/2022)
Description: President LilDigiVert nominates Twixted to the position of UN Ambassador of Redmont.
Status: Passed
Senate: 6-0-0

Motion for the July 2022 Budget Proposal to be Urgently Considered (6/30/2022)
Description: Speaker of the House A__C has motioned for the July 2022 Budget Proposal to be Urgently Considered.
Status: Passed
House: 8-0-0

Nomination to Fill Vacancy (7/1/2022)
Description: Speaker of the House A__C nominates Yeet_Boy to the House of Representatives to fill the vacancy left by xSumoHunter, as mandated by the Electoral Act.
Status: Failed
House: 3-5-2
- avelanie, Kitje_Katje_NL, A__C, xEndeavour, Vernicia nay'd
- Rurge, nnmc abstained
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