Vetoed Saviour Act Amendment August 2021

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Homeland Security Department
Oakridge Resident
Change Maker Popular in the Polls Presidential Commendation Order of Redmont
Apr 11, 2020
Bill To

Amend the Saviour Act​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment

(1) This Act may be cited as the "Saviour Act Amendment August 2021" or "SAA Act August 2021"
(2) This act shall take effect upon signage
(3) This act is authored by Sergecool and co-sponsored by ReinausPrinzzip
(4) This bill amend the Public Nuisance punishments

2 - Reasons
This bill is meant to give the Police Officers a better resource to be able to better protect the citizens in events in Redmont from shooters and people who just want to destroy and mess up events.

3 - Amendment
"The Public Nuisance punishments are changed from:
First Offence: Verbal Warning + Dismissal from event (if participating).
Second Offence: $60 Fine.
Third Offence: Jailed until the conclusion of the event."


"First Offence: Verbal Warning + Dismissal from event (if participating) + Asking to put the weapon away
Second Offence: The Police Officer may drag the offender out of the crowd by handcuffing them until they put the weapon away + $60 fine
Third Offense or more: Auto consent for the Police Officer to take the offender down with the Police regulatory weapon + $100 fine + Jailed until the conclusion of the event."

Chairman of the Workers' Committee
Nay - This Act has been poorly prepared and is overly specified. What this act is saying in 30 words can be said in 10.


"First Offence: Verbal Warning + Removal from event (if participating).
Second Offence: Removal from vicinity + $60 fine.
Third Offense or more: $100 fine + Jailed until the conclusion of the event"

instead of:

"First Offence: Verbal Warning + Dismissal from event (if participating) + Asking to put the weapon away
Second Offence: The Police Officer may drag the offender out of the crowd by handcuffing them until they put the weapon away + $60 fine
Third Offense or more: Auto consent for the Police Officer to take the offender down with the Police regulatory weapon + $100 fine + Jailed until the conclusion of the event."

Why are we mandating that the police 'take them down' when they could be jailed? If they are taken down the officer then needs to go to the hospital to arrest them?

A verbal warning is telling them to put their weapon away, why are we doubling up on it?
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This bill has been vetoed for the following reasons:
- Technically this bill was auto vetoed by the constitution as I did not sign it within 5 days
- This bill is frivolous and unnecessary, it barely passed the Senate and I agree with former Representative End that the wording is too much
