Repealed Saviour Act


Commerce Department
Public Affairs Department
1st Anniversary Change Maker Statesman
Sep 3, 2020
Repealed by Savior* Act

House Vote: 9-0-0
Senate Vote: 5-0-0


Protect citizens of Redmont

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment

(1) This Act may be cited as the “Saviour Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Bill was authored by Representative pugbandit

2 - Reasons

(1) Public Nuisance is technically not illegal.
(2) Obstruction of Justice is technically not illegal.
(3) Weaponry in safe zones is technically not illegal.
(4) Abusing the Tour Guide Call-out Sign is technically not illegal.
(5) Abusing /911 is technically not illegal.
(6) Incitement is technically not illegal.
(7) Frivolous Court Case is technically not illegal.
(8) Driving Under the Influence is technically not illegal.
(9) Abandoned Vehicles is technically not illegal.
(10) Improper Parking is technically not illegal.
3 - Terms

(1) Public Nuisance is the act of Wilfully causing substantial and unreasonable interference by disrupting, destroying, or trolling DPA-sanctioned Events, government-sanctioned events, or political rallies of any kind in its planning, building/creation, and or execution. Its punishment is:
First Offence: Verbal Warning + Dismissal from event (if participating).
Second Offence: $60 Fine.
Third Offence: Jailed until the conclusion of the event.

(2) Obstruction of Justice is act of Wilfully interfering with the process of justice through influencing, threatening, harming, or impeding a witness, potential witness, police officer or by providing false information. It's punishment is:
First Offence: Verbal Warning
Second Offence: 5 Minutes Jail + $10 Fine
Third Offence: 10 Minutes Jail + $20 Fine

(3) Weaponry in safe zones is act of The possession of weapons in safe zones (Hospital, Spawn, Capitol, Government House, and the Courthouse). Its punishment is:
First Offence: Verbal Warning
Second Offence: $40 Fine
Third Offence: $60 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail

(4) Abusing the Tour Guide Call-out Sign is act of The frivolous use of the tour guide call-out sign. Its punishment is:
First Offence: $20 Fine
Second Offence: $40 Fine
Third Offence: $60 Fine + 15 minutes of jail time

(6) Incitement is act of The attempt to coax or encourage someone to break the law. Its punishment is:
First Offence: $100 fine
Second Offence: $200 fine + 5 min Jail
Third Offence: $300 fine + 10 min Jail

(7) Frivolous Court Case is act of Lodging a legal case that has no serious purpose or value. Its punishment is:
Per Offence: $60 Fine.

(8) Driving Under the Influence is act of Driving with 8% or more drunkenness (as judged by /brew info). Its punishment is:
Per Offence: $40 Fine.

(9) Abandoned Vehicles is act of Vehicles that are left in the same location for a period of 14 days. Its punishment is:
Per Offence: Vehicle Impounded ($60 fee on release)

(10) Improper Parking is act of Parking a vehicle on public or government land, not on private land or in a designated parking bay. Its punishment is:
Per Offence: Vehicle Impounded ($60 fee on release)
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On President's Desk
This bill has received presidential assent and is hereby signed into law.​
House: 9-0-0
Senate: 4-0-0


Remove the Law 15.5

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the "Sound of da Police Act ".
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Bill was authored by Representative Th0re_
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by Representative AndreyMia

2 - Purpose
(1) The purpose of this bill is to remove a Law that has no use

3 - Reasons
(1) The Command /911 no longer exists;
(2) Meaning that it can no longer be abused

4 - Remove “15.5 - Abusing /911
The frivolous use of the /911 command.
First Offence: $20 Fine
Second Offence: $40 Fine
Third Offence: $60 Fine + 15 Minutes Jail

from the Miscellaneous Law Section
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted Presidential Assent and is hereby signed into law.

House Vote: 9-0-0
Senate Vote: 5-0-0


Amend the Saviour Act

The people of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
This Act may be cited as the “Saviour Amendment Act.”
This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
This Bill was authored by Secretary of Justice ElainaThomas29.
This Bill was sponsored by Rep xEndeavour and co-sponsored by Rep Ersy05.

2 - Reasons
In its current state, the Saviour Act only covers DPA sanctioned events under the public nuisance section. This Bill seeks to broaden that.

3 – Terms
(1) Public Nuisance is the act of Wilfully causing substantial and unreasonable interference by disrupting, destroying, or trolling DPA Sanctioned Events in its planning, building/creation, and or execution. Its punishment is:
First Offence: Verbal Warning + Dismissal from event (if participating).
Second Offence: $60 Fine.
Third Offence: Jailed until the conclusion of the event.

(1) Public Nuisance is the act of Wilfully causing substantial and unreasonable interference by disrupting, destroying, or trolling DPA Sanctioned Events, Government Sanctioned Events, or political rallies of any kind in its planning, building/creation, and or execution. Its punishment is:
First Offence: Verbal Warning + Dismissal from event (if participating).
Second Offence: $60 Fine.
Third Offence: Jailed until the conclusion of the event.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted Presidential Assent and is hereby signed into law.

House Vote: 7-0-0
Senate Vote: 5-0-0


Amend the Saviour act

The people of Redmont, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short title and enactment

1) This Act may be cited as the “Saviour Act”.
2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
3) This bill was authored by Representative Eastray_.
4) This bill was co-sponsored by Representative xeu100 and hugebob23456.

2 - Reason
With the return of the Paramedic job, there should be protection to prevent people from abusing the command for calling medical support.

3 - Terms
The following shall be added to the "
Saviour Act"
A new law under “Medical” call “Abusing /emt” shall be added:
12.7 - Abusing /emt
A person is guilty if found with a frivolous use of the /emt command, or outside the use for medical purposes, will be punished as follow:
First offence: Verbal warning.
Second offence: $40 Fine.
Third offence: $60 Fine + 5 minute jail time.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted presidential assent and is hereby signed into law.

House Vote: 9-0-0
Senate Vote: 4-0-1


Amend The Saviour Act
The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:
1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Saviour Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This bill has been authored by Representative DemonFire256.
(4) The Act has been co-sponsored by: Representative Yeet_Boy

2 - Reasons
(1) Citizens should not be disturbing Paramedics from helping cure the patient(s) as quickly as possible, sometimes meaning they must take a patient to the hospital - they cannot succeed in this when another citizen is in the ambulance.

3 - Sections as needed…
(1) The following shall be added to the "Saviour Act"
A new law under the ‘Medical’ Section shall be added:
12.8 - Entering an ambulance without permission
A citizen found entering the ambulance of a Paramedic, without being attended to by the proper /emt-attend command.
Per offense: $40 fine
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.
