Rescinded Serial Crime Removal Act


Oakridge Resident
President Presidential Commendation
Feb 10, 2024

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Serial Crime Removal Act'.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Representative lcn.
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by (Looking for co-sponsors).

2 - Reasons
(1) This law is hard to enforce, and many crimes already state a harsher punishment after committing multiple offenses.

3 - Amendments
(1) The Standardized Criminal Code Act shall be amended as follows:

(3) Serial Crime
(i) Every criminal offense committed, in which the perpetrator has already committed the crime twice - according to their criminal record, will be subject to double punishments and 5 minutes Jail Time, on top of any Jail Time that may currently exist or even if the original crime is not punished by Jail Time.

(2) The Property Standards Act shall be amended as follows:

19 - Breach of Property Standards
Failing to comply with any part of the Property Standards Act will incur a penalty unless otherwise provided within this Act.
Per First Offense: $150
Second Offense: $250
Subsequent Offenses: $500 + 5 Minutes Jail Time

20 - Violating Business District Rules
A player renting a CBD without meeting the set requirements as outlined by the DCT.
First Offence: Normal DCT Eviction
Second Offence: $1000 fine per Business District plot rented in violation
Subsequent Offenses: $2500 fine $5000 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time per Business District plot rented in violation

(3) The Tenant Rights Act shall be amended as follows:

6 - Legal Addition Offenses
(1) Added to “7.0 Landlords”
(1) Wrongful Eviction
(i) Classification: Indictable Criminal Offense
The act of e
victing a tenant without reasonable notice or refund
First Offense: Up to $2000 + Rental Fees Refunded, which may be disputed in court.
Minimum Sentencing: $1,000 Fine + Rental Fees Refunded
Maximum Sentencing: $4,000 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time + Rental Fees Refunded

(2) Landlord Trespassing
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of a
landlord entering a tenant’s rental region without reasonable prior notice. The rental region containing chestshopge tenant, or written permission of entry to the landlord by the tenant prevents the enforcement of this law.
Per First Offense: $250 Fine + Any changes to the rental region by the landlord are reverted.
Second Offense: $1000 Fine + Any changes to the rental region by the landlord are reverted
Subsequent Offenses: $1500 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time + Any changes to the rental region by the landlord are reverted.

(4) The Illicit Renting Act shall be amended as follows:

4 - Offenses
(1) Illicit Renting
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of illicitly renting an apartment, office or other rentable region despite clear restrictions against the tenant renting the region.

Per First Offense: $250 Fine + Eviction at the discretion of the landlord
Second Offense: $500 Fine + Eviction at the discretion of the landlord

Subsequent Offenses: $750 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time + Eviction at the discretion of the landlord

(5) The Animal & Pet Offenses Act shall be amended as follows:

4 - Offences
(1) Animal Abandonment (Original: A__C - Apr 24, 2022)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of leaving an animal in an area without the consent of the property owner.
Per First Offense: $100 Fine + animal to be taken to shelter by the DoI.
Second Offense: $250 Fine + animal to be taken to shelter by the DoI
Subsequent Offenses: $500 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time + animal to be taken to shelter by the DoI

(2) Animal Murder (Original: LilDigiVert - Feb 4, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of killing a citizen's animal without consent.
Per First Offense: $100 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time
Second Offense: $500 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time
Subsequent Offenses: $750 Fine + 10 Minutes Jail Time

(3) Animal Theft (Original: Rurge - Nov 26, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of stealing one's animal, tamed or not, and admitting to it or it being found in your possession.
Per First Offense: $100 Fine
Second Offense: $250 Fine
Subsequent Offenses: $500 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time

(4) Pet Overcrowding (Original: KaelynCream - Dec 6, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of not giving an animal the space they require. Cats and dogs require a minimum of two blocks of floor space each. Parrots require a minimum of one block of floor space each. Upon discovery, the offender will be notified and have 48 hours to rectify.
Per First Offense: $100 Fine + animal to be taken to shelter by the DoI.
Second Offense: $250 Fine + animal to be taken to shelter by the DoI
Subsequent Offenses: $500 Fine + 5 Minutes Jail Time + animal to be taken to shelter by the DoI

(5) Shelter Animal Murder (Original: Icypenguin79 - Feb 12, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of murdering a shelter animal either stray (owned by a player) or any up for adoption.
Per First Offense: $150 Fine (paid to owner of pet if stray) + 5 Minutes Jail Time
Second Offense: $500 Fine (paid to owner of pet if stray) + 10 Minutes Jail Time
Subsequent Offenses: $750 Fine (paid to owner of pet if stray) + 15 Minutes Jail Time

(6) Villager Murder (Original: Westray - Feb 20, 2021)
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of killing a villager.
Per First Offense: $1000 Fine + 10 Minutes Jail Time, made payable to the owner of the region (if applicable).
Second Offense: $1500 Fine + 15 Minutes Jail Time, made payable to the owner of the region (if applicable)
Subsequent Offenses: $2000 Fine + 20 Minutes Jail Time, made payable to the owner of the region (if applicable)

(7) Animal Overcrowding
(i) Classification: Summary Criminal Offense
The act of not giving an animal the space they require. Cows, sheep, and pigs require a minimum of four blocks of floor space each. Horses and llamas require a minimum of six floor blocks of space each. Chickens require a minimum of two blocks of floor space each. Upon discovery, the offender will be notified and have 48 hours to rectify. This law only applies to farm plots.
First Offense: $100 Fine + animal(s) taken to shelter by the DOI
Second Offense: $350 Fine + animal(s) taken to shelter by the DOI + Plot Eviction
Subsequent Offenses: $750 Fine + animal(s) taken to shelter by the DOI + Plot Eviction

(Going to add the rest later)
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I will be voting nay. Criminals that are continuous offenders need to be reprimanded when it is clear the base punishment isn't enough. I do, however, think the law in its current form needs to be amended to make it less punitive.
I feel that double the punishment is too punitive, but that removing it entirely is also too lenient. For that reason I will be voting nay.
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Reactions: lcn
I feel that double the punishment is too punitive, but that removing it entirely is also too lenient. For that reason I will be voting nay.
I will be voting nay. Criminals that are continuous offenders need to be reprimanded when it is clear the base punishment isn't enough. I do, however, think the law in its current form needs to be amended to make it less punitive.
Will be adding subsequent punishments for each crime to the bill to fix these issues.
Will be adding subsequent punishments for each crime to the bill to fix these issues.
So far I like the changes I see. Don’t forget to properly amend illicit renting: the actual language of the law isn’t that codification entry. Look at the rest of the illicit renting act.
Tabling this bill