Dept. State
Department of State
State Department
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The purpose of the State of the Commonwealth Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings of the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals. This is the State of the Commonwealth for the month of March.
Prepared by: Auditor(s) GoldBlooded, pugbandit Secretary of State Muffins29 | Dates: Started 25 APRIL 2022 Final Report 04 MAY 2022 |
Economy Total: $47,875,707.87 ($372,969.40 Increase; from last month)
Government Total: $1,844,896.99 ($1,113,232.49 Increase; from last month)
Accountant - 198
Armourer - 1426
Brewer - 482
Contractor - 324
Chef - 1372
Farmer - 1443
Fisherman - 209
Solicitor - 108
Barrister - 147
Attorney - 186
Lumberjack - 915
Mercenary - 1664
Miner - 1457
Mechanic - 721
Realtor - 353
Pharmacist - 1116
Recycling Operator - 357
Jeweller - 82
Draftsman - 3
Clerk - 2
Press Assistant - 1
Inspection Manager - 2
Building Inspector - 13
Construction Manager - 1
Constructor - 20
Senior Economist - 2
Economist - 20
Electoral Officer - 7
Auditor - 7
Event Manager - 4
Event Coordinator - 12
Media Manager - 6
Media Advisor - 14
Archive Manager - 2
Archivist - 9
Tour Manager - 2
Guide - 7
Trainee Guide - 3
Trainee Doctor - 38
Doctor - 48
Medical Specialist - 8
Paramedic - 7
Trainee Officer - 8
Constable - 17
Sergeant - 6
Superintendent - 5
Ranger - 20
Environmental Manager - 5
Accountant - 198
Armourer - 1426
Brewer - 482
Contractor - 324
Chef - 1372
Farmer - 1443
Fisherman - 209
Solicitor - 108
Barrister - 147
Attorney - 186
Lumberjack - 915
Mercenary - 1664
Miner - 1457
Mechanic - 721
Realtor - 353
Pharmacist - 1116
Recycling Operator - 357
Jeweller - 82
Draftsman - 3
Clerk - 2
Press Assistant - 1
Inspection Manager - 2
Building Inspector - 13
Construction Manager - 1
Constructor - 20
Senior Economist - 2
Economist - 20
Electoral Officer - 7
Auditor - 7
Event Manager - 4
Event Coordinator - 12
Media Manager - 6
Media Advisor - 14
Archive Manager - 2
Archivist - 9
Tour Manager - 2
Guide - 7
Trainee Guide - 3
Trainee Doctor - 38
Doctor - 48
Medical Specialist - 8
Paramedic - 7
Trainee Officer - 8
Constable - 17
Sergeant - 6
Superintendent - 5
Ranger - 20
Environmental Manager - 5
The measure of a politician is not what they can promise, what rhetoric they have spewed, what party they are from, or what roles they have served in. Fundamentally, serving in a role or being a role where you have done almost nothing - or worse, engaged in unethical conduct - is nothing short of an embarrassment.
In democratic institutions like the Commonwealth of Redmont, the measure of a politician is the work, effort, and time that they dedicate to the people of this nation. The people are not dictated by the government, the government is dictated by them. So what I hope in this month is that people evaluate our performance as your elected government, and are content with the work completed.
I am thrilled to have continued to dedicate my time to public service throughout the month of April, alongside a passionate and engaged Cabinet. We've produced effective economic measures to support towns in times of need, created more opportunities for new players than before, reviewed public concern involving law enforcement, stood up for the privacy rights of citizens, and much more.
A specific program this month I would like to highlight has been our efforts to coordinate and implement reformed and renewed supply chain efforts. We've established a new supply depot, creating two depots to support the nation's ever-demanding need for resources. While I helped oversee much of this project, it would not be possible without the significant contributions of the Department of Construction and Transport, the Special Advisor of Supply Coordination, and the members of Cabinet.
With all of these projects and programs completed in this month, I believe that we have fulfilled our duty to the people and will continue to do so in the next month. To those who may not have been pleased with our efforts this month, I encourage them to reach out, ask questions, and to express their concerns; as my DMs are always open.
And as we head into the next election season - both for Congress in May and then the Presidency in June, always remember the power that you have as an individual. Don't just vote for someone because they are a big-name or they have a fancy tag. Vote for someone who aligns with your views; and someone who is willing to have a conversation with you anytime.
Thank you once again to all.
President of the Commonwealth of Redmont
Signed Bills in the month of March
The Cool Pet Limitation Enforcement Act
The Cool Government Disruption Amendment Act
Lethal Force is Cool Act
Abandoned Pets Are Not Cool Act
Don't Leave The Door Open Act
Miranda Warning Act
Rental Fee Clarification Act
Pet Protection Act
False Accusation Act
False Report Act Amendment
Substance Autonomy Act
Tenant Vibes Act
Fair Reparations Act
Verbally Threatening Act
Mass Animal Murder Act Amendment
Commission Expansion Act Amendment
Open Charge Act
The Hugebob Deletion Act
Gov | April | Budget
Signed Executive Orders in the Month of April
Town Economic Measures
Presidential Nominations Passed by the Senate in March
Muffins29 - State Secretary
Dygyee - Federal Court Judge
Department of State
Achievements in April:
- Created mock elections to train electoral officers
- Conducted audits on several departments and towns
- Collaborated with the DPA on debate organization for elections
Goals for May:
- Hold department wide meeting for future reforms
- Implementation of department accountability tribunals
- Create more department initiatives
- Work with DPA to launch formal voter information campaigns
- Streamline processes with towns
Department of Construction & Transport
Achievements in April:
- New Paste System implemented
- Construction on New Supply Depot on I-004 completed
- Construction on Aquarium Completed
- Construction on Klondike airport Completed
- Construction on Wild Airports for new wild completed
Goals for May:
- Watch and review the new paste system for any issues
- Sewers & Black-market for Reveille
- New Courthouse pasted into Hamilton
- DCT Tenders from pastes
The DCT has had a very productive month completing many outstanding project as well as new projects!
Department of Health
Achievements in April:
- Doctor exams opened April 8th, closed April 10th
- 12 new Trainee Doctors
- MS Conducted 11 doctor evaluations, all trainees successful
- Department underwent purge of Trainee Doctors
- MS applications have reopened, we currently have one position open
Goals for May:
- Hopefully the implementation of new diseases, currently salmonella is being considered - Caught by eating raw chicken or salmon, cure with Brightwater
- Suggestions for more diseases are welcomed!
- EMT quality of life updates
wee woo nee naw *ambulance sound*
Department of Education & Commerce
Achievements in April:
- Rolled out minting requests for banks pursuant to the FTP Act
- Reached out to Westray in order to get a mint command implemented such that the DEC can mint autonomously without staff intervention
- Rolled out the first two waves of business spotlight raffles/auctions to stimulate the business portal
- Rolled out a voting system for Department applications such that all leadership have a say in who works with us
- Lowered Department budget by nearly $100,000 at the start of the month with an excess hovering around $70,000 left
- Began a budgeting process wherein historic trends + the prior month's spending determine the next month's budget
Goals for May:
- Revamping of DC Jobs
- Placement of a team solely within that server, separate from work within DC Bid and the DEC Discord server, in order to allow that they focus solely on DC Jobs. Addition of the Job Manager and Team Leader roles for this dedicated team. Addition of DPA leadership to the DC Job leadership channel in order to allow for coordination between the DEC Sec, Team Leader, and DPA Sec for career coach implementation
- Analysis of the most and least active markets on the server. Action taken on behalf of the data received from this analysis to provide aid to the most in-need industries
- Revamping of exams and, as a result, job guides. Spell-checks, less nonsensical questions and answers, more relevant questions and answers - Completion of DC Courses
Department of Environment and Recreation
Achievements in April:
- Completed the supply depot sellshops
- Implemented Ranger of the Month
- Decorated the shelter for spring
- Made some minor modifications to the shelter, decided on a location for the shelter and the zoo in Reveille
Started working on the new zoo in Reveille (using the old zoo as inspiration as we're getting a new much larger zoo)
- Employee game night!
Goals for May:
- Continuing to work on the new zoo
- Implementing some new bills written by A__C about pets
- Firing some inactive rangers and hiring new ones, and possibly more
Department of Public Affairs
Achievements in April:
- Ended the DCTV Program and merged the responsibilities of it into the Media Advisor team in order to create more simplicity and centralized production
- Clarified policies on private events and more
- Established a method to collaborate directly with the DOS for government sanctioned debates
- Held several events this month, including ones for Easter like the Easter Egg Hunt and First to Dig the Carrot Event
Goals for May:
- Hosting the DC Prom
- Ensure all teams within the department remain active
- Give more leadership opportunities within the department
Department of Justice
Achievements in April:
- cops vs congress event
- held 2 public forums
- increased department bonding through various events for fun, and to practice skills
- implementation of “pop quizzes” to test the knowledge of officers and allow opportunities for growth
- continued public opinion surveys
- increased hiring
- working with OAG to take individuals individuals who we suspect of police corruption and malpractice to court
- increasing communication between DOJ and congress for bill needs and approvals
- improved communications with the judiciary and an improved warrant system
Goals for May:
- increased transparency
- continued open forums in game, VC, and discord
- continued public opinion surveys
- events between the DoJ and public to improve public relations
- law updates in the DoJ discord for citizens to reference
- more officer training and evaluation of police skills and knowledge
Office of the Attorney General
Achievements in April:
- The Federal Court ruled in favor of the commonwealth in Greenish9 v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2022] FCR 30. The Attorney General’s Office also had one promotion to State Prosecutor and one new hire.
- The Federal Court ruled in favor of the commonwealth in Commonwealth of Redmont v. Peuko [2022] FCR 32
Goals for May:
- Verdicts to be delivered in both UtCowboy21 v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2022] FCR 31 and the appealed case Greenish9 v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2022] SCR 5.
- Implementing mock trials as part of the hiring process for Paralegals
Working in reveille, hired wetc as commerce co-councillor
Continuing work on Reveille
The Town of Klondike has appointed a second Deputy mayor, much like seen in many departments with deputy secretaries. This second deputy will serve the purpose of overseeing town development, while the other oversees government. Klondike has also achieved Tier 5, making us the second fastest town to reach the last required tier.
In the coming month, you may see some Klondike development changes. This all depends on reveille, the release date, and some other factors with our builders and dev team!
Oakridge has accomplished a lot this month behind the scenes. For starters we started to update our bylaws, constitution, and building regulations. We also started the framework for our new town constitution that will incorporate Arsky (a district of Oakridge) fully into the town. Unfortunately our theatre's roof collapsed after a tree fall on it so the town has started construction on a new theater which will be released during our Spring Loaded Event on May 2nd. Furthermore the town has been working tirelessly on internal economic changes which have already started to improve the local economy in Oakridge.
On May 2nd, Oakridge will be launching new programs aimed at our local businesses from offering grants, loans, special business buybacks, and so much more. We'll also be working on remodeling the north expansion of Oakridge into a revolutionary way how towns work. But while we do love construction projects we must also prioritize our citizens needs which is why we will be introducing more transparency within Oakridge in the coming weeks. From making public old council chats to offering the first town museum. We truly can't wait to showcase new features we're adding to Oakridge.
The town confirmed two new Council members to join as Public Relations and Industrial Advisors.
More planning for Reveille. A renewal of activity.
President Westray: 84.6% Approve / 15.4% Disapprove
Vice President Muffins29: 83.1% Approve / 16.9% Disapprove
Secretary of State Muffins29: 76.3% Approve / 23.7% Disapprove
Secretary of Education and Commerce Trentrick_Lamar: 80% Approve / 20% Disapprove
Secretary of Construction and Transport Deadwax: 85.1% Approve / 14.9% Disapprove
Secretary of Justice ElainaThomas: 77.6% Approve / 22.4% Disapprove
Secretary of Health VerySmolBirb: 84.2% Approve / 15.8% Disapprove
Secretary of Public Affairs Twixted: 86.8% Approve / 13.2% Disapprove
Secretary of Environment & Recreation Teuntje1234567: 82.2% Approve / 17.8% Disapprove
Ambassador Nacholebraa: 66.2% Approve / 33.8% Disapprove
Ambassador LavenderxBlaxii: 88.6% Approve / 11.4% Disapprove
Speaker of the House MilkCrack: 66.7% Approve / 33.3% Disapprove
Deputy Speaker of the House A__C: 81.1% Approve / 18.9% Disapprove
Representative Mhadsher101: 52.2% Approve / 47.8% Disapprove
Representative ComradeLuigi: 59.7% Approve / 40.3% Disapprove
Representative Freeze28: 64.6% Approve / 35.4% Disapprove
Representative ManagerHell: 71.2% Approve / 28.8% Disapprove
Representative SlimeGlitch: 65.2% Approve / 34.8% Disapprove
Representative Milqy: 86.3% Approve / 13.7% Disapprove
Representative Wetc: 60.9% Approve / 39.1% Disapprove
President of the Senate huney69: 79.4% Approve / 20.6% Disapprove
Senator sleepyjay_: 77.1% Approve / 22.9% Disapprove
Senator black_ven0m: 66.7% Approve / 33.3% Disapprove
Senator LilDigiVert: 80.3% Approve / 19.7% Disapprove
Senator LilNickiVert: 79.2% Approve / 20.8% Disapprove
Senator Austin27: 65.7% Approve / 34.3% Disapprove
(Acting) Mayor of Willow Twixted: 81.1% Approve / 18.9% Disapprove
Mayor of Aventura LilDigiVert: 84.7% Approve / 15.3% Disapprove
Mayor of Klondike Tylxrfied: 77% Approve / 23% Disapprove
Mayor of Oakridge MartysToes: 80% Approve / 19.7% Disapprove
The Department of State thanks you for reading this month's State of the Commonwealth report. If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please open a Government support ticket where we can attend to your needs.
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