State of the Commonwealth SOTC Report - DECEMBER 2021

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Dept. State

Department of State
State Department
3rd Anniversary 1st Anniversary Popular in the Polls 4th Anniversary
Dec 19, 2020


The purpose of the State of the Commonwealth Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings of the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals. Although this is the State of the Commonwealth for the month of December some of the data was gathered in January.

Prepared by:
Acting Secretary of State 218218Consumer

14 JAN 2022
Final Report 16 JAN 2022​


Economy Total: $46,184,463.81 (5.6% Increase)
Government Total: $1,436,302.81 (0.8% Decrease)

*Percentage increases and decreases rounded to 1dp





While December was hardly the most active month of my administration, which was partly due to the fact that several members of cabinet and I were finishing exams and college applications, I’m proud to say that we persisted in keeping things in order and maintaining confidence in the government of our Commonwealth.

While we, unfortunately, saw the resignation of Vice President GoldBlooded from his position, new life was brought to the executive with the confirmation of Vice President LilDigiVert, who has since been amazing as an advisor and an advocate for making cabinet the best it can be.

Digi helped pioneer the release of Project Redmont, a week in which cabinet dedicated itself to pushing various initiatives. I cannot sufficiently express my appreciation for the diligent work of Digi, my secretaries, and their departments. Without the dozens of Redmont government employees that we are so lucky to have, it wouldn’t have been possible to release the initiatives of DEC academic grants, new town guidelines, comprehensive leadership reform in the Department of Justice, new chef recipes, a second census, central banking legislation, and the various other ideas of Project Redmont.

Additionally, I’d like to say a special thank you to the Department of Public Affairs for their work in the DC Choice Awards: I directly know that it took several hours for Twix and DPA leadership to sort through all the polling, and while the actual event was in January, I feel that it’s important to recognize the amazing work that they did this December.

As we near the last quarter of my term, I should say that it has been an immense honor to work in Redmont’s highest office and receive so many opportunities to serve the people of Redmont.

Glory to Redmont

President 218218Consumer


Signed Bills in December

Budget for the Month of December
LDV Medical Objective Possession Act
LDV Campaigner’s Additional Period Amendment
Government Impersonation Act
The cl0mb Act
National Archives Act
The Medium Rare Act
Classification Amendment Repair Act
Offices of the Court Act
DEC Clarification Act
LDV Thoughts and Prayers Act
Modern Legal Board Act
LDV Gambling Addict Act
Alcoholic Substance Abuse Act
Appropriations Process Amendment
Pet Overcrowding Act
Right of Office Act
Saviour Act
Cosponsor Legitimacy Act
Fraud Definition Amendment Act
Communication Extension Act
Legislative Independence Amendment
President of Impeachments Amendment
Socialism Amendment

Executive Orders in December

Executive Order 38/21 - Town Revisions

Nominations Passed in December

xEndeavour- Federal Court of Redmont
LilDigiVert- Vice President
Wuutie- Supreme Court of Redmont
Awwimnicki- Secretary of Justice
FracturedGhast7- Ambassador for Vindex


Department of Construction & Transport

The Department of Construction and Transport worked on introducing a new player build world and conducting more events such as the DCT build classes and a building contest. The Department also hired several constructors and BI’s and introduced an inspection deputy role. For the future, the Department hopes to conduct even more events and finalize the build contest and changing the court building. The Department also hopes to help employees by writing a new BI guide and hiring new employees. Construction projects such as road improvements, and work on a museum and aquarium. The Department will also explore the possibility of changing the name of “constructors” to “architect” to differentiate from players who also have the constructor regular job. The Department also wants to make improvements to the new build world and rework the paste fees in the upcoming months.

Department of Health

The Department has worked hard on updating the doctor guide with clearer procedures and new imagery. Medical Specialists conducted 13 evaluations and trained 20 doctors after opening doctor exams, and also conducted department employee reporting. Worked to implement (with staff’s help) a new /emtattend command, to let doctors know a paramedic is attending. Patients can now /medicarepay the EMT without clicking the sign again. For the next month, the Department wishes to work to give more attention for EMT and more paramedic announcements describing the job, command usage, etc. The Department also wants to work on opening medical exams and hiring more Medical Specialists. The Department will also explore the possibility of a DOH centred event.

Department of Education & Commerce

The Department of Education and Commerce worked hard to introduce Academic Grants and New Food recipes, due to the work of the Education Team. The new business portal implementation was completed. The Department found a new leader of the Office of Commercial Statistics, aka the Commerce Team. Additionally, the DEC hopes to find ways to advertise companies on the front page of the forums. It also wants to secure the financial markets through appropriate actions and work on a new State of the Economy Report. The Department also wishes to expand its Economic Law enforcement branch (Compliance Team) by adding more people to that team.

Department of Environment and Recreation

The Department has designed and started construction on a new shelter in Oakridge. The Department has also updated policy and removed the weekly requirements and three-strike system that was previously used in the department. The Department has introduced a Warp of the Month program to incentivize concentrated work at wild warps. In January, the Department of Environment and Recreation would like to release the Oakridge shelter and wants to work on more progress to be made on the Hamilton Zoo, such as a café remodel and animal info books.

Department of Public Affairs

The Department of Public Affairs has worked hard in the events aspect of the department with Choice Awards (including an ingame ceremony), a Winter festival (with a plethora of events daily). The department also tied up with private companies for New Year Eve celebrations. The department worked on developing new formats to give voters information on Congressional candidates. The department saw the new implementation of the archivist job and started chronicling server history by maintaining the DemocracyCraft Wiki, National Archives project, and the museum. The Department also worked on major changes in organisation by introducing subteams and bi-weekly projects. The Department wishes to in the upcoming weeks start a new initiative to make working in the DPA more of an educational opportunity that allows members to further develop their skills in a field or pick up entirely new skills; draft new written guides and host more training sessions for individual skills. The department will also work on transparency, starting with making budget expenditures available, launching surveys on the department, and utilising the public announcements channel. The DPA will attempt to host at least one event per week and plan several more given the larger event coordinator team and will also consider and develop detailed proposals to create soccer and/or PvP league for consistent events under DPA jurisdiction and oversight. The Media Advisors' Marketing subteam will be used for in-game advertising to be increased and the rest of the Media Advisor team will have a new streamlined process for making social media posts. The department will build policy and production infrastructure for DCTV and its Advisory Committee. The archive team will work on reworking the museum layout and completing the transfer of the archive project from the DOS to the DPA with a launch of the wiki also expected next month. The Department also hopes to launch a “Guide of the Month” program. The Department will also begin planning for events in upcoming months such as February which will include the inauguration, Olympic games, and more...

Department of Justice

The Department of Justice has initiated the Public Advocate Program in partnership with the OAG, Created the Legal Unit/Specialised Crime Unit/Riot Suppression Unit/Investigative Unit. The department has also worked on creating the Superintendent Rank, and has reintroduced the Jail Time Monetary Compensation Policy created by the Deputy Secretary, Elaina Thomas. This month, the Department hopes to implement the Citizen Review Board, Legal Mentoring Program, and More White Collar Crime Investigations (For example, fraud).

Department of State

On the first day of the month, the department received new leadership with Secretary Yerevan. It finalised the release of the second census and oversaw the introduction of new town guidelines/benefits via Executive Order 38/21, including a grant expansion, increased allowances for pastes, and a new protection policy for town outskirts. For the future, expect continued support of towns, issuing new grants, and coordination with foreign nations for the February Winter Olympics.

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