State of the Commonwealth SOTC Report - DECEMBER 2022

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Dept. State

Department of State
State Department
3rd Anniversary 1st Anniversary Popular in the Polls 4th Anniversary
Dec 19, 2020


The purpose of the State of the Commonwealth Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings of the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals.

Report Prepared by Auditor(s):
GoldBlooded, Neemfy, RandomIntruder
Secretary of State: GoldBlooded
26 DEC 2022
Final Report: 05 JAN 2023


Economy Total: $56,574,374.27 ($968,418.59 Increase/~30 days)
Government Total: $1,802,490.76 ($926,398.03 decrease/~30 days)




On November 2nd, 2022, the appropriations were signed into law and the budget was enacted for the month. Here is the transcript of the logged spending in the #budget channel:

In the #budget channel, all departments, branches, and additional entities will be required to report any spending over a certain threshold:
a. DOJ, report all spending over $0;
b. DOC, report all spending over $0;
c. DOE, report all spending over $0;
d. DPA, report all spending over $0;
e. DCT, report all spending over $0;
f. DOH, report all spending over $0;
g. DOI, report all spending over $0;
h. DOS, report all spending over $0;
i. DLA, report all spending over $0;
j. LEG, report all spending over $0;
k. JUD, report all spending over $0; and
l. RBA, report all spending over $0.

A__C — 12/02/2022 7:45 PM
Funds: $7500
Department: DoC
Purpose: Employee Salaries

LavenderxBlaxii — 12/03/2022 1:30 PM
Funds: $17500
Department: DCT
Purpose: Constructor Pay

GoldBlooded — 12/11/2022 3:53 PM
Funds: $10,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Audit payment

Funds: $25,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: electoral officer payment

GoldBlooded — 12/11/2022 4:03 PM
Funds: $2,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: DOC -> PDF transfers

LilDigiVert — 12/13/2022 1:15 PM
Funds: $4,500
Department: DPA
Purpose: Event Coordinator Pay

_Pugsy — 12/13/2022 8:03 PM
Funds: $7,500
Department: DOC
Purpose: CPI Payments

Drew_Hall — 12/13/2022 9:24 PM
Funds: $1,000
Department: DLA
Purpose: Payment to Prosecutor

SomeHumanOnEarth — 12/17/2022 5:50 PM
Funds: $54,000
Department: DOI
Purpose: Tenders

LilDigiVert — 12/19/2022 1:54 PM
Funds: $10,000
Department: DPA
Purpose: Map Art Madness

Southray_ — 12/25/2022 7:20 PM
Funds: $4,500
Department: DOH
Purpose: Doctor/MS Bonuses

Funds: $1,800
Department: DOH
Purpose: Billboards

LavenderxBlaxii — 12/26/2022 11:34 PM
Funds: $90,000
Department: DCT
Purpose: Overdue employee payments (constructors), bonuses

— 12/25/2022 7:09 PM
DOH » Lex404 has been unfined a total of $360 by Southray_.
[7:09 PM]
DOH » FtgWop has been unfined a total of $120 by Southray_.
[7:09 PM]
DOH » Short0ne has been unfined a total of $570 by Southray_.
[7:10 PM]
DOH » Cemmy506 has been unfined a total of $150 by Southray_.
[7:10 PM]
DOH » bigpappa140 has been unfined a total of $270 by Southray_.
[7:10 PM]
DOH » Itsmevoid has been unfined a total of $150 by Southray_.
[7:11 PM]
DOH » FLOWERING_Mango has been unfined a total of $30 by Southray_.
[7:11 PM]
DOH » DrLukeBrenner has been unfined a total of $30 by Southray_.
[7:11 PM]
DOH » GoldenDiamonds4 has been unfined a total of $540 by Southray_.
[7:12 PM]
DOH » Thereal42person has been unfined a total of $510 by Southray_.
[7:12 PM]
DOH » Arctic_Fox10 has been unfined a total of $90 by Southray_.
[7:12 PM]
DOH » Ultrapvpnoob has been unfined a total of $60 by Southray_.
[7:13 PM]
DOH » Kukkinekko has been unfined a total of $420 by Southray_.
[7:13 PM]
DOH » Anarab has been unfined a total of $30 by Southray_.
[7:13 PM]
DOH » DavidDGTNT has been unfined a total of $180 by Southray_.
[7:13 PM]
DOH » Imisiek has been unfined a total of $180 by Southray_.
[7:14 PM]
DOH » Lightwolf12745 has been unfined a total of $150 by Southray_.
[7:14 PM]
DOH » Demonfire256 has been unfined a total of $60 by Southray_.
[7:18 PM]
DOH » Anarab has been unfined a total of $250 by Southray_.
[7:18 PM]
DOH » sleepyjay_ has been unfined a total of $150 by Southray_.
[7:19 PM]
DOH » Azdray has been unfined a total of $50 by Southray_.
[7:19 PM]
DOH » Demonfire256 has been unfined a total of $150 by Southray_.
[7:25 PM]
DOH » Southray_ has been unfined a total of $1800 by Southray_.
December 26, 2022

— 12/26/2022 9:06 PM
DOJ » Crxka has been unfined a total of $3888.94 by Technofied.

Tuk — 12/26/2022 9:08 PM
REASON » The following unfine was a part of a historical court order that wasn't fully actioned.

— 12/26/2022 9:08 PM
DOJ » EchoZeppelin has been unfined a total of $100 by Technofied.

— 12/26/2022 10:17 PM
DOI » Teuntje1234567 has been unfined a total of $1500 by SomeHumanOnEarth.
[10:17 PM]
DOI » QuazyOneAndOnly has been unfined a total of $1500 by SomeHumanOnEarth.
[10:17 PM]
DOI » QuazyOneAndOnly has been unfined a total of $1000 by SomeHumanOnEarth.
[10:17 PM]
DOI » QuazyOneAndOnly has been unfined a total of $1875 by SomeHumanOnEarth.
[10:17 PM]
DOI » BoopingBerry has been unfined a total of $1500 by SomeHumanOnEarth.
[10:18 PM]
DOI » BoopingBerry has been unfined a total of $450 by SomeHumanOnEarth.
[10:18 PM]
DOI » BoopingBerry has been unfined a total of $113 by SomeHumanOnEarth.
[10:18 PM]
DOI » Teaf1 has been unfined a total of $563 by SomeHumanOnEarth.
[10:18 PM]
DOI » TheReal42Person has been unfined a total of $250 by SomeHumanOnEarth.

SomeHuman — 12/26/2022 10:19 PM
Reason: Ranger Payments

— 12/26/2022 11:18 PM
DCT » Teuntje1234567 has been unfined a total of $15000 by LavenderxBlaxii.
[11:23 PM]
DCT » TeamTiga has been unfined a total of $5000 by LavenderxBlaxii.
[11:26 PM]
DCT » Hong_Kong_101 has been unfined a total of $5000 by LavenderxBlaxii.
[11:26 PM]
DCT » Hong_Kong_101 has been unfined a total of $10000 by LavenderxBlaxii.
[11:27 PM]
DCT » Sergecool has been unfined a total of $8000 by LavenderxBlaxii.
[11:27 PM]
DCT » Sergecool has been unfined a total of $3000 by LavenderxBlaxii.
[11:29 PM]
DCT » Dusty_3 has been unfined a total of $5000 by LavenderxBlaxii.
[11:30 PM]
DCT » Dusty_3 has been unfined a total of $10000 by LavenderxBlaxii.
[11:30 PM]
DCT » VanillaChai79 has been unfined a total of $5000 by LavenderxBlaxii.
[11:31 PM]
DCT » VanillaChai79 has been unfined a total of $15000 by LavenderxBlaxii.
[11:31 PM]
DCT » VanillaChai79 has been unfined a total of $10000 by LavenderxBlaxii.
December 28, 2022

— 12/28/2022 2:54 AM
GOV » nutzucer has been unfined a total of $27093.042 by Trentrick_Lamar.
[2:59 AM]
GOV » perccy has been unfined a total of $27100.845 by Trentrick_Lamar.

— 12/28/2022 10:29 PM
DCT » Nacholebraa has been unfined a total of $1 by Nacholebraa.
[10:32 PM]
DOE » Nacholebraa has been unfined a total of $1 by Nacholebraa.

— 12/28/2022 10:39 PM
DOE » Nacholebraa has been unfined a total of $1 by Nacholebraa.
[10:42 PM]
DOE » Nacholebraa has been unfined a total of $1 by Nacholebraa.
[10:42 PM]
DOC » Nacholebraa has been unfined a total of $1 by Nacholebraa.
December 29, 2022

— 12/29/2022 12:01 AM
DOE » Trentrick_Lamar has been unfined a total of $1 by Cofys.

— 12/29/2022 7:19 AM
GOV » Intercepticon has been unfined a total of $625000 by _Pugsy.

Pogsy — 12/29/2022 7:22 AM
The first of two payments of giving the CRB back their money the Government has been holding
[7:23 AM]
it’s rough, there will be another payment of $625,000 at a later date to total 1.25 million (edited)

— 12/29/2022 3:48 PM
DOJ » ko531 has been unfined a total of $200 by Vernicia.

— 12/29/2022 4:12 PM
DOE » Skywat4 has been unfined a total of $3150 by Cofys.
[4:12 PM]
DOE » FalconSlayer237 has been unfined a total of $150 by Cofys.
[4:12 PM]
DOE » Astroid_11 has been unfined a total of $150 by Cofys.
[4:18 PM]
DOE » SomeHumanOnEarth has been unfined a total of $150 by Cofys.
[4:19 PM]
DOE » Derpy_Bird has been unfined a total of $450 by Cofys.

Cofys — 12/29/2022 4:51 PM
Guide Payments



RI LDV Government Trading Act

Landlord Freedom Act

Nuke the Wild Act

NPC Robbery Act

Honors and Awards Act

December 2022 Budget Proposal Act

Public Defender Utilization Act

I Admit Act

LDV Campaigning Act

RI Financial Institution Codification Act

Corporate Law and Shareholder Protections Act

Even Moderner Legal Board Act

LDV Campaigning Act (Privacy Act Criminal Record Amendment)

Executive Orders

Executive Order 47/22 Reinstating Order in the Commonwealth

Presidential Nominations

Derpy_Bird appointed Rurge as Vice President (passed)
Derpy_Bird nominated Dartanman as Legal Affairs Secretary (failed)
Derpy_Bird nominated Drew_Hall as Legal Affairs Secretary (passed)
Derpy_Bird nominated Pugsy_ as Commerce Secretary (passed)
Derpy_Bird nominated LilDigiVert as Public Affairs Secretary (passed)
Derpy_Bird nominated Southray_ as Health Secretary (passed)
Derpy_Bird nominated Sleeepyjex as Interior Secretary (failed)
Derpy_Bird nominated Cofys as Education Secretary (passed)
Derpy_Bird nominated SomeHumanOnEarth as Interior Secretary (passed)
Derpy_Bird nominated Aladeen22 as Ambassador to Straham, Harlon & Vindex (failed)
Derpy_Bird nominated Twixted as Ambassador to Stratham, Harlon & Vindex (failed)
Derpy_Bird nominated Aladeen22 as Ambassador to Stratham (passed)
Derpy_Bird nominated Twixted as Ambassador to Harlon (passed)
Derpy_Bird nominated HiPerb as Ambassador to Vindex (passed)


Department of State (DOS)

Achievements in December:

- Completion of November State of the Commonwealth Report
- Mid-Term routine Department Audits
- December State of The Commonwealth
- December Approval Ratings (Cabinet, Congress, Mayors)
- Creation of a new Leadership Team
- Completed Internal Department of State audit
- Two new Auditors

Goals for January:
- Completion of routine (End-Term) Department Audits
- Completion of any Special Elections
- Complete Congressional General Elections
- Completion of January State of the Commonwealth Report
- January Approval Ratings (Cabinet, Congress, Mayors)

Department of Construction & Transport (DCT)

Achievements in December:

- Built the new DOI Supply Depot
- Increased Hiring
- Aquarium Plaza has been completed.
- Reveille Bank was completed.
- New Plot release policy was introduced.
- Convention Centre was completed.
- Little to no tickets. Barely any wait times!! Wo!

Goals for January:
- More build projects
- Increase hiring more in both sub-departments
- Completion of many Department buildings.
- Possible DoE/DCT Collab on a project.
DCT is the best department ever! <3 We are the coolest.

Department of Health (DOH)

Achievements in December:

- Decorated for Christmas/Winter
- Starting to put sell shops in the Supply Depot; feat. SomeHumanOnEarth
- Got Oakridge Clinic set up; feat. Galavance, Derpy_Bird, & Rurge
- Getting billboards showing /emt to get more paramedic usage; feat. Pugsy, Demonfire256, & LilDigiVert Bunch of small stuff like clearing donator barrels, adding map disposal, evaluating a bunch of peeps; feat Teuntje1234567
- Parking lot

Goals for January:
- Increased activity from paramedics
- Worsened diseases
- Hopefully more active MS's

Department of Commerce (DOC)

Achievements in December:

CPI is done and we have gotten it to be mostly automated to make it done quicker. Reorganized internally to make bureaus to specialize more as well as diversify load of work. Multiple investigations.

Goals for January:
The next cpi, reorganizing billboards to move them and make them better/more effective, more with making the government more profitable.

Department of the Interior (DOI)

Achievements in December:

- Hired and trained many new Rangers
- Promoted new Senior Ranger
- Continued Ranger of the Month again
- Completed tenders
- Started scheduled employee payments
- Hugged some trees

Goals for January:
- Get Supply Manager job ready to open for applications
- Better organization and efficiency with tenders
- Set up in new supply depot building
- Updates and improvements to forums, discord and guides

Department of Public Affairs (DPA)

Achievements in December:

- Successfully hosted the advent hunt, hide and seek, find santa, crossword puzzles, Oakridge tree building competition, pokemon showdown tournament, holiday card competition, powerpoint party, backrooms, & more; more events in ~3 weeks than the first 6 weeks of the Presidential term
- Reshuffled inactive employees
- Created activity standards for all employees
- to be implemented fully in January
- Relaunched DCTV
- First episode should release soon & further announcements coming
- Hired several new event coordinators and media advisors
- Organized the discord to better coordinate events
- Launched weekly photo contests for MA's
- Collected over 100 responses for the PCA final ballot
- Shifted social media priority away from TikTok and towards YT Shorts/Instagram Reels - Started planning for Redmont Athletics (Soccer & PVP)

Goals for January:
- Launch of weekly PVP and Soccer events
- Players' Choice Awards
- More events
- Return to social media
- Updated guides and further discord restructuring
- Promotions

Department of Justice (DOJ)

Achievements in December:

- Laid down the framework for a mine to be created in prison
- Promoted 3 Officers to Sergeants
- Promoted 3 Officers to Constables
- Promoted 1 Officer to Snr. Constable
- Conducted a public survey on the state of the dept.
- Created a weapon buyback program
- Created a logging channel to view police use of tools

Goals for January:
- Closer to completion of a self-guided training module for trainee officers
- New officer hires
- Reform of squads

Department of Education (DOE)

Achievements in December:


Goals for January:

Department of Legal Affairs (DLA)

Achievements in December:


Goals for January:


President Derpy_Bird: 72.3% Approve / 27.7% Disapprove
Vice President Rurge: 76.9% Approve / 23.1% Disapprove
Secretary of State GoldBlooded: 81% Approve / 19% Disapprove
Secretary of Justice Technofied: 79.7% Approve / 20.3% Disapprove
Secretary of Commerce _Pugsy: 74.2% Approve / 25.8% Disapprove
Secretary of Public Affairs LilDigiVert: 84.1% Approve / 15.9% Disapprove
Secretary of Construction & Transportation LavenderxBlaxii: 84.1% Approve / 15.9% Disapprove
Secretary of Health Southray_: 76.6% Approve / 23.4% Disapprove
Secretary of Interior SomeHumanOnEarth: 81.5% Approve / 18.5% Disapprove
Secretary of Education Cofys: 79.7% Approve / 20.3% Disapprove
(Frmr.) Attorney General Drew_Hall: 63.1% Approve / 36.9% Disapprove

Speaker of the House Mhadsher101: 71.9% Approve / 28.1% Disapprove
Deputy Speaker of the House VanillaChai79: 85.9% Approve / 14.1% Disapprove
Representative ElainaThomas29: 81.3% Approve / 18.8% Disapprove
Representative Claxx77: 61% Approve / 39% Disapprove
Representative Aladeen22: 62% Approve / 36.7% Disapprove
Representative Hong_Kong_101: 63.3% Approve / 37.7% Disapprove
Representative Yeet_Boy: 59.7% Approve / 40.3% Disapprove
Representative Mr_SeaGuy: 33.3% Approve / 66.6% Disapprove
Representative RandomIntruder: 80.6% Approve / 19.4% Disapprove
Representative Bibsfi4a: 47.5% Approve / 52.5% Disapprove
(Frmr.) Representative The_Donuticus: 41.9% Approve / 58.1% Disapprove
(Frmr.) Representative Yeet_Boy: 33.3% Approve / 66.7% Disapprove

President of the Senate Avelanie: 82.8% Approve / 17.2% Disapprove
Senator Huney69: 82.8% Approve / 17.2% Disapprove
Senator Overlordofpeonys: 70.5% Approve / 29.5% Disapprove
Senator ItsMeVoid: 79.4% Approve / 20.6% Disapprove
(Frmr.) Senator Poemhunter: 46.6% Approve / 53.4% Disapprove
(Frmr.) Senator Dusty_3: 69.4% Approve / 30.6% Disapprove

Aventura Mayor LilDigiVert: 87.3% Approve / 12.7% Disapprove
Klondike Mayor Tylxrfied: 73.3% Approve / 26.7% Disapprove
Willow Mayor A__C: 71.7% Approve / 28.3% Disapprove
Oakridge Mayor Galavance: 71.4% Approve / 28.6% Disapprove

The Department of State thanks you for reading this month's State of the Commonwealth report. If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please open a Government support ticket where we can attend to your needs.
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