Dept. State
Department of State
State Department
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The purpose of the State of the Commonwealth Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings of the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals. This is the State of the Commonwealth for the month of January, although some of the data from the last SOTC was also collected in January, and hence there may be some overlaps with the last report.
Prepared by: Auditor pugbandit, ElainaThomas29 Secretary of State _Austin27_ | Dates: Started 23 JAN 2022 Final Report 4 FEB 2022 |
(Data collected at the start of February)
Economy Total: $46,858,524.01 (1.4% increase)
Government Total: $1,151,330.77 (19.8% decrease)
*Percentage increases and decreases rounded to 1dp
(To be done in-game)
Signed Bills in January
Congressional Committees Reform Act
Budget for the Month of January
The Hugebob Amendment
Drugging Criminalization Act
Commission Expansion Act of 2021
Senate Care Act
Archive Unification Act
White-Collar Crack Down Act
Illegal Auto Consent Area Act
Accidental Cheating Act
Single Parents Act
Executive Orders in January
Executive Order 39/22: DCTV
Nominations Passed in January
xEndeavour to the position of Chief Justice
Drew_Hall to the position of Ambassador for HarlonMC
218218Consumer to the position of Acting Secretary for the Department of State
Teuntje1234567 to the position of Secretary of Environment & Recreation
Nacholebraa to the position of Ambassador for BusinessCraft
JoeGamer to the position of Supreme Court Justice
_Austin27_ to the position of Secretary of State
nnmc to the Federal Court of Redmont
Department of Construction & Transport
The DCT has implemented the new player build world in the last month. The department also held events such as building classes and competitions. Several new employees were hired in January and the new inspection deputy role. In the future, the department will conduct more events and shall also aim to hire new employees and work on new guides being released. The department will continue exploring new ideas such as changing the name of "constructors" to "architect" and will make improvements to the build world. Paste fees will be reworked and construction projects within the department will carry on being worked on.
Department of Health
The DOH has assisted in setting up the new Klondike clinic. In the past month, 21 doctors have been evaluated and 16 trainees have passed and been promoted. Retraining has also occurred for those who have not passed at the first attempt. One new Medical Specialist was hired with 2 positions still open. The waiting room in the main hospital has been renovated and /doctorattend now shows the temperature of the patient when they request assistance (courtesy of Tech). The DOH suggestions channel has moved, allowing the whole public to suggest ideas for the department, and EMT updates have been announced in #government-announcements. Doctor exams will soon be open and there shall be possible updates to the hospital pharmacy along with general renovations in the Main Hospital. A new MS lounge may be opened in the DoH building at spawn and there will be more promotion of EMT (in the forms of billboards, adverts, etc.)
Department of Education & Commerce
A new commerce team leader was hired and the January CPI was completed. A guide for the business portal along with other necessary information was published. In the next month, the DEC will prepare for the secretarial transition with the transfer of files and documents. The department will do additional pruning to prop up the Federal Budget and the implementation of the Minimum Commissions act will occur. Here is a statement from the Secretary:
"This month, we experienced shocks in the financial sector, I am proud to say that through the speedy response of the DEC, we were able to avert a further disaster and restore consumer confidence in the stock market, and in our financial sector. We thank Congress for their un-impending cooperation"
Department of Environment and Recreation
Unfair and unnecessary roles on discord were removed (such as "grass toucher" and "imposter") with ex-DER employees removed from department chats. In the first days of the new leadership, pending payments were completed and the outdated roster was updated. In the upcoming month, the DER will work on organizing ranger events to get all the rangers more involved in the team. The department will work on updating the ranger payment spreadsheet to a better working one. More zoo work will occur and a way for the rangers to be able to work with the Pet Abandon Act September 2021 in a viable way will be added.
Department of Public Affairs
This month, voters were given more detailed information on Congressional candidates by way of a candidate questionnaire and open text debate in an experimental format consisting of topics that candidates chose themselves. Developed the chronicling of server history with the new Archivist and Archive Manager job and looked into managing the Wiki, Archives project, and the museum. DCTV was launched which is a public broadcasting system, aimed to provide a new platform for content creators, boost community engagement, and support DemocracyCraft's marketing efforts on YouTube. DCPVP, a PVP league for teams and individual players, was launched. Department organisation was also changed with new subteams and other changes, following a feedback survey. The DPA also worked on focusing on transparency starting with making budget expenditures available, launching surveys on the department, and utilizing the public announcements channel. Many events were held, at least once per week, including King of the Hill, Manhunt, and Willow Weekend (including a Bake-Off, Pig Race, Hide and Seek, Amusement Park, a summit on public outreach with members of the DOS and Stratham's DoPA, etc.)
In the upcoming month, the DPA will improve the leadership team with a reformed promotion and application review process. There will be an overhaul of the code of conduct and the effectiveness of current team members will be reviewed. Working in the DPA will be a more educational opportunity in the future that allows members to develop skills and a "Guide of the Month" initiative will be added. DC-TV will be developed with policy building and infrastructure for production. The museum will be reworked to account for greater accessibility and expanded exhibits. DemocracyCraft Wiki will be launched with essential articles under a consistent style. President and VP debates will be held in the upcoming month along with the Inauguration and Olympic ceremonies.
Department of Justice
The department, this month, saw the implementation of a $100 award for being officer of the month. A new Code of Conduct was implemented and superintendents created individualised guides for their Task Force Groups. 7 new trainee officers were hired. In the next month, the Citizen Review Board will be developed along with starting the process of creating guides for each position in the department. The department will also explore introducing a possible introductory message for tickets, which will contain information on support.
Department of State
The department has worked on hiring new employees (especially Electoral Officers) with 3 new employees hired. The RBA was given assistance by the DOS with electoral oversight. Klondike's promotion to tier 3 was overseen. On the international stage, the DOS began to reach foreign nations for the planning of the Olympics. In the upcoming month, the DOS shall oversee the February Presidential elections and shall provide more electoral assistance to towns and the RBA with future elections. The DOS will also work internationally for stronger communication with the United Nations and also work on the Winter Olympics.
Office of the Attorney General
There was a new Solicitor General hired (Neemfy) and SumoMC has returned to the office. The Office hopes to continue maintaining the level of work in the upcoming month.
The town has pasted in the Sand Castle in January. The town also has goals to paste in the Resort Village and to finish the mansion expansion. The town also has aims to do a boulevard expansion.
For the month of January, Klondike completed and pasted the tier 2 expansion. An election for the second town council occurred, and the town completed all requirements and paid the fee for tier 3. For the future of Klondike, there are plans to continue expanding in a timely manner, working with the council to ensure the next expansion suits the citizen's needs. The town has goals for political reform for the government of Klondike, with that information to be released in the coming weeks.
In the past month, there have been some changes in the local government with the resignation of the Deputy Mayor. The town in the future has plans for an Oakridge forest, an orchard plot expansion, a theme park named OakLand. There will also be government reforms with a new Deputy Mayor being hired and a new constitution implemented.
In January, the town has released a farm plot expansion and a new small town harbor has opened. The town also had a "Willow Business Week" and had other events conducted over the month. The government hired the first town manager of the town (sleepyjay_). In the next month, Willow will work on reforms to the train station.
President 218218Consumer - 52.3% Approve / 47.7% Disapprove
Vice President LilDigiVert - 73.9% Approve / 26.1% Disapprove
State Secretary _Austin27_ - 89.4% Approve / 10.6% Disapprove
Justice Secretary LilNickiVert - 85.1% Approve / 14.9% Disapprove
Education and Commerce Secretary ThrityStone - 24.4% Approve / 75.6% Disapprove
Public Affairs Secretary Twixted - 87% Approve / 13% Disapprove
Construction & Transportation Secretary Hm_Shi - 73.9% Approve / 26.1% Disapprove
Health Secretary VerySmolBirb - 83% Approve / 17% Disapprove
Environment & Recreation Secretary Teuntje1234567 - 77.3% Approve / 22.7% Disapprove
President of the Senate Huney69 - 84.1% Approve / 15.9% Disapprove
Senator Sleepyjay_ - 76.7% Approve / 23.3% Disapprove
Senator Muffins29 - 95.7% Approve / 4.3% Disapprove
Senator Pugbandit - 51.2% Approve / 48.8% Disapprove
Senator TrentrickLamar - 78.6% Approve / 21.4% Disapprove
Speaker of the House Mhadsher101 - 74.4% Approve / 25.6% Disapprove
Deputy Speaker of the House MilkCrack - 73.8% Approve / 26.2% Disapprove
Representative Tair0 - 88.6% Approve / 11.4% Disapprove
Representative Neemfy - 73.8% Approve / 26.2% Disapprove
Representative ElainaThomas29 - 75.6% Approve / 24.4% Disapprove
Representative MinecraftGerman - 42.9% Approve / 57.1% Disapprove
Representative TommysToe - 65.9% Approve / 34.1% Disapprove
Representative Wetc - 51.2% Approve / 48.8% Disapprove
Representative Vernicia - 50% Approve / 50% Disapprove
Representative Rurge - 68.2% Approve / 31.8% Disapprove
Mayor of Willow Westray - 97.9% Approve / 2.1% Disapprove
Mayor of Aventura LilDigiVert - 79.5% Approve / 20.5% Disapprove
Mayor of Klondike Tylxrfied - 74.5% Approve / 25.5% Disapprove
Mayor of Oakridge Rurge - 61.4% Approve / 38.6% Disapprove
The Department of State thanks you for reading this month's State of the Commonwealth report. If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please open a government support ticket where we can attend to your needs.
On behalf of the government, best wishes and we look forward to a prosperous end to this administration.