State of the Commonwealth SOTC Report - JANUARY 2025

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Dept. State

Department of State
State Department
3rd Anniversary 1st Anniversary Popular in the Polls 4th Anniversary
Dec 19, 2020


The purpose of the State of the Commonwealth Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings of the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals.

Report Prepared by Auditor(s):
SomeHumanOnEarth, Neemfy, TheReal42Person, GoldBlooded, lcn
Secretary of State: Adam_The_Warrior
Date Started: 25 JANUARY 2025
Final Report: 06 FEBRUARY 2025


Economy Total: $116,194,298.65 ($499,911.28 Increase/~30 days)
Government Treasury: $18,129,500.38 ($820,879.82 Decrease/~30 days)




This section will list the numbers of all Regular, Professional, and Government jobs.
Accountant - 333
Brewer - 720
Carpenter - 49
Chef - 1964
Contractor - 503
Designer - 323
Farmer - 2323
Fisherman - 399
Hunter - 2228
Journalist - 679
Lumberjack - 1493
Miner - 2226

Armourer - 2093
Jeweller - 343
Mason - 65
Mechanic - 1348
Pharmacist - 13
Realtor - 535

Senior Economist - 8
Economist - 12
Compliance Officer - 3

Construction Manager - 5
Inspection Manager - 2
Constructor - 17
Building Inspector - 14
Builder - 3
Apprentice - 1

Information Manager - 2
Information Officer - 10
Publicist - 0
Tour Manager - 8
Guide (Guide, Trainee Guide) - 19
Education Manager - 4
Professor -23

Medical Specialist - 6
Epidemiologist - 7
Doctor - 16
Trainee Doctor - 65

Captain - 4
Lieutenant - 2
Sergeant - 3
Police Officer - 5
Recruit - 6
Detective - 41

Senior Ranger - 6
Supply Manager - 3
Ranger - 20
Supply Officer - 10

State Prosecutor - 7
Investigator - 3

Event Manager - 6
Media Manager - 2
Event Coordinator - 18
Event Designer - 6
Media Advisor - 5

Audit Manager - 3
Election Manager - 3
Auditor - 6
Electoral Officer - 9


Signed Bills

No Longer Supported Act

Put a Ring On It Act

Job Incentivization Act

Truth In Advertising Act

Tax Calculation Correction Act

Calm Luh Act

Executive Advisor Act

Appropriations Act - JAN 2025

Trespassing and Theft Offenses Act

Debtor Insolvency Expansion Act

Medicare by Default Act

Getting Out of Jail In 20 Seconds Isn’t Ok Act

Obstructive Damages Act

Investigative Warrants Act

Executive Orders

Executive Order 01/25 - Establishing the Presidential Press Corps (PPC)

(REPEALED) Executive Order 02/25: Increasing Universal Basic Income Disbursement

Executive Order 9/25 - Government Salaries

(REPEALED) Executive Order 10/2025 - Regulations on Approved Political Parties
Repealed - Executive Order 10/2025 - Regulations on Approved Political Parties


lcn nominates KattoC324 to Construction Secretary - PASSED
nominates bigpappa140 to Public Affairs Secretary - PASSED
nominates Yeet_Boy to Vice President - PASSED
nominates Matthew100x to Supreme Court Justice - PASSED
nominates Colonel_Kai to Federal Court Judge - PASSED
nominates Adam_The_Warrior to State Secretary - PASSED


Department of State (DOS)

Achievements in January:

- initiated presidential elections
- implemented new party policies
- business as usual :>

Goals for February:
not quite sure with the presidential elections in progress :) lots of potential though!

Approximate Funds Spent:

Department of Construction & Transport (DCT)

Achievements in January:

Over my 3 weeks of tenure, we have hired 7 new employees, finished and began many construction projects like Light Rail, Project Condense, Reveille Heights improvements and so on. We have also increased Building Inspector pay and made the plot auctioning process easier and more rewarding.

Goals for February:
A ton of eviction auctions. So many cool new building projects are currently in planning, especially in Willow, and we can't wait to finish them!

Approximate Funds Spent:
$426301 have been spent since the beginning of my tenure on January 9th.

Mein Name ist Walter Hartwell White. Ich wohne in 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104.

Department of Health (DOH)

Achievements in January:

We have worked closely with Staff to report and fix bugs regarding Medicare and whatnot. I have submitted the Pharmacy&Pharmacists update to Staff and it's under review.

Goals for February:
I would say we can expect the Pharmacists job update and the much needed revamp, but it is not dependent on me now. The submission was made to Staff and I can only hope that the next Secretary will continue my legacy.

Approximate Funds Spent:

Our spending was much lower than it normally would be due to serious bugs with the plugin which resulted in low number of patients and other problems.
This is my last SoTC report this term.
Thank you, Redmont, for trusting me to be your Health Secretary.
Stay healthy.

Department of Commerce (DOC)

Achievements in January:

- Completion of new auditing standards (finally!)
- Begun work on Employment Management System
- New /ad system
- Creation of bankruptcy announcement templates, and announcements of Virtius, steveshat, hidden_id3ntity
- Creation of anonymised CPI data

Goals for February:
- More hires across the Department
- Continued development of auditing standards

Approximate Funds Spent:

Department of the Interior (DOI)

Achievements in January:

The DOI has released a series of tenders and welcomed three new supply officers to the team. Meanwhile, winterwolf has introduced a new feature allowing players to deposit their tenders at any time. On the ranger side, Human contributed to updating the shop at the zoo with a selection of Valentine's Day-themed items. McBrittle also coordinated a successful Ranger Day event, where a dedicated group of rangers worked together to repair and improve the terrain in the wild. Six new rangers have joined the DOI as well.

Goals for February:
The DOI plans to release more tenders, and recruit more supply officers. In addition, the DOI intends to focus on enhancing both the shelter and zoo. Looking ahead, the DOI wishes to establish a Parrot Observatory at the Animal Shelter, and hopefully boost parrot adoptions.

Approximate Funds Spent:

Kvogt2340 has been on a LOA, but has effectively managed and monitored the DOI's discord. winterwolf is currently acting Secretary of the DOI in the meantime.

Department of Public Affairs (DPA)

Achievements in January:

Activity increases, Annual Events getting done, DCTV Revive, More work for the media dept.

Goals for February:
Production increase on DCTV, anniversary of DC, Changes to activity requirements and more hires.

Approximate Funds Spent:
Around 50k left out of 350k

Department of Education (DOE)

Achievements in January:

- Overhauled the Legal Exams
- Initiated changes to update the university
- Updated signs & link signs around the campus
- Expansion of internal archiving pertaining to professions, trades, qualifications, and guides.

Goals for February:
- Continued expansion of internal archive
- More incentives to join the Guide team.
- More incentives to join the Information team.

Approximate Funds Spent:

As the upcoming private accreditations draw more interest, and have more applications accepted, you can expect the amount of budget use to increase.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Achievements in January:

We have managed to add two to three recruits to the DHS and one has been recently been promoted to officer.

Goals for February:
Were still getting the plugins fixed up and such but what I expect from the Department the coming month is potential of expanding roles/subdivisions/divisions in the DHS, but I have to wait and see if its possible.

Approximate Funds Spent:
$20250 (majority are animal murder compensations, self defense, accidental fining. Only two were for the purpose of completion of task [Event attendance])

Department of Justice (DOJ)

Achievements in January:

- Leadership Updates
- Payment Restructure
- Policy Update
- New Employees

Goals for February:
- More focus on our training programs
- More efficiency and coordination with the DHS
- Greater appeal to new players

Approximate Funds Spent:


Town of Oakridge

Achievements in January:

Auctioned off tens of c and r plots, added a homeless shelter, made all mall stores rentable, elected a new Mayor and Council

Goals for February:
New train station and surrounding district, government restructure, new rentals around the town, functional carnival rides, NPCs & quests, and several more things

Town Balance:

Town of Aventura

Achievements in January:

First and foremost, I want to thank everyone for supporting my term as mayor. A special thank you to my deputy mayor for their dedication and hard work throughout our term. I'm proud to say that we've made a lasting impact on Aventura for the better.

During our time in office, we accomplished the following:
Hosted over 10 events and giveaways
Expanded Aventura with a new addition
Introduced two robable NPCs
Updated the Discord community
Launched Aventura Tenders
Revamped Aventura with new furniture
Fixed GPS issue
sMade 90% of stalls rentable
Repaired major road damage
Improved affordability for new player housing

Goals for February:
Aventura is on the verge of its most groundbreaking transformation yet.

Town Balance:

Huge thank you to the people who have helped during our term and we hope to continue the progress


1,524 new players joined (841 player increase from previous month)



Total Respondents: 53
Patriotic Coalition of Redmont (PCR): 11.3% (6)
Workers' Party of Redmont (WPR): 22.6% (12)
Redmont People's Party (RPP): 5.7% (3)
Redmont Reform Party (RRP): 13.2% (7)
Galactic Empire of Redmont (GER): 11.3% (6)
Independent (IND): 35.8% (19)

Forms response chart. Question title: Which Political Party do you primarily affiliate with?. Number of responses: 53 responses.

Total Respondents: 53
City of Reveille: 45.3% (24)
Town of Oakridge: 30.2% (16)
Town of Aventura: 7.5% (4)
The Wild: 17% (9)

Forms response chart. Question title: Which area of the Commonwealth of Redmont do you primarily reside in?. Number of responses: 53 responses.


Total Respondents: 53


President lcn: 79.2% Approve / 20.8% Disapprove
Vice President Yeet_Boy: 65.4% approve / 34.6% Disapprove
(frmr.) Secretary of State TheReal42Person: 75.5% Approve / 24.5% Disapprove
Secretary of Homeland Security HellsideBurnton: 59.2% Approve / 40.8% Disapprove
Secretary of Commerce Technofied: 76.5% Approve / 23.5% Disapprove
Secretary of Public Affairs bigpappa140: 70% Approve / 30% Disapprove
Secretary of Construction and Transportation KattoC324: 81.6% Approve / 18.4% Disapprove
Secretary of Health crytiee: 79.6% Approve / 20.4% Disapprove
Secretary of Interior kvogt2340: 42.9% Approve / 57.1% Disapprove
Secretary of Education IisforIzzy: 70.2% Approve / 29.8% Disapprove
Attorney General Freeze_Line: 68.8% Approve / 31.3% Disapprove

House of Representatives

Speaker of the House zLost: 76.5% Approve / 23.5% Disapprove
Deputy Speaker of the House YeetGlazer: 54.9% Approve / 45.1% Disapprove
Representative AsexualDinosaur: 71.4% Approve / 28.6% Disapprove
Representative RylandW: 50% Approve / 50% Disapprove
Representative 2theo: 46.9% Approve / 53.1% Disapprove
Representative BabySoga: 29.8% Approve / 70.2% Disapprove
Representative Chaos_Canadian: 47.9% Approve / 52.1% Disapprove
Representative MissAndrist: 57.7% Approve / 42.3% Disapprove
Representative CaseyLeFaye: 62% Approve / 38% Disapprove
Representative MathTech: 56.5% Approve / 43.5% Disapprove
Representative MrFluffy2U94: 44.4% Approve / 55.6% Disapprove


President of the Senate xEndeavour: 62% Approve / 38% Disapprove
Deputy President of the Senate JediAJMan: 59.6% Approve / 40.4% Disapprove
Senator CopTop_YT: 48.9% Approve / 51.1% Disapprove
Senator GoldBlooded: 64.6% Approve / 35.4% Disapprove
Senator Vernicia: 51% Approve / 49% Disapprove


Aventura Mayor CopTop_YT: 54.5% Approve / 45.5% Disapprove
Oakridge Mayor Yeet_Boy: 69.4% Approve / 30.6% Disapprove

The Department of State thanks you for reading this month's State of the Commonwealth report. If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please open a Government support ticket where we can attend to your needs.
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