Dept. State
Department of State
State Department
3rd Anniversary
1st Anniversary
Popular in the Polls
4th Anniversary
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- Dec 19, 2020
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The purpose of the State of the Commonwealth Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings of the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals. This is the State of the Commonwealth for the month of March.
Report Prepared by Auditor(s): pugbandit, GoldBlooded, DarkFia, A__C Secretary of State: GoldBlooded | Dates: Started 25 JULY 2022 Final Report 01 JULY 2022 |
Economy Total: $51,975,304 ($1,748,887.62 Increase from June)
Government Total: $1,668,398.59 (-$638,714.43 decrease from June)
Farmer: 1519
Author: 483
Chef: 1482
Mercenary: 1758
Fisherman: 232
Accountant: 225
Miner: 1526
Brewer: 557
Contractor: 363
Lumberjack: 966
Realtor: 389
Recycling Operator: 379
Jeweller: 111
Mechanic: 815
Armourer: 1554
Pharmacist: 1175
Attorney (Soliciter/Attorney/Barrister): 501
Doctor (trainee/doctor): 57
Medical Specialist: 9
Guide (Trainee/Guide): 8
Event Coordinator (inc. Manager): 18
Archivist (inc. Manager): 12
Media Manager: 4
PO (Trainee/Constable): 12
Sergeant: 6
Superintendent: 4
Economist (Inc. Senior): 24
Educational Specialist: 0
Ranger (Ranger/Senior Ranger): 31
Constructor: 20
Building Inspector: 12
Auditor: 6
Electoral Officer: 8
State Prosecutor: 10
Court Clerk: 1
Judge: 2
Magistrate: 3
Justice: 4
Foreign Dignitary: 9
Foreign Ambassador: 2
Draftsman: 1
Farmer: 1519
Author: 483
Chef: 1482
Mercenary: 1758
Fisherman: 232
Accountant: 225
Miner: 1526
Brewer: 557
Contractor: 363
Lumberjack: 966
Realtor: 389
Recycling Operator: 379
Jeweller: 111
Mechanic: 815
Armourer: 1554
Pharmacist: 1175
Attorney (Soliciter/Attorney/Barrister): 501
Doctor (trainee/doctor): 57
Medical Specialist: 9
Guide (Trainee/Guide): 8
Event Coordinator (inc. Manager): 18
Archivist (inc. Manager): 12
Media Manager: 4
PO (Trainee/Constable): 12
Sergeant: 6
Superintendent: 4
Economist (Inc. Senior): 24
Educational Specialist: 0
Ranger (Ranger/Senior Ranger): 31
Constructor: 20
Building Inspector: 12
Auditor: 6
Electoral Officer: 8
State Prosecutor: 10
Court Clerk: 1
Judge: 2
Magistrate: 3
Justice: 4
Foreign Dignitary: 9
Foreign Ambassador: 2
Draftsman: 1
On July 1st, 2022, the appropriations were signed into law and the budget was enacted for the month. Here is the transcript of the logged spending in the #budget channel:
As per the process, all spending that is above the thresholds listed will be logged here. Thus spending in programs like medicare, salaries, or spending that is below the threshold, does not need to be logged here.
DoJ, report all spending over $100;
DEC, report all spending over $8000;
DPA, report all spending over $2000;
DCT, report all spending over $3000;
DoH, report all spending over $250;
DER, report all spending over $2000;
DoS, report all spending over $250;
Legislature, report all spending over $0;
Judiciary, report all spending over $0;
AG, report all spending over $300; and
RBA, report all spending over $0.
MilkCrack — 07/05/2022
Funds used: $300
Department: DLA
Purpose: Prosecutor Payement
blockyelise — 07/05/2022
Funds used: $350
Department: DOH
Purpose: Doctor of the Month bonus
ElainaThomas29 — 07/05/2022
Funds Used: $750
Department: DOJ
Purpose: Lawsuit
Funds Used: $500
Department: DOJ
Purpose: Public advocate payments
GoldBlooded — 07/07/2022
Funds used: $5,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Bonus payments (Electoral Officers + Auditors (sotc))
Teuntje1234567 — 07/09/2022
Funds used: $1400
Department: DER
Purpose: Eviction payments
Teuntje1234567 — 07/13/2022
Funds used: $1055
Department: DER
Purpose: Rangerpayments
GoldBlooded — 07/13/2022
Funds used: $9,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Electoral Officer payment (Senate/House General Election, House Runoff, RBA special)
Funds used: $2,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Auditor Payment
DCGovernment — 07/14/2022
Funds used: $150,000
Department: Staff
Purpose: Reveille construction payments
(President informed) (edited)
GoldBlooded — 07/15/2022
Funds used: $2,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Auditor Payment
Trentrick_Lamar — 07/17/2022
Funds used: $30,000
Department: DEC
Purpose: Grants
Trentrick_Lamar — 07/18/2022
Funds used: $25,000
Department: DEC
Purpose: Grants
Trentrick_Lamar — 07/21/2022
Funds used: $10,000
Department: DEC
Purpose: Grant (edited)
Milqy — 07/21/2022
Funds used: $250
Department: RBA
Purpose: PD Program pay
Deadwax — 07/21/2022
Funds used: $39,000
Department: DCT
Purpose: Tender Compensation
GoldBlooded — 07/21/2022
Funds used: $75,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Budget Transfer DOS -> DEC authorized by the President, carried out by the Vice President.
Derpy_Bird — 07/24/2022
Funds used: $5000
Department: DPA
Purpose: Event prizes
Trentrick_Lamar — 07/24/2022
Funds used: $10,000
Department: DEC
Purpose: Grant
SnoWhitebeard — 07/24/2022
Funds used: $2000
Department: DPA
Purpose: Spleef winner
Derpy_Bird — 07/29/2022
Funds used: $6000
Department: DPA
Purpose: Event prizes + employee payments
GoldBlooded — 07/29/2022
Funds used: $2,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Electoral Officer Payment (RBA Elections)
Funds used: $4,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Auditor Payment
Derpy_Bird — 07/29/2022
Funds used: $2500
Department: DPA
Purpose: Event prizes
GoldBlooded — Today at 9:43 PM
Funds used: $10,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: 2x Monthly Ambassador Report
Funds used: $2,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Auditor Payment
Funds used: $14,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Monthly Bonuses (Department-wide)
GoldBlooded — Today at 9:55 PM
Funds used: $4,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Executive Expenditures
We're now a month and a half in, and I told y'all this summer would be a spicy one. Since we last spoke, the Digi/Huney Administration has launched 2 new departments, a postal service, Dua Lipa day, a country club, and so much more. In one and a half month, we have accomplished more than most administrations did in four. We aren't done, though. In the coming month, Huney and I are taking a larger look at the criminal RP side of the server, and determining how to best boost this side of the server. At the same time, we're planning more server-wide events! After the Olympics (where Redmont will win bigly!), expect to see MULTIPLE large scale event announcements.
As always, everything we've done has been with fun as the first thought. Huney and I want to make Redmont a more enjoyable place for all, and the fun is only just beginning!
Rumble, young man, rumble
Life is a trip, so sometimes, you gon' stumble
You gotta go through pain in order to become you
But once the world numbs you, you'll feel like it's only one you
Man, you got the power to do anything you want to
Until you ask yourself, "Is this what this all comes to?"
Looking at life through sunglasses and a sunroof
But do you have the power to get out from up under you?
F all these lames, F what everybody wants from you
They tryna Axl Rose you, welcome to the jungle
To be continued, we on that Norman Mailer quest
In search of the truth even if it goes through Prezi West
Tell him I’m the best!
Life is a trip, so sometimes, you gon' stumble
You gotta go through pain in order to become you
But once the world numbs you, you'll feel like it's only one you
Man, you got the power to do anything you want to
Until you ask yourself, "Is this what this all comes to?"
Looking at life through sunglasses and a sunroof
But do you have the power to get out from up under you?
F all these lames, F what everybody wants from you
They tryna Axl Rose you, welcome to the jungle
To be continued, we on that Norman Mailer quest
In search of the truth even if it goes through Prezi West
Tell him I’m the best!
President of the Commonwealth of Redmont
Orders of Merit Act
Act of Congress - Honours and Awards Act
A Cool National Symbols Thread Act
Act of Congress - Library of Congress Act
Budget for the Month of July
Information - Appropriations Acts
A Cool Villager Murder Fine Amendment Act
Act of Congress - Reformed Defense of Villagers Act
Milqy Legal Board Amendment
Act of Congress - Modern Legal Board Act
LDV Cool Amending Constitutional Amendments Act
Act of Congress - LDV Cool Amending Constitutional Amendments Act
LDV Department of the Interior Establishment Act
Act of Congress - Executive Standards Act
Political Party Registration Amendment
Act of Congress - Executive Standards Act
The Great Warrants Act
Act of Congress - Judicial Standards Act
Political Participation Act
Act of Congress - Fair Campaigning Act
Honors and Awards Act
Act of Congress - Honours and Awards Act
Cool Library of Congress Expansion Act
Act of Congress - Library of Congress Act
Executive Orders
Executive Order 14/22 - Town Economic Measures II
Executive Order - Executive Order 14/22 - Town Economic Measures II
Passed Presidential Nominations
Trentrick_Lamar - Commerce Secretary
Department of State (DOS)
Achievements in July:
- Implementation of monthly Ambassador Reports
- July State of the Commonwealth
- Conclusion of various un-specified audits. Sit down worth Department Secretaries to go over audit findings.
- Introduction of the ATM Grant for towns
- Conducted General Elections and RBA Elections.
- Moved political party oversight from the public affairs Department to the state department.
- Wished Vice President Huney69 a happy birthday.
- Continued Olympic Talks between nations; dates have been set.
Goals for August:
- August State of the Commonwealth
- August Ambassador Report(s)
- Hosting Olympics, August 10th - 20th
- Release Census
Department of Construction & Transport (DCT)
Achievements in July:
Two new leadership positions where created in the DCT first one was for the BI's and we hired Kycnn. Kycnn will help with the tickets discord tickets that are for evictions and managing eviction exemptions and any questions from new BI's. The Second Leadership position the DCT hired was the Urban Development Director. Nacholebraa was hired for this position and will focus on the districting initiative. The first district that Nacho will focus on will be China town as voted by the server. Nacho will also assist with DCT pastes to hopefully get these Tickets completed faster. Increased the paste fee's by $5000 but are still seeing a large number of pastes coming in each day.
Goals for August:
SkyBridges planning is in the final stages and will be announced this month. The blanket eviction notice for Reveille will be expiring on August 1st and the BI's have an event to raid the city and start handing out eviction notices.
"I am not a crook" - Construction Secretary, Deadwax
Department of Health (DOH)
Achievements in July:
The biggest achievement we’ve made was definitely the release of the new disease plugin. I’ve updated every guide on the forums and every in-game hospital. I’ve also updated the DOH discord channel and moved every DOH related structure (Such as the Medical tent) to Reveille. We’ve worked with Taelor in order to make the health system work and everything seems to be working again now. Every command and new incoming changes have been updated, since the new plugin is very different (In terms of diseases and cures) from the old one.
Goals for August:
I’m going to release an activity check in the next days, so we can see who is really doing their job. I’m going to make sure every Doctor we have is properly active. I’m planning on making the Paramedic job a more known profession, and to do so, we’re going to have more people run the /EMT command. That’s our main goal. We’re also planning on accepting at least 2 more MS to the team. And we’re still working with Taelor to fix every bug and issue with new commands and features. I’m also working on bringing vaccines back, although it could still be a long process.
Department of Education & Commerce (DEC)
Achievements in July:
- Implemented an Economic Analysis channel for the Commerce Team to work with, meant to measure things such as national and per-industry GDP + track government spending on a day-by-day basis
- Revamped the chef plugin with foods now reflecting the sum of their parts and effects added relevant to the ingredients' real-life health benefits (istg if anyone says anything about carrots I'll scream, that's a WW2 myth)
- Re-implementation of repealed government grants
- Implemented an employee strike system which holds DEC employees accountable for breaking line with established Department Policy in a channel visible to leadership
- Re-worked DEC Department Policy, used it to take some power away from the Commerce Secretary and place it into employee hands such that no Commerce Secretary henceforth may run with unchecked power.
-Previously, the DEC Secretary's power was limited only by Department Policy which mostly did not exist.
- Currently, the DEC Secretary's power is limited by a clause within Policy that disallows any going forward from modifying said policy unless it negatively affects day-to-day operations of the Department
- Previously, decisions such as Department employment, Deputy Secretary pick, and Team Leader picks were exclusively made by the Secretary with the Department as a whole involved currently
- Established a legend for the brewer and chef recipes for any future employees to use such that there is parity and sensibility between all recipes. - Re-worked the chef guide to have all recipes, hunger points, and effects listed on the forums •Renamed Mercenary to Hunter for semantic reasons
- Reworked the Hunter guide to have more information and mob farm tutorials within it in order to provide a jump start to prospective hunters
Goals for August:
I HATE geese - Commerce Secretary, Trentrick_Lamar
Department of Environment and Recreation (DER)
Achievements in July:
- Zoo Progress
- looked (and found) plots for cat cafes
- worked with Digi on the transition from the DER -> DOI (Department of the Interior)
Goals for August:
- Finishing the zoo (most likely)
- start working on the cat cafes
- DER -> DOI transition
Department of Public Affairs (DPA)
Achievements in July:
-Overcame the fact that Derpy is a bird and hired her as Deputy Secretary
- Terminated inactive employees
- Raised archivist pay
- Employed new guides, archivists and event coordinators.
- Promoted Vroomba and DemonFire to manager roles
- Employed Marty as Media Advisor to focus on DCTV Started planning DCTV including the hiring of a newscast reporter
- Planning Olympics
- Hosted Beer Fest, Grease movie night, first ever Staff Go Rogue event (first time driving a mecha as a prize), parkour, maze, soccer, spleef and more!
- Started weekly contest Consistently posting on Instagram
- Officially yeeted political party applications/voting to the DOS
Goals for August:
- Olympics!!!
- Food Truck Race event
- Server-wide team event
- TikTok contest
- DCTV videos
- Pay raises
- Implementing more workflow processes/systems
- Posting more social media channels
Department of Justice (DOJ)
Achievements in July:
- employee check-in
- incentives for closing out tickets
- switch in leadership
Goals for August:
- town hall
- opinion survey
- more announcements
- more to keep employees engaged
Department of Legal Affairs (DLA)
Achievements in July:
- Resolved many investigations
- Re-organizing the department and creating the Redmont Bureau of Investigations
- Recruiting and training many new Prosecutors and Paralegals
- Started work on Department Events such as mock-trials
Goals for August:
- Recruiting more prosecutors who are eligible for the Public Advocate Program
- Expanding and building on the existing Public Advocate Program.
- Getting more involved in the Legal Community.
- Improving and creating more employee guides.
- Creating a new point system to motivate employees.
- Continuing to recruit and train new employees.
Spawning Residence: 54
No Spawn: 80
Spawning Residence: 67
Non-Spawning: 0
Spawning Residence: 42
No Spawn: 21
Spawning Residence: 29
No Spawn: 22
President LilDigiVert: 84.3% Approve / 15.7% Disapprove
Vice President Huney69: 94.3% Approve / 5.7% Disapprove
Secretary of State GoldBlooded: 83.6% Approve / 16.4% Disapprove
Secretary of Justice ElainaThomas29: 82.1% Approve / 17.9% Disapprove
Secretary of Education & Commerce Trentrick_Lamar: 82.4% Approve / 17.6% Disapprove
Secretary of Public Affairs SnoWhiteBeard: 81.3% Approve / 18.8% Disapprove
Secretary of Construction & Transport Deadwax: 74.2% Approve / 25.8% Disapprove
Secretary of Health Blockyelise: 85.5% Approve / 14.5% Disapprove
Secretary of Environment & Recreation Teuntje1234567: 75.4% Approve / 24.6% Disapprove
Attorney General MilkCrack: 77.6% Approve / 22.4% Disapprove
Ambassador LavenderxBlaxii: 94% Approve / 6% Disapprove
Ambassador LobsterRoast: 88.1% Approve / 11.9% Disapprove
Ambassador Twixted: 68.7% Approve / 31.3% Disapprove
Speaker of the House Mhadsher101: 81.2% Approve / 18.8% Disapprove
Deputy Speaker of the House xEndeavour: 55.2% Approve / 44.8% Disapprove
Representative xLayzur: 77.3% Approve / 22.7% Disapprove
Representative A__C: 87% Approve / 13% Disapprove
Representative DemonFire256: 81.2% Approve / 13% Disapprove
Representative Hong_Kong_101: 75.4% Approve / 24.6% Disapprove
Representative Vernicia: 61.8% Approve / 38.2% Disapprove
Representative LobsterRoast: 83.6% Approve / 16.4% Disapprove
Representative RelaxedGV: 73.5% Approve / 26.5% Disapprove
Representative Rurge: 78.6% Approve / 21.4% Disapprove
Representative Yeet_Boy: 46.4% Approve / 53.6% Disapprove
President of the Senate Milqy: 71% Approve / 29% Disapprove
Senator Sleepyjay_: 71.6% Approve / 28.4% Disapprove
Senator f6rn: 66.7% Approve / 33.3% Disapprove
Senator Derpy_Bird: 78.8% Approve / 21.2% Disapprove
Senator Overlordofpeonys: 82.6% Approve / 17.4% Disapprove
Senator pugbandit: 69.7% Approve / 30.3% Disapprove
Willow Mayor Twixted: 63.1% Approve / 36.9% Disapprove
Aventura Mayor LilDigiVert: 85.7% Approve / 14.3% Disapprove
Klondike Mayor SnoWhiteBeard: 84.8% Approve / 15.2% Disapprove
Oakridge Mayor WackJap: 69.7% Approve / 30.3% Disapprove
The Department of State thanks you for reading this month's State of the Commonwealth report. If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please open a Government support ticket where we can attend to your needs.