State of the Commonwealth SOTC Report - MAY 2022

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Dept. State

Department of State
State Department
3rd Anniversary 1st Anniversary Popular in the Polls 4th Anniversary
Dec 19, 2020


The purpose of the State of the Commonwealth Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings of the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals. This is the State of the Commonwealth for the month of March.

Report Prepared by Auditor(s):
pugbandit, Black_ven0m, GoldBlooded
Secretary of State: Twixted
26 MAY 2022
Final Report 03 JUNE 2022


Economy Total: 49,547,170.62 ($1,671,462.75 Increase; from April)
Government Total: $1,534,742.20 ($310,154.79 Decrease; from April)




accountant - 205
armourer - 1462
brewer - 501
contractor - 330
chef - 1392
farmer - 1476
fisherman - 220
solicitor - 111
barrister - 152
attorney - 194
lumberjack - 928
mercenary - 1689
Miner - 1466
mechanic - 758
realtor - 362
pharmacist - 1131
recycling operator - 357
jeweller - 88

draftsman - 1
clerk - 2
press assistant - 1
inspection manager - 2
building inspector - 13
construction manager - 1
constructor - 19
senior economist - 2
economist - 19
electoral officer - 7
auditor - 8
event coordinator - 12
event manager - 4
media manager - 6
media advisor - 13
archive manager - 2
archivist - 11
tour manager - 2
guide - 7
trainee guide - 3
trainee doctor - 50
doctor - 46
medical specialist - 8
paramedic - 7
trainee officer - 5
constable - 17
sergeant - 8
superintendent - 5
ranger - 23
environmental manager - 6


Well, I suppose that is it, the final month of the West Administration has concluded!

The last few months have went by faster than I had ever expected this term. Muffins29 and I came in with heaps of objectives after sustaining nearly 80% of the electorate's support in February. While everything certainly did not go to plan, I am thrilled with the work that we have done in this administration.

I am proud as to how we have always stayed true to our values - to represent the community and people who elected us - despite the hardships faced. Even when it was inconvenient to express concerns from the community, we did so anyway. This administration is the first to value public input on every level: from deciding policymaking to picking department secretaries. No other government has ever put out as many surveys, Q&A events, inquiries, and overall simply engaged with the community than this term.

The lesson I've learned the most in my second term as elected President is that things can go south quickly. Despite our heaps of plans, timelines, to-do lists, and everything else; admittedly at times we found ourselves falling behind. Part of this falling behind was unfortunately out of our control when the stability of the government was put into question as a result of the actions of server ownership surrounding the announcement of Reveille during March. There was intense debate and there was discontent when the government was being overstepped and ignored to some extents. Being in situations where we have had no control over major decisions impacting the community was something that happened more frequently this term than any other. It was definitely a struggle, feeling as though you have no control in a time when people rely on the government to help them.

Being President has been demanding and burdensome to certain extents, however I do not regret the time spent serving this nation collectively in 8 months over the past 2 years. I am beyond grateful for the opportunities that the people have provided me and to the rest of cabinet. After all, as I have always said, the people of this nation are the ones that should determine its fate. I hope that my dedication here - whether it be through my heaps of contributions in government and elsewhere - has left a legacy that sustains a principle of valuing the community. After all, being the player with the most overall in-game playtime, I have always made my best effort to stay connected and involved. People deserve government and leadership that will engage directly with regular players.

I'd like to express my gratitude to everyone who has supported me and this administration throughout the term, and to the hardworking members of departments and secretaries. Without the efforts of so many heaps of people, volunteering hours on hours of their time to support the community, there would be no DC. This server and its success is not a result of any single individual, but rather the collective allocation of time that many members have spent improving it.

Thank you to all, and I look forward to seeing what we can still achieve in these days we still have in office until June 15.


President of the Commonwealth of Redmont


Signed Bills in the month of May

The Cooler Vehicle Abandonment Act
Taxation Act Amendment
Incumbents Act
Warrant Clarity Act
Classification Act
May 2022 Budget Proposal
Pet Limitation Act Amendment
Government Disruption Act Amendment
Lethal Force is Cool Act Amendment
Abandoned Pets Are Not Cool Act Amendment

Signed Executive Orders in the month of May


Presidential Nominations Passed by the Senate in May

Muffins29 - Public Affairs Secretary
Twixted - State Secretary
LavenderxBlaxxi - (Ambassador) Added Vindex Nation Portfolio
LobsterRoast - Ambassador to Stratham


Department of State

Achievements in May:

- Ran the May 2022 House of Representatives and Senate general elections, plus the first debates under the purview of the department.
- Improved department transparency with the public.
- Held several meetings between ambassadors and foreign dignitaries to advance foreign policy objectives.
- Hired and trained several new Auditors and Electoral Officers.
- Promoted SomeHumanOnEarth to Deputy Secretary for Elections.
- Implemented policy for town exceptions from federal law.

Goals for June:
- Fully implement department accountability tribunals.
- Lay down formal boundaries for towns in Reveille.

Department of Construction & Transport

Achievements in May:

- Reveille sewer system.
- New Court House.
- Reveille Construction.
- Revised Plot Regulations.

Goals for June:
- Work has begun on Presidential library's for Presidents Austin27, LilDigiVert, HugeBob23456 and xEndeavour.
- We expect a lot of general maintenance for Reveille as well as helping players modify their builds to try and fit their plots.

Department of Health

Achievements in May:

- Two employees achieved Doctor of the Month, given offices and prize shulkers.
- Medical tent at spawn updated and includes legal drugs from hospital.
- Added two new questions to the Medical Exam.
- Doctor exams opened for the longest amount of time, over 1 week
- 9 training sessions were conducted

Goals for June:
- Prepare for the final stages of the new Disease plugin development.
- Account for all changes, whether through in-game or forums regarding new plugin ensure plugin runs smoothly.
- Possibly implement new diseases once plugin has been implemented :O
- Opening up Doctor exams after everything is going well again.

"wee woo nee naw" - Secretary VerySmolBirb

Department of Education & Commerce

Achievements in May:

- New alcoholic beverages have been introduced

Goals for June:
- Full implementation of the new exams + related guides
- Introduce Career Coaches

Department of Environment and Recreation

Achievements in May:

- Progress is being made on the new Reveille City Zoo and Animal Shelter

Goals for June:
- Finishing both the Reveille City Zoo and Shelter

Department of Public Affairs

Achievements in May:


Goals for June:

Department of Justice

Achievements in May:

- Increase in compensation pay from $5/1 minute —> $15/1 minute reparations for Reveille with changes to Bank and ATM robbery.
- Increase in officer hiring.
- Department-Public events.
- More inner-department bonding.
- Rewritten guides.

Goals for June:
- More crime opportunities in reveille for criminals to be arrested for
- Increased transparency with more public forums
- Release a transparency form to the public.

Office of the Attorney General

Achievements in May:

- The Supreme Court has re-affirmed the Federal Court's position in FCR 30, again in favor of the State.
- The Office of the Attorney General has began work on establishing precedents set within the court.
- Our new Solicitor General, Kanne, was appointed and excelled since.

Goals for June:
- Continued work on establishing court precedents and other normal responsibilities of the Office.

The Office of the Attorney General has hired on 3 new employees since the last address, 1 State Prosecutor and 2 Paralegals.


Achievements in May:

- Working on communication and really to getting to know our neighboring servers/cities. It is hard when other servers have a lot of elections but we are making it work.
- Drafting United nations Charter.
- LavenderxBlaxii gained Vindex nation along with her current portfolio, Harlon.
- LobsterRoast was appointed ambassador at the beginning of May. LobsterRoast serves as the Ambassador to Stratham.
- Began discussions on a third Olympiad that should be taking place very soon.

Goals for June:
- Signing the United Nations Charter.
- Third Olympiad is likely to take place in June, provided all participating nations agree.

"Dinos." - Ambassador LavenderxBlaxii



Total Residence: 57

- Aventura is still building for Reveille

- Reveille soft-launch or launch date announcement


Total Residence: 44

- Town development on Reveille has been sufficient, especially with our new style.

- Continue to develop the town of Klondike.


Total Residence: 67

- Reveille development.
- Introduced drug licenses.

- Continue to develop Oakridge into a thriving town.
- Election of the next Oakridge Mayor.
- Peaceful transition of power to the next Oakridge administration.


Total Residence: 63

- Ran Council elections with a high turnout of 32 voters
- Continued the development of the town in Reveille

- Consideration of structural changes to the town government.
- Increased activity within the Council, implementation of standards for members.
- More opportunities for the public to be involved in town development.
- More incentives and benefits to support town businesses and industry.
- More frequent town halls, press conferences, and transparency statements.
- Implement process for sheriff to grant exception licenses to businesses that sell drugs.
- Conduct town census and in-game resident meetings.
- Consider expansion of town industry with Reveille plots.
- Determine feasibility of expanding existing transportation network within Willow.
- Finalize zoning plans for Reveille, with increased density throughout the town.



President Westray: 87.8% Approve / 12.2% Disapprove
Vice President Muffins29: 71.6% Approve / 28.4% Disapprove
Secretary of State Twixted: 83.3% Approve / 16.7% Disapprove
Secretary of Education and Commerce Trentrick_Lamar: 81.1% Approve / 18.9% Disapprove
Secretary of Construction and Transport Deadwax: 79.2% Approve / 20.8% Disapprove
Secretary of Justice ElainaThomas29: 78.6% Approve / 21.4% Disapprove
Secretary of Health VerySmolBirb: 87.5% Approve / 12.5% Disapprove
Secretary of Public Affairs Muffins29: 68.6% Approve / 31.4% Disapprove
Secretary of Environment & Recreation Teuntje1234567: 81.4% Approve / 18.6% Disapprove
Attorney General Drew_Hall: 79.7% Approve / 20.3% Disapprove
Ambassador LobsterRoast: 91.2% Approve / 8.8% Disapprove
Ambassador LavenderxBlaxii: 82.6% Approve / 17.4% Disapprove


Speaker of the House A__C: 86.7% Approve / 13.3% Disapprove
Deputy Speaker of the House nnmc: 75.7% Approve / 24.3% Disapprove
Representative Rurge: 67.1% Approve / 32.9% Disapprove
Representative xEndeavour: 52.1% Approve / 47.9% Disapprove
Representative Freeze28: 61.1% Approve / 38.9% Disapprove
Representative wetc: 79.2% Approve / 20.8% Disapprove
Representative Vernicia: 57.1% Approve / 42.9% Disapprove
Representative Kitje_Katje_NL: 76.1% Approve / 23.9% Disapprove
Representative Ersy05: 54.4% Approve / 45.6% Disapprove
Representative Reaperay: 63.4% Approve / 36.6% Disapprove
Representative Martytje1234567: 73.6% Approve / 26.4% Disapprove

President of the Senate Huney69: 88.9% Approve / 11.1% Disapprove
Senator Sleepyjay_: 78.6% Approve / 21.4% Disapprove
Senator black_ven0m: 77.5% Approve / 22.5% Disapprove
Senator Derpy_Bird: 74% Approve / 26% Disapprove
Senator LilNickiVert: 79.2% Approve / 20.8% Disapprove
Senator Milqy: 79.5% Approve / 20.5% Disapprove


(Acting) Mayor of Willow Twixted: 69% Approve / 31% Disapprove
Mayor of Aventura LilDigiVert: 85.7% Approve / 14.3% Disapprove
Mayor of Klondike Tylxrfied: 75% Approve / 25% Disapprove
Mayor of Oakridge Martytje1234567: 82.4% Approve / 17.6% Disapprove

On behalf of the Department of State we bid President Westray and Vice President Muffins29 a final Goodbye and a tremendous 'Thank you' for another fruitful term as they live out the last weeks of their term. Godspeed to the both of them, wherever their lives lead.

The Department of State thanks you for reading this month's State of the Commonwealth report. If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please open a Government support ticket where we can attend to your needs.

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