Dept. State
Department of State
State Department
3rd Anniversary
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4th Anniversary
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The purpose of the State of the Commonwealth Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings on the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals.
Economy Total: $43,961,064.91 (5.9% Increase)
Government Total: $1,447,573.74 (3.69 Decrease)
My fellow citizens,
I thank you all for attending the second monthly address of my administration. I come to you at a time of division. The shadow of Vice President GoldBlooded’s subpoena hangs over us in the next hour as the Senate Executive Oversight Committee investigates wrongdoing. However, let it be known that my administration is fully committed to accountability and unity. My administration will attend the subpoena and cooperate with the requests of Congress. We will engage with any potential line of questioning as we do our best to mend recent wounds in our government.
It’s in the name of our server: we are a democracy, and in a democracy, we must work to build consensus, and we must work to put aside our divisions, and we must work together for the common good of our constituents. We are one nation, one people, with one destiny, and no conflict between our two branches will ever let us forget that.
We hold these speeches not to promote Congress, not to promote the presidency, and not to promote the courts. We hold these speeches not to help my agenda for the government, but the government’s agenda for Redmont and what we’ve gotten done. Thankfully, through the hard work of our secretaries, the unyielding commitment of our government employees, the passion of our Congress, and the resilience of the courts through these troubling times, we can report that the State of the Commonwealth is strong.
We have fought inequity in the plot distribution. With the advisory hand of the Department of Education & Commerce, property taxes have been signed into law, generating additional revenue for the government.
We have used unused space for the growth of our economy. The Department of Construction & Transportation has finally filled the empty construction site that was standing by Vestire Mall for months, beautifying the Central Business District with a wonderful set of shops for new players.
We have protected the health of Redmont’s citizens. The Department of Health is stronger than ever with constant hires of medical specialists and paramedics, all of whom will be trained professionally and effectively with new evaluation rubrics.
We have engaged both with our community and the outside world: the Department of Public Affairs has continued its diligent work in events and social media posts, including the smashing success of xerxesmc’s Squid Game event.
We have worked with towns for the betterment of nature and our wildlife. The Department of Environment & Recreation has opened not one, but two new shelters in the towns of Aventura and Willow.
As always, the Department of Justice has valiantly maintained public safety. Our most outstanding officers will receive the recognition they deserve through promotions and a newly established Officer of the Month program, while constant new hires have protected the strength of our police force.
Although our government looks to the future, we have stayed in touch with our past. Thanks to the work of Secretary Endeavour, the Department of State has begun a historic project of archiving all of national history, which will be continued under the steady hand of our new Secretary, Yerevan.
In terms of other affairs, the Office of the Attorney General has protected the rule of law in prosecutions of fraud, murder, and tax evasion. I’d like to thank Attorney General JoeGamer, who is a federal judge, for introducing a resoundingly successful paralegal program to introduce new players to the legal field, and I’d like to thank current AG nnmc for continuing it so effectively.
Finally, a huge congratulations to Mayor Tyler on a successful release of the town of Klondike. With a succession of fun events and a town council already established, the future looks bright for this snowy retreat.
However, in spite of the many accomplishments of our government, the work of our people is not done. For the future, cabinet is actively discussing the potential of a central bank and a public broadcasting system, two historic programs that will encourage economic growth and player retention, respectively. No matter what conflicts, Redmont stays successful in its long history of innovation and new programs, and it stays united in its long history of success.
That concludes my remarks, and I thank you all for attending. Glory to Redmont.
Signed Bills
Amend the Savior Act
The Foundation of Contract Law Amendment Act (CLF)
Library of Congress Act
Taxation Act
Adoption Act
Legal Board Amendment Act
Road Autonomy Act
Economic Growth Act
Classification Amendment Act
Presidential Library Act
DEC November Budget Act
Appropriations Act - November
Executive Orders
Attorney General - nnmc
Federal Court Judge - JoeGamer
Secretary of State - Yerevann_
Ambassador - Muffins29
Secretary of Construction & Transport - Heather
Department of Construction & Transport
Achievements in November:
- Lots of new hires and training.
- Mini CBD project started.
- Greenspace improvements.
- Restarted the aquarium/museum project.
Goals for December:
- Continue hiring/training to bring our dept back to active levels.
- Decide on a BI manager from our active BIs.
- Finish some construction projects for the first time in ages
- Introduce some competitions.
- Begin planning a mentorship/ training program for up and coming constructors.
Department of Health
Achievements in November:
- Paramedic job is back up, applications are open, ambulances have been given out.
- Incorrect question in Paramedic exam has been changed.
- Law regarding selling of pharmaceuticals pending to be made clearer.
- Revamped entire MS guide, new Evaluation Rubric, Paramedic training script, mock attend script.
- Announced and awarded new Doctor of the Month.
- Opened Medical exams, hired about 20 new Trainees.
- Hired and trained 4 new MS.
- Trained 2 paramedics, hired 1 more.
- New roster and updated information in DOH Discord server.
- MS have evaluated 13 doctors.
- Set up new clinic at Klondike.
- Fixed all water bottles at Oakridge.
Goals for December:
- Evaluate remaining TDs.
- Accept more Paramedics.
- Continue to maintain status of all hospitals/clinics.
- Fire inactive doctors, if necessary, open exams again.
Department of Education & Commerce
Achievements in November:
No Submission
Goals for December:
No Submission
Department of Environment and Recreation
Achievements in November:
- Willow and Aventura shelters completed and opened to the public.
- Created a guide for DER employees that contains the specific procedures for each animal shelter.
- Pruned out the players that left the department long ago but still had DER roles in-game.
- Hired many new rangers to the department and welcomed back some older faces.
- Created a channel in DC Jobs to encourage players to apply for the Ranger job.
- Created the #policies channel on our Discord server to showcase our public polices in an effort to make them more well known.
- Changed the name of Environmental Manager to State Ranger and then to Senior Ranger.
Goals for December:
- Begin working with Oakridge leadership on building an Animal Shelter for their town.
- Keep department operations running smoothly.
Department of Public Affairs
Achievements in November:
- Hired a new media manager and event manager
- Hired a total of 11 new employees - Increased tour guide and media advisor advertisements
- Created the code of conduct for department employees
- Formalized bonus policy - Formalized the new debate format and policies
- Established a mentorship program for new employees
- Changed the heads in the DPA building
- Implemented the adoption system as per the adoption act
- Hosted several events (major one being Squid Games)
- Posted on the social media accounts
Goals for December:
- Establish fair grounds in Aventura (the DPA was given half of one of the main islands in Aventura)
- Establish a PVP league
- Establish a domestic and international soccer league
- Christmas/winter themed events - Finish creating a guide evaluation rubric
- Promote a guide to tour manager - Work on more international events (especially with Harlon)
- Have a set schedule for social media posts - Standardize active political party information
- Activity checks for all department employees
- Implement public broadcasting system
- Host department team building activities
- Host more private events
- Increased events in towns
- Events in work for December: book contest, soccer, talent show, choice awards, correspondents dinner, Christmas events, winter festival, "the walls", pvp league, movie night, karaoke night.
Department of Justice
Achievements in November:
- The Department of Justice has hired and promoted more officers over the past month.
- TheRukia and Neemfy were hired as Sergeants to assist with training, advising, etc.
- Sergeant Neemfy was elected by the Officers of the Department to become the first Sheriff of the town of Klondike.
- Creation of Officer(s) of the Month.
Goals for December:
- Nothing really planned out; Just going with the flow.
Department of State
Achievements in November:
- Creation of the National Archives project
- Worked with the UN to make the UN server public
- Engaged with other nations such as Harlon and Vindex.
- General business. i.e. Elections and Audits.
Goals for December:
- Continue to foster international relations.
- Maintaining auditing of Government Departments.
- Continuing to work on National Archives project.
Office of the Attorney General
Achievements in November:
- Paralegal program opened up, hired some paralegals.
- Prosecuted a tax evasion case successfully.
- Prosecuted some murder and fraud cases.
- Defended the Fair Campaigning Act in court.
Goals for December:
- Continue to recruit good lawyers
- Continue serving justice
President 218218Consumer - 80.6% Approve / 19.4% Disapprove
Vice-President GoldBlooded - 49.2% Approve / 50.8% Disapprove
Secretary of State xEndeavour - 91.2% Approve / 8.8% Disapprove
Secretary of Justice GoldBlooded - 43.3% Approve / 56.7% Disapprove
Secretary of Education & Commerce Thritystone - 67.9% Approve / 32.1% Disapprove
Secretary of Public Affairs Twixted - 92.9% Approve / 7.1% Disapprove
Secretary of Construction & Transport hmshi - 63.2% Approve / 36.8% Disapprove
Secretary of Health VerySmolBirb - 93% Approve / 7% Disapprove
Secretary of Environment & Recreation MintFlavouredJay - 94.7% Approve / 5.3% Disapprove
Mayor of Willow Westray - 100% Approve / 0% Disapprove
Mayor of Oakridge Rurge - 80.8% Approve / 19.2% Disapprove
Mayor of Aventura LilDigiVert - 76.8% Approve / 23.2% Disapprove
Mayor of Klondike Tylxr - 75.9% Approve / 24.1% Disapprove
Speaker of House xLayzur - 81.8% Approve / 18.2% Disapprove
Deputy Speaker of House Figomessi77 - 70.9% Approve / 29.1% Disapprove
Representative MilkCrack - 80.8% Approve / 19.2% Disapprove
Representative KaelynCream - 71.4% Approve / 28.6% Disapprove
Representative Hugebob23456 - 77.4% Approve / 22.6% Disapprove
Representative FracturedGhast - 61.5% Approve / 38.5% Disapprove
Representative Rurge - 75% Approve / 25% Disapprove
Representative Oferinbar - 71.9% Approve / 28.1% Disapprove
Representative Eastray_ - 70.4% Approve / 29.6% Disapprove
Representative LilDigiVert - 69.1% Approve / 30.9% Disapprove
Representative BubbaTea - 74.5% Approve / 25.5% Disapprove
President Pro Tempore Austin27 - 87% Approve / 13% Disapprove
Senator Huney69 - 76.9% Approve / 23.1% Disapprove
Senator Pugbandit - 72.2% Approve / 27.8% Disapprove
Senator xerxesmc - 66.7% Approve / 33.3% Disapprove
Senator Sleepyjay - 79.6% Approve / 20.4% Disapprove
Senator awwimnicki - 76.4% Approve / 23.6% Disapprove
The purpose of the State of the Commonwealth Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings on the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals.
Prepared by: Auditor ElainaThomas29 | Dates: Started 27 NOV2021 Final Report 01 DEC 2021 |
Economy Total: $43,961,064.91 (5.9% Increase)
Government Total: $1,447,573.74 (3.69 Decrease)
My fellow citizens,
I thank you all for attending the second monthly address of my administration. I come to you at a time of division. The shadow of Vice President GoldBlooded’s subpoena hangs over us in the next hour as the Senate Executive Oversight Committee investigates wrongdoing. However, let it be known that my administration is fully committed to accountability and unity. My administration will attend the subpoena and cooperate with the requests of Congress. We will engage with any potential line of questioning as we do our best to mend recent wounds in our government.
It’s in the name of our server: we are a democracy, and in a democracy, we must work to build consensus, and we must work to put aside our divisions, and we must work together for the common good of our constituents. We are one nation, one people, with one destiny, and no conflict between our two branches will ever let us forget that.
We hold these speeches not to promote Congress, not to promote the presidency, and not to promote the courts. We hold these speeches not to help my agenda for the government, but the government’s agenda for Redmont and what we’ve gotten done. Thankfully, through the hard work of our secretaries, the unyielding commitment of our government employees, the passion of our Congress, and the resilience of the courts through these troubling times, we can report that the State of the Commonwealth is strong.
We have fought inequity in the plot distribution. With the advisory hand of the Department of Education & Commerce, property taxes have been signed into law, generating additional revenue for the government.
We have used unused space for the growth of our economy. The Department of Construction & Transportation has finally filled the empty construction site that was standing by Vestire Mall for months, beautifying the Central Business District with a wonderful set of shops for new players.
We have protected the health of Redmont’s citizens. The Department of Health is stronger than ever with constant hires of medical specialists and paramedics, all of whom will be trained professionally and effectively with new evaluation rubrics.
We have engaged both with our community and the outside world: the Department of Public Affairs has continued its diligent work in events and social media posts, including the smashing success of xerxesmc’s Squid Game event.
We have worked with towns for the betterment of nature and our wildlife. The Department of Environment & Recreation has opened not one, but two new shelters in the towns of Aventura and Willow.
As always, the Department of Justice has valiantly maintained public safety. Our most outstanding officers will receive the recognition they deserve through promotions and a newly established Officer of the Month program, while constant new hires have protected the strength of our police force.
Although our government looks to the future, we have stayed in touch with our past. Thanks to the work of Secretary Endeavour, the Department of State has begun a historic project of archiving all of national history, which will be continued under the steady hand of our new Secretary, Yerevan.
In terms of other affairs, the Office of the Attorney General has protected the rule of law in prosecutions of fraud, murder, and tax evasion. I’d like to thank Attorney General JoeGamer, who is a federal judge, for introducing a resoundingly successful paralegal program to introduce new players to the legal field, and I’d like to thank current AG nnmc for continuing it so effectively.
Finally, a huge congratulations to Mayor Tyler on a successful release of the town of Klondike. With a succession of fun events and a town council already established, the future looks bright for this snowy retreat.
However, in spite of the many accomplishments of our government, the work of our people is not done. For the future, cabinet is actively discussing the potential of a central bank and a public broadcasting system, two historic programs that will encourage economic growth and player retention, respectively. No matter what conflicts, Redmont stays successful in its long history of innovation and new programs, and it stays united in its long history of success.
That concludes my remarks, and I thank you all for attending. Glory to Redmont.
Signed Bills
Amend the Savior Act
The Foundation of Contract Law Amendment Act (CLF)
Library of Congress Act
Taxation Act
Adoption Act
Legal Board Amendment Act
Road Autonomy Act
Economic Growth Act
Classification Amendment Act
Presidential Library Act
DEC November Budget Act
Appropriations Act - November
Executive Orders
Attorney General - nnmc
Federal Court Judge - JoeGamer
Secretary of State - Yerevann_
Ambassador - Muffins29
Secretary of Construction & Transport - Heather
Department of Construction & Transport
Achievements in November:
- Lots of new hires and training.
- Mini CBD project started.
- Greenspace improvements.
- Restarted the aquarium/museum project.
Goals for December:
- Continue hiring/training to bring our dept back to active levels.
- Decide on a BI manager from our active BIs.
- Finish some construction projects for the first time in ages
- Introduce some competitions.
- Begin planning a mentorship/ training program for up and coming constructors.
Department of Health
Achievements in November:
- Paramedic job is back up, applications are open, ambulances have been given out.
- Incorrect question in Paramedic exam has been changed.
- Law regarding selling of pharmaceuticals pending to be made clearer.
- Revamped entire MS guide, new Evaluation Rubric, Paramedic training script, mock attend script.
- Announced and awarded new Doctor of the Month.
- Opened Medical exams, hired about 20 new Trainees.
- Hired and trained 4 new MS.
- Trained 2 paramedics, hired 1 more.
- New roster and updated information in DOH Discord server.
- MS have evaluated 13 doctors.
- Set up new clinic at Klondike.
- Fixed all water bottles at Oakridge.
Goals for December:
- Evaluate remaining TDs.
- Accept more Paramedics.
- Continue to maintain status of all hospitals/clinics.
- Fire inactive doctors, if necessary, open exams again.
Department of Education & Commerce
Achievements in November:
No Submission
Goals for December:
No Submission
Department of Environment and Recreation
Achievements in November:
- Willow and Aventura shelters completed and opened to the public.
- Created a guide for DER employees that contains the specific procedures for each animal shelter.
- Pruned out the players that left the department long ago but still had DER roles in-game.
- Hired many new rangers to the department and welcomed back some older faces.
- Created a channel in DC Jobs to encourage players to apply for the Ranger job.
- Created the #policies channel on our Discord server to showcase our public polices in an effort to make them more well known.
- Changed the name of Environmental Manager to State Ranger and then to Senior Ranger.
Goals for December:
- Begin working with Oakridge leadership on building an Animal Shelter for their town.
- Keep department operations running smoothly.
Department of Public Affairs
Achievements in November:
- Hired a new media manager and event manager
- Hired a total of 11 new employees - Increased tour guide and media advisor advertisements
- Created the code of conduct for department employees
- Formalized bonus policy - Formalized the new debate format and policies
- Established a mentorship program for new employees
- Changed the heads in the DPA building
- Implemented the adoption system as per the adoption act
- Hosted several events (major one being Squid Games)
- Posted on the social media accounts
Goals for December:
- Establish fair grounds in Aventura (the DPA was given half of one of the main islands in Aventura)
- Establish a PVP league
- Establish a domestic and international soccer league
- Christmas/winter themed events - Finish creating a guide evaluation rubric
- Promote a guide to tour manager - Work on more international events (especially with Harlon)
- Have a set schedule for social media posts - Standardize active political party information
- Activity checks for all department employees
- Implement public broadcasting system
- Host department team building activities
- Host more private events
- Increased events in towns
- Events in work for December: book contest, soccer, talent show, choice awards, correspondents dinner, Christmas events, winter festival, "the walls", pvp league, movie night, karaoke night.
Department of Justice
Achievements in November:
- The Department of Justice has hired and promoted more officers over the past month.
- TheRukia and Neemfy were hired as Sergeants to assist with training, advising, etc.
- Sergeant Neemfy was elected by the Officers of the Department to become the first Sheriff of the town of Klondike.
- Creation of Officer(s) of the Month.
Goals for December:
- Nothing really planned out; Just going with the flow.
Department of State
Achievements in November:
- Creation of the National Archives project
- Worked with the UN to make the UN server public
- Engaged with other nations such as Harlon and Vindex.
- General business. i.e. Elections and Audits.
Goals for December:
- Continue to foster international relations.
- Maintaining auditing of Government Departments.
- Continuing to work on National Archives project.
Office of the Attorney General
Achievements in November:
- Paralegal program opened up, hired some paralegals.
- Prosecuted a tax evasion case successfully.
- Prosecuted some murder and fraud cases.
- Defended the Fair Campaigning Act in court.
Goals for December:
- Continue to recruit good lawyers
- Continue serving justice
President 218218Consumer - 80.6% Approve / 19.4% Disapprove
Vice-President GoldBlooded - 49.2% Approve / 50.8% Disapprove
Secretary of State xEndeavour - 91.2% Approve / 8.8% Disapprove
Secretary of Justice GoldBlooded - 43.3% Approve / 56.7% Disapprove
Secretary of Education & Commerce Thritystone - 67.9% Approve / 32.1% Disapprove
Secretary of Public Affairs Twixted - 92.9% Approve / 7.1% Disapprove
Secretary of Construction & Transport hmshi - 63.2% Approve / 36.8% Disapprove
Secretary of Health VerySmolBirb - 93% Approve / 7% Disapprove
Secretary of Environment & Recreation MintFlavouredJay - 94.7% Approve / 5.3% Disapprove
Mayor of Willow Westray - 100% Approve / 0% Disapprove
Mayor of Oakridge Rurge - 80.8% Approve / 19.2% Disapprove
Mayor of Aventura LilDigiVert - 76.8% Approve / 23.2% Disapprove
Mayor of Klondike Tylxr - 75.9% Approve / 24.1% Disapprove
Speaker of House xLayzur - 81.8% Approve / 18.2% Disapprove
Deputy Speaker of House Figomessi77 - 70.9% Approve / 29.1% Disapprove
Representative MilkCrack - 80.8% Approve / 19.2% Disapprove
Representative KaelynCream - 71.4% Approve / 28.6% Disapprove
Representative Hugebob23456 - 77.4% Approve / 22.6% Disapprove
Representative FracturedGhast - 61.5% Approve / 38.5% Disapprove
Representative Rurge - 75% Approve / 25% Disapprove
Representative Oferinbar - 71.9% Approve / 28.1% Disapprove
Representative Eastray_ - 70.4% Approve / 29.6% Disapprove
Representative LilDigiVert - 69.1% Approve / 30.9% Disapprove
Representative BubbaTea - 74.5% Approve / 25.5% Disapprove
President Pro Tempore Austin27 - 87% Approve / 13% Disapprove
Senator Huney69 - 76.9% Approve / 23.1% Disapprove
Senator Pugbandit - 72.2% Approve / 27.8% Disapprove
Senator xerxesmc - 66.7% Approve / 33.3% Disapprove
Senator Sleepyjay - 79.6% Approve / 20.4% Disapprove
Senator awwimnicki - 76.4% Approve / 23.6% Disapprove
Last edited by a moderator: