Dept. State
Department of State
State Department
3rd Anniversary
1st Anniversary
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4th Anniversary
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- Dec 19, 2020
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The purpose of the State of the Commonwealth Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings of the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals. This is the State of the Commonwealth for the month of March.
Report Prepared by Auditor(s): GoldBlooded, LavenderxBlaxii, Aladeen22 Secretary of State: GoldBlooded | Dates Started: 25 NOV 2022 Final Report: 03 DEC 2022 |
Economy Total: $55,605,955.68 ($492,989.63 increase/30 days)
Government Total: $2,728,888.79 ($187,267.6 decrease/30 days)
On November 2nd, 2022, the appropriations were signed into law and the budget was enacted for the month. Here is the transcript of the logged spending in the #budget channel:
As per the process, all spending that is above the thresholds listed will be logged here. Thus spending in programs like medicare, salaries, or spending that is below the threshold, does not need to be logged here.
DoJ, report all spending over $100;
DEC, report all spending over $8000;
DPA, report all spending over $2000;
DCT, report all spending over $3000;
DoH, report all spending over $250;
DER, report all spending over $2000;
DoS, report all spending over $250;
Legislature, report all spending over $0;
Judiciary, report all spending over $0;
AG, report all spending over $300; and
RBA, report all spending over $0.
A__C — 11/02/2022 4:37 PM
Funds: $7500
Department: DEC
Purpose: Employee Salaries
November 4, 2022
A__C — 11/04/2022 8:59 PM
Funds: $8000
Department: DEC
Purpose: Grant
Funds: $4500
Department: DEC
Purpose: CPI (Pt1)
November 10, 2022
A__C — 11/10/2022 2:30 AM
Funds: $3150
Department: DoC
Purpose: Employee Payments (Commerce Team)
November 11, 2022
GoldBlooded — 11/11/2022 5:46 PM
Funds: $10,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: SOTC/approvals
Funds: $5,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: referendum counting (2nd reform referendum)
Funds: $10,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Oakridge elections
GoldBlooded — 11/11/2022 6:21 PM
Funds: $20,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Electoral Officer Payment
November 12, 2022
LavenderxBlaxii — 11/12/2022 6:05 PM
Funds: $4000
Department: DCT
Purpose: Constructor Pay
November 19, 2022
Ida — 11/19/2022 3:30 PM
Funds: $23,000
Department: DOI
Purpose: Tender
November 23, 2022
LavenderxBlaxii — 11/23/2022 8:10 AM
Funds: $5000
Department: DCT
Purpose: Constructor Pay
November 27, 2022
sleepyjay_ — 11/27/2022 5:53 AM
Funds: $425
Department: DOH
Purpose: Doctor of the Month + Supply Room Stock
November 30, 2022
Rurge — 11/30/2022 8:31 PM
Funds: $13500
Department: DPA
Purpose: Employee Payments
Rurge — 11/30/2022 8:43 PM
Funds: $2000
Department: DPA
Purpose: Event Prizes (Murder Mystery)
Rurge — 11/30/2022 9:06 PM
Funds: $1500
Department: DPA
Purpose: Contest Prizes (Halloween Art Contest )
GoldBlooded — 11/30/2022 9:07 PM
Funds: $10,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Audit payment
Funds: $5,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: recall referendum payment
Rurge — 11/30/2022 9:08 PM
Funds: $6000
Department: DPA
Purpose: Contest Prize (Halloween Decor Contest)
GoldBlooded — 11/30/2022 9:09 PM
Funds: $5,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: RBA Elections
Rurge — 11/30/2022 9:16 PM
Funds: $4500
Department: DPA
Purpose: Contest Prize (Pumpkin Carving) (edited)
Rurge — 11/30/2022 9:48 PM
Funds: $4000
Department: DPA
Purpose: End of Month Employee Bonuses (Media) (edited)
Funds: $4000
Department: DPA
Purpose: End of Month Employee Bonuses (Events) (edited)
Funds: $15000
Department: DPA
Purpose: End of Month Leadership Bonuses
Office of Vice President Derpy representing Cabinet as a whole.
Cabinet has come together and written a letter to Speaker Mhadsher101 regarding President Deadwax incapacitation. The letter is as follows:
"Dear Mr. Speaker of the House,
We, the assembled members of Cabinet no longer maintain faith in President Deadwax's abilities to conduct his constitutional duties and as such declare Deadwax to be incapacitated.
The President's destructive conduct with regards to the sovereignty of branches of Government, managing foreign relations and disregard for the will of the people have led us to make this decision. Albeit it one with dire consequences it is something we do not take lightly for the betterment of Redmont."
This was signed by State Secretary GoldBlooded, Justice Secretary Technofied, Legal Affairs Secretary The_Donuticus, Chief of Staff & Public Affairs Secretary Rurge, Construction Secretary LavenderxBlaxii, Interior Secretary SomeHumanOnEarth, Health Secretary sleepyjay and finally myself as Vice President.
Signed Bills
Separation of Powers Reinforcement Act
Act of Congress - Separation of Powers Reinforcement Act
House Vote: 6-2-1 Senate Vote: 6-0-0 A BILL To To amend the constitution. The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into...

Financial Services Act
Rescinded - Financial Services Act
A BILL To Provide clarity to taxation exemptions, obligations, and to amend the Taxation Act The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following...

Illegal Advertising Act
Repealed - Illegal Advertising Act
A BILL TO Illegalize advertising of businesses and political campaigns in game by using discord #global-chat The people of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the...

Easy Classification Act
Public Property Act
Act of Congress - Public Property Act
A BILL TO Allow for officers to enter public property to arrest wanted criminals The people of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into...

Tech Toch Act
Act of Congress - Tech Toch Act
A BILL TO Jail inactive players The people of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law: 1 - Short Title and Enactment This Act may...

National Monuments Act
Act of Congress - National Monuments Act
A BILL To Establish national monuments The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law: 1 - Short Title and Enactment...

Federal System Clarification Act
Act of Congress - Federal System Clarification Act
A BILL To Clarify The Delegation of Power The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law: 1 - Short Title and...

LDV Presidential Loophole Clarification Act
Act of Congress - LDV Presidential Loophole Clarification Act
A BILL To Amend the Constitution The people of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law: 1 - Short Title and Enactment (1) This Act...

Redress Act
LDV Thoughts and Prayers Amendment Act
Caretaker Amendment Act
Act of Congress - Caretaker Amendment Act
A BILL To Clarify and simplify the caretaker mode in the Constitution The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law...

Executive Orders
Executive Order 39/22 Government Wages EO
Redundant - Executive Order 39/22 Government Wages EO
This Executive order will be enacted on December 1st, 2022 Under the Powers granted to the Executive and therefore the President in the Wages Act: (b) The Executive has exclusive jurisdiction as to what salary level occupations fall into. I President Deadwax, hereby order the following...

Executive Order - Executive Order 40/22
By the power vested in me by the Redmont Constitution, I, Deadwax, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, do declare the following under this Executive Order: The following individuals shall receive a Presidential Commendation for the Deadwax/Derpy Administration: 1. Nacholebraa 2...

Executive Order 41/22 Pardon
Executive Order - Executive Order 41/22 Pardon
By the authority vested in the President under Section 2 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Redmont, I hereby issue the following total and absolute pardons to the following individuals for the specified crimes: Milqy is hereby pardoned for any crimes related to corruption, perjury...

Executive Order 43/22 Declaration of war
Redundant - Executive Order 43/22 Declaration of war
By the power vested in me by the Redmont Constitution, I, Deadwax, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, do declare the following under this Executive Order: Currently, Redmont has had an Iron shortage for far too long. I President Deadwax have found that Stratham, Vindex and Harlon have...

Executive Order 44/22 General of Redmont
Redundant - Executive Order 44/22 General of Redmont
By the power vested in me by the Redmont Constitution, I, Deadwax, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, do declare the following under this Executive Order: Due to the declaration of war, it is time that Redmont has a military leader. I announce this to be xEndeavour as he is the only one...

Executive Order 45/22 Martial law
Redundant - Executive Order 45/22 Martial law
By the power vested in me by the Redmont Constitution, I, Deadwax, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, do declare the following under this Executive Order: Due to the declaration of war, I President Deadwax declare a State of Emergency and bring the country to a state of Martial Law. With...

Executive Order 42/22 Enemies of the State
Vetoed - Executive Order 42/22 Enemies of the State
By the power vested in me by the Redmont Constitution, I, Deadwax, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, do declare the following under this Executive Order: Currently, the state is under constant attack from outside sources and it has been discovered that these individuals are undercover...

Derpy for Education Secretary (failed)
Derpy for Education Secretary (passed)
Rurge for Public Affairs Secretary (passed)
The_Donuticus for Attorney General (passed)
SomeHumanonEarth for Interior Secretary (passed)
Department of State (DOS)
Achievements in November:
- Completion of November State of the Commonwealth Report
- Mid-Term routine Department Audits
- Completion of any Special Election(s)
- November Approval Ratings (Cabinet, Congress, Mayors)
- Archive unused channels
Goals for December:
- Completion of routine Department Audits
- Completion of December State of the Commonwealth Report
- Completion of Internal Department of State audit
- December Approval Ratings
- Creation of a new leadership team
Department of Construction & Transport (DCT)
Achievements in November:
- Introduced plot release policy
- Hired new constructors and building inspectors
- New Proposal system
- Completed city projects (ex: Art Museum, Santa Village, Christmas at Spawn etc.)
- Planning more build events
- Successfully moved spawn bus stop closer.
- Made discord more organized and user friendly.
Goals for December:
- Christmas in DC. We will be collaborating with the DPA using our build projects. Christmas themed!!
- New Constructor Projects
- New Trainee Program
- PENDING Building Inspector raise.
- Christmas Themed building event.
Thank you to all of my employees for doing such an amazing job! We have really done some great work. <3 DCT is the best department!
Department of Health (DOH)
Achievements in November:
- More activity checks to clear out inactive employees
- Closing exams after a while then reopening them during a Doctor shortage
- Removing people's overlapping roles such as Trainee Doctor and Doctor
- Updating Medicare to accommodate new diseases
- Restocked Reveille Hospital's supply inventory
Goals for December:
- Change in Deputy Secretary
- Repairing the pharmacy's broken signs
- Decorating the hospital for the holidays
- Department meeting/game night
- Hiring more people into the paramedic and medical specialist position
- Double checking all hospitals and clinics for any lack of supply or issues
Department of Commerce (DOC)
Achievements in November:
- CPI for November 2022 complete
- Automated process for cleaning the data which will improve efficiency with future CPIs
- Begun creating graphs to showcase changes in median product prices
- Beginning transition of Education related side to the DoE
Goals for December:
- Continue transition process for aspects of the DEC to the DoE (Including DC Jobs and the Education Team)
- December 2022 CPI! (Commerce Team)
- Begin ensuring companies in-game are registered on forums and removing the in-game companies that do not have a forums counterpart (Compliance Team)
- Making sure the public is aware of new law changes in regards to the economy (Leadership)
Now that the DEC is gone, the DoC is the best department.
Department of the Interior (DOI)
Achievements in November:
- Overhauled ranger payment system to be fairer and more transparent: increased existing pay, added more as commissions, and added simplified, transparent structure to payments
- Completed tenders
- Pet some dogs
Goals for December:
- Opening of Supply Manager job
- Better efficiency with tenders
- Recruitment of new employees
Department of Public Affairs (DPA)
Achievements in November:
- Hosted multiple events (Goats!, Murder Mystery, Map Art Contest, etc.)
- Worked on the planning of upcoming events
- Migrated Guides and Archivists to the DOE
- New Secretary (Rurge)
Goals for December:
- Choice Awards
- Christmas Events
- More consistent events
- Restructuring social media presence
- Restructuring activity guidelines within the department
- Exploring public/private partnerships
- Relaunching DCTV
Department of Justice (DOJ)
Achievements in November:
- Maintaining that department discord tickets do not exceed 3
- Hired Vernicia and Southray_ as new Sergeants
- Hired skeppyshop_ and Hanhatfre as new Trainee Officers
- Reduced active wanted players from 75 to 23 through enforcement of the Tech Toch Act
- Reformed internal policy on Judiciary charges - Started the process of reviewing squads
- Started the process of implementing logging for officer commands
Goals for December:
- Finished review into squads
- Finished implementation of new logging system
- Finished Constable Tests from Trainee Officers to determine whether they should be Constables
- Creation of self-guided training module
Department of Education (DOE)
Achievements in November:
- Trying to hire more
- Asked DPA for a graphic and had it made
- Up'd pay from $75 to $150
- Transferred info
- Helped settle into the new department with the museum
- Started posting completed articles in government announcements
- Started building structure into the job
- Talked about job reforms General Department:
- Department was formed
- Applications being accepted
- DOE building created in game
- Transferred jobs over from the DPA & DOC
- Wrote guides in discord for all jobs
- Hired Cofys as Dep Sec
Goals for December:
- Continued hiring in guides
- More articles being posted to government announcements
- Professor job reforms
- In game building having articles linked
Department of Legal Affairs (DLA)
Achievements in November:
Goals for December:
President Deadwax: 53.5% Approve / 46.7% Disapprove
Vice President Derpy_Bird: 60.3% Approve / 39.7% Disapprove
Secretary of State GoldBlooded: 83.8% Approve / 16.2% Disapprove
Secretary of Justice Technofied: 77.8% Approve / 22.2% Disapprove
Secretary of Commerce A__C: 65.3% Approve / 34.7% Disapprove
Secretary of Public Affairs SnoWhitebeard: 52.2% Approve / 47.8% Disapprove
Secretary of Construction & Transportation LavenderxBlaxii: 80.3% Approve / 19.7% Disapprove
Secretary of Health Sleepyjay_: 61.1% Approve / 38.9% Disapprove
Secretary of Interior SomeHumanOnEarth: 79.5% Approve / 20.5% Disapprove
Secretary of Education Derpy_Bird: 65.3% Approve / 34.7% Disapprove
Attorney General The_Donuticus: 57.1% Approve / 42.9% Disapprove
Speaker of the House Mhadsher101: 69.9% Approve / 30.1% Disapprove
Deputy Speaker of the House VanillaChai79: 84.7% Approve / 15.3% Disapprove
Representative _Pugsy: 75% Approve / 25% Disapprove
Representative ElainaThomas29: 75.7% Approve / 24.3% Disapprove
Representative Claxx77: 72.1% Approve / 27.9% Disapprove
Representative Aladeen22: 58% Approve / 42% Disapprove
Representative FTGWop: 32.4% Approve / 67.6% Disapprove
Representative Hong_Kong_101: 62.3% Approve / 37.7% Disapprove
Representative Yeet_Boy: 59.7% Approve / 40.3% Disapprove
Representative Mr_SeaGuy: 64.8% Approve / 35.2% Disapprove
Representative RandomIntruder: 70.3% Approve / 29.7% Disapprove
President of the Senate Dusty_3: 69.9% Approve / 30.1% Disapprove
Senator LilDigiVert: 81.1% Approve / 18.9% Disapprove
Senator Huney69: 83.6% Approve / 16.4% Disapprove
Senator Overlordofpeonys: 66.2% Approve / 33.8% Disapprove
Senator ItsMeVoid: 75.7% Approve / 24.3% Disapprove
Senator Poemhunter: 55.6% Approve / 44.4% Disapprove
Aventura Mayor LilDigiVert: 87.5% Approve / 12.5% Disapprove
Klondike Mayor SnoWhitebeard: 64.3% Approve / 35.7% Disapprove
Willow Mayor A__C: 72.2% Approve / 27.8% Disapprove
Oakridge Mayor Galavance: 66.2% Approve / 33.8% Disapprove
The Department of State thanks you for reading this month's State of the Commonwealth report. If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please open a Government support ticket where we can attend to your needs.
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