State of the Commonwealth SOTC Report - OCTOBER 2021

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Dept. State

Department of State
State Department
3rd Anniversary 1st Anniversary Popular in the Polls 4th Anniversary
Dec 19, 2020


The purpose of the State of the Commonwealth Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings on the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals.

Prepared by:
Auditor xLayzur
Deputy Secretary Heather
Assistant Auditor Muffins29
Secretary of State xEndeavour

20 OCT 2021
Final Report 05 NOV 2021​


Economy Total: $41,515,22.11
Government Total: 1,500,991.28

Job Counts:

Accountants - 141Building Inspectors - 12
Armourers - 1112Constructors - 13
Journalists - 408Guide - 3
Brewers - 371Economists - 41
Contractor - 240Electoral Officers - 5
Chefs - 1102Auditors - 6
Supplier - 22Event Coordinators - 26
Farmers - 1132Media Advisors - 14
Solicitors - 94Trainee Doctors - 73
Barristers - 123Doctors - 36
Attorneys - 132Medical Specialists - 8
Lumberjacks - 719Trainee Officers - 32
Mercenaries - 1430Constables - 24
Miners - 1172Sergeants - 6
Mechanic - 447Rangers - 48
Realtor - 292Environmental Managers - 11
Recycler - 261Trainee Guide - 7
Pharmacists - 930


My fellow citizens,

Through the solidarity of cabinet, through the activity of department secretaries, through the strength of our community, through the constant commitment of our government to making the server more fun and more prosperous, through our constant influxes of new players, and through our server’s perpetual growth, I can say decisively that the State of our of Commonwealth is strong.

In the past three weeks, we have done so much and come so far.

The Department of Education and Commerce is running at peak efficiency. Its newest taxation initiative has seized 400,000 dollars from the balances of permanently banned players, balancing our budget and reducing the tax burden on working, active people.

The government’s newest discord, DC Jobs, has already gained over 60 players in the past 2 weeks, the majority of them new to the server, and linked countless new people to job opportunities.

The Department of Justice is working diligently to keep crime low and Redmont protected, and under Vice President GoldBlooded’s steadfast, active leadership as DOJ Secretary, we have a stronger police force and a safer nation.

We have seen massive success in the hosting of Spirit Week by the Department of Public Affairs, which brought innovative events to keep citizens engaged with the government and to bring our community closer in the backdrop of Halloween. Reformed party registration guidelines have reduced disenfranchisement of new political factions and provided clear standards with which citizens can get a political party registered. Our administration is committed to fair governance, democratic governance, and governance in which the people of Redmont can be heard.

The Department of State has continued its impressive performance under competent, steadfast leadership: I’d like to thank the community for its support of Secretary End as the department continues its development. Under End, audits and election administration have been as efficient as ever, and we’ve been able to release a new census to provide the public with informative statistics.

Under the new oversight of Secretary Mint, the Department of Environment and Recreation is working on new shelters in Aventura and Willow while staying diligent in promoting ranger activity.

Meanwhile, the Department of Health has finalized the reintroduction of the paramedic job, returning depth to our medical system and providing a new, engaging initiative for our medical community.

Finally, the office of the Attorney General has been unyielding in both prosecuting the guilty and defending our government against frivolous cases.

I wanna give a special thanks to my secretaries for being so diligent in the first three weeks of our administration. They’ve been absolutely phenomenal in their commitment to the server and how knowledgeable they are about their departments. And I can say with certainty that with such an experienced, passionate, and enthusiastic cabinet, we are running the government at peak efficiency and at peak passion for making the lives of the people of Redmont better.

As for the future, we’re looking to establish a new soccer tournament to provide more interest in server towns and to expand the interest of players in sports and to expand the diversity of activities on this server. We are doing our best to establish town tours to promote interest in towns as well. For the Department of State, we plan to continue our census, and the Department of Health has been working diligently to create a new medical specialist guide to provide greater procedures for how Medical Specialists can do their jobs, to promote efficiency in the department of health, to allow our medical system to have clear procedures for promoting doctors, and to ensure greater professionalism in the DOH in general.

I want to thank Secretary bel especially for how much she’s done for the DOH as of late. I know that she’s struggled lately with the sheer amount of work that she’d had to do in real life, and even so, she’s persisted and she’se really been there for the department, and I think that’s really commendable, and the same can thing be said for all of my secretaries.

Overall, I think this administration has been doing so well. I’m proud of our secretaries, and I’m proud of how much Congress has done to work with my administration. I know we’ve had our rough patches, but even so, Congress has shown that it’s committed to accountability, which fundamentally is a good thing. I want to say that cabinet has been doing really well in ensuring that our government is active and our playerbase is engaged, and that’s the fundamental priority of our administration.

I said in my inaugural address that it’s new people who are the engine of change on our server, and the fundamental goal of this administration is helping those new people and getting them interested in DC. They are what keeps the server running, they are what keeps the server interesting, the constant influx of people is what makes DC so fun and so great to meet new people, and we need to do our best to maintain that. As a government, we need to do our best to make sure that every single person on DC feels involved, old or new.


Signed Bills
Supporting our Judges Amendment
Constitutional Amendment October 2021 (Supreme Court Section) Act
The Foundation of Contract Law Amendment Act (CLF)
Fair Campaigning Amendment Act
Frivolous Applications Act
Pet Abandon Act September 2021
Congressional Committee Structure Act
Unfair Exam Act
Legal Board Act
Amend the Saviour Act
Library of Congress Act

Executive Orders
(Redundant)Executive Order 31/21 - Hamilton Mayor
Executive Order 32/21 - The Westray Order
Executive Order 33/21 - Judicial Pay
Executive Order 34/21 - Official Titles
Executive Order 35/21 - Presidential Pardons
Executive Order 36/21 - Paramedic Job
Executive Order 37/21 - Abolition of Hamilton Mayor


Department of Construction & Transport - Gathering ideas for street names around Hamilton City, and made plot exemptions clearer for department building inspectors. Adding more to the city such as benches on sidewalks and discussing developments for the state secret. Minor changes were made to the Eviction info thread for consistent wording and ease to read. For next month, hopefully reopen building inspector applications and name streets within the city. Also going around the city to fix any potholes or broken areas to repair.

Department of Health - Set up the EMT Rooms and guides to train Paramedics. Constructed the Oakridge hospital and ordered billboards to promote Medical Specialist and Paramedic Applications. With paramedics being new, the department will continue to furthermore improve the system of paramedics.

Department of Education & Commerce - DEC established a new team system and abolished the sub department system, as well as internal policy with a new written Code of Conduct. Preparing for a massive pruning tax initiative also conducting multiple tax evasion investigations. Transition from API to CPI based price indexing system. Expected next month is the FULL DEC Operation of the DC jobs discord and CPI release in early November. With pruning completion, expected government revenue 600k.

Department of Environment and Recreation - Changes were made to the Ranger Report format to allow for verification of removals. Implemented a weekly report requirement to ensure activity and to give department employees a goal to work towards. Working towards opening two animal shelters, one in Aventura and Willow.

Department of Public Affairs - The new Guide Job has returned and the Debate Officer job has been voted upon by Department leadership to be removed. Structuring the department with Sub teams which allows smaller teams and better management. Two new deputy secretaries Rurge and Muffins29. New guidelines were created for political party registration. Hosted two big events, the first international olympic games in conjunction with the Department of State and the Stratham Department of Public Affairs. Organized the inauguration of President 218218Consumer and Vice President GoldBlooded. The department will be working on improving organization and the onboarding process. Recruit more guides, introduce Venue Rentals and make more accessible events for EU time zones. Lastly, to introduce Sports Leagues.

Department of Justice - New leadership with VP Goldblooded as Secretary and Awwimnicki appointed to Deputy Secretary. Hired new trainee officers including European officers and fired inactive officers. Promoted various Constables and Senior Constables. The department is working on expanding the investigator role and changing it to “Detective.” As these officers will be assigned to cases with multiple parties involved; investigate certain cases regarding false claims/arrests, possibly investigate crimes involving members holding executive office. A new system for requesting warrants through the department discord using ticket tool. Potentially adding a bounty-hunter job, earning cash for assisting with arrests.

Department of State - The department has introduced the National Census and implemented changes in response to the DOS audit, continuing with the same old business such as Government Audits and upcoming SOTG. Hoping to see significant progress on Klondike over the month.


President 218218Consumer - 90.1% Approve / 9.9% Disapprove
Vice-President GoldBlooded - 64.2% Approve / 35.8% Disapprove

Secretary of State xEndeavour - 90% Approve / 10% Disapprove
Secretary of Justice GoldBlooded - 57% Approve / 43% Disapprove
Secretary of Education & Commerce Thritystone - 83.3% Approve / 18.7% Disapprove
Secretary of Public Affairs Twixted - 88.5% Approve / 11.5% Disapprove
Secretary of Construction & Transport Vulgarfate - 93.5% Approve / 6.5% Disapprove
Secretary of Health Belovria - 73.7% Approve / 28.3% Disapprove
Secretary of Environment & Recreation MintFlavouredJay - 84.2% Approve / 15.8% Disapprove

Mayor of Willow Westray - 96.3% Approve / 3.7% Disapprove
Mayor of Oakridge 1950minecrafter - 58.2% Approve / 41.8% Disapprove
Mayor of Aventura Lildigivert - 78.8% Approve / 21.3% Disapprove
Mayor of Klondike Tylxr - 79.2% Approve / 20.8% Disapprove

Speaker of House xLayzur - 81.1% Approve / 18.9% Disapprove
Deputy Speaker of House Rurge - 79.6% Approve / 20.5% Disapprove

Representative Azdrus - 70.3% Approve / 26.7% Disapprove
Representative Aladeen - 58.8% Approve / 43.2% Disapprove
Representative 1950minecrafter - 68.4% Approve / 31.6% Disapprove
Representative ReinausPrinzzip - 65.3% Approve / 34.7% Disapprove
Representative Figomessi - 74% Approve / 26% Disapprove
Representative FracturedGhast - 59.7% Approve / 40.3% Disapprove
Representative ElainaThomas - 70.1% Approve / 29.9% Disapprove
Representative SumoMC - 75.3% Approve / 24.7% Disapprove
Representative Tylxr - 68% Approve / 32% Disapprove

President Pro Tempore Awwwimnicki - 80% Approve / 20% Disapprove

Senator Huney - 74.7% Approve / 25.3% Disapprove
Senator Pugbandit - 72% Approve / 26% Disapprove
Senator Tekko - 73% Approve / 27% Disapprove
Senator Sleepyjay - 83.3% Approve / 18.7% Disapprove
Senator Xerxesmc - 74% Approve / 26% Disapprove
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