State of the Commonwealth SOTC Report - OCTOBER 2022

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Dept. State

Department of State
State Department
3rd Anniversary 1st Anniversary Popular in the Polls 4th Anniversary
Dec 19, 2020


The purpose of the State of the Commonwealth Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings of the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals. This is the State of the Commonwealth for the month of March.

Report Prepared by Auditor(s):
GoldBlooded, LavenderxBlaxii, Neemfy
Secretary of State: GoldBlooded
26 OCT 2022
Final Report 04 NOV 2022


Economy Total: $55,112,966.05 ($1,738,099.73 decrease from September)
Government Total: $2,916,156.39 ($832,194.37 increase from September)




Farmer: 1587
Author: 494
Chef: 1557
Hunter: 1809
Fisherman: 256
Accountant: 236
Miner: 1604
Brewer: 583
Contractor: 373
Lumberjack: 1030

Realtor: 409
Recycling Operator: 395
Jeweller: 136
Mechanic: 879
Armourer: 1612
Pharmacist: 1230
Attorney (Soliciter/Attorney/Barrister): 538

Doctor (trainee/doctor): 75
Medical Specialist: 8

Guide (Trainee/Guide): 11
Event Coordinator (+ Manager): 21
Archivist (+ Manager): 5
Media Advisor (+ Manager): 9

PO (Trainee/Constable): 16
Sergeant: 6
Superintendent: 3

Economist (Inc. Senior): 13

Ranger (Ranger/Senior Ranger): 10
Supply Manager: 1

Constructor: 22
Building Inspector: 11

Auditor: 5
Electoral Officer: 9
Ambassador: 1

State prosecutor: 12
Court Clerk: 2
Judge: 3
Magistrate: 2
Justice: 4

Foreign Dignitary: 9
Foreign Ambassador: 4

On September 2nd, 2022, the appropriations were signed into law and the budget was enacted for the month. Here is the transcript of the logged spending in the #budget channel:

As per the process, all spending that is above the thresholds listed will be logged here. Thus spending in programs like medicare, salaries, or spending that is below the threshold, does not need to be logged here.
DoJ, report all spending over $100;
DEC, report all spending over $8000;
DPA, report all spending over $2000;
DCT, report all spending over $3000;
DoH, report all spending over $250;
DER, report all spending over $2000;
DoS, report all spending over $250;
Legislature, report all spending over $0;
Judiciary, report all spending over $0;
AG, report all spending over $300; and
RBA, report all spending over $0.


Trentrick_Lamar — 10/01/2022
Funds: $16,000
Department: DEC
Purpose: Grants

ElainaThomas29 — 10/01/2022
Funds Used: $500
Department: DOJ
Purpose: Sign on bonus

Trentrick_Lamar — 10/02/2022
Funds: $7,500
Department: DEC
Purpose: Bonuses, employee salaries

LilDigiVert — 10/05/2022
Funds: $1,000
Department: RBA
Purpose: Legal Mentor Sign on bonus

Trentrick_Lamar — 10/06/2022
Funds: $19,500
Department: DEC
Purpose: Grants (edited)

Deadwax — 10/06/2022
Funds: $29,000
Department: DCT
Purpose: Constructor pay

Trentrick_Lamar — 10/06/2022
Funds: $20,000
Department: DEC
Purpose: Grants

GoldBlooded — 10/07/2022
Funds: $16,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Auditor payment (edited)

Funds: $5,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Ambassador payment

GoldBlooded — 10/08/2022
Funds: $3,000
Department: DOS (Whole Cabinet)
Purpose: Executive expenditures (cabinet photos)

Trentrick_Lamar — 10/10/2022
Funds: $8,000
Department: DEC
Purpose: Grant

GoldBlooded — 10/10/2022
Funds: $5,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Electoral Officer Payment

Trentrick_Lamar — 10/11/2022
Funds: $10,000
Department: DEC
Purpose: Grant

ElainaThomas29 — 10/11/2022
Funds: $150
Department: DOJ
Purpose: Jail compensation

SnoWhitebeard — 10/13/2022
Funds: $3000
Department: DPA
Purpose: Photo contest winner

Funds: $5000
Department: DPA
Purpose: Photo contest winner

blockyelise — 10/14/2022
Funds: $350
Department: DOH
Purpose: Doctor of the Month

Funds: $4200
Department: DOH
Purpose: Bonuses

LavenderxBlaxii — 10/16/2022
Funds: $3000
Department: DCT
Purpose: Constructor pay

LavenderxBlaxii — 10/18/2022
Funds: $13000
Department: DCT
Purpose: Constructor pay

SomeHumanOnEarth — 10/20/2022
Funds: $10,000
Department: DOI
Purpose: Tender

A__C — 10/22/2022
Funds: $100
Department: DoJ
Purpose: Public Advocate payments

The_Donuticus — 10/23/2022
Funds: $2,000
Department: DLA
Purpose: DCR 40 - Payment to Prosecutor

Funds: $2,000
Department: DLA
Purpose: FCR 72 - Payment to Prosecutor

The_Donuticus — 10/25/2022
Funds: $1,000
Department: DLA
Purpose: DCR 40 - Payment to Prosecutor

A__C — 10/26/2022
Funds: $1000
Department: DEC
Purpose: Employee payments
(Potential prune list + casino investigations)

SnoWhitebeard — 10/26/2022
(Payments made Oct. 17)

Funds: 6000
Department: DPA
Purpose: Employee payments (video)

Funds: 3500
Department: DPA
Purpose: Employee payments (acting)

Funds: 3500
Department: DPA
Purpose: Employee payments (acting)

Funds: 5000
Department: DPA
Purpose: Contest winner

Funds: 3000
Department: DPA
Purpose: Contest winner

Funds: 6000
Department: DPA
Purpose: Employee payments (video)

Funds: 3500
Department: DPA
Purpose: Employee payments (acting)

Funds: 3500
Department: DPA
Purpose: Employee payments (acting)

Funds: 3500
Department: DPA
Purpose: Employee payments (video)

LavenderxBlaxii — 10/26/2022
Funds: $20000
Department: DCT
Purpose: Constructor pay

GoldBlooded — 10/26/2022
Funds: $16,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Electoral Officer Payment

SomeHumanOnEarth — 10/27/2022
Funds: $65,000
Department: DOI
Purpose: Tender

GoldBlooded — 10/30/2022
Funds: $4,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Electoral Officer (Referendum) Payment

Funds: $14,000
Department: DOS
Purpose: Department Bonuses

SomeHumanOnEarth — 10/31/2022
Funds: $4,000
Department: DOI
Purpose: Employee bonuses


XL Equal Judge Requirements
Modern Legal Board Act
Property Standards Act
Committee Investigation Act
Codification Act
Reveille Taxation Act
Presidential Pardon Reform Act
Congressional Subpoena Clarification Act
A Cool Bank Robbery Amendment Act
Cool DEC Casino Investigation Act
The Cool “Repeal the Minimum Wage Act” Act

Executive Orders
President LilDigiVert:
Executive Order 21/22 - Presidential Commendations
Executive Order 22/22 - Graveyard Landscaper
Executive Order 23/22 - Roast Pardons
Executive Order 25/22 - President LilDigiVert Order of Redmont Awards
Executive Order 24/22 - Order of Redmont Procedures and Guidelines
Executive Order 27/22 - Public Executions II
Executive Order 28/22 - Official Titles III
Executive Order 29/22 - Mass Pardons V
Executive Order 30/22 - Reveille Town Revisions

President Huney69:
Executive Order 33/22 - Furry of Redmont
Executive Order 36/22 - Huney Care

President Deadwax:
Hamilton Purge - Pardon

Presidential Nominations
to the position of Chief Justice (Rejected)
Krix to the position of Chief Justice (Passed)
LilDigiVert to the position of Vice President (Passed)
SnoWhitebeard to Secretary of the Department of Public Affairs (Passed)
LavenderxBlaxii to Secretary of the Department of Construction and Transport (Passed)
BoopingBerry to Secretary of the Department of Justice (Rejected)
SomeHumanOnEarth to Secretary of the Department of Interior (Passed)
Taelor to Secretary of the Department of State (Passed)
The_Donuticus to Secretary of the Department of Legal Affairs (Passed)
sleepyjay_ to Secretary of the Department of Health (Passed)
GoldBlooded to the position of Secretary of the Department of State (Passed)
BoopingBerry to the position of Secretary of the Department of Justice. (Rejected)
Technofied to the position of Secretary of the Department of Justice. (Passed)
A__C to secretary of the Department of Education and Commerce (Passed)
BlogWorldExpo to the Federal Court of Redmont. (Rejected)


Department of State (DOS)

Achievements in October:

- Completion of September State of the Commonwealth Report
- LilDigiVert End-of-Term Department audits
- Completion of any Special Election(s)
- Hired new Electoral Officers and Auditors
- Declassification of documents: LilDigiVert Administration
- October Approval Ratings (Cabinet, Congress, Mayors)
- New Deputy Secretary Mhadsher101 (Elections Deputy)

Goals for November:
- Raising Pay for both Electoral Officers and Auditors
- Beginning-of-Term Department Audits
- October General Election

Department of Construction & Transport (DCT)

Achievements in October:

New leadership members, complete switch in department ranks, cleared out inactive employees, cleaned up the discord to make it creative mind friendly, updated the discord for our employees as well, and also, we have no vacant leadership positions, finally all positions have been filled, skybridge policy updated, heritage plots redone.

Goals for November:
New and Improved Brown House, New and Improved Reveille city bank, Events with the DPA (aka, Parade Float & Best Halloween Decor), Learning to build class for November, ALL THINGS CHRISTMAS COMING SOON!

DCT is the best department. <3

Department of Health (DOH)

Achievements in October:

-Updated discord webhooks to be more relevant
-Created private channels for Medical Specialists

Goals for November:
- More activity checks to clear out inactive employees
- Closing exams after awhile
- Removing people's overlapping roles such as Trainee Doctor and Doctor
- Repairing the pharmacy's broken signs
- Updating Medicare (if plausible with Staff, currently a WIP)
- Possible department meeting/game night

Department of Education & Commerce (DEC)

Achievements in October:

Commerce Team:
- Two new hires
- CPI for October was done

Compliance Team:
- Two casinos displaying false odds found, prosecution in progress/completed.
- Discussion of DEC-enforced laws with the team and figuring out methods of finding and enacting methods
- Investigating potential tax evasion

DC Jobs:
- Cleaned up channels of inactive company owners

- Trentrick_Lamar voted for Deputy Secretary through survey, and later a second Deputy for a new face in leadership (new ideas!) was added (Cofys, second on the survey)

Goals for November:
- November 2022 CPI
- Continuing the tax evasion investigation with the Attorney General and Compliance Team
- Further discussion regarding methods of finding commerce/business lawbreakers.

The DEC is the best department.

Department of the Interior (DOI)

Achievements in October:

- Hired and trained new rangers
- Restarted Ranger of the Month program
- Completed tenders

Goals for November:
- Complete updated payment system
- Get Supply Manager job fully set up
- Improvements to tenders
- New hires

Department of Public Affairs (DPA)

Achievements in October:

- New Deputy Secretary Nacholeebra
- Very successful pumpkin carving contest with server-wide voting format
- Large Haunted House successfully scaring players
- New event coordinators

Goals for November:
- DPA world and winter/Xmas events

Department of Justice (DOJ)

Achievements in October:

- Eliminated the need for manual /handcuff to encourage criminal RP
- Reformed criminal records to be accessible to the public
- Improved Department efficiency on discord tickets, with tickets down from ~25 to 5
- Requested to have enacted taser cooldown reduction and for police tools to be strictly wanted-only basis
- Worked alongside Congress to remove criminal record fees
- Approved four new Trainee Officers

Goals for November:
- Clear foundations for Trainee Officer to be reformed
- New and/or updated internal policies
- Policy regarding Police-Criminal roleplay
- Reformed internal methods of debt collection
- New police squads

Department of Legal Affairs (DLA)

Achievements in October:

Complete Department overhaul gearing up the department for more effective management of case load and investigation. Successfully dealt with the legal crisis around the severely lacking laws in the financial sector in a way that has not caused the crash of the sector while still highlighting the failings. We have opened a large number of investigations into criminal actions both in the financial sector, business and into political corruption. We are making strides and citizens can expect more results in the coming weeks.

Goals for November:
We plan to resolve the ongoing Constitutional Crisis between the Courts and the Speaker of the House, acting as a mediator from hereon in and hope that the issue is resolved in a manor that is acceptable for all and adheres to the law. Furthermore we plan to further expand our investigative abilities in order to give the DLA more tools and resources to tackle crimes and lock up the guilty.

There has been quite a lot of stuff coming from the DLA recently, I plan as AG to continue my transparency polices and will always seek to hold press conferences, like our previous one, whenever I feel the public have a right to be informed.


President Deadwax: 62.7% Approve / 37.3% Disapprove
Vice President Derpy_Bird: 76.6% Approve / 23.4% Disapprove
Secretary of State GoldBlooded: 86.7% Approve / 13.3% Disapprove
Secretary of Justice Techofied: 78.4% Approve / 21.6% Disapprove
Secretary of Education & Commerce A__C: 74% Approve / 26% Disapprove
Secretary of Public Affairs SnoWhitebeard: 67.1% Approve / 32.9% Disapprove
Secretary of Construction & Transportation LavenderxBlaxii: 81.1% Approve / 18.9% Disapprove
Secretary of Health Sleepyjay_: 77% Approve / 23% Disapprove
Secretary of Interior SomeHumanOnEarth: 82.2% Approve / 17.8% Disapprove
Attorney General The_Donuticus: 56.3% Approve / 43.7% Disapprove

Speaker of the House xEndeavour: 57.7% Approve / 42.3% Disapprove
Deputy Speaker of the House Mhadsher101: 78.4% Approve / 21.6% Disapprove
Representative xLayzur: 58.6% Approve / 41.4% Disapprove
Representative ElainaThomas29: 82.2% Approve / 17.8% Disapprove
Representative DemonFire256: 70.4% Approve / 29.6% Disapprove
Representative Aezal: 61.4% Approve / 38.6% Disapprove
Representative Jontaa: 44.3% Approve / 55.7% Disapprove
Representative lawanoesepr: 45.7% Approve / 54.3% Disapprove
Representative CrackedAmoeba01: 59.2% Approve / 40.8% Disapprove
Representative Southray_: 76.1% Approve / 23.9% Disapprove
Representative BlogWorldExpo: 78.1% Approve / 21.9% Disapprove

President of the Senate Dusty_3: 84.5% Approve / 15.5% Disapprove
Senator LilDigiVert: 85.1% Approve / 14.9% Disapprove
Senator Huney69: 82.2% Approve / 17.8% Disapprove
Senator Overlordofpeonys: 81.4% Approve / 18.6% Disapprove
Senator pugbandit: 79.7% Approve / 20.3% Disapprove
Senator Poemhunter: 76.9% Approve / 23.1% Disapprove

Aventura Mayor LilDigiVert: 90.3% Approve / 8.7% Disapprove
Klondike Mayor SnoWhitebeard: 75% Approve / 25% Disapprove
Willow Mayor A__C: 70.3% Approve / 29.7% Disapprove
Oakridge Mayor WackJap: 79.2% Approve / 20.8% Disapprove

The Department of State thanks you for reading this month's State of the Commonwealth report. If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please open a Government support ticket where we can attend to your needs.
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