State of the Commonwealth SOTC Report - OCTOBER 2023

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Dept. State

Department of State
State Department
3rd Anniversary 1st Anniversary Popular in the Polls 4th Anniversary
Dec 19, 2020


The purpose of the State of the Commonwealth Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings of the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals.

Report Prepared by Auditor(s):
GoldBlooded, Taelor, Neemfy, TheReal42Person
Secretary of State: SomeHumanOnEarth
Date Started: 26 OCTOBER 2023
Final Report: 03 NOVEMBER 2023


Economy Total: $80,811,714.04 ($2,591,563.08 Increase/~30 days)
Government Treasury: $6,893,068.51 ($1,031,587.62 Increase/~30 days)




Transcript of the logged Departmental, Judicial, and Congressional spending in the #budget channel:

— 10/07/2023 2:30 AM
DOJ » Dumbyhead1234 has been unfined a total of $7000 by Dumbyhead1234.
[2:30 AM]
DOJ » RoryyyMC has been unfined a total of $7000 by Dumbyhead1234.

Tech — 10/07/2023 5:41 AM
@Representative @Senator My profound and deep apologies. I fired him on the spot.

@Representative @Senator My profound and deep apologies. I fired him on the spot.

Endeavour — 10/07/2023 5:42 AM
What happened?

DOJ » Dumbyhead1234 has been unfined a total of $7000 by Dumbyhead1234.

xlayzur — 10/07/2023 5:42 AM

Endeavour — 10/07/2023 5:42 AM
Thought they could get away with it?


Endeavour — 10/07/2023 5:42 AM
I saw that

xlayzur — 10/07/2023 5:42 AM
so dont ask what happened
[5:42 AM]
thank you tech
[5:42 AM]
doin gods work

Thought they could get away with it?

Tech — 10/07/2023 5:42 AM

Endeavour — 10/07/2023 5:43 AM
Layzur im just asking for some more details, is that not ok with you? Far out you come after me for breathing (edited)

xlayzur — 10/07/2023 5:43 AM
Well save some for the rest of us!! wtf!!

Tech — 10/07/2023 5:43 AM
I’ve declassified his channel and this is being referred to the DLA

Endeavour — 10/07/2023 5:43 AM
Play silly games get silly prises i suppose

Tech — 10/07/2023 5:44 AM
I am extremely disappointed at the action of one of our Sergeants. He was active, dedicated and hard working. I don’t understand his motives but his behaviour as of recent have been declining

xlayzur — 10/07/2023 5:45 AM
Unfortunate but you did the right thing.

Tech — 10/07/2023 5:46 AM
That does mean I need to ask for additional funds, one court unfine resulted in 87.5% of our budget gone

Endeavour — 10/07/2023 5:49 AM
Which case was that

DOJ » Dumbyhead1234 has been unfined a total of $7000 by Dumbyhead1234.

shadownba — 10/07/2023 5:50 AM
This is concerning

This is concerning

TheReal42Person — 10/07/2023 5:50 AM
it was fixed dw

it was fixed dw

shadownba — 10/07/2023 5:50 AM
Good ty

JediAJMan — 10/07/2023 5:54 AM
Good catch, we'll see what happens
[5:54 AM]
what a shame

Good catch, we'll see what happens

shadownba — 10/07/2023 5:55 AM
Indeed, this is very interesting

IncompleteRiver — 10/07/2023 5:59 AM

JediAJMan — 10/07/2023 7:11 AM

[7:12 AM]
Honestly maybe we should've seen it coming (edited)

Click to see attachment

Tech — 10/07/2023 7:13 AM
Where was this

JediAJMan — 10/07/2023 7:13 AM
I think those are all within the last 10 days in ⁠global-chat (edited)

Tech — 10/07/2023 7:14 AM
That's way too broad, and tbh not expected of me to monitor individuals chats

JediAJMan — 10/07/2023 7:15 AM
Oh I wasn't insinuating you monitor chat, I'm just saying for us who saw him casually talking about embezzlement lmao

Oh I wasn't insinuating you monitor chat, I'm just saying for us who saw him casually talking about embezzlement lmao

Tech — 10/07/2023 7:43 AM
Oh no stress my bad

Layzur im just asking for some more details, is that not ok with you? Far out you come after me for breathing (edited)

Yeet_Boy — 10/07/2023 9:27 AM
He does it to everyone, maybe hes stressed during this election

He does it to everyone, maybe hes stressed during this election

Endeavour — 10/07/2023 9:27 AM
This is nothing new lol

Yeet_Boy — 10/07/2023 9:27 AM
This is true

— 10/07/2023 10:24 AM
GOV » DCGovernmentDS has been unfined a total of $90000 by Derpy_Bird.
[10:24 AM]
GOV » DCGovernmentDOJ has been unfined a total of $8000 by Derpy_Bird.
[10:24 AM]
GOV » DCGovernmentDLA has been unfined a total of $60000 by Derpy_Bird.
[10:24 AM]
GOV » DCGovernmentDOC has been unfined a total of $100000 by Derpy_Bird.
[10:25 AM]
GOV » DCGovernmentDCT has been unfined a total of $140000 by Derpy_Bird.
[10:25 AM]
GOV » DCGovernmentDOH has been unfined a total of $25000 by Derpy_Bird.
[10:25 AM]
GOV » DCGovernmentDER has been unfined a total of $67000 by Derpy_Bird.
[10:26 AM]
GOV » DCGovernmentDOE has been unfined a total of $35000 by Derpy_Bird.
[10:26 AM]
GOV » DCGovernmentLEG has been unfined a total of $2500 by Derpy_Bird.
[10:26 AM]
GOV » DCGovernmentJUD has been unfined a total of $20000 by Derpy_Bird.

Derpy — 10/07/2023 10:26 AM
Budget Allocation

— 10/07/2023 10:34 AM
DCT » andublack has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[10:34 AM]
DCT » andublack has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[10:34 AM]
DCT » andublack has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[10:34 AM]
DCT » andublack has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[10:34 AM]
DCT » andublack has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[10:34 AM]
DCT » andublack has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[10:34 AM]
DCT » andublack has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.

— 10/07/2023 10:44 AM
DCT » ANdublack has been unfined a total of $750 by Derpy_Bird.

Derpy — 10/07/2023 10:45 AM
Accidentally fined too much

@Representative @Senator My profound and deep apologies. I fired him on the spot.

LilLethalVert — 10/07/2023 7:37 PM
Fired from the DOC as well

Fired from the DOC as well

Tech — 10/07/2023 7:42 PM
October 8, 2023


LilLethalVert — 10/08/2023 3:55 AM
I won't have a compliance officer who even has a possibility of stealing from the government

— 10/08/2023 2:59 PM
DCT » xEndeavour has been unfined a total of $3000 by Derpy_Bird.
[2:59 PM]
DCT » GoldBlooded has been unfined a total of $1000 by Derpy_Bird.

Derpy — 10/08/2023 3:00 PM
Pay for tunnel

— 10/08/2023 7:42 PM
DOI » ProfessorPimpel has been unfined a total of $250 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[7:42 PM]
DOI » ProfessorPimpel has been unfined a total of $250 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[7:42 PM]
DOI » ProfessorPimpel has been unfined a total of $250 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[7:42 PM]
DOI » ProfessorPimpel has been unfined a total of $250 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[7:42 PM]
DOI » SomeHumanOnEarth has been unfined a total of $250 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[7:42 PM]
DOI » ProfessorPimpel has been unfined a total of $250 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[7:42 PM]
DOI » SomeHumanOnEarth has been unfined a total of $250 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[7:42 PM]
DOI » SomeHumanOnEarth has been unfined a total of $250 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[7:42 PM]
DOI » ProfessorPimpel has been unfined a total of $250 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[7:42 PM]
DOI » ProfessorPimpel has been unfined a total of $250 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[7:42 PM]
DOI » ProfessorPimpel has been unfined a total of $250 by QuazyOneAndOnly.

QuazyOneAndOnly — 10/08/2023 7:43 PM
Ranger work payments, more coming in a few minutes

— 10/08/2023 8:16 PM
DOI » Mask3D_WOLF has been unfined a total of $500 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:16 PM]
DOI » Teuntje1234567 has been unfined a total of $100 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:16 PM]
DOI » Grypheon has been unfined a total of $450 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:16 PM]
DOI » ProfessorPimpel has been unfined a total of $562.5 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:16 PM]
DOI » TheReal42Person has been unfined a total of $112.5 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:16 PM]
DOI » ProfessorPimpel has been unfined a total of $750 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:16 PM]
DOI » ProfessorPimpel has been unfined a total of $200 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:16 PM]
DOI » TheReal42Person has been unfined a total of $450 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:16 PM]
DOI » ProfessorPimpel has been unfined a total of $650 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:16 PM]
DOI » ProfessorPimpel has been unfined a total of $400 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:16 PM]
DOI » Taelor has been unfined a total of $400 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:16 PM]
DOI » Taelor has been unfined a total of $950 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:17 PM]
DOI » Taelor has been unfined a total of $1000 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:17 PM]
DOI » TheReal42Person has been unfined a total of $450 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:17 PM]
DOI » Taelor has been unfined a total of $1500 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:17 PM]
DOI » Taelor has been unfined a total of $450 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:17 PM]
DOI » Taelor has been unfined a total of $750 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:17 PM]
DOI » ProfessorPimpel has been unfined a total of $450 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:17 PM]
DOI » ProfessorPimpel has been unfined a total of $400 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:17 PM]
DOI » ProfessorPimpel has been unfined a total of $2000 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[8:22 PM]
DOI » Taelor has been unfined a total of $200 by QuazyOneAndOnly.

QuazyOneAndOnly — 10/08/2023 8:22 PM
Rest of the Ranger work payments + Ranger of the month
October 9, 2023

— 10/09/2023 12:30 AM
DOI » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $17500 by QuazyOneAndOnly.

QuazyOneAndOnly — 10/09/2023 12:31 AM
Tender payment

— 10/09/2023 7:42 PM
DLA » xAntho_ny has been unfined a total of $250 by Drew_Hall.

— 10/09/2023 11:06 PM
DOJ » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $1500 by xAntho_ny.

— 10/14/2023 3:50 AM
DCT » Cookies2664 has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:50 AM]
DCT » Cookies2664 has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:50 AM]
DCT » Cookies2664 has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:50 AM]
DCT » Cookies2664 has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:50 AM]
DCT » Cookies2664 has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:50 AM]
DCT » Cookies2664 has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:50 AM]
DCT » Cookies2664 has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:50 AM]
DCT » Cookies2664 has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:50 AM]
DCT » Cookies2664 has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:53 AM]
DCT » Pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:53 AM]
DCT » Pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.

DOS » WackJap has been unfined a total of $50000 by WackJap. (edited)

TheReal42Person — 10/14/2023 3:53 AM
lmfao i almost fell for it

WackJap — 10/14/2023 3:54 AM
I'm a gorillionare idk what to tell ya

— 10/14/2023 4:07 AM
DCT » andublack has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[4:09 AM]
DOJ » ItsKatto has been unfined a total of $100 by xAntho_ny.

— 10/14/2023 4:30 AM
DOJ » Keeerun has been unfined a total of $100 by xAntho_ny.
[4:34 AM]
DOC » LilLethalVert has been unfined a total of $1000 by LilLethalVert.

DOC » LilLethalVert has been unfined a total of $1000 by LilLethalVert.

LilLethalVert — 10/14/2023 4:34 AM
Casino odd testing at Kasino Casino
[4:36 AM]
Actually ended up making a profit xD

TheReal42Person — 10/14/2023 4:37 AM

— 10/14/2023 7:31 AM
DCT » the_superior10 has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.

— 10/14/2023 7:55 AM
DCT » the_superior10 has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.

— 10/14/2023 6:46 PM
DPA » lukeyyy1 has been unfined a total of $3000 by Vanquish69.
October 15, 2023

— 10/15/2023 3:24 AM
DOC » LilLethalVert has been unfined a total of $20000 by LilLethalVert.

LilLethalVert — 10/15/2023 3:25 AM
used for DOC surplus good project
[3:25 AM]

— 10/15/2023 5:35 AM
DOS » xAntho_ny has been unfined a total of $3000 by SomeHumanOnEarth.

SomeHuman — 10/15/2023 5:35 AM
Oakridge special election

— 10/15/2023 5:35 AM
DOS » xAntho_ny has been unfined a total of $3000 by SomeHumanOnEarth.

SomeHuman — 10/15/2023 5:36 AM
RBA election

— 10/15/2023 2:32 PM
DCT » Nacholebraa has been unfined a total of $5000 by Derpy_Bird.
[2:32 PM]
DCT » Goldblooded has been unfined a total of $5000 by Derpy_Bird.

Derpy — 10/15/2023 2:32 PM
Payment for university beach

— 10/15/2023 10:29 PM
DCT » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[10:29 PM]
DCT » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[10:30 PM]
DCT » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[10:30 PM]
DCT » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[10:31 PM]
DCT » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[10:32 PM]
DCT » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[10:33 PM]
DCT » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[10:33 PM]
DCT » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[10:33 PM]
DCT » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[10:34 PM]
DCT » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[10:34 PM]
DCT » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/15/2023 10:36 PM
DCT » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[10:42 PM]
DCT » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/15/2023 10:45 PM
DCT » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[10:48 PM]
DCT » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/15/2023 10:55 PM
DCT » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/15/2023 11:16 PM
DOH » RampantMech has been unfined a total of $20 by TheReal42Person.

— 10/15/2023 11:35 PM
DOJ » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $100 by TheReal42Person.
October 16, 2023

— 10/16/2023 5:27 AM
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[5:27 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[5:27 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[5:28 AM]
DOJ » UtilitySoup1407 has been unfined a total of $2000 by TheReal42Person.
[5:28 AM]
DOJ » Snowy_Heart has been unfined a total of $400 by TheReal42Person.
[5:30 AM]
DOJ » itsBlazeX has been unfined a total of $1500 by TheReal42Person.
[5:30 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[5:30 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[5:30 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[5:30 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[5:30 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[5:31 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[5:31 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[5:31 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.

— 10/16/2023 5:40 AM
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[5:45 AM]
DCT » ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.

— 10/16/2023 7:08 AM
DOE » drlukebrenner has been unfined a total of $1000 by WackJap.

— 10/16/2023 11:57 AM
DCT » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[11:59 AM]
DCT » Homesttead has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[12:03 PM]
DCT » Homesttead has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/16/2023 12:06 PM
DLA » xantho_ny has been unfined a total of $4500 by AlexanderLove.

AlexanderLove — 10/16/2023 12:07 PM
Stipend for completion of a prosecution

— 10/16/2023 12:09 PM
DCT » Homesttead has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/16/2023 12:20 PM
DCT » Homesttead has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/16/2023 12:36 PM
DCT » Homesttead has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[12:39 PM]
DCT » Homesttead has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[12:40 PM]
DCT » Homesttead has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/16/2023 2:29 PM
DCT » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/16/2023 2:36 PM
DCT » Andublack has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[2:38 PM]
DCT » Cookies2664 has been unfined a total of $30 by PandaL0g1c.
[2:38 PM]
DCT » Cookies2664 has been unfined a total of $270 by PandaL0g1c.

DCT » Cookies2664 has been unfined a total of $30 by PandaL0g1c.

Panda — 10/16/2023 2:38 PM
^ ignore, I mistyped 300. but I did add on the rest

— 10/16/2023 2:40 PM
DCT » Cookies2664 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[2:43 PM]
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[2:45 PM]
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/16/2023 2:50 PM
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[2:51 PM]
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/16/2023 2:59 PM
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
October 17, 2023

— 10/17/2023 1:02 AM
DPA » lukeyyy11 has been unfined a total of $3000 by JediAJMan.
[1:02 AM]
DPA » lukeyyy11 has been unfined a total of $3000 by JediAJMan.

— 10/17/2023 1:32 AM
DPA » JediAJMan has been unfined a total of $5000 by JediAJMan.
[1:33 AM]
DPA » zLost has been unfined a total of $500 by JediAJMan.
[1:33 AM]
DPA » icediamont has been unfined a total of $3000 by JediAJMan.
[1:33 AM]
DPA » Neemfy has been unfined a total of $1000 by JediAJMan.
[1:33 AM]
DPA » zLost has been unfined a total of $5000 by JediAJMan.
[1:34 AM]
DPA » zLost has been unfined a total of $10000 by JediAJMan.
[1:34 AM]
DPA » shadownba has been unfined a total of $5000 by JediAJMan.
[1:34 AM]
DPA » milkcrack has been unfined a total of $5000 by JediAJMan.
[1:34 AM]
DPA » lukeyyy11 has been unfined a total of $2500 by JediAJMan.

— 10/17/2023 11:14 AM
DOE » somehumanonearth has been unfined a total of $3150 by WackJap.
[11:15 AM]
DOE » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $600 by WackJap.
[11:15 AM]
DOE » professorpimpel has been unfined a total of $450 by WackJap.
[11:15 AM]
DOE » peuko has been unfined a total of $300 by WackJap.

WackJap — 10/17/2023 11:27 AM
^ child support for guide tours/training

— 10/17/2023 12:20 PM
DCT » andublack has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.

— 10/17/2023 2:10 PM
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[2:12 PM]
DCT » Cookies2664 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/17/2023 2:17 PM
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/17/2023 2:28 PM
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/17/2023 6:29 PM
DOJ » corruptedthewolf has been unfined a total of $100 by TheReal42Person.
[6:31 PM]
DOJ » BluePenguin877 has been unfined a total of $100 by TheReal42Person.

— 10/17/2023 7:55 PM
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/17/2023 8:23 PM
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/17/2023 8:36 PM
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/17/2023 8:48 PM
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/17/2023 9:39 PM
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/17/2023 10:26 PM
DOI » TheReal42Person has been unfined a total of $250 by xAntho_ny.
[10:27 PM]
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/17/2023 10:34 PM
DCT » MrFluffy2U94 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[10:41 PM]
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/17/2023 10:42 PM
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[10:42 PM]
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[10:45 PM]
DCT » The_Superior10 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/17/2023 11:57 PM
DOI » QuazyOneAndOnly has been unfined a total of $300 by TheReal42Person.
[11:57 PM]
DOI » QuazyOneAndOnly has been unfined a total of $300 by TheReal42Person.
[11:58 PM]
DOI » Taelor has been unfined a total of $300 by TheReal42Person.
[11:58 PM]
DOI » Astroid_11 has been unfined a total of $300 by TheReal42Person.
[11:59 PM]
DOI » Taelor has been unfined a total of $450 by TheReal42Person.

— 10/18/2023 11:20 AM
DCT » the_Superior10 has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[11:20 AM]
DCT » the_Superior10 has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[11:20 AM]
DCT » the_Superior10 has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[11:20 AM]
DCT » the_Superior10 has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[11:20 AM]
DCT » the_Superior10 has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[11:20 AM]
DCT » the_Superior10 has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.

— 10/18/2023 7:07 PM
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.
[7:11 PM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.

— 10/18/2023 7:14 PM
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.
[7:15 PM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.
[7:20 PM]
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.

— 10/18/2023 7:23 PM
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.
[7:24 PM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.
[7:26 PM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.
[7:28 PM]
DCT » The_Superior10 has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.

— 10/18/2023 7:33 PM
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.
[7:38 PM]
DCT » the_superior10 has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.

— 10/18/2023 7:43 PM
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.
[7:47 PM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.
[7:49 PM]
DCT » ko531 has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.
October 19, 2023

— 10/19/2023 2:18 AM
DCT » henntendo has been unfined a total of $2000 by ko531.
[2:19 AM]
DCT » falconslayer237 has been unfined a total of $5765 by ko531.

— 10/19/2023 3:15 AM
DLA » neemfy has been unfined a total of $500 by AlexanderLove.
[3:16 AM]
DLA » drippzy_tox has been unfined a total of $500 by AlexanderLove.

AlexanderLove — 10/19/2023 8:12 AM
Bonuses for tasks completed

— 10/19/2023 11:17 AM
DOE » drlukebrenner has been unfined a total of $1000 by WackJap.
[11:17 AM]
DOE » mask3d_WOLF has been unfined a total of $1000 by WackJap.
[11:17 AM]
DOE » mask3d_WOLF has been unfined a total of $1000 by WackJap.

WackJap — 10/19/2023 11:18 AM
Profs paid for recipes

— 10/19/2023 4:02 PM
DCT » xEndeavour has been unfined a total of $6000 by Nacholebraa.
[4:03 PM]
DCT » Nach has been unfined a total of $6000 by Nacholebraa.


DCT » Nach has been unfined a total of $6000 by Nacholebraa.

Dorito — 10/19/2023 4:04 PM
I fined the account properly to fix it.

— 10/19/2023 4:04 PM
DCT » Nacholebraa has been unfined a total of $6000 by Nacholebraa.


DCT » Nacholebraa has been unfined a total of $6000 by Nacholebraa.

Dorito — 10/19/2023 4:05 PM

Project Payments For: ⁠government-announcements⁠

— 10/19/2023 6:28 PM
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.
[6:32 PM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.
[6:35 PM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.

— 10/19/2023 6:37 PM
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.

— 10/19/2023 6:48 PM
DCT » ko531 has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.

— 10/19/2023 11:13 PM
GOV » Nexalin has been unfined a total of $105000 by xlayzur.

GOV » Nexalin has been unfined a total of $105000 by xlayzur.

xlayzur — 10/19/2023 11:14 PM
Tax exemption reimbursement (ticket: doc-10182) (edited)
October 20, 2023

— 10/20/2023 1:41 AM
DOC » ko531 has been unfined a total of $1500 by Bardiya_King.

DOC » ko531 has been unfined a total of $1500 by Bardiya_King.

Timed OutBardiya_King — 10/20/2023 1:41 AM
Payment for creation of history books regarding the big three DOC secretaries.

— 10/20/2023 6:35 AM
DOC » ko531 has been unfined a total of $2000 by Bardiya_King.

Timed OutBardiya_King — 10/20/2023 6:35 AM
Another Payment for creation of history books regarding the DOC/DECs history.

— 10/20/2023 10:50 PM
DCT » pandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.
[10:50 PM]
DCT » pandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by VerySmolBirb.

— 10/21/2023 2:38 AM
JUD » Dartanman has been unfined a total of $360 by Taelor.
[2:39 AM]
JUD » Drew_Hall has been unfined a total of $40 by Taelor.

— 10/21/2023 4:55 AM
DCT » v__d has been unfined a total of $10000 by ko531.
[4:56 AM]
DCT » xDadx has been unfined a total of $10000 by ko531.
[4:56 AM]
DCT » xDadx has been unfined a total of $10000 by ko531.

— 10/21/2023 5:03 AM
DCT » brights0ng has been unfined a total of $4000 by ko531.
[5:05 AM]
DCT » Apothecary15 has been unfined a total of $2640 by ko531.
[5:08 AM]
DCT » ProNeonYT has been unfined a total of $1735 by ko531.

— 10/21/2023 5:10 AM
DCT » costa_021 has been unfined a total of $3975 by ko531.
[5:13 AM]
DCT » eexpo has been unfined a total of $31000 by ko531.
[5:15 AM]
DCT » VanillaChai79 has been unfined a total of $1299 by ko531.

Tech — 10/21/2023 6:13 AM
@ko531 What's going on here?

TheReal42Person — 10/21/2023 6:33 AM
me when $74,649 is spent in a few minutes

— 10/21/2023 6:44 AM
DCT » floridaman90 has been unfined a total of $9050 by ko531.

Yeet_Boy — 10/21/2023 10:57 AM
Lmao what is going on

Lmao what is going on

Timed OutBardiya_King — 10/21/2023 6:45 PM

October 22, 2023

— 10/22/2023 12:42 AM
DCT » feedlungs has been unfined a total of $20500 by ko531.
[12:45 AM]
DCT » cheeseeater77 has been unfined a total of $18000 by ko531.

— 10/22/2023 11:29 PM
DOI » ProfessorPimpel has been unfined a total of $300 by TheReal42Person.
[11:29 PM]
DOI » ProfessorPimpel has been unfined a total of $300 by TheReal42Person.
[11:29 PM]
DOI » Taelor has been unfined a total of $1500 by TheReal42Person.

TheReal42Person — 10/22/2023 11:31 PM
Ranger Work + Training
October 23, 2023

— 10/23/2023 12:47 AM
DOC » steveshat has been unfined a total of $40000 by Bardiya_King.

DOC » steveshat has been unfined a total of $40000 by Bardiya_King.

Timed OutBardiya_King — 10/23/2023 12:48 AM
Payment for the Development of a bot for the upcoming DOC credit system

— 10/23/2023 1:29 AM
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[1:29 AM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[1:29 AM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[1:29 AM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[1:29 AM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[1:29 AM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[1:29 AM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[1:29 AM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[1:29 AM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[1:29 AM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[1:29 AM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[1:29 AM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[1:29 AM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.

ko531 — 10/23/2023 1:29 AM
^^ BI Reports

— 10/23/2023 2:57 AM
DCT » iGelic has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[2:57 AM]
DCT » iGelic has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[2:57 AM]
DCT » iGelic has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.

— 10/23/2023 4:44 AM
DOJ » TristenXL has been unfined a total of $100 by AlexanderLove.

— 10/23/2023 5:42 AM
DCT » cheeseeater77 has been unfined a total of $6000 by ko531.
[5:44 AM]
DCT » Joegamer has been unfined a total of $25000 by ko531.

ko531 — 10/23/2023 5:44 AM
^^ Eviction auctions

— 10/23/2023 5:53 AM
DOS » TheReal42Person has been unfined a total of $2500 by SomeHumanOnEarth.
[5:54 AM]
DOS » Mhadsher101 has been unfined a total of $2500 by SomeHumanOnEarth.
[5:54 AM]
DOS » Taelor has been unfined a total of $5000 by SomeHumanOnEarth.

SomeHuman — 10/23/2023 5:54 AM
Willow council + RBA elections

DOJ » TristenXL has been unfined a total of $100 by AlexanderLove.

AlexanderLove — 10/23/2023 8:20 AM
Mistaken arrest
October 24, 2023

— 10/24/2023 4:30 AM
DOJ » AlexanderLove has been unfined a total of $400 by TheReal42Person.

TheReal42Person — 10/24/2023 4:31 AM
False arrest compensation + fine return

— 10/24/2023 4:35 AM
DOJ » steveshat has been unfined a total of $200 by TheReal42Person.

TheReal42Person — 10/24/2023 4:36 AM
False arrest compensation + fine return
October 25, 2023

— 10/25/2023 8:22 PM
DCT » Andublack has been unfined a total of $300 by CupOfPho.

— 10/25/2023 8:35 PM
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by CupOfPho.
[8:36 PM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by CupOfPho.

— 10/25/2023 11:44 PM
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by BoopingBerry.
[11:48 PM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by BoopingBerry.
October 26, 2023

— 10/26/2023 12:35 AM
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by Ducky_Doge.
[12:42 AM]
DCT » PandaL0g1C has been unfined a total of $300 by Ducky_Doge.

— 10/26/2023 12:45 AM
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by Neemfy.

— 10/26/2023 3:34 AM
DCT » TheMusica has been unfined a total of $25000 by ko531.

DCT » TheMusica has been unfined a total of $25000 by ko531.

ko531 — 10/26/2023 3:34 AM
Eviction Auction

— 10/26/2023 6:50 AM
DOE » smokeyybunnyyy has been unfined a total of $450 by WackJap.

WackJap — 10/26/2023 6:51 AM
t o u r

— 10/26/2023 12:50 PM
DCT » Snowy_heart has been unfined a total of $3000 by xEndeavour.

— 10/26/2023 1:29 PM
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/26/2023 1:36 PM
DCT » The_Superior10 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[1:42 PM]
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/26/2023 1:47 PM
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[1:48 PM]
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/26/2023 2:53 PM
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
October 27, 2023

— 10/29/2023 3:24 AM
DCT » Pandl0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:24 AM]
DCT » Pandl0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:24 AM]
DCT » Pandl0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:24 AM]
DCT » Pandl0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:24 AM]
DCT » Pandl0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:24 AM]
DCT » Pandl0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:24 AM]
DCT » Pandl0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:24 AM]
DCT » Pandl0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:24 AM]
DCT » Pandl0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:24 AM]
DCT » Pandl0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:25 AM]
DCT » Pandl0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:25 AM]
DCT » Pandl0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:25 AM]
DCT » Pandl0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[3:25 AM]
DCT » Pandl0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.

TheReal42Person — 10/29/2023 4:34 AM
@ko531 you spelled it wrong
[4:34 AM]

[4:34 AM]

ko531 — 10/29/2023 4:51 AM
[4:51 AM]
Ill get on and fix it

— 10/29/2023 4:53 AM
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[4:53 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[4:53 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[4:53 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[4:53 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[4:53 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[4:53 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[4:53 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[4:53 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[4:53 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[4:53 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[4:53 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[4:53 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[4:53 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[4:53 AM]
DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.

@ko531 you spelled it wrong

ko531 — 10/29/2023 4:54 AM

TheReal42Person — 10/29/2023 4:54 AM
did you fine that other account?

ko531 — 10/29/2023 4:54 AM

TheReal42Person — 10/29/2023 4:54 AM

— 10/29/2023 2:24 PM
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by xAntho_ny.
[2:27 PM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by xAntho_ny.

— 10/29/2023 4:53 PM
DOS » Neemfy has been unfined a total of $3500 by SomeHumanOnEarth.
[4:53 PM]
DOS » TheReal42Person has been unfined a total of $3500 by SomeHumanOnEarth.
[4:54 PM]
DOS » Taelor has been unfined a total of $1000 by SomeHumanOnEarth.

SomeHuman — 10/29/2023 4:54 PM
Special elections

— 10/29/2023 4:54 PM
DOS » Taelor has been unfined a total of $2500 by SomeHumanOnEarth.

SomeHuman — 10/29/2023 4:54 PM

— 10/29/2023 9:41 PM
DLA » Lex404 has been unfined a total of $2500 by AlexanderLove.

AlexanderLove — 10/29/2023 9:42 PM
Excavation pt 1

Excavation pt 1

TheReal42Person — 10/29/2023 9:47 PM


AlexanderLove — 10/29/2023 9:47 PM

— 10/29/2023 10:11 PM
DOI » iloveh3k has been unfined a total of $300 by TheReal42Person.
[10:11 PM]
DOI » iloveh3k has been unfined a total of $300 by TheReal42Person.
[10:11 PM]
DOI » iloveh3k has been unfined a total of $300 by TheReal42Person.
[10:11 PM]
DOI » iloveh3k has been unfined a total of $300 by TheReal42Person.
[10:11 PM]
DOI » iloveh3k has been unfined a total of $300 by TheReal42Person.
[10:11 PM]
DOI » iloveh3k has been unfined a total of $300 by TheReal42Person.
[10:11 PM]
DOI » iloveh3k has been unfined a total of $300 by TheReal42Person.
[10:11 PM]
DOI » iloveh3k has been unfined a total of $300 by TheReal42Person.
[10:11 PM]
DOI » iloveh3k has been unfined a total of $300 by TheReal42Person.
[10:11 PM]
DOI » iloveh3k has been unfined a total of $300 by TheReal42Person.

Anthony — 10/29/2023 10:12 PM
that’s alot

TheReal42Person — 10/29/2023 10:13 PM
ong bro

DOI » iloveh3k has been unfined a total of $300 by TheReal42Person.

TheReal42Person — 10/29/2023 10:13 PM
Ranger work

AlexanderLove — 10/29/2023 10:17 PM
is $300 the max you can unfine?
[10:18 PM]
I wonder why DOI has a limit

TheReal42Person — 10/29/2023 10:18 PM
no its just thats the pay for unclaimed reports
[10:18 PM]
used to be $250 but yk i made it more to incentivize work (part of my plan to revive the dept) (edited)

AlexanderLove — 10/29/2023 10:18 PM
Oh so you did one per report

TheReal42Person — 10/29/2023 10:18 PM

MilkCrack — 10/29/2023 10:18 PM
calculators exist

TheReal42Person — 10/29/2023 10:19 PM
makes it easier to track yk

calculators exist

TheReal42Person — 10/29/2023 10:19 PM
its only 3k
[10:19 PM]

MilkCrack — 10/29/2023 10:19 PM

Anthony — 10/29/2023 10:19 PM
3k is alot for the doi

TheReal42Person — 10/29/2023 10:19 PM
have you guys SEEN the DCT

have you guys SEEN the DCT

Anthony — 10/29/2023 10:19 PM
i have

DCT » pandal0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.

TheReal42Person — 10/29/2023 10:19 PM
look at this shit

AlexanderLove — 10/29/2023 10:19 PM
I spent 5k of the DLA budget today lmao

DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.

TheReal42Person — 10/29/2023 10:19 PM
[10:19 PM]
prolly shouldnt be talking in ⁠budget ngl
October 30, 2023

— 10/30/2023 7:54 AM
DLA » AlexanderLove has been unfined a total of $7000 by AlexanderLove.

AlexanderLove — 10/30/2023 7:55 AM

— 10/30/2023 12:09 PM
DCT » The_Superior10 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[12:10 PM]
DCT » The_Superior10 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.
[12:12 PM]
DCT » Homesttead has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/30/2023 12:17 PM
DCT » The_Superior10 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/30/2023 2:25 PM
DCT » The_Superior10 has been unfined a total of $300 by PandaL0g1c.

— 10/30/2023 4:23 PM
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by ItsKatto.

— 10/30/2023 4:58 PM
DCT » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $300 by ItsKatto.

— 10/30/2023 7:14 PM
DOJ » zlost has been unfined a total of $2500 by TheReal42Person.
[7:14 PM]
DOJ » zLost has been unfined a total of $500 by TheReal42Person.

TheReal42Person — 10/30/2023 7:16 PM
FCR 75 [2023]

— 10/30/2023 7:18 PM
DOJ » Skywat4 has been unfined a total of $10494 by TheReal42Person.

TheReal42Person — 10/30/2023 7:18 PM
another court case

— 10/30/2023 7:28 PM
DOJ » xAntho_ny has been unfined a total of $18,646.10 by TheReal42Person.

TheReal42Person — 10/30/2023 7:28 PM
oop, comma (gonna fine and re-unfine)
[7:29 PM]
btw, we fine the players (or do debt collection) and then do unfines

— 10/30/2023 7:29 PM
DOJ » xAntho_ny has been unfined a total of $18646.10 by TheReal42Person.

TheReal42Person — 10/30/2023 7:29 PM
ok thats the correct number

DOJ » xAntho_ny has been unfined a total of $18,646.10 by TheReal42Person.

AlexanderLove — 10/30/2023 7:29 PM
Does the comma make it error?

TheReal42Person — 10/30/2023 7:29 PM
i think so
[7:29 PM]
even if it doesnt, im not sure so may as well just redo it lol

AlexanderLove — 10/30/2023 7:29 PM

— 10/30/2023 7:30 PM
DOJ » xAntho_ny has been unfined a total of $3700 by TheReal42Person.

TheReal42Person — 10/30/2023 7:30 PM
same reason

JediAJMan — 10/30/2023 8:58 PM
Let the records show- the following budget charges are being used solely for the purpose of DPA purchases, it is not any attempt at embezzlement. Any and all remaining profits will be put back accordingly.

— 10/30/2023 9:00 PM
DPA » JediAJMan has been unfined a total of $1000 by JediAJMan.
[9:02 PM]
DPA » JediAJMan has been unfined a total of $1000 by JediAJMan.

Anthony — 10/30/2023 9:06 PM

[9:06 PM]
dosent matter with the , or not

TheReal42Person — 10/30/2023 9:09 PM

— 10/30/2023 9:16 PM
DOI » iloveh3k has been unfined a total of $250 by xAntho_ny.

— 10/30/2023 9:25 PM
GOV » TheReal42Person has been unfined a total of $1 by TheReal42Person.

TheReal42Person — 10/30/2023 9:26 PM
fixed it my bad
[9:26 PM]
we were testing
[9:26 PM]
not embezzlement i swear
October 31, 2023

— 10/31/2023 2:22 AM
DPA » 5000 has been unfined a total of $JediAJMan by JediAJMan.

Anthony — 10/31/2023 2:40 AM
[2:40 AM]
i wonder what that is in the redmont dollar

— 10/31/2023 2:44 AM
DPA » 15000 has been unfined a total of $lukeyyy1 by JediAJMan.

Anthony — 10/31/2023 2:44 AM
@JediAJMan ^

JediAJMan — 10/31/2023 2:45 AM

Anthony — 10/31/2023 2:45 AM
[2:45 AM]
/unfine dpa lukeyyy11 15000

JediAJMan — 10/31/2023 2:45 AM

Anthony — 10/31/2023 2:46 AM
you cant fine anyone

JediAJMan — 10/31/2023 2:46 AM
That was after doing exactly what you just put in chat

— 10/31/2023 3:50 AM
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
[3:52 AM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by QuazyOneAndOnly.
November 1, 2023

— 11/01/2023 4:46 AM
DPA » JediAJMan has been unfined a total of $2000 by JediAJMan.

JediAJMan — 11/01/2023 4:46 AM
The above was money out of my own pocket previously put into the wrong DPA account, still trying to resolve this issue.

— 11/01/2023 2:34 PM
GOV » snowy_Heart has been unfined a total of $1 by Snowy_Heart.

GOV » snowy_Heart has been unfined a total of $1 by Snowy_Heart.

Snowy_Heart — 11/01/2023 2:47 PM
Was testing to make sure perms worked. I fined myself $1 before the unfine. (edited)

— 11/01/2023 3:17 PM
DOH » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $1000 by PandaL0g1c.
[3:17 PM]
DOH » Cookies2664 has been unfined a total of $500 by PandaL0g1c.
[3:17 PM]
DOH » iloveh3k has been unfined a total of $250 by PandaL0g1c.

DOH » Ligthiago has been unfined a total of $1000 by PandaL0g1c.

Panda — 11/01/2023 3:17 PM
1st place Doctor Of The Month

DOH » Cookies2664 has been unfined a total of $500 by PandaL0g1c.

Panda — 11/01/2023 3:17 PM
2nd place Doctor Of The Month

DOH » iloveh3k has been unfined a total of $250 by PandaL0g1c.

Panda — 11/01/2023 3:18 PM
3rd place Doctor Of The Month
November 2, 2023

— Yesterday at 12:17 AM
JUD » Dartanman has been unfined a total of $140 by Taelor.
[12:18 AM]
JUD » Drew_Hall has been unfined a total of $560 by Taelor.

— Yesterday at 10:03 PM
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.
[10:03 PM]
DCT » PandaL0g1c has been unfined a total of $300 by ko531.

— Today at 5:06 AM
DPA » lukeyyy1 has been unfined a total of $15000 by JediAJMan.
[5:06 AM]
DPA » TheRanchGod has been unfined a total of $10000 by JediAJMan.
[5:07 AM]
DPA » fluffybaldie has been unfined a total of $5000 by JediAJMan.
[5:07 AM]
DPA » JediAJMan has been unfined a total of $5000 by JediAJMan.
[5:08 AM]
DPA » JediAJMan has been unfined a total of $500 by JediAJMan.

JediAJMan — Today at 7:20 AM
The following money is for purchases of plots and materials using strategically leftover funds going towards more official DPA recording sites to promote the server, its players, and general content for entertainment on socials. If any important people have questions, feel free to DM me. I have support of every inch of the money so there is nothing left unused or 'embezzled', it is all necessary and all going towards the DPA. Each piece of the money has been meticulously planned for costs and purchases being done within 1-2 days before the new budget is implemented. In fact, I am even incorporating money out of my own pocket for my upcoming plans. This will not only promote the server, but help give work to our Media Advisors as well as right now there is little for them to do. They will have opportunities to go to certain locations and participate with actors/other employees to create and assist in the production of media. When I'm done, I will make DC publicity the best its ever seen and the Department of Public Affairs will I love DemocracyCraft!ing thrive. (edited)

— Today at 7:21 AM
DPA » JediAJMan has been unfined a total of $110000 by JediAJMan.

AlexanderLove — Today at 9:10 AM
[9:10 AM]
That’s like more than my entire budget

The following money is for purchases of plots and materials using strategically leftover funds going towards more official DPA recording sites to promote the server, its players, and general content for entertainment on socials. If any important people have questions, feel free to DM me. I have support of every inch of the money so there is nothing left unused or 'embezzled', it is all necessary and all going towards the DPA. Each piece of the money has been meticulously planned for costs and purchases being done within 1-2 days before the new budget is implemented. In fact, I am even incorporating money out of my own pocket for my upcoming plans. This will not only promote the server, but help give work to our Media Advisors as well as right now there is little for them to do. They will have opportunities to go to certain locations and participate with actors/other employees to create and assist in the production of media. When I'm done, I will make DC publicity the best its ever seen and the Department of Public Affairs will I love DemocracyCraft!ing thrive. (edited)

MilkCrack — Today at 11:40 AM
Wait so how did you get 110k of budget? Did you use both the new budget and the old one?

— Today at 12:09 PM
GOV » dcgovernmentdos has been unfined a total of $90000 by Nacholebraa.
[12:10 PM]
GOV » dcgovernmentdoj has been unfined a total of $75000 by Nacholebraa.
[12:10 PM]
GOV » dcgovernmentdla has been unfined a total of $90000 by Nacholebraa.
[12:10 PM]
GOV » dcgovernmentdoc has been unfined a total of $150000 by Nacholebraa.
[12:10 PM]
GOV » dcgovernmentdpa has been unfined a total of $90000 by Nacholebraa.
[12:10 PM]
GOV » dcgovernmentdct has been unfined a total of $140000 by Nacholebraa.
[12:11 PM]
GOV » dcgovernmentdoh has been unfined a total of $25000 by Nacholebraa.
[12:11 PM]
GOV » dcgovernmentdoi has been unfined a total of $72000 by Nacholebraa.
[12:11 PM]
GOV » dcgovernmentdoe has been unfined a total of $35000 by Nacholebraa.

GOV » dcgovernmentdos has been unfined a total of $90000 by Nacholebraa.

Dorito — Today at 12:12 PM
November Budget's

GoldBlooded — Today at 12:14 PM
Desclaimer DOS and DOI use different accounts @Dorito

Desclaimer DOS and DOI use different accounts @Dorito

Dorito — Today at 12:15 PM
Yes I put that together after you told me that.
[12:15 PM]
we are fixing it

Yes I put that together after you told me that.

GoldBlooded — Today at 12:15 PM
then say something in cab

then say something in cab

Dorito — Today at 12:16 PM
I am legit fixing shut

I am legit fixing shut

GoldBlooded — Today at 12:16 PM

Click to see attachment

Dorito — Today at 12:16 PM
ur fired

GoldBlooded — Today at 12:16 PM

Dorito — Today at 12:16 PM
budget cuts
[12:16 PM]
[12:16 PM]

budget cuts

GoldBlooded — Today at 12:17 PM
ya know, people are gonna want the proof

ya know, people are gonna want the proof

Dorito — Today at 12:17 PM
That is in a past life
[12:17 PM]
Ive moved on from the proof.

Bezzergeezer — Today at 12:17 PM
[12:18 PM]
^ Nacho Delivers

^ Nacho Delivers

Dorito — Today at 12:18 PM
Highly insulted
[12:18 PM]

GoldBlooded — Today at 12:19 PM
Chip Biden

Bezzergeezer — Today at 12:19 PM

[12:19 PM]

The following money is for purchases of plots and materials using strategically leftover funds going towards more official DPA recording sites to promote the server, its players, and general content for entertainment on socials. If any important people have questions, feel free to DM me. I have support of every inch of the money so there is nothing left unused or 'embezzled', it is all necessary and all going towards the DPA. Each piece of the money has been meticulously planned for costs and purchases being done within 1-2 days before the new budget is implemented. In fact, I am even incorporating money out of my own pocket for my upcoming plans. This will not only promote the server, but help give work to our Media Advisors as well as right now there is little for them to do. They will have opportunities to go to certain locations and participate with actors/other employees to create and assist in the production of media. When I'm done, I will make DC publicity the best its ever seen and the Department of Public Affairs will I love DemocracyCraft!ing thrive. (edited)

Vernicia — Today at 12:20 PM

Bezzergeezer — Today at 12:21 PM

Vernicia — Today at 12:22 PM
110K + all that money for what

Bezzergeezer — Today at 12:22 PM
Are u blind
[12:22 PM]
He literally explains

Vernicia — Today at 12:23 PM
Are u incompetent, it does not make sense

MilkCrack — Today at 12:55 PM
But where does the 110k come from tho?

WackJap — Today at 12:58 PM
i am blind and incompetent, what's up

MilkCrack — Today at 12:58 PM
The deep state

WackJap — Today at 1:03 PM

— Today at 1:04 PM
GOV » DCGovernmentDER has been unfined a total of $72000 by Nacholebraa.
[1:04 PM]
GOV » DCGovernmentDS has been unfined a total of $90000 by Nacholebraa.

— Today at 1:26 PM
DOE » smokeyybunnyyy has been unfined a total of $1000 by WackJap.
[1:26 PM]
DOE » professorpimpel has been unfined a total of $1000 by WackJap.
[1:26 PM]
DOE » drlukebrenner has been unfined a total of $1000 by WackJap.
[1:26 PM]
DOE » mask3d_wolf has been unfined a total of $1000 by WackJap.

WackJap — Today at 1:28 PM
^ employees of the month (edited)
[1:29 PM]
consider it a BRIBE for activity


Signed Bills

Intellectual Property Act
Act of Congress - Intellectual Property Act

Text Me Back Act
Act of Congress - Text Me Back Act

Realtor-Free Act

Committee Fix Act
Information - Legislative Standards Act

Delete the CRB Act
Rescinded - Wages Act

One at a Time Act
Act of Congress - Executive Standards Act

Economic Standards Act
Act of Congress - Economic Standards Act

Peach Act
Act of Congress - Peach Act

Paper-Push Act
Information - Legislative Standards Act

Judicial Update Act
Act of Congress - Judicial Standards Act

Double Trouble Act
Information - Legislative Standards Act

Do It Yourself Act
Act of Congress - Financial Institutions Tax Act (Revised)

Ambassador Fix Act
Act of Congress - Executive Standards Act

Executive Orders

Executive Order 27/23 - Revision of Town Pasting Requirements
Executive Order - Executive Order 27/23 - Revision of Town Pasting Requirements

Executive Order 28/23 - Purge
Executive Order - Executive Order 28/23 - PURGE


nominates Drew_Hall to Supreme Court Justice - PASSED
nominates RelaxedGV to Federal Court Judge - FAILED
xLayzur nominates SomeHumanOnEarth to Secretary of State - PASSED
nominates Technofied to Secretary of Justice - PASSED
nominates AlexanderLove to Attorney General - PASSED
nominates JediAMan to Secretary of Public Affairs - PASSED
nominates WackJap to Secretary of Education - PASSED
nominates Bardiya_King to Secretary of Commerce - PASSED
nominates RorryyMC to Secretary of Health - PASSED
nominates Nacholebraa to Secretary of Construction - PASSED
nominates TheReal42Person to Secretary of Interior PASSED
nominates PandaL0g1c to Secretary of Health - PASSED
nominates _Pugsy to Secretary of Commerce - PASSED
nominates Cookies2644 to Ambassador of the United Nations - PASSED


Department of State (DOS)

Achievements in October:

- Technical changes for more secure elections in collaboration with staff
- Completed presidential election
- Organized presidential debate
- Completed town, RBA, and special elections
- Completed referendum
- Finished 3 department audits
- Published September SOTC
- Hired and trained new electoral officers

Goals for November:
- Planning for a census
- Releasing old audits
- Starting beginning of term audits
- Completion of congressional elections
- Completion of town elections

Approximate Funds Spent:

Department of Construction & Transport (DCT)

Achievements in October:

We have revamped project management and completed a few long overdue projects.

Goals for November:
We will be wrapping up a few more projects and reviewing building regulation policies. Will further be looking into expanding our construction team.

Approximate Funds Spent:
[N/A] Secretary did not fill out.

Department of Health (DOH)

Achievements in October:

So far, due to new leadership this week, not much has happened except from updating stuff, removing unused stuff and just getting setup!

Goals for November:
- More Active Medical Specialist
- Plans Will Come Up As They Arise

Approximate Funds Spent:

"No plans as of moment as the Secretary & Deputy Secretary just got settled in!"

Department of Commerce (DOC)

Achievements in October:

We are finishing up the credit system and we expect to release is some time soon maybe at the end of the month or first few weeks of November.

Goals for November:
Final Release of the Credit System.
The Rest is up to my successor!!

Approximate Funds Spent:

Department of the Interior (DOI)

Achievements in October:

Increasing Ranger pay, Monthly Meeting, begun the Supply Manager planning process, fired multiple Rangers, made 8 new hires

Goals for November:
Supply Managers, Ranger QOL stuff, Natural Wonders

Approximate Funds Spent:

Department of Public Affairs (DPA)

Achievements in October:

-Redesign the DPA discord
-Overhaul the DCTV
-Develop initiatives to increase DPA activity
-Create Halloween Events, start planning Christmas Events
-Create the events calendar (ALMOST DONE)
-Make regular reports to the players on the DPA's activities and upcoming events (AFTER EVENTS CALENDER IS FINISHED)

Goals for November:
More events, more social media content, and general fun activates hosted by yours truly.

Approximate Funds Spent:
About 102k

"The DPA budget should, without question, be as high as we are allowed for it to be. Our department is arguably one of the few top spenders (and for good reason), not to mention certain months like Halloween and Christmas have popular themes which lead to more events. I'm not saying give us an unreasonable amount, but like I said we spent about 102k and we didn't even cover all the events I had planned due to EC inactivity."

Department of Justice (DOJ)

Achievements in October:

- Hired 3 new police officers
- Changed the jail on death mechanism to require that a cop is nearby
- Conducted internal promotions - Begun the process of kill zones with the DCT

Goals for November:
- Said kill zones to be implemented
- Hopefully, more officers

Approximate Funds Spent:
Approx. $4000

"Been a very busy stretch for the Secretary, he will be more free at the end of November :)"

Department of Education (DOE)

Achievements in October:

purged inactive players. hired active players. implemented employee of the month. hats.

Goals for November:
custom foods revamp

Approximate Funds Spent:
roughly 8k

Department of Legal Affairs (DLA)

Achievements in October:

1. The Discord was massively overhauled to become prettier and more user-friendly. This helped both the public and employees. It also helped establish a better system for completing cases in an organized manner through a dynamic ticket system.

2. The RBI was given more jurisdiction and authority to complete its mission through cuffing permissions. It can now interrogate suspects and fine them for obstruction of justice should they fail to cooperate with an official investigation. Furthermore, the RBI has stable leadership and has a lot of work to do. It was previously a dead office, but it now plays a very critical role in enhancing the office's efficacy.

3. A tough on crime policy was announced in order to better secure the nation. So many laws go unenforced, yet Congress makes these laws with the intention of them being enforced. This is done by the will of the people as Congress is elected by the people, so enforcing these laws is the best way to listen to the people. A crackdown on incitement and conspiracy especially is occurring as these crimes are "gateway" crimes that lead to other violent offenses. A couple corruption investigations have been launched as no one is above the law including government officials.

4. A new rank structure established a better chain of command and work flow between the several positions within the DLA. A pay schedule was released that fairly compensates DLA employees for the hard work they do out of game.

Goals for November:
There will be no major agenda items being completed this month as the vast amount of changes made in the past couple weeks need some time to settle and become the new status quo. The DLA will continue to focus on investigating and prosecuting all crimes observed. The RBI has a couple plans to establish an anonymous tip line as well as formalize interrogation/investigation protocol.

Approximate Funds Spent:
~70%, however I was not in office for half the month. The budget in November will be fully utilized and there will be no wasteful expenditures. The DLA is strong in its commitment to responsible spending of its appropriations.

"I would like to address those that believe I am being overzealous as the AG in the enforcement of crimes. I want to say that I am enforcing the law as written. I enforce the law to a T and go by the book at all times. This is the only way to be truly fair to all, as is the principle of justice. If I let one person off and prosecute another, that would be less fair. Therefore the only two solutions are to prosecute everyone who commits a certain offense or prosecute no one. The latter is the less viable option as I would then be neglecting my oath to uphold the law. I ask the people to not blame the DLA for its enforcement of laws as we are merely the axe; the wielders of that axe are the people who elected legislators to put a certain law into place. As the axe, I have no control where I am swung, as that lies in the hands of you the people. If you do not like the DLA enforcing a certain law, that law ought to be modified to the satisfaction of the people. It is not in the DLAs business to guess what the people want; they must take action and change the law in a manner favorable to society."


1202 new players joined (248 increase ~30 days)



Total Respondents: 60
Independent: 26.7% (16)
Birthday Party: 25% (15)
Redmont Nationalist Party: 13.3% (8)
Galactic Empire of Redmont: 13.3% (8)
Socialist Workers Party: 11.7% (7)
Redmont Reform Coalition: 10% (6)
Monster Raving Looney Party: 0% (0)

Forms response chart. Question title: Which Political Party do you primarily affiliate with?. Number of responses: 60 responses.

Total Respondents: 63
Reveille: 54% (34)
The Wild: 15.9% (10)
Oakridge: 11.1% (7)
Aventura: 9.5% (6)
Willow: 9.5% (6)

Forms response chart. Question title: Which area of the Commonwealth of Redmont do you primarily reside in?. Number of responses: 63 responses.


Total Respondents: 63


President xLayzur: 79.7% Approve / 20.3% Disapprove
Vice President Nacholebraa: 78% Approve / 22% Disapprove
Secretary of State SomeHumanOnEarth: 90.2% Approve / 9.8% Disapprove
Secretary of Justice Technofied: 86.2% Approve / 13.8% Disapprove
(frmr.) Secretary of Commerce Bardiya_King: 41.4% Approve / 58.6% Disapprove
Secretary of Public Affairs JediAJMan: 89.7% Approve / 10.3% Disapprove
Secretary of Construction and Transportation Nacholebraa: 76.7% Approve / 23.3% Disapprove
(frmr.) Secretary of Health RoryyyMC: 52.6% Approve / 47.4% Disapprove
Secretary of the Interior TheReal42Person: 93.1% Approve / 6.9% Disapprove
Secretary of Education WackJap: 88.3% Approve / 11.7% Disapprove
Attorney General AlexanderLove: 39% Approve / 61% Disapprove

House of Representatives

Speaker of the House GoldBlooded: 82.8% Approve / 17.2% Disapprove
Deputy Speaker of the House 1950minecrafter: 72.4% Approve / 27.6% Disapprove
Representative Galavance: 77.2% Approve / 22.8% Disapprove
Representative MrFluffy2U94: 66.1% Approve / 33.9% Disapprove
Representative xAntho_ny: 78.9% Approve / 21.1% Disapprove
Representative ItsBlazeX: 73.7% Approve / 26.3% Disapprove
Representative PandaL0g1c: 81% Approve / 19% Disapprove
Representative Yeet_Boy: 65.5% Approve / 34.5% Disapprove
Representative Bezzergeezer: 60.7% Approve / 39.3% Disapprove
Representative Shadownba: 47.5% Approve / 52.5% Disapprove
Representative Snowy_Heart: 83.1% Approve / 16.9% Disapprove


President of the Senate xEndeavour: 67.7% Approve / 32.3% Disapprove
Senator Mhadsher101: 69.5% Approve / 30.5% Disapprove
Senator MilkCrack: 82.5% Approve / 17.5% Disapprove
Senator IncompleteRiver: 41.4% Approve / 58.6% Disapprove
Senator Vernicia: 55% Approve / 45% Disapprove
Senator Ko531: 66.1% Approve / 33.9% Disapprove


(frmr.) Aventura Mayor LilDigiVert: 75% Approve / 25% Disapprove
Willow Mayor Vanquish69: 75.4% Approve / 24.6% Disapprove
Oakridge Mayor CrackedAmoeba1: 46.4% Approve / 53.6% Disapprove

The Department of State thanks you for reading this month's State of the Commonwealth report. If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please open a Government support ticket where we can attend to your needs.
Not open for further replies.