Dept. State
Department of State
State Department
3rd Anniversary
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The purpose of the State of the Government Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings on the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals.
_Austin27_ - Acting Vice President
Trentrick_Lamar - Acting Head of Commerce
Executive Order 05/21 - Universal Basic Income
Executive Order 05/21 - Government as a Public Service
Executive Order 05/21 - Jurisdiction of Law
Executive Order 05/21 - Town Tier Revision II
Executive Order 05/21 - Property Tax
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. xLayzur [Case No. 05-2021-10-05] - Adjourned in an settlement
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Jerrys_Father1 [Case No. 05-2021-16] - Adjourned in the favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Jerrys_Father1 [Case No. 05-2021-31-02] - Adjourned in the favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Rossallina [Case No. 05-2021-31-03] - Adjourned in the favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Dedidous [Case No. 05-2021-31-04] - Adjourned in the favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
hugebob23456 v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [Case No. 05-2021-10-02] - Lawsuit Dismissed
hugebob23456 v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [Case No. 05-2021-10-03] - Lawsuit Dismissed
Krix v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [Case No. 05-2021-11] - Adjourned in the favour of Krix
Bank and Trust of Redmont (Cooleagles representing) v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [Case No. 05-2021-30-01] - Adjourned in favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
Economy Total: $27,949,429.37
Government Balance: $1,752,832.79 (an increase of $179,470.01 from last month)
Employment by Exam Jobs:
Employment by Government Jobs:
Registered Businesses: 186
Registered Unions: 9
With _Zab_ taking a leave from the town in the beginning of the month the town was left to 1950Minecraft to watch over and keep Oakridge growing. In the middle of the month Oakridge added 14 new affordable plots for players to own! Oakridge has also been home to a number of events from Football tournaments and Presidential Rallies. On the legislative side they finalized there Building Codes as well. Closely following the example set by Hamilton. Zab returned to the town at end of the month.
Early this month Willow progressed to Tier 3! Opening up enough land for new players to become a part of Willow. They've even added a new Chapel to the town over the height limit those so It was corrected. The town picked a flag to represent Willow. On the last day of the month the town was host to a farmers market.
Towards the end of the month Aventura was released to the public! It's been a couple months in the making but is now here for everyone to enjoy. The town opened up to a whole host of events, from scavengers hunts, boat races, and even movie nights. The town has already filled out off of its properties thanks to the auctioning off of said properties to the public just before release. The town already has big plans to expand to near by islands. Looking forwards to seeing what they can do!
Secretary: _Zab_
Deputy Secretary: JoanM999
Economists: Trentrick_Lamar, Liz37, ReinausPrinzzip, ChAkselsn, Maxterpiece, 415oldie, DankyZane
Education Specialists: Kycnn1703, pugbandit, Jaxon
Department Update: With the absence of the Secretary the department was led by Trentrick_Lamar for most of the month of May. During _Zab_’s absences the department fell into a bit of disorder. With _Zabs_ return changes began to happen. Led an efficient transition to the next admirations.
Department Goals:
Secretary: Muffins29
Deputy Secretary: Taelor
Event Coordinators: Tealeafff, LilDigiVert, BlogWorldExpo, Vanquish, ChAkselsen, Blarien, AndreyMia, Taelor
Media Advisors: Westray, Ansgard_Ist, BlogWorldExpo, Fieweyy, PracticeTyping, LouderLeo, xLayzur, 1950Minecrafter, Pugbandit
Department Update:
This month was a busy one for The Department of Public Affairs. With the addition of Aventura the department held a series of events at Aventura. Ranging from Boat races to Movie Nights. There were also updates with a few guides including, Guide Guide, and a brand new FAQ guide. Plans for the next Presidential Elections were also in the works this month. Finally the updated the Head store and publicized the Social Media accounts.
Department Goals:
Secretary: Mhadsher101
Deputy Secretary: xEndeavour
Constructors: Hong_Kong_101, Block86, xEndeavour, Kenhui1214, Galavance, Krix, Historia_Orangie, Ferre007_, LouderLeo
Building Inspectors: Queen_Cats, DrThunder, Mhadsher101, 37, 1950minecrafter, SimplyHarci, Vanquish_ap, Rachel
Department Update: This month, the DCT has completed a northern expansion, bringing in more commercial plots to the city. We finished upgrading all of Hamilton's roads, with only the sidewalk decoration left to do. We are glad of the general positive reception of this. The town of Aventura has been completed with the help of a few DCT Constructors including LouderLeo, Krix, and HistoriaOrangie. In the Building Inspector side of the department, regulations have been updated to better fit the needs of the growing city. There are now differing plot limits on commercial, residential, and industrial plots, as well as more regulation on commercial plots serving a commercial purpose.
Department Goals:
Secretary: _Austin27_
Deputy Secretary: DrThunder7
Electoral Officers: Technofied, DrThunder7, Eleray, Westray
Auditors: Luckyperms, byeSprite, Kayjee
Ambassador: Ansgard_1st
Department Update: This month, the Department of State saw the opening of our newest town - Aventura. This was an incredible achievement for the department and server as a whole. The department conducted special audits on specific departments after concerns were brought to the attention of the Secretary of State. The department facilitated the House of Representatives & Senate elections as well as two special elections. Overall, a successful month for the department.
Department Goals:
Secretary: JoanM999
Deputy Secretary: ElainaThomas
Sergeants: L0NE_PH4NT0M, ElainaThomas, Sergecool, and PiOs67
Police Officers: BubbaRC, IcedxSync, Ansgard,, ReinausPrinzzip, Reaperay, Technofied, Aladeen,TheToxicAnimator,
Trainee Officers: YuuiOtaka, Keegan7om, Partypig, Cannx1, MrPenderweed, Alexthelillion, Deekade, Easyzlywet
Department Update: The Department of Justice the department has been hiring more officers over the past month to replace the officers that they had to let go due to activity concerns. With such a high amount of hires the department felt the need for 2 more Sergeants was required to assist with training.
Department Goals:
Secretary: Sicspoti
Deputy Secretary: Westray
Medical Specialists: belovria, Dravamfo, GrandChaserz, JitoAlbo, Gear2467, Yerevann, zaorsia, Sleepyjay_, Westray
Department Update: This month the Department of Health opened up Medical Specialist Applications to bring the total Medical Specialist to 10. With the additional staff the DoH plans to improve Doctor training and improve overall department efficiency. A new guide to assist doctors in a variety of situations has also been created. The department is also awaiting the newly created Clinics from the DCT sometime soon.
Department Goals:
Secretary: Vanquish_ap
Deputy Secretary: L0NE_PH4NT0M
Environmental Manager: _37__, Toxic_Animations, IcedxSync, Queen_Cats, Tylxfied, Nacholebraa, Zemeits
Rangers: Black_Venom, hanhatfre2, kayjee, simplymadi, sleepyjay_, burntburger, dravamfo, silverdoller, hm_Shi, bananaMuffin, Jabolko, Louderleo, ManagerHell, shinyju, skem, toxikkun, yuukisni.
Department Update: For the month of May, the Department of Environment and Recreation had some minor updates and fixes. The National Park is now semi-completed and is just waiting on a few more key buildings. From within the Department we plan on increasing activity within the department and letting go of inactive members. Promotions to Environmental Manager have also been conducted this month. On a sad note the Department has conducted its Final meeting as I may not be the secretary under the next administration.
Department Goals:
Government Bonuses: $34,775 in total bonuses were given to highly performing government employees.
Secretary of State
The purpose of the State of the Government Reports is to increase Cabinet transparency and provide an insight into the happenings on the Government. This information is provided in good faith and although it may be listed here as a goal, it may not occur. This report simply outlines Government achievements, plans, and goals.
_Austin27_ - Acting Vice President
Trentrick_Lamar - Acting Head of Commerce
Executive Order 05/21 - Universal Basic Income
Executive Order 05/21 - Government as a Public Service
Executive Order 05/21 - Jurisdiction of Law
Executive Order 05/21 - Town Tier Revision II
Executive Order 05/21 - Property Tax
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. xLayzur [Case No. 05-2021-10-05] - Adjourned in an settlement
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Jerrys_Father1 [Case No. 05-2021-16] - Adjourned in the favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Jerrys_Father1 [Case No. 05-2021-31-02] - Adjourned in the favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Rossallina [Case No. 05-2021-31-03] - Adjourned in the favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Dedidous [Case No. 05-2021-31-04] - Adjourned in the favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
hugebob23456 v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [Case No. 05-2021-10-02] - Lawsuit Dismissed
hugebob23456 v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [Case No. 05-2021-10-03] - Lawsuit Dismissed
Krix v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [Case No. 05-2021-11] - Adjourned in the favour of Krix
Bank and Trust of Redmont (Cooleagles representing) v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [Case No. 05-2021-30-01] - Adjourned in favour of The Commonwealth of Redmont
Our Government has, for the past 2 months, made many great strides in policy and in practice. The Commonwealth continues to improve but still has far to go.
We have placed an especially increased emphasis on the economy, and have sought to increase the buying power of consumers and reign in the wealth disparities in our society.
The single largest program we have developed is the Universal Basic Income, which runs costs of about $500,000 per month and has contributed to growing the Middle Class by 15% monthly.
While the costs of UBI are by no measure small, it is the opinion of this Government that the benefits it brings us are far too valuable to give up.
We cannot leave the poorest of us behind in pursuit of a balanced budget when we have over a million dollars in reserves.
During the first month of the UBI project, we were able to run on a surplus in excess of $200k, proving that we CAN afford UBI.
During the second month, we ran a deficit of a little under $200k before the Federal Treasury Deposits System, primarily due to the lack of a major plot expansion.
I have issued an Executive Order to enact a Property Tax that is projected to generate about $46,000 per month to help slow the Government’s deficit pending DCT plot releases.
As plots are released to the public, the Government will be able to use the funds from plot sales to continue to fund our increasingly ambitious social programs, and may have room to lower taxes.
Even at our current burn rate, the Government has built a Treasury large enough to sustain ourselves throughout the entire duration of the next Administration without any cuts to spending or increases to taxes.
Much has happened in these previous 2 months. We have implemented a new town and begun the process to begin the next.
We have increased the DOH’s involvement in the private medical industry which has boosted the revenue of the Government and private business while also increasing convenience for citizens.
We have established systems within the Department of Justice to allow for our Officers to more easily infiltrate and halt organized crime BEFORE it harms our Citizens.
We have subsidized the continued growth of our Towns through Federal Districts programs and decreasing the price of upgrade and of expansions.
We have set in motion the beginning of International Relations with BusinessCraft and Vindex, who have expressed interest in interacting with our Commonwealth.
We have enacted laws to protect new players from being exploited by the political establishment. We have reformed our Criminal Justice system to protect from overcrowding.
We have moved many Rules to Laws, further ensuring that not Redmont, but that DemocracyCraft is a server run by the players that pour hours into it every day.
And in these next Congressional elections, we will elect a record 15 members to the House of Representatives, the largest elected body to ever serve in Minecraft, and the only such body to be elected through Proportional Representation.
But what we’ve done these past two months is only the beginning. I have served in this Government since the 2nd Congress and have seen firsthand how far our great community has come.
I have served all of you, through both the private and public sectors, and this Monday I celebrate the one year anniversary of my join date on DC.
But I’ll save more on that for June 15th.
It is time for us to pass the torch. No matter who wins these upcoming Presidential Elections, I am confident that Redmont will be in good hands.
I wouldn’t be leaving if I thought it wasn’t.
Our Government has ended the month at a net surplus of $220,000. Our roads are being updated every day, and new companies rise to replace old.
The State of the Commonwealth is Strong, but has so much further to go. Don’t vote for your friend, don’t vote who your friends are voting for. Vote for a leader.
Glory to Redmont, thank you.
We have placed an especially increased emphasis on the economy, and have sought to increase the buying power of consumers and reign in the wealth disparities in our society.
The single largest program we have developed is the Universal Basic Income, which runs costs of about $500,000 per month and has contributed to growing the Middle Class by 15% monthly.
While the costs of UBI are by no measure small, it is the opinion of this Government that the benefits it brings us are far too valuable to give up.
We cannot leave the poorest of us behind in pursuit of a balanced budget when we have over a million dollars in reserves.
During the first month of the UBI project, we were able to run on a surplus in excess of $200k, proving that we CAN afford UBI.
During the second month, we ran a deficit of a little under $200k before the Federal Treasury Deposits System, primarily due to the lack of a major plot expansion.
I have issued an Executive Order to enact a Property Tax that is projected to generate about $46,000 per month to help slow the Government’s deficit pending DCT plot releases.
As plots are released to the public, the Government will be able to use the funds from plot sales to continue to fund our increasingly ambitious social programs, and may have room to lower taxes.
Even at our current burn rate, the Government has built a Treasury large enough to sustain ourselves throughout the entire duration of the next Administration without any cuts to spending or increases to taxes.
Much has happened in these previous 2 months. We have implemented a new town and begun the process to begin the next.
We have increased the DOH’s involvement in the private medical industry which has boosted the revenue of the Government and private business while also increasing convenience for citizens.
We have established systems within the Department of Justice to allow for our Officers to more easily infiltrate and halt organized crime BEFORE it harms our Citizens.
We have subsidized the continued growth of our Towns through Federal Districts programs and decreasing the price of upgrade and of expansions.
We have set in motion the beginning of International Relations with BusinessCraft and Vindex, who have expressed interest in interacting with our Commonwealth.
We have enacted laws to protect new players from being exploited by the political establishment. We have reformed our Criminal Justice system to protect from overcrowding.
We have moved many Rules to Laws, further ensuring that not Redmont, but that DemocracyCraft is a server run by the players that pour hours into it every day.
And in these next Congressional elections, we will elect a record 15 members to the House of Representatives, the largest elected body to ever serve in Minecraft, and the only such body to be elected through Proportional Representation.
But what we’ve done these past two months is only the beginning. I have served in this Government since the 2nd Congress and have seen firsthand how far our great community has come.
I have served all of you, through both the private and public sectors, and this Monday I celebrate the one year anniversary of my join date on DC.
But I’ll save more on that for June 15th.
It is time for us to pass the torch. No matter who wins these upcoming Presidential Elections, I am confident that Redmont will be in good hands.
I wouldn’t be leaving if I thought it wasn’t.
Our Government has ended the month at a net surplus of $220,000. Our roads are being updated every day, and new companies rise to replace old.
The State of the Commonwealth is Strong, but has so much further to go. Don’t vote for your friend, don’t vote who your friends are voting for. Vote for a leader.
Glory to Redmont, thank you.
Economy Total: $27,949,429.37
Government Balance: $1,752,832.79 (an increase of $179,470.01 from last month)
Employment by Exam Jobs:
- Accountants: 47
- Armorers: 654
- Journalists: 297
- Brewers: 195
- Contractor: 136
- Chefs: 761
- Contractors: 136
- CUBER Drivers: 64
- Doctors: 52
- Trainee Doctor: 8
- Electricians: 88
- Farmers: 645
- Solicitors: 51
- Barristers: 62
- Attorneys: 47
- Lumberjacks: 412
- Mercenaries: 1093
- Miners: 745
- Mechanic: 18
- Realtor: 196
- Recycling Operator: 172
- Stockmen: 67
- Tour Guides: 21
- Pharmacists: 498
Employment by Government Jobs:
- Building Inspectors: 12
- Constructors: 14
- Education Specialists: 5
- Economists: 15
- Electoral Officers: 4
- Auditors: 3
- Event Coordinators: 8
- Media Advisors: 10
- Medical Specialists: 10
- Trainee Officers: 22
- Constables: 13
- Sergeants: 3
- Rangers: 35
- Environmental Managers: 11
Registered Unions: 9
With _Zab_ taking a leave from the town in the beginning of the month the town was left to 1950Minecraft to watch over and keep Oakridge growing. In the middle of the month Oakridge added 14 new affordable plots for players to own! Oakridge has also been home to a number of events from Football tournaments and Presidential Rallies. On the legislative side they finalized there Building Codes as well. Closely following the example set by Hamilton. Zab returned to the town at end of the month.
Early this month Willow progressed to Tier 3! Opening up enough land for new players to become a part of Willow. They've even added a new Chapel to the town over the height limit those so It was corrected. The town picked a flag to represent Willow. On the last day of the month the town was host to a farmers market.
Towards the end of the month Aventura was released to the public! It's been a couple months in the making but is now here for everyone to enjoy. The town opened up to a whole host of events, from scavengers hunts, boat races, and even movie nights. The town has already filled out off of its properties thanks to the auctioning off of said properties to the public just before release. The town already has big plans to expand to near by islands. Looking forwards to seeing what they can do!
Secretary: _Zab_
Deputy Secretary: JoanM999
Economists: Trentrick_Lamar, Liz37, ReinausPrinzzip, ChAkselsn, Maxterpiece, 415oldie, DankyZane
Education Specialists: Kycnn1703, pugbandit, Jaxon
Department Update: With the absence of the Secretary the department was led by Trentrick_Lamar for most of the month of May. During _Zab_’s absences the department fell into a bit of disorder. With _Zabs_ return changes began to happen. Led an efficient transition to the next admirations.
Department Goals:
- Become more efficient
Secretary: Muffins29
Deputy Secretary: Taelor
Event Coordinators: Tealeafff, LilDigiVert, BlogWorldExpo, Vanquish, ChAkselsen, Blarien, AndreyMia, Taelor
Media Advisors: Westray, Ansgard_Ist, BlogWorldExpo, Fieweyy, PracticeTyping, LouderLeo, xLayzur, 1950Minecrafter, Pugbandit
Department Update:
This month was a busy one for The Department of Public Affairs. With the addition of Aventura the department held a series of events at Aventura. Ranging from Boat races to Movie Nights. There were also updates with a few guides including, Guide Guide, and a brand new FAQ guide. Plans for the next Presidential Elections were also in the works this month. Finally the updated the Head store and publicized the Social Media accounts.
Department Goals:
- Continue planning the Olympics
- Focus on hosting multiple-day events (soccer tournaments, PVP contest, etc.)
- Continue promoting social media accounts
- Host the Presidential and VP debates
- Plan the inauguration with the DOS
- Implement museum reform (make it more interactive)
- Fire inactive members
- Update the Guide exam
Secretary: Mhadsher101
Deputy Secretary: xEndeavour
Constructors: Hong_Kong_101, Block86, xEndeavour, Kenhui1214, Galavance, Krix, Historia_Orangie, Ferre007_, LouderLeo
Building Inspectors: Queen_Cats, DrThunder, Mhadsher101, 37, 1950minecrafter, SimplyHarci, Vanquish_ap, Rachel
Department Update: This month, the DCT has completed a northern expansion, bringing in more commercial plots to the city. We finished upgrading all of Hamilton's roads, with only the sidewalk decoration left to do. We are glad of the general positive reception of this. The town of Aventura has been completed with the help of a few DCT Constructors including LouderLeo, Krix, and HistoriaOrangie. In the Building Inspector side of the department, regulations have been updated to better fit the needs of the growing city. There are now differing plot limits on commercial, residential, and industrial plots, as well as more regulation on commercial plots serving a commercial purpose.
Department Goals:
- Significant Progress on the City’s Western Expansion
- Refine Building Inspector Protocal
- Assist with the construction of the 4th Town
Secretary: _Austin27_
Deputy Secretary: DrThunder7
Electoral Officers: Technofied, DrThunder7, Eleray, Westray
Auditors: Luckyperms, byeSprite, Kayjee
Ambassador: Ansgard_1st
Department Update: This month, the Department of State saw the opening of our newest town - Aventura. This was an incredible achievement for the department and server as a whole. The department conducted special audits on specific departments after concerns were brought to the attention of the Secretary of State. The department facilitated the House of Representatives & Senate elections as well as two special elections. Overall, a successful month for the department.
Department Goals:
- Department auditing
- Audit towns
- Release Aventura
- Plan and execute the inauguration of the next President
- Transfer administrations
Secretary: JoanM999
Deputy Secretary: ElainaThomas
Sergeants: L0NE_PH4NT0M, ElainaThomas, Sergecool, and PiOs67
Police Officers: BubbaRC, IcedxSync, Ansgard,, ReinausPrinzzip, Reaperay, Technofied, Aladeen,TheToxicAnimator,
Trainee Officers: YuuiOtaka, Keegan7om, Partypig, Cannx1, MrPenderweed, Alexthelillion, Deekade, Easyzlywet
Department Update: The Department of Justice the department has been hiring more officers over the past month to replace the officers that they had to let go due to activity concerns. With such a high amount of hires the department felt the need for 2 more Sergeants was required to assist with training.
Department Goals:
- Hire new Officers that are both active and Productive
- Mentor Training
- Update Department Policies
Secretary: Sicspoti
Deputy Secretary: Westray
Medical Specialists: belovria, Dravamfo, GrandChaserz, JitoAlbo, Gear2467, Yerevann, zaorsia, Sleepyjay_, Westray
Department Update: This month the Department of Health opened up Medical Specialist Applications to bring the total Medical Specialist to 10. With the additional staff the DoH plans to improve Doctor training and improve overall department efficiency. A new guide to assist doctors in a variety of situations has also been created. The department is also awaiting the newly created Clinics from the DCT sometime soon.
Department Goals:
- Paramedic License
- Improve communication
- Department efficiency
- Ensure employee satisfaction
Secretary: Vanquish_ap
Deputy Secretary: L0NE_PH4NT0M
Environmental Manager: _37__, Toxic_Animations, IcedxSync, Queen_Cats, Tylxfied, Nacholebraa, Zemeits
Rangers: Black_Venom, hanhatfre2, kayjee, simplymadi, sleepyjay_, burntburger, dravamfo, silverdoller, hm_Shi, bananaMuffin, Jabolko, Louderleo, ManagerHell, shinyju, skem, toxikkun, yuukisni.
Department Update: For the month of May, the Department of Environment and Recreation had some minor updates and fixes. The National Park is now semi-completed and is just waiting on a few more key buildings. From within the Department we plan on increasing activity within the department and letting go of inactive members. Promotions to Environmental Manager have also been conducted this month. On a sad note the Department has conducted its Final meeting as I may not be the secretary under the next administration.
Department Goals:
- Aquarium Project
- Finish National Park
- Guided Ranger Payments
Government Bonuses: $34,775 in total bonuses were given to highly performing government employees.
Secretary of State