Standing Orders Standing Orders of the House of Representatives

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House of Representatives

Mar 19, 2021
House Vote: 6-0-0
Establish Standing Orders for the 28th House of Representatives

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law, ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Standing Orders
(1) These Standing Orders of the House of Representatives are extant until another Standing Orders of the House of Representatives are passed by the House.
(a) The passage of new Standing Orders of the House of Representatives shall repeal all previous Standing Orders of the House of Representatives.
(2) Amending the Standing Orders
(a) Standing Orders can be amended, through a motion, during the entire duration of the House term. Changes need to be agreed upon by a simple majority in the House unless otherwise specified by law.

2 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) A Clerk is to assume the chair of the House and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Chair.
(a) If a Clerk fails to initiate this process within 24 hours of the House election results being announced, or if there is no Clerk, then the most senior Representative may initiate this process.
(b) The most senior Representative is to be the Representative who:
(i) Has served the most terms; or if equal:
(ii) of the most terms and who has the largest popular vote; or if equal:
(iii) by common agreement among them or by an informal House vote; and if still undecided:
(iv) the President will serve in place of the Senior Representative.
(c) In the occurrence that the position of Speaker is vacant while the position of Deputy Speaker is filled, the Deputy Speaker shall assume the Chair of the House and initiate the Speaker election process.
(2) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of the House at the end of the nomination period.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Speaker in a 24-hour election. The winner of the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the House. In the event of a tie or in case of a failure for a candidate to reach a simple majority, the election shall be redone with the top two candidates. If this still results in a tie, there shall be another runoff until a Speaker is decided.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the House of Representatives to order.
(6) The President will announce the winning Representative from the election as Speaker of the House.

3 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the House and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(2) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress at the end of the nomination period.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy Speaker in a 24-hour election. The winner of the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the House. In the event of a tie or in case of a failure for a candidate to reach a simple majority, the election shall be redone with the top two candidates. If this still results in a tie, there shall be another runoff until a Deputy Speaker is decided.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.
(a) The Speaker shall be presumed absent only in the case that they make a statement to the Deputy Speaker regarding the absence or have not made any sort of contact with a member of the House of Representatives for over four (4) days.
(b) The Deputy Speaker may also perform the duties of the Speaker when specifically delegated by the Speaker.
(6) The Speaker will announce the winning Representative from the election as Deputy Speaker of the House.

4 - Proposing a Motion
(1) Any motion will be proposed in #house-floor and the Speaker will be notified.
(2) The Speaker will post the motion to #house-voting and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Once the motion has been put up to vote in the House, the Representatives will have 48 hours to vote on the motion.
(a) A simple majority is needed for a motion to pass unless otherwise specified by law.
(b) If a bill requires a supermajority to pass the House, then any motions to amend it shall also require a supermajority to pass.
(4) If a motion is classified and/or it is a motion to classify, then the motion’s proposal and voting shall be done in a non-public channel.

5 - Bills
(1) For the purposes of these Standing Orders, a resolution shall be considered a bill.
(2) If a bill goes three days in a row without any messages from Representatives in its #bills thread, then it may be put up to vote.
(a) A bill may be put up to vote before this if the proposer of the bill notifies the Speaker to do so. Voting on a bill may also be delayed this way.
(i) The proposer of the bill cannot delay voting if it has already begun.

6 - Prefixes
(1) A 'Repealed' prefix will be made available to the Office of Congressional Affairs.
(a) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Office of Congressional Affairs where a bill has been repealed. Bills with the repealed prefix will be moved to the Archive forum.
(2) A 'Rescinded' prefix will be made available to the Office of Congressional Affairs.
(a) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Office of Congressional Affairs where a bill has been rescinded. Bills with the rescinded prefix will be moved to the Archive forum.

7 - Definitions
(1) Rejected: A bill or motion that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(2) Passed: A bill or motion that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(3) Quorum: A majority of the statutory seats in the House of Representatives.
(4) Rescinded: A bill or motion that is revoked by its proposer before it has been passed in any chamber.
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Congress Vote: 5-0-0


Establish Standing Orders for the 2nd Congress​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Election of the Speaker of the Congress
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 12 hours.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

2 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 12 hours.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

3 - Sittings of the Congress
(1) The Congress is to sit every day unless the Congress otherwise moves to recess.
(2) The Congress is to adjourn at the end of each day until the next sitting day.

4 - Business of the day
(1) Each day it sits, the Congress is to consider business put before it.
(2) The Congress is to consider new bills and resolutions in the order that they are submitted by individuals.

5 - Consideration of urgent business
(1) Should a majority of members petition the chair to consider an item of business urgently, that
item of business shall be moved to the top of the docket and be considered immediately.

6 - Consideration of business
(1) Upon presenting business to the floor of the Congress, individuals shall debate and move amendments to it until a majority agrees the process is complete.
(2) If amendments are moved, the Congress shall divide on the questions of the amendments until a majority agrees the process is complete.
(3) The Congress shall divide on the question of passage until either a majority is reached on its passage/denial, or for two days, whichever comes first.
(4) Should a bill fail to receive either a majority of “Ayes” or “Nays” due to “Abstentions” the bill does not pass nor fail, it will be brought up for further discussion and amendments at the next sitting.

7 - Putting the question
(1) Should any question be put to the Congress, the chair shall call roll for the Ayes, the Nays, and the Abstentions.

8 - Passage of bills
(1) Should a bill pass the Congress it shall be sent to the Speaker.
(2) The Speaker may then send the bill to the President to receive assent.

9 - Rules of Debate
(1) All individuals may debate during a reading.
(2) Individuals are to address the chair at all times.
(3) Individuals are not to make personal attacks against another individual.
(4) Individuals are to contribute to debate in a constructive and relevant fashion.
(5) Individuals are to cease speaking and resume their seat if directed to by the chair.
(6) Individuals are not to exhibit disorderly, inappropriate, or offensive conduct.
(7) Individuals are not to misrepresent a statement or viewpoint of another individual.

10 - Points of Order
(1) All individuals may raise points of order. Points of order are to be considered
(2) The chair rules on points of order.
(3) Individuals are not to raise vexatious points of order.
(4) Points of order are matters between the individual raising them and the chair.

11 - Suspension of Individuals
The chair may suspend an individual who behaves in a disorderly fashion from the service of
the Congress for the remainder of the day’s sitting.

12 - Adoption by the Congress
Upon the passage of this bill in the Congress it shall come into force.

This bill was authored by Speaker hugebob23456
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House Vote: 9-0-0
Senate Vote: Unknown


Clarify 'rejection' and 'passing' of law.

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Standing Orders Amendment Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately after signage.

2 - Reasons
(1) There seems to be an unnecessary need to clarify these terms.

3 - Rejection
Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.

4 - Pass
Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.

5 - Quorum
Shall be defined as half of the members of a chamber plus one.
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House Vote: 6-0-0


Establish Standing Orders for the 6th House of Representatives
The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 12 hours unless all Representative inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

2 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 12 hours unless all Representative inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

3 - The procedure of proposing a motion.

(1) The motion will be proposed in the House-Chat
(2) The Speaker will be notified on the current motion in the House-Chat
(3) Speaker will continue to post the motion on the House Floor and notifying all Representatives
(4) The Representatives will vote on the motion and the majority rules apply per motion
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House Vote: 7-0-0


Clarify 'rejection' and 'passing' of law.

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Standing Orders Amendment Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately after signage.

2 - Reasons
(1) There seems to be an unnecessary need to clarify these terms.
(2) Due to the Speaker's office failing to update the previous standing orders, this bill needs to be re-passed.

3 - Rejection
Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority of ayes, or majority of ayes otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.

4 - Pass
Any bill that receives a simple majority of ayes, or majority of ayes otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.

5 - Quorum
Shall be defined as half of the members of a chamber plus one.
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Establish Standing Orders for the 7th House of Representatives​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 12 hours unless all Representative inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

2 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 12 hours unless all Representative inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

3 - The procedure of proposing a motion.

(1) The motion will be proposed in #House-Chat and the Presiding Officer will be notified.
(2) The Speaker will post the motion to #House-Announcements and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

4 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as half of the members of a chamber plus one.

5 - Joint Committees of Congress
(1) The Representatives of this chamber may form Committees with Senate members in what shall be known as "Joint Committees."
(2) A Joint Committee is a group of Congressmen and Congresswomen from both chambers of Congress who are thus presently considered experts in their field.
(3) A Joint Committee is led by a chairperson, who is chosen with agreement by both the President Pro Tempore and the Speaker of the House with the Vice President being the tie-breaker.
(4) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to invite people to the committee with their consent.
(5) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to remove people from the committee with a super majority vote from committee members.
(6) The Senate must also past this section in their own section in the same language in their standing orders in order for this to take effect. If one chamber's Joint Committee of Congress standing order section is revised, then the current Joint Committee of Congress standing order will continue to be in place until both can be revised to match each other.
(7) The Joint Committees of Congress is subject to all procedural law passed by the legislative branch except for the above sections, which can only be revised through revising standing orders.
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House Vote: 6-0-0

Establish Standing Orders for the 7th House of Representatives​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 12 hours unless all Representative inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

2 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 12 hours unless all Representative inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

3 - The procedure of proposing a motion.

(1) The motion will be proposed in #House-Chat and the Presiding Officer will be notified.
(2) The Speaker will post the motion to #House-Announcements and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

4 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as half of the members of a chamber plus one.

5 - Joint Committees of Congress
(1) The Representatives of this chamber may form Committees with Senate members in what shall be known as "Joint Committees."
(2) A Joint Committee is a group of Congressmen and Congresswomen from both chambers of Congress who are thus presently considered experts in their field.
(3) A Joint Committee is led by a chairperson, who is chosen with agreement by both the President Pro Tempore and the Speaker of the House with the Vice President being the tie-breaker.
(4) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to invite people to the committee with their consent.
(5) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to remove people from the committee with a super majority vote from committee members.
(6) The Senate must also past this section in their own section in the same language in their standing orders in order for this to take effect. If one chamber's Joint Committee of Congress standing order section is revised, then the current Joint Committee of Congress standing order will continue to be in place until both can be revised to match each other.
(7) The Joint Committees of Congress is subject to all procedural law passed by the legislative branch except for the above sections, which can only be revised through revising standing orders.
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House Vote: 8-0-0

Establish Standing Orders for the 8th House of Representatives​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 12 hours unless all Representative inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

2 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 12 hours unless all Representative inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

3 - The procedure of proposing a motion.

(1) The motion will be proposed in #House-Chat and the Presiding Officer will be notified.
(2) The Speaker will post the motion to #House-Announcements and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

4 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as half of the members of a chamber plus one.

5 - Joint Committees of Congress
(1) The Representatives of this chamber may form Committees with Senate members in what shall be known as "Joint Committees."
(2) A Joint Committee is a group of Congressmen and Congresswomen from both chambers of Congress who are thus presently considered experts in their field.
(3) A Joint Committee is led by a chairperson, who is chosen with agreement by both the President Pro Tempore and the Speaker of the House with the Vice President being the tie-breaker.
(4) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to invite people to the committee with their consent.
(5) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to remove people from the committee with a super majority vote from committee members.
(6) The Senate must also past this section in their own section in the same language in their standing orders in order for this to take effect. If one chamber's Joint Committee of Congress standing order section is revised, then the current Joint Committee of Congress standing order will continue to be in place until both can be revised to match each other.
(7) The Joint Committees of Congress is subject to all procedural law passed by the legislative branch except for the above sections, which can only be revised through revising standing orders.
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Establish Standing Orders for the 9th House of Representatives

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 12 hours unless all Representative inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

2 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 12 hours unless all Representative inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

3 - The procedure of proposing a motion.

(1) The motion will be proposed in #House-Chat and the Presiding Officer will be notified.
(2) The Speaker will post the motion to #House-Announcements and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

4 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as half of the members of a chamber plus one.

5 - Joint Committees of Congress
(1) The Representatives of this chamber may form Committees with Senate members in what shall be known as "Joint Committees."
(2) A Joint Committee is a group of Congressmen and Congresswomen from both chambers of Congress who are thus presently considered experts in their field.
(3) A Joint Committee is led by a chairperson, who is chosen with agreement by both the President Pro Tempore and the Speaker of the House with the Vice President being the tie-breaker.
(4) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to invite people to the committee with their consent.
(5) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to remove people from the committee with a super majority vote from committee members.
(6) The Senate must also past this section in their own section in the same language in their standing orders in order for this to take effect. If one chamber's Joint Committee of Congress standing order section is revised, then the current Joint Committee of Congress standing order will continue to be in place until both can be revised to match each other.
(7) The Joint Committees of Congress is subject to all procedural law passed by the legislative branch except for the above sections, which can only be revised through revising standing orders.

Establish Standing Orders for the 10th House of Representatives

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 12 hours unless all Representative inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

2 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 12 hours unless all Representative inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

3 - The procedure of proposing a motion.

(1) The motion will be proposed in #House-Chat and the Presiding Officer will be notified.
(2) The Speaker will post the motion to #House-Announcements and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

4 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass, and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as half of the members of a chamber plus one.

5 - Joint Committees of Congress
(1) The Representatives of this chamber may form Committees with Senate members in what shall be known as "Joint Committees."
(2) A Joint Committee is a group of Congressmen and Congresswomen from both chambers of Congress who are thus presently considered experts in their field.
(3) A Joint Committee is led by a chairperson, who is chosen with agreement by both the President Pro Tempore and the Speaker of the House with the Vice President being the tie-breaker.
(4) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to invite people to the committee with their consent.
(5) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to remove people from the committee with a supermajority vote from committee members.
(6) The Senate must also pass this section in their own section in the same language in their standing orders in order for this to take effect. If one chamber's Joint Committee of Congress standing order section is revised, then the current Joint Committee of Congress standing order will continue to be in place until both can be revised to match each other.
(7) The Joint Committees of Congress are subject to all procedural law passed by the legislative branch except for the above sections, which can only be revised through revising standing orders.
House Vote: 6-0-0


Establish Standing Orders for the 10th House of Representatives

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the President will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

2 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the Speaker will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

3 - The procedure of proposing a motion.

(1) The motion will be proposed in #House-Chat and the Presiding Officer will be notified.
(2) The Speaker will post the motion to #House-Announcements and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

4 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass, and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as half of the members of a chamber plus one.

5 - Joint Committees of Congress
(1) The Representatives of this chamber may form Committees with Senate members in what shall be known as "Joint Committees."
(2) A Joint Committee is a group of Congressmen and Congresswomen from both chambers of Congress who are thus presently considered experts in their field.
(3) A Joint Committee is led by a chairperson, who is chosen with agreement by both the President Pro Tempore and the Speaker of the House with the Vice President being the tie-breaker.
(4) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to invite people to the committee with their consent.
(5) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to remove people from the committee with a supermajority vote from committee members.
(6) The Senate must also pass this section in their own section in the same language in their standing orders in order for this to take effect. If one chamber's Joint Committee of Congress standing order section is revised, then the current Joint Committee of Congress standing order will continue to be in place until both can be revised to match each other.
(7) The Joint Committees of Congress are subject to all procedural law passed by the legislative branch except for the above sections, which can only be revised through revising standing orders.
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Establish Standing Orders for the 12th House of Representatives​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the President will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

2 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the Speaker will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

3 - The procedure of proposing a motion.
(1) The motion will be proposed in #House-Chat and the Presiding Officer will be notified.
(2) The Speaker will post the motion to #House-Announcements and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

4 - Repealed
(1) A 'Repealed' prefix will be made available to the Speaker's office. (2) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Speaker's office where a bill has been repealed. Bills with the repealed prefix will be moved to the rescinded / vetoed / rejected forum.

5 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass, and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as half of the members of a chamber plus one.
5 - Joint Committees of Congress
(1) The Representatives of this chamber may form Committees with Senate members in what shall be known as "Joint Committees."
(2) A Joint Committee is a group of Congressmen and Congresswomen from both chambers of Congress who are thus presently considered experts in their field.
(3) A Joint Committee is led by a chairperson, who is chosen with agreement by both the President Pro Tempore and the Speaker of the House with the Vice President being the tie-breaker.
(4) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to invite people to the committee with their consent.
(5) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to remove people from the committee with a supermajority vote from committee members.
(6) The Senate must also pass this section in their own section in the same language in their standing orders in order for this to take effect. If one chamber's Joint Committee of Congress standing order section is revised, then the current Joint Committee of Congress standing order will continue to be in place until both can be revised to match each other.
(7) The Joint Committees of Congress are subject to all procedural law passed by the legislative branch except for the above sections, which can only be revised through revising standing orders.
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Establish Standing Orders for the 13th House of Representatives

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the President will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

2 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the Speaker will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

3 - The procedure of proposing a motion.
(1) The motion will be proposed in #house-floor and the Presiding Officer will be notified.
(2) The Speaker will post the motion to #house-announcements and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

4 - Repealed
(1) A 'Repealed' prefix will be made available to the Speaker's office
(2) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Speaker's office where a bill has been repealed. Bills with the repealed prefix will be moved to the rescinded / vetoed / rejected forum.

5 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass, and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as half of the members of a chamber plus one.

6 - Joint Committees of Congress
(1) The Representatives of this chamber may form Committees with Senate members in what shall be known as "Joint Committees."
(2) A Joint Committee is a group of Congressmen and Congresswomen from both chambers of Congress who are thus presently considered experts in their field.
(3) A Joint Committee is led by a chairperson, who is chosen with agreement by both the President Pro Tempore and the Speaker of the House with the Vice President being the tie-breaker.
(4) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to invite people to the committee with their consent.
(5) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to remove people from the committee with a supermajority vote from committee members.
(6) The Senate must also pass this section in their own section in the same language in their standing orders in order for this to take effect. If one chamber's Joint Committee of Congress standing order section is revised, then the current Joint Committee of Congress standing order will continue to be in place until both can be revised to match each other.
(7) The Joint Committees of Congress are subject to all procedural law passed by the legislative branch except for the above sections, which can only be revised through revising standing orders.
Establish Standing Orders for the 14th House of Representatives

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the President will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

2 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the Speaker will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

3 - Proposing a Motion
(1) The motion will be proposed in the chamber and the Presiding Officer will be notified.
(2) The Presiding Officer will post the motion to house-floor and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

4 - Repealed
(1) A 'Repealed' prefix will be made available to the Speaker's office
(2) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Speaker's office where a bill has been repealed. Bills with the repealed prefix will be moved to the Discarded Bills forum.

5 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass, and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as half of the members of a chamber plus one.

6 - Joint Committees of Congress
(1) The Representatives of this chamber may form Committees with Senate members in what shall be known as "Joint Committees."
(2) A Joint Committee is a group of Congressmen and Congresswomen from both chambers of Congress who are thus presently considered experts in their field.
(3) A Joint Committee is led by a chairperson, who is chosen with agreement by both the President Pro Tempore and the Speaker of the House with the Vice President being the tie-breaker.
(4) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to invite people to the committee with their consent.
(5) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to remove people from the committee with a supermajority vote from committee members.
(6) The Senate must also pass this section in their own section in the same language in their standing orders in order for this to take effect. If one chamber's Joint Committee of Congress standing order section is revised, then the current Joint Committee of Congress standing order will continue to be in place until both can be revised to match each other.
(7) The Joint Committees of Congress are subject to all procedural law passed by the legislative branch except for the above sections, which can only be revised through revising standing orders.

7 - Established Committees
(1) The following House and joint committees are established for this congressional term: Joint Budget Committee, Joint Legislative Oversight Committee, Joint Judicial Oversight Committee, Joint Economics Committee, House Executive Oversight Committee.
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Establish Standing Orders for the 15th House of Representatives

The people of Redmont, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:​

1 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the President will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

2 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the Speaker will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

3 - Proposing a Motion
(1) The motion will be proposed in the chamber and the Presiding Officer will be notified.
(2) The Presiding Officer will post the motion to house-floor and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

4 - Repealed
(1) A 'Repealed' prefix will be made available to the Presiding Officers' Office
(2) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Presiding Officers' Office where a bill has been repealed. Bills with the repealed prefix will be moved to the Discarded Bills forum.

5 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass, and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as half of the members of a chamber plus one.

6 - Joint Committees of Congress
(1) The Representatives of this chamber may form Committees with Senate members in what shall be known as 'Joint Committees.'
(2) A Joint Committee is a group of Congressmen and Congresswomen from both chambers of Congress who are thus presently considered experts in their field.
(3) A Joint Committee is led by a chairperson, who is chosen with agreement by both the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House with the Vice President being the tie-breaker.
(4) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to invite people to the committee with their consent.
(5) A Joint Committee Chairperson has the power to remove people from the committee with a supermajority vote from committee members.
(6) The Senate must also pass this section in their own section in the same language in their standing orders in order for this to take effect. If one chamber's Joint Committee of Congress standing order section is revised, then the current Joint Committee of Congress standing order will continue to be in place until both can be revised to match each other.
(7) The Joint Committees of Congress are subject to all procedural law passed by the legislative branch except for the above sections, which can only be revised through revising standing orders.

6 - Established Committees
(1) The following House-specific Committees will be re-established:

House Executive Oversight Committee (HEOC)
- Investigating the conduct of members of the Executive and providing facts and recommendations to the House.
- The oversight of executive transparency, government employee welfare, and executive accountability.

Establish Standing Orders for the 16th House of Representatives

The people of Redmont, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:​

1 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the President will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

2 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the Speaker will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

3 - Proposing a Motion
(1) The motion will be proposed in the chamber and the Presiding Officer will be notified.
(2) The Presiding Officer will post the motion to house-floor and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

4 - Repealed
(1) A 'Repealed' prefix will be made available to the Presiding Officers' Office
(2) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Presiding Officers' Office where a bill has been repealed. Bills with the repealed prefix will be moved to the Discarded Bills forum.

5 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass, and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as half of the members of a chamber plus one.

6 - Established Committees
(1) The following House-specific Committees will be newly established:

House Legislation Organization Committee (HLOC)
- Identifying inaccuracies between passed law and what is displayed as law, i.e. a failure to update the constitution or individual laws following an amendment to it, or updating the Rules and Laws.
- Presenting located inaccuracies to the Congressional Staff for revision.

(2) The following House-specific Committees will be re-established:
House Executive Oversight Committee (HEOC)

House Judicial Oversight Committee (HJOC)
House Vote: 6-0-0

Establish Standing Orders for the 17th House of Representatives

The people of Redmont, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:​

1 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the President will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

2 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the Speaker will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

3 - Proposing a Motion
(1) The motion will be proposed in the chamber and the Presiding Officer will be notified.
(2) The Presiding Officer will post the motion to house-floor and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

4 - Repealed
(1) A 'Repealed' prefix will be made available to the Presiding Officers' Office
(2) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Presiding Officers' Office where a bill has been repealed. Bills with the repealed prefix will be moved to the Discarded Bills forum.

5 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass, and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as half of the members of a chamber plus one.

6 - Established Committees
(1) The following House-specific Committees will be newly established:

House Legislation Organization Committee (HLOC)
- Identifying inaccuracies between passed law and what is displayed as law, i.e. a failure to update the constitution or individual laws following an amendment to it, or updating the Rules and Laws.
- Presenting located inaccuracies to the Congressional Staff for revision.

(2) The following House-specific Committees will be re-established:
House Executive Oversight Committee (HEOC)
House Judicial Oversight Committee (HJOC)
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Establish Standing Orders for the 18th House of Representatives

The people of Redmont, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:​

1 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie, the President will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

2 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the Speaker will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

3 - Proposing a Motion
(1) The motion will be proposed in the chamber and the Presiding Officer will be notified.
(2) The Presiding Officer will post the motion to house-floor and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

4 - Repealed
(1) A 'Repealed' prefix will be made available to the Presiding Officers' Office
(2) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Presiding Officers' Office where a bill has been repealed. Bills with the repealed prefix will be moved to the Discarded Bills forum.

5 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass, and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as half of the members of a chamber plus one.

6 - Established Committees
(1) The following House-specific Committees will be re-established:
House Executive Oversight Committee (HEOC)
House Judicial Oversight Committee (HJOC)
House Legislation Organization Committee (HLOC)
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Establish Standing Orders for the 19th House of Representatives

The people of Redmont, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:​

1 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie, the President will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

2 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the Speaker will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

3 - Proposing a Motion
(1) The motion will be proposed in the chamber and the Presiding Officer will be notified.
(2) The Presiding Officer will post the motion to house-floor and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

4 - Repealed
(1) A 'Repealed' prefix will be made available to the Presiding Officers' Office
(2) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Presiding Officers' Office where a bill has been repealed. Bills with the repealed prefix will be moved to the Discarded Bills forum.

5 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass, and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as half of the members of a chamber plus one.

6 - Established Committees
(1) The following House-specific Committees will be re-established:
House Executive Oversight Committee (HEOC)
House Judicial Oversight Committee (HJOC)
House Legislation Organization Committee (HLOC)
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Establish Standing Orders for the 20th House of Representatives

The people of Redmont, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Standing orders
(1) These Standing Orders of the House of Representatives are extant until amended. These Standing Orders will be the House Rules for the sessions to come, unless decided otherwise by House vote.
(2) Amending the Standing Orders
(a) Standing Orders can be amended during the entire duration of the House session. Changes need to be agreed upon by a simple majority in the House

2 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie, the President will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

3 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the Speaker will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

4 - Proposing a Motion
(1) The motion will be proposed in the chamber and the Presiding Officer will be notified.
(2) The Presiding Officer will post the motion to house-floor and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

5 - Repealed
(1) A 'Repealed' prefix will be made available to the Presiding Officers' Office
(2) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Presiding Officers' Office where a bill has been repealed. Bills with the repealed prefix will be moved to the Discarded Bills forum.

6 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass, and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as half of the members of a chamber plus one.

7 - Established Committees
(1) The following House-specific Committees will be re-established:
House Executive Oversight Committee (HEOC)
House Legislation Oversight Committee (HLOC

Establish Standing Orders for the 21st House of Representatives

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Standing orders
(1) These Standing Orders of the House of Representatives are extant until amended. These Standing Orders will be the House Rules for the sessions to come, unless decided otherwise by House vote.
(2) Amending the Standing Orders
(a) Standing Orders can be amended during the entire duration of the House session. Changes need to be agreed upon by a simple majority in the House

2 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie, the President will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

3 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the Speaker will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

4 - Proposing a Motion
(1) The motion will be proposed in the chamber and the Presiding Officer will be notified.
(2) The Presiding Officer will post the motion to house-floor and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

5 - Repealed
(1) A 'Repealed' prefix will be made available to the Presiding Officers' Office
(2) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Presiding Officers' Office where a bill has been repealed. Bills with the repealed prefix will be moved to the Discarded Bills forum.

6 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass, and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as half of the members of a chamber plus one.

7 - Established Committees
(1) The following House-specific Committees will be established:
House Executive Oversight Committee (HEOC)
House Legislation Oversight Committee (HLOC

Establish Standing Orders for the 22nd House of Representatives​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Standing Orders
(1) These Standing Orders of the House of Representatives are extant until amended. These Standing Orders will be the House Rules for the sessions to come, unless decided otherwise by House vote.
(2) Amending the Standing Orders
(a) Standing Orders can be amended during the entire duration of the House session. Changes need to be agreed upon by a simple majority in the House

2 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The winner of the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie, the President will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

3 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The winner of the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the Speaker will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

4 - Proposing a Motion
(1) Any motion will be proposed in the chamber and the presiding officer will be notified.
(2) The presiding officer will post the motion to the house-floor and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

5 - Repealed
(1) A 'Repealed' prefix will be made available to the presiding officers' Office
(2) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Presiding Officers' Office where a bill has been repealed. Bills with the repealed prefix will be moved to the Discarded Bills forum.

6 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass, and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as a majority of members elected to the House of Representatives.

7 - Standing Committees of the House
(1) The following standing committees shall be established:
(a) House Appropriations Committee (HAC)
(b) House Executive Oversight Committee (HEOC)
(c) House Judiciary Committee (HJC)
(2) The Speaker of the House shall appoint the Committee Chair and members to committees according to the partisan make-up of the House of Representatives.
(3) No standing committee shall consist of more than 5 members.

8 - Special Committees of the House
(1) The Speaker of the House, or the whole House by majority vote, may create special committees of the House for the purpose of accomplishing a task not within the scope of the standing committees.
(a) The Speaker shall appoint the chair and members of any special committee that is created.
House Vote: 6-5-0

Establish Standing Orders for the 23rd House of Representatives​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Standing Orders
(1) These Standing Orders of the House of Representatives are extant until amended. These Standing Orders will be the House Rules for the sessions to come, unless decided otherwise by House vote.
(2) Amending the Standing Orders
(a) Standing Orders can be amended during the entire duration of the House session. Changes need to be agreed upon by a simple majority in the House

2 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The most senior Representative is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Chair. The most senior Representative is to be the Representative who:
(i) Has served the most terms; or if equal:
(ii) of the most terms and who has the largest popular vote; or if equal:
(iii) by common agreement among them or by an informal House vote; and if still undecided:
(iv) The Clerk will serve in place of the Senior Representative.
(b) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of the House at the end of the nomination period.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker by instant run-off vote within 24 hours. The winner of the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie or in case of a failure for a candidate to reach an absolute majority, the election shall be redone with the top two candidates. If this still results in a tie, there shall be another runoff until a Speaker is decided.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

3 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy Speaker by instant run-off vote. The winner of the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie the Speaker will be the tie-breaking vote.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

4 - Proposing a Motion
(1) Any motion will be proposed in the chamber and the presiding officer will be notified.
(2) The presiding officer will post the motion to the house-floor and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

5 - Repealed
(1) A 'Repealed' prefix will be made available to the presiding officers' Office
(2) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Presiding Officers' Office where a bill has been repealed. Bills with the repealed prefix will be moved to the Discarded Bills forum.

6 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass, and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as a majority of members elected to the House of Representatives.
(i) The quorum when voting shall be dynamic. Where a member abstains or has been excluded from voting the majority will be decided based on those who have not abstained.

7 - Standing Committees of the House
(1) The following standing committees shall be established:
(a) House Appropriations Committee (HAC)
(b) House Executive Oversight Committee (HEOC)
(c) House Judiciary Committee (HJC)
(2) The Speaker of the House shall appoint the Committee Chair and members to committees according to the partisan make-up of the House of Representatives.
(3) No standing committee shall consist of more than 5 members.

8 - Special Committees of the House
(1) The Speaker of the House, or the whole House by majority vote, may create special committees of the House for the purpose of accomplishing a task not within the scope of the standing committees.
(a) The Speaker shall appoint the chair and members of any special committee that is created.

9 - House of Representatives Timeline
(1) Saturday, 12:00 AM EST: Bill Submission Deadline
(i) Any bills proposed beyond this point will not be put up for vote until the next voting session.
(ii) Any bill without a co-sponsor beyond this point will not be put up for vote until the next voting session.
(2) Saturday, 12:00 PM EST: House Voting Begins
(3) Sunday, 12:00 PM EST: House Votation Reminders
(4) Monday, 12:00 PM EST: House Voting Concludes
(5) The timeline does not apply to:
(a) Bills of Urgent Consideration
(b) Motions
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House Vote: 7-0-0

Establish Standing Orders for the 24th House of Representatives​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Standing Orders
(1) These Standing Orders of the House of Representatives are extant until amended. These Standing Orders will be the House Rules for the sessions to come, unless decided otherwise by House vote.
(2) Amending the Standing Orders
(a) Standing Orders can be amended during the entire duration of the House session. Changes need to be agreed upon by a simple majority in the House.

2 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The most senior Representative is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Chair. The most senior Representative is to be the Representative who:
(i) Has served the most terms; or if equal:
(ii) of the most terms and who has the largest popular vote; or if equal:
(iii) by common agreement among them or by an informal House vote; and if still undecided:
(iv) The Clerk will serve in place of the Senior Representative.
(b) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of the House at the end of the nomination period.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker by instant run-off vote within 24 hours. The winner of the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie or in case of a failure for a candidate to reach an absolute majority, the election shall be redone with the top two candidates. If this still results in a tie, there shall be another runoff until a Speaker is decided.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

3 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy Speaker by instant run-off vote. The winner of the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.
(a) The Speaker shall be presumed absent only in the case that they make a statement to the Deputy Speaker regarding the absence, or have not made any sort of contact with a member of the House of Representatives for over four (4) days.

4 - Proposing a Motion
(1) Any motion will be proposed in the chamber and the presiding officer will be notified.
(2) The presiding officer will post the motion to the house-floor and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

5 - Repealed
(1) A 'Repealed' prefix will be made available to the presiding officers' Office
(2) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Presiding Officers' Office where a bill has been repealed. Bills with the repealed prefix will be moved to the Discarded Bills forum.

6 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass, and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as a majority of members elected to the House of Representatives.

7 - Standing Committees of the House
(1) The following standing committees shall be established:
(a) House Appropriations Committee (HAC)
(b) House Executive Oversight Committee (HEOC)
(c) House Judiciary Committee (HJC)
(2) The Speaker of the House shall appoint the Committee Chair and members to committees according to the partisan make-up of the House of Representatives.
(3) No standing committee shall consist of more than 5 members.

8 - Special Committees of the House
(1) The Speaker of the House, or the whole House by majority vote, may create special committees of the House for the purpose of accomplishing a task not within the scope of the standing committees.
(a) The Speaker shall appoint the chair and members of any special committee that is created.
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House Vote: 6-2-0


Establish Standing Orders for the 25th House of Representatives

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law, ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Standing Orders
(1) These Standing Orders of the House of Representatives are extant until amended. These Standing Orders will be the House Rules for the sessions to come, unless decided otherwise by House vote.
(2) Amending the Standing Orders
(a) Standing Orders can be amended during the entire duration of the House session. Changes need to be agreed upon by a simple majority in the House.

2 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The most senior Representative is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Chair. The most senior Representative is to be the Representative who:
(i) Has served the most terms; or if equal:
(ii) of the most terms and who has the largest popular vote; or if equal:
(iii) by common agreement among them or by an informal House vote; and if still undecided:
(iv) The Clerk will serve in place of the Senior Representative.
(b) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of the House at the end of the nomination period.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker by instant run-off vote within 24 hours. The winner of the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie or in case of a failure for a candidate to reach an absolute majority, the election shall be redone with the top two candidates. If this still results in a tie, there shall be another runoff until a Speaker is decided.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

3 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy Speaker by instant run-off vote. The winner of the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.
(a) The Speaker shall be presumed absent only in the case that they make a statement to the Deputy Speaker regarding the absence, or have not made any sort of contact with a member of the House of Representatives for over four (4) days.

4 - Proposing a Motion
(1) Any motion will be proposed in the chamber and the presiding officer will be notified.
(2) The presiding officer will post the motion to the house-floor and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

5 - Repealed
(1) A 'Repealed' prefix will be made available to the presiding officers' Office
(2) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Presiding Officers' Office where a bill has been repealed. Bills with the repealed prefix will be moved to the Discarded Bills forum.

6 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass, and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as a majority of members elected to the House of Representatives.

7 - Standing Committees of the House
(1) The following standing committees shall be established:
(a) House Appropriations Committee (HAC)
(b) House Executive Oversight Committee (HEOC)
(c) House Judiciary Committee (HJC)
(2) The Speaker of the House shall appoint the Committee Chair and members to committees according to the partisan make-up of the House of Representatives.
(3) No standing committee shall consist of more than 5 members.

8 - Special Committees of the House
(1) The Speaker of the House, or the whole House by majority vote, may create special committees of the House for the purpose of accomplishing a task not within the scope of the standing committees.
(a) The Speaker shall appoint the chair and members of any special committee that is created.
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House Vote: 9-0-0


Establish Standing Orders for the 26th House of Representatives

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law, ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Standing Orders
(1) These Standing Orders of the House of Representatives are extant until amended. These Standing Orders will be the House Rules for the sessions to come, unless decided otherwise by House vote.
(2) Amending the Standing Orders
(a) Standing Orders can be amended during the entire duration of the House session. Changes need to be agreed upon by a simple majority in the House.

2 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The most senior Representative is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Chair. The most senior Representative is to be the Representative who:
(i) Has served the most terms; or if equal:
(ii) of the most terms and who has the largest popular vote; or if equal:
(iii) by common agreement among them or by an informal House vote; and if still undecided:
(iv) The Clerk will serve in place of the Senior Representative.
(b) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of the House at the end of the nomination period.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of The House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker by instant run-off vote within 24 hours. The winner of the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress. In the event of a tie or in case of a failure for a candidate to reach an absolute majority, the election shall be redone with the top two candidates. If this still results in a tie, there shall be another runoff until a Speaker is decided.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

3 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy Speaker by instant run-off vote. The winner of the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.
(a) The Speaker shall be presumed absent only in the case that they make a statement to the Deputy Speaker regarding the absence, or have not made any sort of contact with a member of the House of Representatives for over four (4) days.

4 - Proposing a Motion
(1) Any motion will be proposed in the chamber and the presiding officer will be notified.
(2) The presiding officer will post the motion to the house-floor and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Representatives will vote on the motion. The motion needs a simple majority in 24 hours to pass.

5 - Repealed
(1) A 'Repealed' prefix will be made available to the presiding officers' Office
(2) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Presiding Officers' Office where a bill has been repealed. Bills with the repealed prefix will be moved to the Discarded Bills forum.

6 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass, and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as a majority of members elected to the House of Representatives.

7 - Standing Committees of the House
(1) The following standing committees shall be established:
(a) House Appropriations Committee (HAC)
(b) House Executive Oversight Committee (HEOC)
(c) House Judiciary Committee (HJC)
(2) The Speaker of the House shall appoint the Committee Chair and members to committees according to the partisan make-up of the House of Representatives.
(3) No standing committee shall consist of more than 5 members.

8 - Special Committees of the House
(1) The Speaker of the House, or the whole House by majority vote, may create special committees of the House for the purpose of accomplishing a task not within the scope of the standing committees.
(a) The Speaker shall appoint the chair and members of any special committee that is created.
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House Vote: 6-1-0
Establish Standing Orders for the 27th House of Representatives

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law, ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Standing Orders
(1) These Standing Orders of the House of Representatives are extant until amended. These Standing Orders will be the House Rules for the terms to come, unless decided otherwise by House vote.
(2) Amending the Standing Orders
(a) Standing Orders can be amended during the entire duration of the House term. Changes need to be agreed upon by a simple majority in the House.

2 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the House and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Chair.
(a) If the President fails to initiate this process within 48 hours of the House election results being announced, then whichever Clerk is available first may initiate this process.
(b) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of the House at the end of the nomination period.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of the House.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker by within 24 hours. The winner of the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the House. In the event of a tie or in case of a failure for a candidate to reach a simple majority of the votes cast, the election shall be redone with the top two candidates. If this still results in a tie, there shall be another runoff until a Speaker is decided.
(5) The President will announce the winning Representative from the election as Speaker of the House.
(6) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the House of Representatives to order.

3 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the House and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy Speaker. The winner of the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the House. In the event of a tie or in case of a failure for a candidate to reach a simple majority of the votes cast, the election shall be redone with the top two candidates. If this still results in a tie, there shall be another runoff until a Deputy Speaker is decided.
(5) The Speaker will announce the winning Representative from the election as Deputy Speaker of the House.
(6) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.
(a) The Speaker shall be presumed absent only in the case that they make a statement to the Deputy Speaker regarding the absence or have not made any sort of contact with a member of the House of Representatives for over four (4) days.
(b) The Deputy Speaker may also perform the duties of the Speaker when specifically delegated by the Speaker.

4 - Proposing a Motion
(1) Any motion will be proposed in #house-floor and the Speaker will be notified.
(2) The Speaker will post the motion to #house-voting and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Once the motion has been put up to vote in the House, the Representatives will have 48 hours to vote on the motion.
(a) A simple majority is needed for a motion to pass unless otherwise specified by law.
(b) If a bill requires a supermajority to pass the House, then any motions to amend it shall also require a supermajority to pass.
(4) If a motion is classified and/or it is a motion to classify, then the motion’s proposal and voting shall be done in a non-public channel.

5 - Bills
(1) If a bill goes three days in a row without any comments from Representatives, then it may be put up to vote.
(a) A bill may be put up to vote before this if the proposer of the bill notifies the Speaker to do so. Voting on a bill may also be delayed this way.
(i) The proposer of the bill cannot delay voting if it has already begun.

6 - Prefixes
(1) A 'Repealed' prefix will be made available to the Office of Congressional Affairs.
(a) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Office of Congressional Affairs where a bill has been repealed. Bills with the repealed prefix will be moved to the Archive forum.

7 - Rejection / Pass / Quorum of Bills
(1) Rejection, pass, and quorum shall be defined as follows:
(a) Rejection: Any bill that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(b) Pass: Any bill that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(c) Quorum: Shall be defined as a majority of members elected to the House of Representatives.
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House Vote: 6-0-0
Establish Standing Orders for the 28th House of Representatives

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law, ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Standing Orders
(1) These Standing Orders of the House of Representatives are extant until another Standing Orders of the House of Representatives are passed by the House.
(a) The passage of new Standing Orders of the House of Representatives shall repeal all previous Standing Orders of the House of Representatives.
(2) Amending the Standing Orders
(a) Standing Orders can be amended, through a motion, during the entire duration of the House term. Changes need to be agreed upon by a simple majority in the House unless otherwise specified by law.

2 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) A Clerk is to assume the chair of the House and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Chair.
(a) If a Clerk fails to initiate this process within 24 hours of the House election results being announced, or if there is no Clerk, then the most senior Representative may initiate this process.
(b) The most senior Representative is to be the Representative who:
(i) Has served the most terms; or if equal:
(ii) of the most terms and who has the largest popular vote; or if equal:
(iii) by common agreement among them or by an informal House vote; and if still undecided:
(iv) the President will serve in place of the Senior Representative.
(2) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of the House at the end of the nomination period.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Speaker in a 24-hour election. The winner of the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the House. In the event of a tie or in case of a failure for a candidate to reach a simple majority, the election shall be redone with the top two candidates. If this still results in a tie, there shall be another runoff until a Speaker is decided.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the House of Representatives to order.
(6) The President will announce the winning Representative from the election as Speaker of the House.

3 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the House and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(2) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress at the end of the nomination period.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy Speaker in a 24-hour election. The winner of the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the House. In the event of a tie or in case of a failure for a candidate to reach a simple majority, the election shall be redone with the top two candidates. If this still results in a tie, there shall be another runoff until a Deputy Speaker is decided.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.
(a) The Speaker shall be presumed absent only in the case that they make a statement to the Deputy Speaker regarding the absence or have not made any sort of contact with a member of the House of Representatives for over four (4) days.
(b) The Deputy Speaker may also perform the duties of the Speaker when specifically delegated by the Speaker.
(6) The Speaker will announce the winning Representative from the election as Deputy Speaker of the House.

4 - Proposing a Motion
(1) Any motion will be proposed in #house-floor and the Speaker will be notified.
(2) The Speaker will post the motion to #house-voting and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Once the motion has been put up to vote in the House, the Representatives will have 48 hours to vote on the motion.
(a) A simple majority is needed for a motion to pass unless otherwise specified by law.
(b) If a bill requires a supermajority to pass the House, then any motions to amend it shall also require a supermajority to pass.
(4) If a motion is classified and/or it is a motion to classify, then the motion’s proposal and voting shall be done in a non-public channel.

5 - Bills
(1) For the purposes of these Standing Orders, a resolution shall be considered a bill.
(2) If a bill goes three days in a row without any messages from Representatives in its #bills thread, then it may be put up to vote.
(a) A bill may be put up to vote before this if the proposer of the bill notifies the Speaker to do so. Voting on a bill may also be delayed this way.
(i) The proposer of the bill cannot delay voting if it has already begun.

6 - Prefixes
(1) A 'Repealed' prefix will be made available to the Office of Congressional Affairs.
(a) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Office of Congressional Affairs where a bill has been repealed. Bills with the repealed prefix will be moved to the Archive forum.
(2) A 'Rescinded' prefix will be made available to the Office of Congressional Affairs.
(a) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Office of Congressional Affairs where a bill has been rescinded. Bills with the rescinded prefix will be moved to the Archive forum.

7 - Definitions
(1) Rejected: A bill or motion that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(2) Passed: A bill or motion that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(3) Quorum: A majority of the statutory seats in the House of Representatives.
(4) Rescinded: A bill or motion that is revoked by its proposer before any votation has begun on it.
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House Vote: 9-0-0
Establish Standing Orders for the 29th House of Representatives

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law, ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Standing Orders
(1) These Standing Orders of the House of Representatives are extant until another Standing Orders of the House of Representatives are passed by the House.
(a) The passage of new Standing Orders of the House of Representatives shall repeal all previous Standing Orders of the House of Representatives.
(2) Amending the Standing Orders
(a) Standing Orders can be amended, through a motion, during the entire duration of the House term. Changes need to be agreed upon by a simple majority in the House unless otherwise specified by law.

2 - Election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) A Clerk is to assume the chair of the House and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Chair.
(a) If a Clerk fails to initiate this process within 24 hours of the House election results being announced, or if there is no Clerk, then the most senior Representative may initiate this process.
(b) The most senior Representative is to be the Representative who:
(i) Has served the most terms; or if equal:
(ii) of the most terms and who has the largest popular vote; or if equal:
(iii) by common agreement among them or by an informal House vote; and if still undecided:
(iv) the President will serve in place of the Senior Representative.
(c) In the occurrence that the position of Speaker is vacant while the position of Deputy Speaker is filled, the Deputy Speaker shall assume the Chair of the House and initiate the Speaker election process.
(2) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of the House at the end of the nomination period.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Speaker in a 24-hour election. The winner of the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the House. In the event of a tie or in case of a failure for a candidate to reach a simple majority, the election shall be redone with the top two candidates. If this still results in a tie, there shall be another runoff until a Speaker is decided.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the House of Representatives to order.
(6) The President will announce the winning Representative from the election as Speaker of the House.

3 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the House and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(2) The nomination period shall last for 24 hours unless all Representatives inform and reply on the Nomination.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress at the end of the nomination period.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy Speaker in a 24-hour election. The winner of the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the House. In the event of a tie or in case of a failure for a candidate to reach a simple majority, the election shall be redone with the top two candidates. If this still results in a tie, there shall be another runoff until a Deputy Speaker is decided.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.
(a) The Speaker shall be presumed absent only in the case that they make a statement to the Deputy Speaker regarding the absence or have not made any sort of contact with a member of the House of Representatives for over four (4) days.
(b) The Deputy Speaker may also perform the duties of the Speaker when specifically delegated by the Speaker.
(6) The Speaker will announce the winning Representative from the election as Deputy Speaker of the House.

4 - Proposing a Motion
(1) Any motion will be proposed in #house-floor and the Speaker will be notified.
(2) The Speaker will post the motion to #house-voting and Representatives will be notified.
(3) Once the motion has been put up to vote in the House, the Representatives will have 48 hours to vote on the motion.
(a) A simple majority is needed for a motion to pass unless otherwise specified by law.
(b) If a bill requires a supermajority to pass the House, then any motions to amend it shall also require a supermajority to pass.
(4) If a motion is classified and/or it is a motion to classify, then the motion’s proposal and voting shall be done in a non-public channel.

5 - Bills
(1) For the purposes of these Standing Orders, a resolution shall be considered a bill.
(2) If a bill goes three days in a row without any messages from Representatives in its #bills thread, then it may be put up to vote.
(a) A bill may be put up to vote before this if the proposer of the bill notifies the Speaker to do so. Voting on a bill may also be delayed this way.
(i) The proposer of the bill cannot delay voting if it has already begun.

6 - Prefixes
(1) A 'Repealed' prefix will be made available to the Office of Congressional Affairs.
(a) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Office of Congressional Affairs where a bill has been repealed. Bills with the repealed prefix will be moved to the Archive forum.
(2) A 'Rescinded' prefix will be made available to the Office of Congressional Affairs.
(a) This prefix may be applied to bills by the Office of Congressional Affairs where a bill has been rescinded. Bills with the rescinded prefix will be moved to the Archive forum.

7 - Definitions
(1) Rejected: A bill or motion that does not receive a quorum or simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(2) Passed: A bill or motion that receives a simple majority, or majority otherwise provided outside of these standing orders.
(3) Quorum: A majority of the statutory seats in the House of Representatives.
(4) Rescinded: A bill or motion that is revoked by its proposer before any votation has begun on it.
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