Act of Congress State Commendations Act


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Feb 16, 2021

Introduce More State Commendations

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'State Commendations Act'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by: The_Donuticus
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by: Dusty_3 & Mr_SeaGuy

2 - Reasons
As of right now our honors system is limited to the Order of Redmont & commendations from the President & Congress. This bill would seek to increase and diversify the awards. Also the ‘Honors and Awards Act’ is a mess.

3 - Repeal List
(1) Act of Congress - Honours and Awards Act

4 - History of Commendation
(1) The Department of Education will maintain a record on the forums of all recipients of a Commendations.
(2) A record of all Commendations will be kept in the museum.
(3) A sponsor may request the DPA, subject to DPA approval, host a ceremony to present the award.

5 - Orders of Merit
(1) An order of merit is a group of citizens who have been honored for certain contributions to the nation and are entitled to the ceremonial post-nominal title of the order. Membership in an order of merit is purely ceremonial.
(2) Orders of merit shall be established with a name for the order, a ceremonial post-nominal title for its members, guidance for what contributions would lead someone to deserve this order, and a placement in the order of precedence.
(3) Orders of Merit:
(i) Order of Redmont
(a) Post Nominal: OR
(b) Order of Precedence: 1
(c) Sponsor: President
(d) Awarded for: The Order of Redmont recognises citizens who have demonstrated distinguished service or exceptional achievement in any particular area.
(ii) Order of Service
(a) Post Nominal: OS
(b) Order of Precedence: 2
(b) Sponsor: President
(c) Awarded for: The Order of Service recognises citizens who have demonstrated exemplary service or achievement in any particular area.

6 - Executive Honors
(1) Executive Honors are to be awarded in the last two weeks before a Presidential Election.
(2) President
(i) Presidential Commendation
(a) Sponsor: President
(b) Limit: 3
(c) Awarded for: Exceptional achievement and/or outstanding service to the community.

(2) Department of State
(i) Golden Star of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Secretary of State
(b) Limit: 1
(c) Awarded for: Exceptional achievement and/or outstanding service to the Department.
(ii) Iron Star of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Secretary of State
(b) Limit: 2
(c) Awarded for: Achievement and/or service to the Department.
(iii) Friendship of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Secretary of State
(b) Awarded for: Exemplary friendship and cooperation towards the Commonwealth of Redmont.
(c) Special: Must be awarded to a foreign visitor. Can be awarded at any time.

(3) Department of Justice
(i) Golden Shield of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Secretary of Justice
(b) Limit: 1
(c) Awarded for: Exceptional achievement and/or outstanding service to the Department.
(ii) Iron Shield of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Secretary of Justice
(b) Limit: 2
(c) Awarded for: Achievement and/or service to the Department.
(iii) Medal of Valour
(a) Sponsor: Secretary of Justice
(b) Awarded for: Exemplary service in the line of duty.
(c) Special: Can be awarded at any time.

(4) Department of Legal Affairs
(i) Golden Scales of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Attorney General
(b) Limit: 1
(c) Awarded for: Exceptional achievement and/or outstanding service to the Department.
(ii) Iron Scales of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Attorney General
(b) Limit: 2
(c) Awarded for: Achievement and/or service to the Department.

(5) Department of Commerce
(i) Golden Coin of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Secretary of Commerce
(b) Limit: 1
(c) Awarded for: Exceptional achievement and/or outstanding service to the Department.
(ii) Iron Coin of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Secretary of Commerce
(b) Limit: 2
(c) Awarded for: Achievement and/or service to the Department.

(6) Department of Public Affairs
(i) Golden Megaphone of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Secretary of Public Affairs
(b) Limit: 1
(b) Awarded for: Exceptional achievement and/or outstanding service to the Department.
(ii) Iron Megaphone of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Secretary of Public Affairs
(b) Limit: 2
(b) Awarded for: Achievement and/or service to the Department.

(7) Department of Construction & Transport
(i) Golden Hammer of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Secretary of Construction & Transport
(b) Limit: 1
(c) Awarded for: Exceptional achievement and/or outstanding service to the Department.
(ii) Iron Hammer of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Secretary of Construction & Transport
(b) Limit: 2
(c) Awarded for: Achievement and/or service to the Department.
(iii) Key to the City
(a) Sponsor: Secretary of Construction & Transport
(b) Awarded for: Exemplary contribution to the City of Reveille.
(c) Special: Can be awarded at any time.

(8) Department of Health
(i) Golden Stethoscope of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Secretary of Health
(b) Limit: 1
(c) Awarded for: Exceptional achievement and/or outstanding service to the Department.
(ii) Iron Stethoscope of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Secretary of Health
(b) Limit: 2
(c) Awarded for: Achievement and/or service to the Department.

(9) Department of the Interior
(i) Golden Shovel of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Secretary of the Interior
(b) Limit: 1
(c) Awarded for: Exceptional achievement and/or outstanding service to the Department.
(ii) Iron Shovel of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Secretary of the Interior
(b) Limit: 2
(c) Awarded for: Achievement and/or service to the Department.

(10) Department of Education
(i) Golden Book of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Secretary of Education
(b) Limit: 1
(c) Awarded for: Exceptional achievement and/or outstanding service to the Department.
(ii) Iron Book of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Secretary of Education
(b) Limit: 2
(c) Awarded for: Achievement and/or service to the Department.

7 - Congressional Honors
(1) Congressional Honors are to be awarded in the last week before a Congressional Election.
(2) Full Congress
(i) Congressional Medal
(a) Sponsor: Congress (Motion, Supermajority in both chambers)
(b) Awarded for: Contributions of significance to the nation.
(c) Special: Can be awarded at any time.

(3) House of Representatives
(i) Freedom of the House
(a) Sponsor: Speaker of the House
(b) Awarded for: Achievement and/or service to the House of Representatives.
(c) Limit: 4

(3) Senate
(i) Freedom of the Senate
(a) Sponsor: President of the Senate
(b) Awarded for: Achievement and/or service to the senate.
(c) Limit: 2

7 - Judicial Honors
(1) Judicial Honors are to be awarded in the last two weeks before a Presidential Election.
(2) Supreme Court
(i) Golden Gavel of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Chief Justice
(b) Limit: 1
(c) Awarded for: Exceptional achievement and/or outstanding service to the Courts.
(ii) Iron Gavel of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Chief Justice
(b) Limit: 2
(c) Awarded for: Achievement and/or service to the Courts.

Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.
